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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Good Saturday morning. It cooled off last night and it was 59 outside when I woke up. We will probably have one more cool day in the cabin. Thanks for the Daily and maps Rich. We will celebrate Rock and Roll always. If it isn't sports or CNBC Classic Rock is our music channel in the truck. A hopeful quote by Gandhi. Thanks for the photos of today's beautiful port in the Azores Sandi! I will pass on the Mojito chicken, the drink sounds good and I would love a Langhe Nebbiolo. Thanks for the cares and celebrations lists Vanessa. Chuck and Annie, I am so sad to read that Chuck will need surgery for his arterial blockage. Prayers for Tana, Terry, Terrie and Bonnie. @Mr. Boston I hope your cold is on the mend. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  2. Good Friday morning. A nice cool morning here in Michigan's UP. Thanks for the Daily and maps @richwmn. I have always been a fan of sugar free Jello and John is the fan of pecan pie. Thanks for the reason behind Nights of Nights Sandi. A good quote today. I think a chicken burger is a nothing burger. If I am having chicken on a bun I would have a crispy fried filet. The Admiral cocktail looks like a good one for happy hour or by the pool on a BHB. I like Rieslings but today's isn't German and is not one of the special sweet Rieslings they vinify. Thanks for researching these for us each day, Thanks for the photos of today's port @StLouisCruisers. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for Annie and Chuck as he has his arterial blockages cleared. Prayers for Tana, Terry, Jacqui, Terri and Bonnie and everyone else who are ailing of grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We are heading to town today and may head west and hit the tribal casino in Watersmeet MI. Of course there will be a trip to the post office, the grocery store and a fish fry somewhere. We got it wonderfully cool in the cabin again overnight. I am sitting here in a sweatshirt and a blanket on my lap. It is getting into the high 80s. A good day to go to town because outside work is not fun in all the heat. We have three more days of it after today. We are lucky this is the first hot spell we have had all summer. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  3. @marshhawk Prayers for you and Chuck, today and for his surgery tomorrow. @kazu prayers for your energy to stay up and you get your house ship shape for Saturday. @RMLincoln our friends are from Joliet, IL. Most people that have cabins in this area are from MI. WI and IL and a few from IN.
  4. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily Rich and thank you @grapau27 so that we know what today's days mean. I think I won't celebrate those two but it is always nice to reach out to the lonely. I haven't been to today's port, it must be an obscure one that ships much smaller than the HA ships that cruise the Amazon. I don't really care for Wilde's quote. I will withhold judgement on the soup, pass on the minty cocktail but another SB would be fine. Happy 51st birthday to Father David. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations lists Vanessa. My DB is heading home from the rehab facility since he has completed his IV antibiotics. They can't culture his swollen knee until he waits 2 weeks to wash the antibiotics out of his system. I pray he doesn't get worse because then they would have to guess what the problem is. Prayers for Tana, Terry, Bonnie, Terri, Chuck and Annie. Jacqui I hope you have found a sitter for Ivan and your home sale process continues as planned. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own. We woke to a very cool cabin with the outside temperature going down to 51. It is getting up to 80 so we will have a nice cool cabin to retreat to. Our dinner with neighbors was fun last night but we purposely left early as our host hurt his eye and had to go to the ER in town. They are returning to Joliet for treatment today so we didn't want to linger when they will have to pack up and leave this morning. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  5. @kazu great news on your home being on the market. Prayers for a good offer and the process goes quickly. Prayers you can find a petsitter for Ivan the day of your upcoming surgery.
  6. Happy Hump Day everyone. Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. Thanks for the definition of Clerihew day @StLouisCruisers and @grapau27. That is a fun kind of poetry. Thankfully I haven't stepped on a bee in a long time and that was a hornet, ouch! Energy independence is important. We are somewhat energy independent up here at the cabin at least for a few months per year. Our solar panels have supplied all of our power but we still need propane for the refrigerator, the stove and the hot water heater. I will pass on the meal and the cocktail but the vino should be good. Thanks for finding these for us each day, @summer slope, @cat shepard and @dfish. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. @StLouisCruisers I am sad to read your twin has to have her shoulder replaced. Prayers for Tana, Terry, Terri, Chuck and Annie. Jacqui, thinking of you as you prepare for your life move and that you get the call you can get your vascular surgery. @Vict0riannthinking of you as you begin your radiation treatments. @rafinmd I hope all goes well at your cardiologist appointment. Prayers for all in our group who are ailing or grieving and for all in war zones through no fault of their own and for the remaining hostages. We went fishing yesterday and had some success catching some little ones. At least it is better than our previous outings. The lake is finally nearing 70 degrees and with the heat due here tomorrow it should get there. We are going to neighbors for cocktail hour and a lot of catch up because they made it up to their cabin for the first time at the end of June. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  7. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the daily and maps @richwmn. @0106 thanks for the reason for no bra day and the new date to celebrate it. I get my mammograms annually. I had dimples when I was young. A good quote from Darwin. I have not been to today's port. Today's cod dish would be good but we are not turning on the oven with no AC and days in the 80s and warm nights in the future. Pass on the minty cocktail. I think our vino is a good one. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports each day @JazzyV. @summer slope Good luck and wishes for great results at your eye procedure today. Prayers for Tana, Terry, Chuck, Annie, Terri, Bonnie and Jacqui. Prayers for everyone else in our group who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. Prayers for everyone cleaning up and without power after Beryl. That storm in heading towards our downstate home and I saw they were in the bullseye for 6"+ of rain. They need it more than we do, it seems it has rained every day here. @Heartgrove prayers for your DSIL. I have a friend who is a 10 year survivor of pancreatic cancer, the surgery is massive but with new treatments the success rate is creeping upward. @StLouisCruisers great tree! With all the windows open I got down to 65 degrees last night. It is only supposed to get into the high 70s today but I am going to close the place up and shut the drapes. I saw the weather forecast yesterday so John and I broke down and attached the shade sail to the west side of the cabin. The logs are dark colored and heat up in the sun and the sail has made a a noted difference. My DS leaves today. I am glad she had a brief visit up here so we could give her a break from cooking meals back home. Her DHs parents moved in with them last month. It has been a major upheaval in her life, coupled with a wedding shower for her DD this weekend and a destination wedding near Jackson Hole next month. Have a lovely Tuesday! Nancy
  8. @RMLincoln great news on the end of the years of eye drops for your DH. Thanks everyone for the great photos of Hong Kong. Jacqui I am glad you have a date planned for your move in date but it is flexible. @dfish I hope you are not developing anything serious.
  9. @Seasick Sailor lovely photos of your get together and oh my what a scary one! @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the lovely photos of Hong Kong.
  10. Good Monday morning everyone and thanks for the Daily and maps Rich. Math 2.0, I hope Graham can come up with a definition, I can' figure how math is changed. Shave ice for me rather than freezer pops but they do make a pretty good sugar free fudge bar. My video game days ended with Atari. Too early to think about that quote. A great day in world exploration. Thanks for the photos of Hong Kong Sandi. John would love today's soup, he always orders it on a BHB and adds hot sauce to it. A Cranberry Mimosa is better than a regular on for me and I look forward to a review of today's wine. Vanessa, thanks for the cares and celebrations reports today. @marshhawk I hope your CT scan goes well today. Continuing prayers for Tana, Terry, Terri, Bonnie, Chuck and Jacqui. Jacqui I hope you get called for your surgery this week. Prayers for all who are ailing or grieving and all in war zones through no fault of their own. It is July and it is finally beginning to warm up. We have a week ahead in the 80s and 90 next Sunday in predicted. Maybe the lake will warm up to the 70s and the fish will bite for us. The neighbor's grandkids went fishing with their Dad. They caught big bluegill over a foot long, he is a professional fisherman so they had a good teacher. My sister is still up here for one more day so we will have company for one more dinner. Have a lovely Monday! Nancy
  11. The cake was the cake was for my dear friend Frank who passed away last year. We just enjoyed it. The fireworks were amazing!
  12. Some photos from our fun yesterday. Frank's cake, our view, getting the fireworks ready and a few shots of the shots.
  13. Good Sunday morning. Thanks for the Daily and Maps @richwmn. The last father daughter walk I took with my DD my DM was along too. We walked to the spot on the lake where we would build our cabin in the future. It would have been probably in 1995 because my DM passed in 1997. I have a photo of them and it was a very happy memory. @grapau27 Thanks for Father David's words and also for the real definition of a Dive bar. I never knew. An OK quote. I have been to A Coruna in 2018 and it is a lovely city. I didn't get any photos as my phone was our navigation device to find our way to Picasso's childhood home. We plotted a highly rated wine bar but it was closed for their vacation. I would love to visit again. Thanks everyone for the lovely photos of the city. Thanks for the shrimp recipes @dfish the second one looks wonderful. @summer slope thanks for the Pina Colada recipe, John is the one who enjoys them on BHBs. I take a sip. @cat shepard thanks for researching the SB. When we are on our 2026 BHB voyage we are going to try to get to some of the vineyards in NZ. Happily they are much closer to the ports than the ones in Australia. @JazzyV Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports. Prayers for Tana, Terry, Terri, Chuck, Annie, Bonnie and Jacqui. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own. Prayers for all in our group who are ailing or grieving. Our busy day yesterday was fun. The memorial for my DF who passed at age 98 from Covid was wonderful. Everyone sharing memories of Frank. He was definitely a colorful person who had avocado orchards in CA, was a developer in CA and also an active outdoorsman. Everyone expressed admiration of his energy and activity well into his 90s. We had to leave after 2 hours to get home to do things before the fireworks dinner. Our favorite people from the lake were there and a few people from town. It was a good show that lasted an hour. The mosquitoes were bad but the zapping tennis racquets were pretty effective. The starry skies were beautiful when we got home. I will post a few photos later. Nancy
  14. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. I will let John celebrate Roll Day. I am sure there will be a lot of cheek kissing at the memorial today and I have no webmaster. A good quote by Einstein. I will pass on zucchini pancakes but today's cocktail looks like a winner. I like Petit Verdot. Thanks for finding these for us each day. I look forward to photos of Wrangell. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for Tana, Terry, Jacqui, Chuck, Bonnie and Terri. Prayers for my DB who has to be winding down his IV antibiotic so I hope he can get an answer. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Ukraine. Today is a busy day, we are heading to town before the Post Office closes at 10, short hours for a little post office, then kill time by shopping in town until the noon memorial. Then after that wraps up we head home for and relax for a few hours before the dinner and fireworks at the neighbors. Have a lovely Saturday. Nancy
  15. Terry hugs and prayers for you and Tana. You have dedicated your whole life to make sure she is as comfortable as possible. Your love and care has added more time on Earth for her. Plus managing teenagers with specific diets. You are a saint and we are all cheering and praying for you both. 🙏❤️
  16. Good morning everyone. It is rainy and in the 50s here in the UP. Thanks for the Daily and maps Rich. I will pass on thong day, both types. A shout our to Annie @marshhawk who works without her hands and I love fried chicken. A rather true quote. Will pass on zucchini waffles, the cocktail but an Oregon Pinot Noir. Thanks for starting our day today with sunny photos of St. John's @StLouisCruisers. Jacqui, I am happy to read that you made the decision to move into an independent living community and that they accept Ivan. It will be a good way to meet new people while dog walking and that you got the needed boxes! Prayers for you as you work your way through the huge task of moving out of your long time home. Thanks for the cares and celebrations report Vanessa. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Bonnie and Terri. Prayer for all others who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own. I will be making a no bake cheesecake for the neighbor's fireworks party tomorrow and probably mop the cabin. That will still probably not fill up this rainy day so a nap may be in my future. Thanks for the prayers for my DB. My DSIL sent a photo of him sitting in a wheel chair and he looked like an invalid. Have a lovely Friday!
  17. I visited Gibraltar on the Konigsdam with a dear friend who began as our travel agent and a great friendship developed with her and her DH. It was part of an 11-day Iberian Adventure.
  18. Happy 4th of July! Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and maps Rich. We are having pot roast today so no BBQ. Hot dog eating contests are fun to watch, I just can't understand how they can eat so many, no country music for us. That quote is hilarious those bags are so tiny I can't find any use for them other than a few pills. I have been to Gibraltar. A very important day for the United States! Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. @StLouisCruisers thoughts for you and your family on the memory of your DFs passing. Jacqui, prayers that you can get your surgery ASAP. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Bonnie, Terri and my DB Nick. He is still in a holding pattern until he runs through his IV antibiotics or has a significant change. Prayers for others in our group who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. A quiet 4th here, our big day is Saturday. That will be a busy day as our neighbor's party and firework are in the evening and at 11 is the memory of life party for our lake friend Frank who passed away due to Covid last August at the age of 98. Today is pot roast, it is cool enough to cook it slowly in the oven. John took my DN and family out on the pontoon yesterday and all that they caught were five little pike. I am glad I stayed at home. The lake is still in the 60s which doesn't bode well for fishing for cold blooded creatures. Have a lovely 4th full of family and fun! Nancy
  19. @JazzyV I will ask him next time we talk. It was a detail that was totally new to me when texting with DSIL late yesterday. @kazuprayers your surgery can be scheduled very soon! 🙏
  20. Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful morning here. Thanks for the Daily and Maps Rich. Thanks for the clarification of Drop A Rock day @grapau27. It is kind of like the practice on HA ships where people drop a duck. I'll definitely celebrate fried clams I wish some were available up here, especially Ipswich belly clams. It is important to reduce our plastic bag usage. A good quote by Mother Theresa. Thanks for the photos of Rhodes and the Red Admiral butterfly and Sadie @StLouisCruisers. I'll pass on the lamb and the melon cocktail but the Pfalz Riesling would be enjoyable. Thanks for researching these for us each day ladies! Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. My DB saw his surgeon yesterday and they will not drain his swollen knee until he completes his course of IV antibiotics so they won't know what is going on in there until more days pass. I understand that they had put a "spacer" in his knee and he needs more surgery to which my brother said no. I feel so bad for him and his wife. Thankfully he is in the best facility he could be in considering. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Bonnie, Terri and Jacqui and anyone else who is ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We had a nice dinner with my DN and family at the local watering hole, even though it was Taco Tuesday it ended up being Pizza Tuesday. John is taking them out in the pontoon boat for fishing this morning. I will work outside as usual. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  21. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Maps Rich. Wildland firefighters are true heroes and thanks for recognizing the 19 who died in Arizona @RMLincoln. Made in the USA is good and I am glad they are striving to get more essential chips made here. UFOs should have their day too. Rubik's Cube 50th anniversary today. Good quote by Cezanne. Mombasa would be a place I would like to visit to I look forward the photos of the port. I will pass on all three comestibles, the Volcano wouldn't be served on a BHB due to the fire component. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. @marshhawk Annie I wish your DHs doctor would have taken your request seriously and at least gave you a referral to a neurologist for Chuck. I am glad you had a great evening of sales but it sounds like your boss is a real jerk! Prayers for Tana, Chuck, @Seasick Sailor your DS Bonnie, Jacqui and Terri and everyone else who are ailing or grieving. @RMLincoln I was happy to read that your DHs eye visit was positive and you are considering a late summer cruise. @Mr. Boston congratulations on the sale of your Boston home and well wishes in your move to beautiful Maine. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. Our dinner last night was fun with lots of good food and conversation. My DN and the rest from next door are picking us up and we are heading into town for Taco Tuesday at our local tavern. A good way to break up today as it is very dark and rainy right now. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  22. Happy Canada for our neighbors to the north! Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. All good days today that deserve recognition. Good quote by Twain, he truly had some good ones. We haven't been to today's port. The slaw sounds good, I'll pass on the cocktail and would drink the La Crema chardonnay. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. My younger sister visited DB yesterday and her sent he away as he wanted to sleep. They do wake him up at night to get his IV antibiotic infusion at night but she said he seemed sick too. They are icing his knee. We'll see that happens today if there is any action on him. If they can't tame that infection he could lose his knee as it has persisted for many months, even after a surgery to clean it out, clean the knee replacement joint and used antibiotic cement. Prayers for Chuck and Anni as he has his appointment today. Prayers for Tana, Jacqui and Terri and everyone else who is ailing or grieving and for all in war zones. It is another beautiful day here today albeit chilly with it 39 degrees when I got up. It is supposed to warm up today, yesterday it was so windy and low humidity it took a long time to shed my two top layers. A good day to stack firewood briefly and more garden work. A nice dinner tonight with family. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  23. @luvteaching prayers for your DM tomorrow. 🙏
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