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Everything posted by Copper10-8

  1. Yep, that is correct! Sorry for the delay, had to leave while Nieuw A was in the process of docking
  2. Close! Satellite equipment for communications, internet, etc
  3. Pop Quiz; what are the four "golf balls" on her upper deck used for?
  4. In view above the containers in the left background by the antenna mast
  5. Passing Sandy Beach aka Savikko Park https://juneau.org/parks-recreation/savikko-park
  6. Nieuw A's pilot just called in to CLAA "we're a little early going to CT Dock"
  7. Northbound Gastineau Channel passing Marmion Island
  8. Passing Taku Inlet/Stephens Passage; a bit wet in Joe's place
  9. Goeiemorgen Tony! Awesome story and pic in sailors uniform in front of that impressive Peace Palace and no, I can't pick you out! 🤪 My mum played piano and sang in the Dutch radio choir before and after the war alongside Herman Emmink (later a pretty well known radio and TV personality in the Netherlands). I made it to trumpet player in my youth in Amsterdam, Holland, but that was about it! 🙃
  10. A very Happy Birthday to Pat in beautiful Victoria, BC!
  11. Winner! Keychain headin' your way 🙂
  12. Pop quiz; which were/are Zaandam's three sisters in her class?
  13. Using a little "line boat" to bring some of the lines to their bollards "6 meters to come astern" for Q
  14. "Ryan", one of the long-time Juneau port agents talking to Q's pilot about "positioning". That's him in the black jacket and clipboard under his arm, walking past the forklift used to haul the gangway in place. It's his job to call off the final couple of meters until Q is in a good position for her two gangways. The captain and pilot on the starboard bridge wing can't see the gangway position due to an obscured view of same. They rely on Ryan for that. We'll hear Ryan call out meters soon
  15. When Q is finally safely alongside, we should see Zaandam popping up on Q's port side, ready to make her approach to Franklin
  16. Juneau is/was usually pretty good at that but you could be right. They could have been busy hooking up a gangway at one of the other ships in port. The same crew does lines and gangways
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