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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday to your DH! 🎂
  2. Good morning everyone. RIP Willie Mays. Happy Juneteenth. Thanks for the map and Daily @richwmn. Another day to recognize a serious problem, sexual violence. Go Garfield. Don't know about the other day. A good quote by Lucas. I will pass on the spinach but I used to drink gimlets in my 20s and would like another sometime but it seems I prefer darker colored spirits these days. I had Sena on the Volendam when our Cellar Master Fernando had it in the premium wine tasting lineup. I have not been to today's port. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV. Sandi I hope you can beat that bad cold on your next couple of sea days. You are right about how quickly the sea days go past. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Terrie and Jacqui and everyone else who is ailing or grieving. Prayers for the people of Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. Our heat ended in the middle of the night when a cool front moved through. About three different waves of lightning, thunder, downpours and wind. I hope it clears out so that I can work outside today. The cabin stayed cool high of76 as we shut it up after all but it was really humid inside so the wind in the middle of the night was very welcome. Have a lovely Wednesday! Nancy
  3. Good morning from Upper Michigan. Thanks for the Daily and map today Rich. Every day in important to call out hate speech but I am glad it has its' own day. Superman was fun and I'll leave the Sushi. There is a great deal of hate from not reading and knowing but I can't say wickedness. I look forward to photos of today's port. I love a good pork shoulder with pulled or carved. I will pass on the cocktail but today's wine would be fine. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations Reports. Prayers for Chuck, Tana, Jacqui, Terrie and everyone else is ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. It will be warm and humid today but nothing like you folks in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest. It is 63 degrees and 99 percent humidity and will get into the 80s. I am not even going to bother to shut the cabin up today as we have one hot day and then it returns to highs in the 70s. Rain is in the forecast for every day this week including today. One good thing about a lot of rain it makes it easy to pull weeds which is my main garden project right now. Fishing first thing this morning probably. Have a lovely Tuesday. Nancy
  4. John caught some fawns in the front yard yesterday through the porch screen.
  5. Good morning everyone, thanks for the Daily and map today Rich! I will pass on crocodiles, a diet Stewart's root beer would be good and a good day for our environment. Plant a tree while we still can. I thought Talkeetna was a stop on the train trip from Denali to Anchorage if it was I didn't take photos for our brief stop to stretch our legs. A sweet quote. A savory galette would be good but not in the hot weather we will be having for a couple. Pan fried Walleye (from store) for dinner tonight. The Casino would be good minus bitters and yes on the SB. Thanks for keeping the Cares and Celebrations reports for us each day Congratulations for 18 years with Cruise critic Sandi and I am happy to read you are feeling somewhat better! Prayers for Chuck, Tana, Terrie, Jacqui and everyone else who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, the people of Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We had a day of rain yesterday and a few storms to roll through today. Yesterday a tornado touched down in the outskirts of my town downstate but it was very short-lived. I hope to get outside to work today if we can dodge the thunderstorms due. Have a lovely Monday! Nancy
  6. Happy Father's Day to all Dads! Mine passed at age 96 11 years ago. Thanks for the Daily and map Rich! The Day of African Children is important on that continent. I will drink Chenin Blanc, they make a good one in Baja that we used to get for $5 bottle at our old timeshare in Cancun. I don't get the quote. I will pass on the meal, the cocktail and the wine, $28 and 84 points no. Thanks for finding these for us each day @summer slope, @cat shepard and @dfish, I have not been to Mumbai and I don't want to go. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. @Cruzin Terri I am so sad to read that you have Covid. The gift that keeps on giving, I hope you don't get too sick and your DH Jim doesn't catch it. @StLouisCruisers sounds like you have the cruise crud, tests negative for flu and covid but sick and coughing. I feel for you having to worry about each, next cough. Prayers for Chuck, Tana, Jacqui and everyone else in our group who are grieving or ailing. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We had a beautiful night of gentle rain and the sound ensured great sleep for me. A little more rain due here this morning then clearing up. We worked yesterday clearing out the end of a cherry tree that fell in the wind yesterday but we got not much done because John decided to start at about thirty minutes before my back said call it a day. Who knows what is up today. Have a nice day! Nancy My Dad and my older sister and I circa 1957. I miss him a lot.
  7. @StLouisCruisersand @Cruzin Terri I hope your colds get better soon! @mamaofami you must be so proud of your DGS times two! Thanks everyone for the lovely photos of Ketchikan. So many things to do there!
  8. I visited Ketchikan in September 2016 and it was one of the very few sunny days we had on that seven day voyage. My sister, my girlfriend from MD and I took a yellow Zodiac type boat to the Tongass National Park for a hike in the rain forest. The sea is really deep and below the rock faces it dropped to 350 feet. My last photo if a deep water submarine base in those waters. It was fun and I am glad I was fitter then walking on the slippery trail. It ended with a canpfire and warm beverages.
  9. Good Saturday morning. Thanks for the Daily and map today Rich! Everyone deserves equal pay for equal work. I don't agree with the quote, some of us just don't have it. I have been to today's port. I like my asparagus a little more done with Hollandaise so I will pass on the salad. I also will pass on the cocktail if the vino is 0 alcohol I will pass on that too and waste my calories on the real stuff. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. Continuing prayers for Jacqui, Tana and Chuck. @Cruzin Terri I am sure it felt so good to sleep in your own bed. Roy, I hope you procedure wasn't too rough and I hope your right arm feels better today. Prayers for al in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. My brother remains in rehab and I think it will be that way for a while. It sounds like they are using an IV antibiotic on him as he mentions being woke twice nightly to have the IV changed and lines flushed. He is doing his PT twice daily. A cloudy start here but it should clear up as the sun gets higher. More of the same here other than smoking some ribs in the BGE so I don't have a fail like I did 2 weeks ago for company. A good day of sports with the US Open from Pinehurst and the US Olympic swimming trials. Have a nice day! Nancy
  10. Good Friday morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and the Maps Rich. John has been delving into family history after doing his genetic test and then getting into the genealogy through that venue. I can't remember when the last time I had Chop Suey. I look forward to photos of today's port in Fiji. I will pass on the meal and the cocktail but a Rose' wine would be nice. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for you today Roy and all good results and in remembrance of your DB.. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Jacqui and Terrie and Jim. Prayers for everyone else who is grieving or hurting. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. A beautiful day ahead of us today so I will do some laundry and work in my garden. Thanks everyone for the concern about my back the last few weeks. One more day on prednisone and then I will switch to an RX anti-inflammatory that I was trying to cut back on when it started up again. They work well but that class of drugs are hard on the kidneys and I have taken it for many years off and on since I turned 40 and came down with RA. As long as I leave the string trimmer in the garage and not overdo things I hope I can prevent it from returning for the summer. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  11. We will board the Konigsdam on 1/11 and stay aboard until 3/22. Still working on motivation for wine country and botanical gardens for leg #1. I think we have a short window in Enseneda that may put a crimp in any extended wine tours. Noon or 2pm arrival. A good one was Wine and Tacos on Viator so far. @Cruzin Terri glad to read you are under way back to the US. Fishing was good for John today, less so for me but it good to get out on the water.
  12. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily Rich, sorry for your computer problems and thanks for the fleet maps today Roy. I will pass on the Rapper, the axe throwing and thankfully my klutziness in the kitchen is nothing to compare to my adventure outdoors. A great quote by Plato. Thanks for the beautiful photos of Zeebrugge to start our day off Sandi. I will pass on the meal, the bitter cocktail but the chardonnay would be nice I am sure. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. @Cruzin Terri prayers for safe and successful travels for you and Jim today. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Jacqui and everyone else who are aching, ailing or grieving today. Prayers for a peace between Israel and Gaza, the people of Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents of Gaza. I got a lot accomplished outside and inside yesterday and just as I was in for a breather it looked like rain so I took in and folded my hanging laundry and took a two hour nap, needed as my steroid dose begins to drop to near nothing. If it doesn't blow we will fish today. Have a wonderful Thursday! Nancy
  13. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and the Maps each day Rich! I learned what Cachaca was when it was a cocktail a while ago so it is worth a day of celebration, especially in Brazil. Pass on the falafel, I think it shows up in the MDR on a BHB from time to time. A very true quote, there is always to help even if in little ways. I have been to DR flown in and cruised in but not to Santo Domingo. I will pass on the ground beef stir fry even though we have all the ingredients today. Pass on today's cocktail but today's SB is one we bring to potlucks to drink and share. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa! Prayers for @catmando DB after him having a stroke. I hope that your last full day in Barbados gives you and Jim rest and some sunshine today @Cruzin Terri. Prayers for Tana, it sounds like she is suffering more than usual with additional issues added in. Continued prayers for Chuck and Jacqui and all of those who are grieving or ailing. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, the people of Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We had a long day in town yesterday but things went off smoothly. We dropped off our trash, bought bird food and then went for our mail. A few things to accomplish at the Post Office and off we headed to Iron Mountain an hour away with a detour in the mix. We went to the Urgent Care and I was in and out in less than an hour including check in, nurse #1 then nurse #2 and then a PA. Meanwhile John went grocery shopping at his favorite store. Just as I had figured there was no help for me there other than an RX for muscle relaxer and recommendation of Lidocaine patch but it accomplished what I needed. I have discharge papers to show I saw a provider and was using all methods to reduce the pain so if it acts up again I can go to the ER and get started on the ultra sound guided injection in my SI joint. I remember my mother going to a Osteopath to get a shot in her back, I never knew what she was suffering from. I guess with a family with 4 kids at the dinner table Mom's issues were at the bottom of the totem pole. Then we had a nice Mexican lunch special and then headed to Walgreen's for my RX, Walmart and then to my 2:00 nail appointment. Then to Spread Eagle Wisconsin to pick up some Pusser's Rum and another grocery for ground chuck then ending with a pizza at our favorite local watering hole. A warm day finally ahead of us and we may see 80. It was so chilly in the cabin when we returned, 65, we turned on the propane emergency lights to cut the chill. I am going to finish one small patch of string trimming today and then we will go fishing if the winds aren't too high. Have a lovely Wednesday! Nancy
  14. Good morning everyone and thank you for the Daily and Maps today Rich. We have had several very crowded nests here around the cabin. The 5 Robins have flown the coop but the 2 pairs of Phoebes have been working tirelessly for two weeks. A very true quote from Asimov. Two notable days in history for both US and GB history. Thanks for the photos of Kodiak Sandi and I look forward to more. I would like one of those muffins but they are high carb, I usually eat one of the wonderful HA bran muffins per long cruise as a real treat. The Trocken meaning dry Riesling will be wonderful. I absolutely love a good Margarita with Anejo tequila. Thanks ladies for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. @Cruzin Terri I hope that your Barbados vacation is going well and you are both able to get some relaxation. Prayers for Tana, Chuck and everyone who is ailing or grieving. Prayers for the 4 Americans stabbed in China. Continuing prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We are off to town today, Post Office, Urgent Care, two grocery stores and a couple of meals in the mix, maybe Mexican in Iron Mountain and pizza at our local tavern 13 rough miles away. Have a lovely Tuesday!! Nancy
  15. Thank you everyone for the lovely Malta photos! @1ANGELCAT thanks for the beautiful photos of Longwood.
  16. Good morning everyone and thanks for the Daily and the maps Rich! I always appreciate a good ball point pen, it is amazing how different the simple things can be from each other. Let's all strive to be a miracle in someone's life. A good quote from Groucho, I watch TV but I am always reading or playing Scrabble all the while. Thank you for the gorgeous photos of Malta Sandi, that beautiful is on my bucket list to visit some time in the future. I will pass on the Orzo and the Georgia Tea but I will take a case of Krug please at $250 + per bottle probably. 😅 Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Terrie and Jim and Jacqui. Prayers for everyone else who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. Finally a beautiful day here. It was forecasted to be sunny here yesterday so I did the bedding and just as I got half of it hung it began to rain. It got almost dry by the end of the very windy and chilly day yesterday. It was 40 degrees when I woke this morning, you folks out west can share a little of your heat dome, please...... @StLouisCruisers great to be proactive to meet up with your relatives at the beginning of their voyage and I hope there may be some reconciliation coming. Everyone have a wonderful Monday! Nancy
  17. I worked in management and marketing for big pharma and it was a favorite city for product launch meetings and also medical conventions. The Buena Vista was at the bottom of the trolley car line I recall so that was the place. As being the foodie I got our team into McCormick's and Kuletos early after their opening. Now the closest I can get to that is Kuleto wines sold at a decent price at my local wine store. Happy memories. Then we used Oakland as Napa gateway and finally it moved to Sacramento. I haven't been back to Northern CA since 2013. 😿
  18. @aliaschief Safe travels home and thank you for taking us along on your A marvelous voyage!
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