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Posts posted by JennVT

  1. 6 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    Standing out in front of the store as usual... The manager texted me and said she'll be 15 minutes late, which is even later than her normal five minutes late... Of course, I'm the only one that's even here at all...


    Last night I didn't drink at all, and it was early to bed for me at 9:00 sharp. Hoping for a relatively easy work day, but you never really know what'll happen around here...

    They should give you a raise and make you a key holder.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 hours ago, MimiRN said:

    So anyway.....My husband had a questionable Hemocult.  The VA decided to do a Colonoscopy.  It did not go well.  We will go back Friday for a PET scan.  Both of us are freaked the eff out.  He is too young to die and I can not do life without him.  We will know more Friday but for those of you that pray, please pray for Gregg.  He is an incredible man with compassion for all.  Thank you for all of your support.  The Tribe can make this happen, please from a wife that can not live without her husband.

    Sending you all the prayers/vibes/good thoughts. I have at least a half dozen people in my family and friends who have kicked colon cancer's ass. Even my least favorite in-law survived a fairly advanced tumor. He wouldn't go for the annual check until he started having issues. After his diagnosis and beating it he became the poster boy for annual screening colonoscopy. 

    You guys have got this!

    • Like 4
  3. 22 hours ago, ceilidh1 said:

    Yeah - they are paying me a decent amount. I need cruise funds.

    I have a loose plan to do some consulting/expert witness testimony as I near retirement so I can use it to supplement my retirement pay and SS(assuming there is still SS by then). So I've been talking to folks in my field who do those things and what I'm being told is for the consulting double your hourly rate as a baseline. Then increase it when they need a special skill or knowledge set....if the travel is not going to be easy or some place you aren't thrilled to go to....or they are a pain in the ass. 😂

    • Like 5
  4. 11 hours ago, deedle7544 said:

    OMG - for some reason I keep getting matched with non drinkers! Facebook Dating algorithms clearly need work!!!!

    Ha! Don't let that stop you....my husband doesn't drink which is super convenient for me. We never argue over who's drinking and who's the driver. Just make sure he doesn't have an issue with you drinking.   DH is fine with me drinking and finds me funny when I'm squiffy.

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    • Haha 1
  5. 12 hours ago, deedle7544 said:

    He has a gf that he has cheated on from day one.  I was wondering if anyone was gonna notice that's the main issue, LOL.  We got back together after my divorce, then we split again because she busted him, and I was annoyed. Then I was dating someone else. When I broke up with the guy I was dating, I contacted him again and we started right back up. 


    But this time is it. He can step up, or I'll meet up with the hot fireman I met online yesterday.  Retired military. My type. 

    Meet the hot fireman anyway! It could motivate Seattle but either way you got to test the fireman. He might be an upgrade. Plus he sounds delish. 

    • Like 3
  6. 31 minutes ago, Slainte57 said:


    Do I have to clean it up????????

    Leave it in the bag...pin hole it....hope the explosion stays in the bag. It probably will....just don't pee if it pops when you make the hole. 😂

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    • Haha 3
  7. This is the Monday-est Tuesday ever! The Academy is an icebox today....we only have 2 temps in this building so hot you can't breathe or so cold your bits are about to fall off. 🥶 Waiting for a webinar this afternoon which will be a fun filled delight! This is week two of the pre-basic shouting so there is a lot of yelling outside my office. I'm short so for the next several weeks I have to watch out for recruits scampering from place to place. It takes them a few weeks to stop being terrified enough to get rid of the tunnel vision and at my height most of them look over my head. I'm routinely nearly run down. hahahaha It keeps me spry. I'm kind of hopeful one of them will clip me so I can throw myself on the ground and freak them out. 😈


    I also need to do battle with Comcast. I noticed our bill jumped up $30 a month which means our contract ended. During the contract they removed channels so they are going to have to impress me this time. I am nasty when I negotiate.


    We went out to the only steakhouse in town this weekend with friends. I had the fillet which was "ok", in fact that's how I would describe the whole experience. I guess that you can coast on ok when you pretty much only have Applebee's and 99 in town for competition. The Maker's Mark whisky sours were delish though.

    • Like 6
  8. 10 hours ago, mopedmom1 said:

    I know, right? Paid $1500 in Dr bills so far this year. That's a down payment on a cruise! Lol 


    DH has kidney failure now and a dead bladder. He just can't catch a break. He's too young for all this *****. 😢

    Sending you and DH good vibes!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 20 hours ago, deedle7544 said:


    Ugh you are killing me! Last night we were -6...-3  when I left for work....high today a balmy 12 degrees.

    At least I don't have to go outside for scenarios today! Hope they aren't using simunnition today...it stings when the temps are ok but when it gets really cold it definitely leaves a mark! 😂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. We were told 1-3 inches last night and came in on the low end of that which only accomplished making everyone stupid on my commute. A nice mix of people who were freaking out and driving 4 miles an hour and people who were driving waaaaay too fast for the conditions. I have great snow tires and lots of insurance so as long as they don't kill me......


    My traffic jam was 5 deer on the green when I came up the drive at work....and of course they all ran right in front of  me to get back into the woods. Silly deer! I would have piled the brakes for a picture but a) there was a state trooper on my ass coming up the drive and b) there was a state trooper on my ass and I didn't want to whip out my cell phone while driving right in front of them. Even though we were on Academy grounds there was a pretty good chance I would get a ticket. An expensive ticket at that.

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  11. Thus begins the loud portion of my work....Yesterday the state police got a new batch of fresh candidates to run through their pre-Academy program. They use the classroom right next to my office and line their kids up right outside my door. So. Much. Shouting. 😂 Their instructors are already losing their voices. And along with the shouting they bring so many germs! There are always one or two that come in with a cold or some sort of gak which will spread through their class like wildfire. Even with all of the mandatory hand washing and Purell. Washy washy? HA! Try having to do pushups until it sinks in that being Typhoid Mary will not fly. 😂

    One of these classes I'm gonna take a cruise during this week...... 

    • Like 5
  12. 12 hours ago, Jim and Monika said:


    I see you have been cooking steaks for some time now, but it's time to forget about cooking by time. Temperature is the best way to see where your meat is in the cooking process and is foolproof when having different sizes in your meat at different times.

    We usually go to 130 degrees with Ribeye and about 122 degrees with tenderloin.


    Totally agree on cooking to temp. If you really want to get precise get an immersion circulator to cook with....or sous vide.  We started using one last year and it has totally changed our meat cooking game. Take the beef to the desired temp and hold it exactly there until tender then a quick screaming hot sear. Perfect every time! We are ruined for eating steak at restaurants. 

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  13. Oh yes...Aerosmith often (why I'm not sure) visits my area in VT. I cooked at a pretty fancy farmer's market while I was in college and made them lunch a few times. The regretful miss from that job....we had this really quiet woman who worked with us all that summer and none of us knew she was Julia Child's niece. *faint* The day after I left for college she brought her aunt around for lunch and shopping and introduced her. I was soooo mad I missed that as Julia is a hero of mine. 

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