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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. A very quick sail-in for Zuidy. She is already hidden. See you all Monday for our double sail-in - Same sail-in timeframe as today.
  2. With 2 blocking ships it is hard to tell, but marine map says Zuidy is just outside the harbor area, Happily, the camera is clear - but also panning
  3. Eclipse is now clearly visible [right in front of camera] but the rest of the basin is still 'socked-in'. This was 2 hours after you checked and is currently 9 am AST
  4. As she moves to the CT Dock - we lose her again into the fog. I just heard Eclipse's horn. Since Noordam has disappeared back into the fog, I'll say goodbye until tomorrow afternoon with Zuidy.
  5. She is becoming a little more distinct. Just because she is closer to the cam.
  6. There is Noordam - a dark shape in the fog. That's it. If I wasn't looking for her, I wouldn't have noticed her. 😞
  7. Noordam is in the basin - according to the map. X Eclipse is in the Channel - we might be hearing her horn also, now.
  8. Marine map shows her just outside the basin - and her horn is much louder now.
  9. Back to our afternoon arrivals. Thanks. Kathi, for the reminder.
  10. Noordam will be early - she has already entered Gastineau Channel. Unfortunately, the basin area is pea-soup fog - right now. Noordam should be arriving at the top of the hour.
  11. Well, Nieuw Amsterdam is out of view. Once Discovery was tied down, it didn't take NA long to disappear behind our view blocker. Noordam due at 8 am AST tomorrow, usually arrives between 6 and 6:30 am AST. See you then. Thanks, Kathi.
  12. NA just sitting there. Maybe have to wait for the linesmen to finish Discovery first and then she'll be guided in?? Whatever - we're a getting a nice long look at her.
  13. She is going to give us more viewing time. NA is swinging around to show us her stern for docking.
  14. Now that the cam has panned back - and Discovery has moved some, - We can see NA almost to the CT dock. Not much of a sail-in today. 😞
  15. Discovery is taking her time - blocking most of the basin view - and then there are the raindrops...
  16. Normal arrival for the 8 am AST - ETA is between 6-6:30 am AST. Last Thursday's early ship was just about 8 am AST, but only that once. See you tomorrow Thanks, Kathi.
  17. NA approaching Thane - maybe 15-20 minutes. Camera panning and raindrop spotted , Not sure how much we will be able to see. Discovery Pr coming in for docking - will block out our BHB.
  18. NA still down in Tracy Arm region - so atl least an hour and probably closer to an hour-an-a-half.
  19. Well, that's it for me. Nieuw Amsterdam should be close to ETA of 10 am AST Thanks, Kathi. I always appreciate the thread.
  20. Westy might be done by the time the camera pans back.
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