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Posts posted by MissP22

  1. I'm usually cold so I'll wear jeans, slacks & just about any top, dressy or not. I save my dressier tops for formal nights with my black slacks. Club Class is in the same DR but limited to one side so it makes no difference as I see it.

    If it gets too cold in the DR I'll even wear my sweat shirt with a hoodie.

    I don't care what it looks like if I'm cold. 

  2. On Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 4:36 PM, Astro Flyer said:

    That seems to be the fairest way to do it.


    Passengers who bought them more recently with a 12/31/18 expiration date should be able to use them until the 8/31/19 expiration date for cards that were purchased years ago without an expiration date on them.

    If they really wanted to be fair, they would let everyone who bought the cards use them until gone. 

  3. 10 hours ago, GUT2407 said:

    Who decides if it’s clean enough and presentable enough, after all they paid for their cruise too.

    Why the person who chooses to wear that clothing of course. It's the way they've been doing it forever now.

    No one has ever been turned away for dirty or smelly clothing. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Daniel A said:

    I think the key word here is "shoreside."  Shoreside security is usually the local government, not the cruise line.  You don't encounter Princess security until you are "on board."  When you turn in the liquor at the metal detectors on board you are giving it to Princess, not "shoreside security."  I think the patter is letting you know that Princess won't try to get your liquor back if it is confiscated by the local officials.

    I don't believe I've ever uncounted shoreside security. Sounds like a scam to collect my liquor thinking it was turned into Princess. 

  5. 10 hours ago, HleeCruiser said:

    Really,  just leave it up to the passenger to decide what is appropriate??  Don't think so.  Jackets and ties are not required on non formal nights.  Is it too much to ask for guys to put on some dockers and a polo shirt for the MDR? 

    Yes it is. Since we paid for our vacation we should be able to choose our clothing as long as it clean and presentable. 

    I see nothing wrong with a decent pair of shorts? There worn every day at breakfast and lunch, so now they're accepted them at dinner also.

    Thank you Princess, my DH appreciates your understanding.  :classic_smile:


    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, OR_Cowboy_1952 said:


    This is nothing new, it’s been in the Passage Contact for several years now (see attached).  It is at the discretion of security & ship staff before you bring any alcohol on board (other than that allowed in the contract_.  Princess is stating if you try it you are doing it at your own risk.  And BTW, the Patter is not an official source.  The only legal source is your cruise documents and maritime laws.  


    Oh I now see that. Do people actually read that?:classic_laugh:

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, jennybenny said:

    $3 wash and $3 dry, unless the dryer is weak then you will need 3 cycles to dry =$6-9 per load.

    Bring your own detergent because it adds up quickly.


    The Elite perk is also one to be weary of.  They wash everything is super hot water.  I've had clothes ruined, and didn't think to complain, but it did the trick, I won't use the "free" Elite laundry perk again 🙂 

    I tried using their laundry once again with an old slip and it came back frayed around the edges. 

    Funny thing is that I even know better and still trusted them. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, Ep010835 said:


     I am presently on the CB.  I can say the following with absolute certainty. Pictures attached.

    When a person walks up to one of the Ocean Compass display screens (NOT one of the display screens showing games or daily activities, different display screens do different things) wearing an OM device, the photo of the wearer will appear automatically at the bottom left of the screen. 

    OR,  if the OM holder has previously added an avitar to their profile, that avitar will appear rather than their photo. In the photos below, you will see the Cardinal that I added as my avitar. 

    In the photo I’ve attached below you will see several options once the photo/avitar appears. 

    You will see options for: 

    Find Me




    The first photo shows the Ocean Ready screen before I approach it. 

    The second photo shows my avitar along with the options I described in the paragraph above after I’ve approached it. 

    The third photo shows the screen after I’ve hit the “Stateroom” button. You will see clearly my Stateroom number along with step by step details on how to travel from whichever Ocean Compass screen is used to my Stateroom. Shown on another screen which I did not photograph is a green path populated with green rectangles taking me right to my door. My full name and avitar is shown at upper left corner of photo number two. (Or your photo if you did not add an avitar.)

    Of course, one must be logged into Ocean Compass and wearing an OM device  to make all this work. 

    I did NOT have to do anything special in order for the Ocean Compass screen to recognize me when I walked up to it. In popular areas it is not unusual to see any number of faces/avatars appear and disappear over the course of almost any period of time. Now I suppose I could have hit “Stateroom” for any of these folks and been given directions to their Stateroom room but for all he obvious reasons, I didn’t. 

    There is a “Cancel” button (X) that can be used to back out of all of this after you have the information you need. During this test for photos it would not cancel manually no matter which buttons I pressed or how often I pressed them. I had to wait about 3 minutes for it to time out. 

    Lastly, Ocean Compass screens are located in all elevator lobbies and in some other public areas throughout the ship. 

    Hope this is helpful. 


    Oh, theres also the “Shipmates” button. But that’s another discussion. 




    Thank you.  Some people just don't believe it's that easy to find a cabin using the Medallion.  

    Did you report it to the PSD?

    I wonder how long it'll take to correct the software. 

  9. 19 hours ago, mustang$ said:

    A few weeks back I started this topic - we just returned from 7 nights on the Regal.  With the exception of the 2 Formal Nights & the night that we ate at the Crown Grille I wore nice Dress Shorts (Linen or Micro Fiber) not Cargo Shorts to the Dining Room.

    No body said a word - not the Maitre D, not the Head Waiters.  This was a Caribbean Cruise - you want to be comfortable.

    & just for reference - I'm an active 70 year old!!f17.thumb.JPG.ecd56fdab67bdfce70be19512323e59f.JPG  


    This is how my DH dressed on the CB for all the casual evenings. 

    It's great that they let people be comfortable lately. 

    • Haha 1
  10. We just returned from our trip and I questioned one of the head waiters about their lenient dress code. 

    He just replied that they are being more receptive to what those passengers prefer. They realize that not all people like dressing up for dinner &it's just easier to let them in rather then argue.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 23 hours ago, CineGraphic said:

    Since smoking isn't allowed in the theater, I assume you are referring to the fact that a smoker's clothes may smell of smoke, which to me (as an ex-smoker) is less offensive than the gallons of perfume some folks seemingly pour on before heading to an elevator.



    We get there early to get seating and sometimes get that heavy smoker who sits close enough to choke everyone around them with the stench of smoke on their clothing.

    To bad they don't give those smokers a separate venue to go to where they can telecast the show.

  12. 18 hours ago, nukesubsailor said:

    Thank you satxdiver for the excellent review of the cruise.  I appreciate the effort you put in to report your experiences.  We will be spending 28 days aboard the ship next year and it is good to hear that the ship is as good as we found it when it was doing the British Isles cruises in 2017. 

    Thank you also MissP22 for the effort you took to find so many things to make negative reports on.

    I only took the time to point out the negative items.

    The positive points were numerious but due to my limited minutes aboard the ship didn't have the time to expound on.

    You can judge for yourself about all the rest.



  13. 13 hours ago, Colo Cruiser said:

    Oh please.........It's no different than losing a cruise card and the sky is not falling.

    If you truly believe it's the same then they should start printing tne cabin number on cruise cards as well.

    Would you have any problem with that?


    I do like the Medallion system but it's evident that there's a major flaw in the softwear design that hopefully will be corrected in the near future.

  14. 14 hours ago, FLCruise7 said:

    You can only locate your own travel companions on the public kiosk. And, as I recall from my last cruise on the CB, to do that you have to log in to your account at the kiosk. Even when I used it (and my hubby was in the cabin) it just showed the deck and general location - it didn't give a cabin number. 

    Yes it does indicate a cabin location, an exact location and number.

  15. On 11/17/2018 at 3:28 PM, XBGuy said:


    Well, I certainly can't dispute your devious logic.


    I might suggest, however, that such a caper might find it's way into a future episode of "Stupid Criminal Tricks."


    Let's suppose he does find my medallion that I dropped in Skywalkers, and started walking up and down the corridors of the decks that had cabins.  Let us also assume that he found my cabin before I discovered my loss and reported it to the Passenger Services desk, and, so, he discovered an open cabin door.  Just for the sake of discussion, let us further assume that there were no stewards working in the area who had see me walking in and out of that cabin for the last few days, and, so, would not be suspicious of him.


    Pay Dirt.


    He rifles through the room and finds my red Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear.  SCORE.  He grabs them and hustles out.


    Remember, the Orwellian tracking capability?   Remember those thousands of sensors that are pinging all the medallions?  Even "disabled" medallions will respond to those pings.  He better have tossed that medallion in the my cabin before he left.  If not, a Princess security guy is going to be knocking on his cabin door asking about the suspicious red Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear laying on his bed.

    A piece of aluminum foil or any metal kills the range of the Medallion so it's undetectable. The hype of being able to be located is way over done. I modified my Medallion to make it easier to carry & it's hardly recognized by their sensors even at a very close range. I have to hold it on one of their sensors for a while before activation. Even when passing one of their boards or tablets the range is extremely limited. 

  16. On 11/21/2018 at 5:48 PM, JabCab said:

    I understand the ship is totally smoke free

    Cruising on Caribbean Princess Feb 2019

    Not true but other than the casino it can be avoided for the most part.

    The only unfortunate thing is if you happen to get stuck next to a smoker in the show lounge for a performance where you can't change seats. :classic_sad:

  17. On 11/24/2018 at 3:31 PM, caribill said:


    So if you find a Medallion that has been lost, you do not want to pick it up and turn it in to the Purser's desk because if it had been reported lost, you will be carrying that sign.


    On the other hand, if it has been lost and not found, Princess should be able to locate it quickly if it is still on the ship.

    Unless they add thousands more sensors the range of locating the Medallion seems to be quite limited. You must place the Medallion on a receiver unit or be within 10 feet or so of one of their tablets.  

  18. On 11/24/2018 at 3:25 PM, XBGuy said:


    So, you are saying that there is a "Go Home" capability on the kiosks and directions are provided without positive identification of the requester and without the requester entering the cabin number.


    Thank you for the clarification.  I will yield to your experience.


    I agree that his is a breech of security,  I might quibble, a bit, with your previous comment that resolution of this breech is a major software change.  My experience is that removing a capability is not that difficult.  The "elegance" of such a change might be questionable.  However, in a case like this, where Princess might, very possibly, be liable for abetting the commission of a crime, expeditiousness supersedes elegance.


    Also, however, I would like to speculate on the mind set of an evil-doer who finds a medallion on a ship.  He has to think to himself, "Hmmm.  That medallion is broadcasting its presence to thousands of sensors on this ship.  If the person who lost it has not reported the loss, then there is nothing suspicious about it's movements, and I'm free to try to profit.  If, however, it's loss is reported at any time that I am carrying it, I might as well be carrying a sign that says 'Crime in Process.'  So, do I feel lucky?"

    That's true but if a finder of the medallion were wrapped in some foil the medallion would be off the grid & totally undetectable. Just being next to some metal seems to reduce the range of the medallion considerably. Once the Medallion is reported lost they'll cancel it & you won't be able to do anything with it but turn it in or keep it for a souvenir


    MissP22, again, I am going to speak from speculation rather than actual knowledge, but I would assume that activity from any medallion that has been reported as lost would be reported, with alarms, to the ship's security department.


    I personally, have lost many hotel card keys.  "Lost" may not be a good choice of words.  Without exception I have left my hotel room without pocketing the key card.  If I ever cruise on a medallion-enabled ship, I am not going to be concerned about it falling out of my pocket.


    My cavalier attitude, notwithstanding, your last sentence is, of course, prudent.

    See above.

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