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Everything posted by Happily@Sea

  1. Eurodam just south of the channel - about an hour away. K'dam maybe about 30-45 minutes behind her. Screen is clear and panning, but the Juneau weather is overcast. Not sure how long the rain will hold off.
  2. It wouldn't be Juneau without rain and last week was pretty sparse. 😄 Afternoon sail-ins are the easiest to remember. Thanks, Kathi.
  3. Double sail-in Monday - same time frame. Thanks, Kathi.
  4. Zuidy has just entered the Gastineau Channel - about 30 minutes yet. Still panning and no rain.
  5. Zuidy still south of Tracy Arm - so another hour plus yet to Juneau. Camera clear viewing - but panning.
  6. I plan to be here. Thanks for the reminder, Kathi.
  7. There goes the last of NA. No panning, clear lens. Nice! Back to an afternoon sail-in - Zuidy tomorrow. Thanks, Kathi, for the thread.
  8. I thought I'd missed NA - but she is actually running true to her real ETA - not early. She is still positioning herself to the dock and we can see her behind X Eclipse.
  9. Noordam should be completely docked by the time the camera pans back. Tomorrow early morning arrival by NA. Thanks, Kathi, for the thread.
  10. In the clear - but still panning and no raindrops - so far. [With Juneau it is always 'so far']
  11. Thanks, Kathi, for the reminder. Normal arrival time is between 6 am to 7 am AST.
  12. Noordam below Gastineau Channel - should be at 45 minutes yet to the harbor basin.
  13. And she is hidden. Tomorrow at 10 am AST for Noordam
  14. Not at all unusual. Seems to be the camera mode now.
  15. Still 35-45 minutes for Westy - she must be strolling along.
  16. Will try to remember earlier time. Thanks, Kathi, for the reminder.
  17. Westy just north of Tracy Arm - should be about another hour. Lens is clear, and cam is panning. They seem to be having a little trouble with cam today. In last 5 minutes has dropped out twice. It is pixelating when it is up. BTW - Denali had snow overnight. The Ranger puppies are playing in it and it is not melting much - with temps in the 30s.
  18. We're done here. Westy tomorrow - same time frame. Thanks, Kathi.
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