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Posts posted by JennVT

  1. My six degrees of celebrity.....

    Daphne Zuniga graduated from my highschool but several years ahead of me.

    My husband does some sfx/armorer work for movies filmed in VT and parts of NY state. He has a couple of meets that I will always be jealous of, Sean Austin and Bruce Campbell.

    After we got engaged he did a small movie and I met Alexandra Paul (Baywatch), Robert Pine, and Vincent Spano. I also got my one and only (so far) IMDB entry because I spent a day on set with my stepson working on smoke/fire effects. Fun story, my stepson and I were doing the effects that day because DH couldn't get time off from his days job. The effects were super low tech, think smoldering rags in pans. But my SS being his father's son managed to set himself on fire a little. (He was uninjured, don't worry!) On set there are strict safety protocols in place. In the event of a fire (where we didn't want it, ie. my SS's arm) everyone is to move away quickly and the guys with the fire extinguishers run in and deal with it. So whoosh the arm of SS's coat goes up and everyone does what they are supposed to except Alexandra Paul who starts running towards him ready to pounce him into a "stop drop and roll" to put him out. Much to his eternal regret the fire extinguisher guys got there first so he missed his chance to get jumped on by a Baywatch babe!

    About 2 years ago the most recent film we worked on was "Axcellerator"  which should be released this spring. You can probably find the trailers on youtube or Facebook. The "giant" explosions are all my DH's work. 🙂  It's a low budget sci-fi adventure, kind of campy but fun! We had a local premier and for the first time got to see one of "our movies" on a big screen. Usually it is stuff that is at film festivals, for TV or "straight to video". That was pretty cool. Celebs we worked with on that: My favorite was Sam Jones (Flash Gordon) who was super nice and just as wacky as you would expect. John James (Dynasty) who we've known for a while because he is also a producer we work with. Laura James, John's daughter who has done some episodes of S.W.A.T. and was a winner on America's Next Top Model. She is the sweetest! We took some friend to the premier and their 12 yo son was with us who was totally twitterpated over Laura. I finally talked him into letting me introduce him to her which got him a pic with her and a smooch on the cheek. The smooch may have sped up the puberty train. LOL And the pic got him a ton of street cred at school. Sadly I managed to miss Sean Young (Blade Runner) and Maxwell Caufield (Empire Records, Grease 2, The Colbys). Super bummed I didn't get to say "It's Rex Manning Day!"


    Wow this is a much longer post that I intended!

    • Like 6
  2. 5 hours ago, deedle7544 said:


    Make according to directions, but add a shot or two of Bailey's (I didn't measure) and a big handful of Bailey's chips. 

    But have you tried their almond croissants from the freezer case? You bake them yourself and they are sooooogood! *drool*

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, pebbles1102 said:

    Attached is a copy of my Son’s second video. This one won first place. He was the cinematographer-meaning he shot all of the video. It is a zombie movie 

    Pebbles that was awesome! I love zombie movies and that was a good one! Beautifully shot!

    • Like 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, AmyJA said:

    ev98: Welcome aboard. And congratulations on your girls!


    mommio: Sounds like you had a wonderful dad. Peace be with you and your family.


    JennVY: 1, Nicolas Feuillatte; 2, Vajra; 3, Segura Viudas; 4, Piper Heidsieck and nope...never had any of them.



    It looks like a nice selection!

    • Like 2
  5. 16 hours ago, AmyJA said:

    Lots of meat...lots of drinks....few days off....to cruise or not....and the Saints? 42 to 10????


    Here are some Christmas gifts that I received.  Corresponding numbers are in a bag for a change to be the lucky bottle for New Years Eve.  And no Tribe, I can't drink four bottles in one night.   


    What are the names of these pretty ladies? Especially #3!

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, deedle7544 said:

    I love the coast of Maine!

    DH's cousin bought an "Inn" in East Boothbay Harbor. I heard in and pictured big old house with several bedroom. Imagine my surprise when I find out the "Inn" is 5 buildings with about 100 +/- rooms and a small restaurant right on the water! It's a little rustic but we had a great time summer before last.....time for a return trip! 

    • Like 6
  7. We had a nice enough Christmas. I cooked a prime rib, garlic mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, squash, rolls, and our family tradition of broccoli au gratin casserole. And we had provolone, Calabrese cheese, and both hot and sweet sopressata from our trip to Arthur Ave in the Bronx. Very little leftover because I haven't adjusted my amounts as the kids have become teenagers....my nephew is an eating machine! Next year I will have to buy a bigger piece of beast to roast. DH and I both work with law enforcement so anyone in our county who is working Christmas day (or any holiday) has an open invitation to stop at our house, eat, use the bathroom, make some coffee, whatever they need. So I need to be prepared for stray cops/deputies/troopers wandering in. LOL Everyone else brought desserts. It was festive but 11 people, gifts, the tree, and mayhem is a lot in my house. The poor dog was struggling for a place to lie down. 


    Yesterday DH and I took down the tree and put everything back in the attic. I decided to come into work today to preserve some vacation time. We may go to Maine again this summer and I have been invited to do a little side hustle for the Feds that will take me to DC for a week.

    • Like 11
  8. On 12/24/2019 at 4:22 PM, Shaded Lady said:



    Still no buyers on this house in Texas- it better happen soon because our offer on the place in FLA has been accepted, and at the end of February, I'll own 2 houses! Unfortunately I can only afford one!




    Shaded can you have Zillow buy the TX house? They are buying houses directly from folks in some places, not just listing them for you. I have no idea how competitive their buying offers are but maybe it is an option? I understand their process is pretty fast.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Slainte57 said:

    I am not a fan of peas as a matter of fact I hate them. It goes way back to my childhood.

    Does anyone remember Formica top kitchen tables with hollow metal legs? I put those metals legs to great use. I deposited peas and my one a day vitamins down them. Years later when my father turned the table upside side to take legs off, all these little dried up peas and vitamins came tumbling out. Thank goodness we didn’t have peas often 🤣

    My Grandmother tried a similar tactic with some liver (served weekly) during the cold VT winter. It was going fine and she felt very clever until the hot summer weather hit. The liver ran out of the bottom of the legs! 🤮 Your parents were lucky it was peas and vitamins! LOL 

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  10. Hey Tribe! We had a great week in NYC 12/9. No food porn because we ate it! Went up most of the tall buildings, walked around and did zero Christmas shopping. Though I did buy out half the meats on Arthur Ave. when we stopped in the Bronx on the way north.

    Work has been a sh*t show and there has been much state government bs sprinkled about so I've only been able to scan this thread between work and getting Christmas ready.

    I'm off the next few days and will probably not check back in until the end of the week.

    Sending good thoughts and support to folks who need them and a big Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you all have a week full of joy and peace!

    • Like 6
  11. On 11/30/2019 at 10:09 AM, TeeRick said:

    Dear Carrie.  God Bless You and your family.  Thank you for your post in this very difficult time.  We as a community are grieving and you have helped us tremendously by posting here.  Please let us know if there is any type of acknowledgement, charity, favorite cause or anything that we can do or contribute in your mother's memory.  

    In her obituary they said in lieu of flowers people could make donations in her name to the Hinesburg VT food-shelf. I'm sure that a donation to your local food-shelf would be in keeping with that spirit.

  12. On 11/30/2019 at 8:48 PM, HeyJut said:

    @Von&John thanks for the concern. Unfortunately for me the worst happened. My DH was also placed on home hospice a month ago, but suddenly passed yesterday. Knew it would be coming but still a heart wrenching shock. We were married 48 years.

    Hoping for comfort and peace for your Johnny’s Dad.

    I'm so sorry!

  13. 22 minutes ago, Saint Greg said:


    Fortunately I"m not female so a lot of that doesn't matter to me. I'm not picky about shampoo. I can do with or without conditioner. I could probably use the ship body wash if I had to but I do prefer this soap I have that's imported from Ireland. It's called Irish Spring. I don't use hairspray, hair gel, or spray deodorant. I wonder how they feel about tooth paste, shaving cream, stick deodorant and the hair stuff that comes in like a shoe polish can. Those would be things I would be looking to bring or buy while I'm there. The big one for me is going to be my hand soap. I need a lot of it. And cleaning supplies. I can do the wipes but if I'm going to a store there I'd love to bring a big spray bottle.

    You can have in your carry on a quart size ziplock bag with liquid or gel items in 3.4 oz or less containers. Bar soap shouldn't count towards that so don't bother to put it in your ziplock. For me "gel" is a vague descriptor so when in doubt I check it or make sure it is in the ziplock. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/liquids-rule

    Sounds like the hand soap and cleaning supplies are better purchased there. 

    Isn't air travel fun?

    • Like 1
  14. 35 minutes ago, Saint Greg said:

    It looks like I could walk to a Kmart from my hotel. I may explore that option. It depends on how crossable I-95 is. I haven’t been able to get a good picture because of all the darn palm trees.


    Also thinking about trying this Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine when I arrive. It’s practically across the street and looks to have good reviews.




    Might be worth seeing if an Uber ride to a store is cheaper than the overweight bag fee if getting to Kmart isn't walkable. I pretty much just pack the very few specific brands that are must haves then buy the rest when I get there. Mostly I just haul the good conditioner and the deodorant scent I like. Everything else I can make do with what's available. At the end of the trip I just abandon what's left over. 


    Re:the $7 bottle of water. You can't take a full bottle of water through TSA but you can take an empty bottle through and fill it at a water fountain. 

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