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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Good morning everyone. The last of the plant sale plants left 20 minutes ago. I am heading to Walmart to buy the last perishable groceries to start us off at the cabin. Thanks for the heads up on the Baltimore weather @rafinmd and @0106. I will have to check my picks to see if they are "mudders". I will watch all the undercard races while cleaning the house. Preakness pick is Tuscan Gold trained by Chad Brown, I am always seeking decent odds. Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
  2. Apologies, I clicked the wrong post to quote. Cannot get rid of it. I agree about the lack of thanks you notes, only thig that may interfere if you put in a gift care bad people at the Post Office are known to steal mail that feel like gift cards. My niece sends very nice TY notes though they may be months late but I appreciate her writing the card. @Haljo1935 I had ductal plugs when my eyes got so dry from undiagnosed Sjogren's Syndrome it caused corneal ulcers. I must have rubbed my eyes in my sleep as they didn't last two weeks. I have been on Restasis since 2005. They charge an exorbitant amount these days, it is made from a cancer drug that was developed in the 50's. @Nickelpenny so happy to read that you are at home and doing without pain medicine.
  3. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and maps Rich. Never knew grad tassels date back to the 14th century, thanks for that nugget of information Graham. Walnuts are great in baked goods. I love a good Pinot Grigio especially from Friuli region in Italy. A great quote by Plath. I have to put handcuffs on myself not to put more books in my Kindle. Pass on the dessert and the next dessert, the cocktail, and the Apothic red, it looks like a migraine. I look forward to photos of today's port. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. I hope that your BFF is having less pain. Prayers for Pennie, Tana, Chuck and Jacqui and everyone lese who if ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents of Gaza. It is a beautiful day here. The driveway got sealed but they left some spots where the coating is thin. I called twice yesterday and I finally got someone and I said send someone out today!! We got two pickup loads of plants out of here yesterday for the Farmer's Market but another 1.5 truckloads remain so they will return early Saturday morning to get them. I hope they make a lot of money on them as they look beautiful. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  4. @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief Happy 32nd Anniversary. 🍾
  5. Good morning everyone, thanks for the Daily Reports and maps Rich. I will celebrate the Day of Light and of course Living in Peace. A true quote from George Carlin, so happy I got to see him one time in person in Vegas. I look forward to photos of Inchon. I will pass on today's meal, but would enjoy the cocktail at Christmas and today's wine is a goody, I have had it before but at +15% alcohol pretty strong. Look forward to photos of Inchon. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations Reports Vanessa. I hope that your back and leg are doing much better! Prayers for Chuck, Tana, Richard and everyone else in our group who are ailing or grieving. @ger_77 so happy to read that Maurice's needed surgery is getting closer. Jacqui I hope you are getting some relief from your foot pain. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. Lots of finishing up to do in the garden beds today, Preen down then mulch spreading. They are coming this afternoon to haul away all the plants leftover from the plant sale for the farmer's market. I hope they all fit. First order of business is listing all of my Ravens tickets on StubHub. We are holding one game, the Commanders on 10/13. The two earlier home games are too early and the one we really would like to attend Buffalo is a night game, past our bed time. Have a lovely Thursday! Nancy
  6. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and maps Rich and Roy. Families should be celebrated and it was so good to spend time with mine on Monday for my DS birthday. Kangaroo Care is a good way to start my day, we just booked Grand Australia for 2026 and I will be able to see Kangaroos away from a zoo. No idea what MPS is. Quote is meh. 1869 is an important date for women's right to vote, yikes they had to work a long time to get suffrage for women. Thanks for the photos of today's port. @57redbird I hope all goes great with your dental extraction today. @marshhawk prayers for Chuck and I am happy you read his discharge orders and have an appointment soon. @Nickelpenny I hope you are feeling better today and getting closer to sitting up and getting out of bed. @RMLincoln prayers for healing for Richard's eye incision. Jacqui @kazu prayers the antibiotics are working for your foot pain. Prayers for Tana and everyone else in our group who need them and all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. A busy day for me in preparation for leaving for the cabin on Sunday. I have a hair appointment and then a visit to my stock broker to review my portfolio and ask him to develop a RMD withdrawal plan for my 401K to get the most money out without bumping me up two tax brackets. In between those appointments I will hit a grocery store and the bird feed store and even before all that begins go to the Post Office and sign up and pay for mail forwarding to our cabin PO Box. Have a lovely hump day! Nancy
  7. We are booked waiting to get my deposit invoice. We are so excited to see this itinerary and cruise on a ship new to us. We were booked on the Zaandam for Canada maritimes in 2020 though it was cancelled for COVID. We hope we will like it as much as the Volendam.
  8. Thanks for the information about Grand Australia. I have been waiting for this. I have a Future HAL deposit in and have sent my PCC a message on my room choice, We will be seeing a lot of the Pacific the next two winters as we are are booked for 70 days on the Konigsdam for 2025.
  9. @Nickelpenny so sorry to read there were complications and you are flat on your back. Prayers for speedy healing. Thanks for all the lovely photos of Kiel.
  10. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily Reports and maps Rich and Roy. Decency Day should be celebrated every day, there sure is lack of it these days. 1804 was an important date in US history when Jefferson commissioned Lewis and Clark expedition. If you haven't read David McCullough's book on it it is worth a read. Anyone who visits Astoria on a BHB there is the fort they stayed in near there. Thanks for today's photos of Kiel @StLouisCruisers. I will pass on today's meal but the margarita sounds wonderful and I learned about a new type of liquor. Today's SB also sounds good. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. I am sad to read that you BFF has his surgery delayed three days. @marshhawkprayers for Chuck today as he has his vascular surgery. @RMLincoln I hope that your husband is healing properly from his eye surgery. Prayers for Tana and everyone one else in our group who are ailing of grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, the people of Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents of Gaza. Today our driveway is to be sealed if the rain holds off. So far so good. Our HVAC company is supposed to come and inspect and clean the AC but it is cool so I doubt that will happen.. We are having pork ossa bucco for dinner. An easy dinner because I make it so often there is always frozen gravy left over so I have a great base to start with. Have a lovely Tuesday. Nancy
  11. Happy Anniversary @summer slope Dixie and George! 🍾
  12. Good Monday morning. My day went out the window. I was ready to leave to go to my specialist for a diagnostic procedure and the office called and the PA that does the procedure is sick. They wanted to schedule for Friday, no way as we are short time for the cabin. So I am scheduled for middle October and if I need surgery it will probably be in November. Oh well no plants to move then just have to worry about slinging luggage in January. Welcome back Rich! Thanks for filling in for him Jacqui and Sandi. Thanks for the maps each day Roy. Croutons are favorites at this house, I have never been to Calaveras, CA and love Hummus but have had it rarely of late. A great quote from Gould. Thanks for the photos of Gaspe so far. I will pass on the bean burger but of late I have been enjoying enjoying Bloody Mary's at Mariner receptions since they are usually in the morning. Today's German Pinot Blanc sounds wonderful, wonder where I can find it? Thanks for researching these for us each day ladies. Prayers for @Nickelpenny today as she as her back surgery and for @RMLincolns DH with his follow up eye appointment. Prayers for Tana and Chuck and everyone in our group who are ailing. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We are taking my older sister to dinner for her birthday today. Her birthday is May 19 but we will be on the road to the cabin that day. It will be nice because all of my siblings will be joining and my nephew who lives in Colorado Springs is visiting his Mom for Mother's Day will be there too. It will be fun for everyone to get together. Since I was all ready to go to the doctor I am going to stay inside and work and get all my last packing of food and meds done. I don't want to have to clean up from being outside although it is a beautiful day. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  13. In memory of my dear Mother who passed away in early September 1997 along with Princess Diana and Mother Theresa. I remember the day of this photo as we had walked from their cabin to look at the land they gave me and tried to figure a good site for our current cabin. She was very ill with lupus I miss them both a lot.
  14. Good morning everyone. It is nice to get back into my normal routine after the plant sale. It was a success with $1450 made on day one of the sale. Day 2 is next week at the opening of our town's Farmer's Market with two truckloads left. I am glad it is behind me. Thanks for the Daily and maps Jacqui and Roy. Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mother's and all of us missing our DMs. Important day of plant health and International Nurses day. Thanks again for enlightening us. I look forward to photos of today's port. I will pass on the meal but would love a Rose Kennedy on a BHB and the wine sounds nice. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. I see that your BFF is scheduled for surgery on Friday, prayers for a great outcome. Prayers for Chuck, Tana, Maurice and Jim. I hope your DH @RMLincolnis healing from his eye surgery. Prayers for all in our group needing them and all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. A couple of photos for @StLouisCruisers of the Zuiderdam leaving Port Everglades. A HA group on fb posts photos of many of the ships departing Port Everglades, especially on the weekend. It seems from all of his photos people weren't so excited about sailaway. Maybe Zuiderdam left late and everyone was enjoying dinner. I imagine a ship leaving port the next cruise after a world cruise has some extra work to do. The other is the sale before we opened yesterday. Have a lovely Mother's Day. Nancy
  15. @StLouisCruisers Bon Voyage! Safe travels to FLL today!
  16. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily Reports and the Cares and Celebrations reports. @marshhawk I hope all goes well at the oral surgeon. Prayers for all who need them and those in War zones. Happy Birthday to your DS @Denise T. 🎂 It appears our plant sale tomorrow will be windy and chilly with the rain gone before we open. I am sending all Bon Voyages one day early as I will be selling plants at this time tomorrow. Have a nice Friday. Nancy
  17. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and maps Jacqui, Rich and Roy! Thanks for explaining Europe Day Graham. Home front heroes are at the front lately with all the tornadoes, ours was a strong Cat 2. Euripides quote would be another one to discuss in philosophy class. Great day breaking the codes at Bletchley park which helped turn the tide of WWII. Pass on the spinach and would take a cosmo after some of the strange ones we have had of late. Today's vino sounds good but elusive. Thanks for the photos of Flam Sandi and Graham. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Jacqui. Prayers for all on our list and those suffering without being mentioned. Prayers for the hostages and those in war zones. I will be very brief the next few days as the plant sale nears. I got a lot done yesterday in prep, today it is rain all day. A nice day for set up on Friday and 60% chance of rain on Saturday. Have a lovely Thursday! Nancy
  18. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and maps Jacqui, Roy and Rich. Three important days with stopping animal cruelty and having a plan for one's animals in a disaster. Thanks for the definition of Thalassemia Graham, a disease I had heard of but didn't know exactly what it was. Thanks for the photos of Da Nang @Quartzsite Cruiser. It looks like an interesting place. A good quote especially as spendy as chocolate is getting. VE Day was cause for huge celebrations and continuing to this day, unfortunately many people are unaware of the war and what is accomplished in world order. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa, I hope that your BFF is feeling better. @luvteaching Thinking of you on your late husband's birthday memory. @marshhawk Wow, what a scare. I hope you got your Blood Sugar back down shortly thereafter. Prayers for Maurice, Tana, Terry, Richard and Jacqui and everyone else in our group needing prayers. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the Israel hostages, the Russian hostages and the innocents in Gaza. @aliaschief What a lovely place you will be visiting on your safari. I now know why HA doesn't have any crackers, they are all at your safari resort. 🙂 The tornadoes missed us by about 20 miles. They hit very close to my Dermatologist's office and the Senior Center where we hold our annual Greens sale. They looked very large and scary on the news but it was mainly a lot of downed trees and property damage. The side of the Fedex warehouse was sheared off but only about 15 injured people. I was much closer to the 1980 tornado that hit Kalamazoo when 5 people were killed, it knocked down trees and snapped telephone poles 100 yards away. A lot of plant sale work today. Have a good Wednesday, Nancy
  19. @cruising sister So much sadness in your BFF's family. I hope the child with Crohn's can recover. @Haljo1935 thinking of you today.
  20. Good morning everyone, thanks for the Daily and Maps Jacqui, Roy and Rich. I think I will celebrate Cosmo day with a good SB blanc. Thanks for the enlightenment on Cystosis Graham, a serious disease with little to help the patients suffering from it. Looking forward to today's port photos. I will pass on the chicken with broccoli but today's wine sounds lovely and the cocktail would be good with a splash of diet sprite. Great quote by Lennon. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. Prayers for your BFF who broke his leg big time. I hope he has someone that can help him with outside work. I am happy to read that Richard is healing better @RMLincoln. Debbie @dfish I hope you can get some answers and alternatives when you see your spine specialist today. I was also happy to read that Maurice has a date set for his valve replacement @ger_77. @Cruzin Terri So happy to read that you and your husband have come up with a plan for a future cruise. Prayers for Tana, Chuck, Annie and everyone else in our group who need prayers. Prayers for the people in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza and of course the poor souls held unjustly by the Russian Government. We have a day of strong storms ahead of us. I am heading out with some ladies from GC to do a site inspection for our upcoming 2025 Environmental School at the local bird sanctuary conference center. I think a lot of the largesse for the founding of the Sanctuary was the Kellogg Company in Battle Creek. If you want to watch some mindless silliness watch Unfrosted on Netflix about the battle between Kellogg and Post to launch the first breakfast toaster pastries. Have a lovely Tuesday. Nancy
  21. Good Monday morning. Welcome back Jacqui and thanks to you, Roy and Rich for our Daily reports and maps each day. Thanks for the information on Joseph Brackett today Graham. Unfortunately every day is a diet day for me, it is just a way of life though I guess I blow it once in a while. A great quote by Plato. I will pass on the Kale and the Melon but the German Pinot Noir would be great. It is very hard to find but we had a couple of lovely ones when we visited Germany wine country. Thanks for researching these for us Debbie, Dixie and Anne. I have been to Bar Harbor twice and one time we camped and the other was a day trip drive up from southern Maine. Camping the weather was perfect but it was extremely foggy when we drove up. There still is a restaurant in Seal Harbor I want to go back and visit. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations Jacqui. I pray you continue to heal and move around better. Jacqui I hope that they can get to the bottom of your poot pain issue and so happy you made it all the say through your cruise without too much pain. My sister broke her foot moving a safe and her doctors kept saying her pain was from bone spurs and poo pooed it. Finally after a year after crying to her doctor they did a MRI and her foot was broken. The year of damage put holes in a large bone in her foot and she had to wear a cast for a long time. I am glad that your nurse took it seriously. Prayers for Richard, Chuck, Tana, Terry and Maurice and everyone on our group that is ailing of grieving. Safe travels home today Sandi. Prayer for Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. A lot of plant sale work to do today. Making tags and going to get the price tags and beginning to price the massive amount of plants I have on my back patio. Sale is on Saturday with a 30% chance of rain. Have a nice Monday, Nancy
  22. @Seasick Sailor thanks for the photo of you and dear hubby. Your partly looked like a lot of fun! Few people around here enjoy horse racing.
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