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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. Viking isn't leaving until after 5 pm and Island Princess after 6 pm - so end of the parade for me. Nieuw Amsterdam tomorrow. Thanks to all the addicts. Sorry we didn't see Kathi and Rich, but camera person was good today.
  2. Zuidy departure toot? It wasn't raspy enough for an X ship.
  3. From Kathi - Note: I have not requested a wave but will likely be out on deck at sail-away probably with the HAL flag (if I can find where I stashed it) on the promenade deck next to the outside elevators.
  4. What the Captain said - is what the port schedule shows as confirmed. Now we just need Ugly Edge to leave on time.
  5. Bon voyage, Kathi, have fun on your Holiday cruise. I will still be reading your blog page. Hope your health comes alright for your World Cruise.
  6. Zuidy tomorrow. Thanks, fellow addicts. Thanks to cam operator. Kathi, thanks for the thread.
  7. Thanks, Kathi for the thread. This week has been easy Except for yesterday [Mon] there has been at least one BHB in port to provide us with 2 trips through the basin area. This will continue.
  8. Tomorrow - double sail-in and sailaway. Eurodam and Rotterdam. Thanks to all the addicts and the cam operator. Kathi, thanks for the thread and hope you get some rest before your next departure.
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