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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and Maps Rich. UN Peacekeepers have been a massive fail of late. No kids to save for. Mark Twin must not have known Huck Finn turned into a classic. I have been to today's port. I hope to never have to take a flight from there again, I hate red eye flights. I will pass on the meal, I will pass on the meal but I think today's drink would be great, even better with rum than cachaca, I have enjoyed and bought today's wine in the past. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. i hope you had a safe trip home @Cruzin Terri. @Haljo1935 I hope the plugs work for you and you don't rub them out as I did. Prayers for Tana, Chick, Jacqui and everyone else who is ailing of grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. It is a beautiful morning her with a crisp 49 degrees. I got all of my trees planted, only have a miniature Lilac bush to plant and the main problem is where to put it. A day of string trimming for me today. Have a lovely day. Nancy
  2. Good Tuesday morning. Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. I love brisket and hamburgers and our Meijer store also sell a brisket burger. Thanks for the definition of Amnesty day Graham. A good quote. I will pass on the tofu tacos, the duck fart but the Sancerre looks lovely. I have been to Norfolk traveling to a business meeting from our place in Rehoboth DE. I drove through the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel on my way to Williamsburg. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. I hope you and your BFF are mending from your recent surgeries. @grapau27I hope you and Pauline feel better soon! Prayers for Tana, Chuck and Jacqui and everyone ailing or grieving. Prayers for a clear biopsy result today @Vict0riann. @Haljo1935your weather looks scary and good luck with your eye procedure today. I hope all goes well with your appointments @Cruzin Terri. We had a great dinner yesterday with our neighbors, friends and a last minute addition from our friend from across the lake. Today we recruited two of them to help us roll our long dock into the lake, thankfully we have help from gravity. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  3. @Vict0riann prayers for negative biopsy report and before Friday. Our braided pork loin roast. We had 5 guests and we put a good dent in it.
  4. Those cocktails are great. We were in a Neptune with HIA and they were stocked in the lounge with Signature package. For quite a while bar service was horrible in the lounges and short hours in the Eurodam and these became my before dinner cocktail.
  5. We visited Glacier Alley in Chile in January 26-28 2023. We had a port side cabin and viewing was perfect. One thing we loved on the Volendam was that the chairs by the windows near the piano bar were almost always open, a perfect way to stretch out and watch in the warmth with the coffee shop right around the corner.
  6. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and maps today Rich! HAL ships are branching out once more. I love grape popsicles but haven't had one in several decades, shave ice is my guilty purple treat now. Sunscreen is important and as many of us have, I had Moh's Surgery and have been diligent with both sunscreen and a hat all the time I am in the sun. I will share some photos of Glacier Alley later. I will pass on the meal and the cocktail and the meal but today's wine would be yummy if someone is sharing. Thanks for researching these for us each day. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations Reports Vanessa. Prayers for everyone on our care list including Tana, Chuck, Maurice and those who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. I enjoyed watching the Indy 500 yesterday, especially with the late start time I got to get some outside work done before the race. I watched an excellent documentary on Robert Oppenheimer but had to turn it off after one hour because it was 11o'clock. We have two couples coming over for dinner today. It is cloudy and chilly. John is braiding a huge pork loin and I am making scalloped potatoes and raspberries. Guests are filling in the rest. Have a lovely Memorial Day! Nancy A day to remember out fallen. American Cemetery at Normandy.
  7. @dfishthanks for the photos of River and the beautiful flowers. 🌻
  8. @dfish In my talk on Vole control I recommend people soak their Tulip bulbs in deer spray for an hour before planting. It probably works much better for squirrels than for voles. As Jacqui said, something stinky will put them off. I had the same problems in MD when I would put small plants from the nursery the squirrels would dig them out of the ground. I think they associated my smell on the bird seed made them think there was seed where the plants were planted. Thankfully all we have are chipmunks and red squirrels up here. @Cruzin Terri Happy heavenly birthday to your DM.
  9. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and map Rich! I haven't seen cellophane tape in years but it was a very useful invention until the frosted tape came out that doesn't yellow. A very true quote by Erma Bombeck. We sure did see a lot of Model Ts when we visited the Gilmore Car Museum, simple and very useful vehicles. They even had a paddy wagon, panel delivery and an ambulance there. Pass on today's meal and the B& B but the KJ Chardonnay is a serviceable selection though a bit sweet. Thanks for researching these for us each day ladies! Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports. I am happy to read that all who went through surgery the past few weeks appear to be on the mend. Prayers for Chuck, Tana and everyone else needing them. Prayers for the 5 lost souls and their families in Texas after the tornado. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. I got a lot done yesterday so sadly never made it back to the daily. I ordered another box of bare root Hostas on clearance so I cleaned out all the grass that had come up in the old vegetable garden and after soaking the roots in a bucket in they went. I had so much compost from our bin when I emptied it that all my containers and the garden got some. All my annuals are in their planters and tomatoes are in their big containers and on their dollies for the summer. It remains cool here so we had another fire in the wood stove and it appears the cool weather will carry through until next week. Cleaning the stove and laying a new fire is in order today. Have a lovely day today! Nancy
  10. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and map Rich! An unusual period when all HA ships are in the Northern Hemisphere. I am disappointed in all the plastic that was wormed its' way into our lives. I disagree with the quote, dreams fuel our lives. I will pass on the slow cooker meal and the bitter cocktail but I love a good, crisp Sancerre. I look forward to photos of today's port. Vanessa, thanks for the cares and celebrations reports. Prayers for healing for your BFF, Maurice, Chuck, Jacqui and Richard and everyone else in our group who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We had a productive day yesterday with 9 stops in Iron Mountain MI and to and fro before we had an early dinner in our home PO Box town, plus a long phone call. We had our first fish fry of the cabin season and we got in early before the crowd for Memorial Day. Our environs are full of river and lake camps and the three day weekend is the gateway to the short summer season up here. Food was great and I ordered a glass of wine and it came in one of those stemless tumblers almost to the brim, at least it is good value but I doubt I would ever risk trying one of the reds that they stock. Today I finish unloading the truck from shopping and fill all my containers. No short Dahlias so I am trying big wave Petunias in my porch planters and then one hanging basket with them too. Have a lovely Saturday! Nancy
  11. Good morning everyone! Thanks for the Daily and maps Rich. I will celebrate my single DB and will call him today. No Tiaras here. I think the quote is funny. I haven't been to today's port but look forward to the photos. I will pass on the cake, the Margarita with Amaretto sounds like worth a try with a drink package and I always would like a Barolo. Thanks for researching these for us each day @summer slope, @dfish and @cat shepard. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations lists @JazzyV. I hope your BFF continues to med after his surgery. Prayers for Maurice, Tana, Jacqui and everyone else on our list who are ailing. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza. Road trip today. We are heading to fill in the pantry for the summer and go for our first UP fish fry for the season. I will also have the call with my broker that kept breaking up. It seems I can make outgoing calls just fine with the Starlink but incoming calls break up. It was raining that day so will do a test call again with clear weather. We mounted it up on to its' permanent mount for the summer rather than the stand on the ground. We got a lot accomplished outside and both fell asleep watching TV last night. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  12. Well this will be briefer than it had started, I accepted looking at all the new comments and it took a long time. It was to erase my previous content. Thanks for the Daily, I will enjoy some Toffee. Vanessa I hope BFF is recuperating at home and surgery was a complete success. Prayers for healing for Maurice @ger_77. Prayers for all needing them. A beautiful day here so I hope to get a lot accomplished outdoors finally. We had a fire in the wood stove to take the edge off. It is 48 outside and 67 inside. Clean the woodstove and lay another fire in case it is chilly again. Have a lovely Thursday. Nancy
  13. A couple of photos from our San Diego departure on the Oosterdam March 4, 2018.
  14. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and the maps Rich. Thanks again for the enlightenment about today's days Graham. Harvey Milk deserves a day after being assassinated for his belief in Gay rights which it was known as in those days. A funny quote I guess. I am sure there will be many photos of today's port. I sailed from there in March 2017 on a Panama Canal cruise to Fort Lauderdale. We visited my cabin neighbor who lived in Fallbrook at the time and our photo opportunities were in La Jolla on the way back to the hotel. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports Vanessa. I hope your BFF is doing well today after his surgery. Prayers for all on our care list, especially Maurice as he has his valve replacement surgery today, Jacqui and poor Ivan, Tana and everyone else who is ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own Ukraine, the remaining hostages and the innocents in Gaza. We are on our third day of cloudy weather and I had to go check the solar system because the generator hasn't kicked on. Our batteries have barely lost any power in the last few days. Happy for that. I was able to get one load of wash almost dry on the line before the afternoon rains came and then had big thunderstorms last night. Another gray day ahead so I don't know what I will be doing today. I think I will write a TY note for all of the people who volunteered for the plant sale to be passed around the meeting tomorrow. My poor brother who had such a bad time with his knee replacement had to go back to his surgeon as his knee was the size of a soccer ball. The surgeon pulled fluid out of it and it was the color of pancake batter, ugh. Then the idiot did not add any new antibiotic. I called my brother when I found out yesterday and said contact your ID specialist immediately. He told me I am already on Keflex, I said that failed you need something else now. He has been on antibiotics ever since the botched knee replacement and now they are talking more surgery. He needs an attorney. @puppycanducruise thanks for the photo of your Itoh Peony, my pink one was ready to bloom the day we left. Beautiful!
  15. @StLouisCruisersand @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the photos of Rabaul NG. We will be visiting there in 2026 on Grand Australia. So nice to see what the ports look like ahead of time.
  16. @ger_77. Voles drive me crazy. They have population surges every few years and last year must have been one. I do a talk for garden clubs Deer and Vole Control and I always start with Voles because they do the most damage and other than cats and planting plants in containers there is little one can do. I pray all goes well for Maurice's surgery tomorrow. 🙏
  17. Good morning everyone. Just about all settled in. Thanks for the daily and maps Rich. Thanks for enlightened us about today's days Graham. A nice quote to aspire to. Thanks for the photos of today's port Sandi, I hope your cold gets better. Pass on the salmon and cocktail but today's SB sounds good. Prayers for your BFF Vanessa for a smooth surgery. Thanks for doing our cares and celebrations reports for us. Prayers for Maurice, Chuck, Tana and Pennie and everyone else who are ailing or grieving. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own. Have a lovely Tuesday. Nancy
  18. Good morning from chilly Upper Peninsula of MI. We had a beautiful day to drive up here and made good time, no major construction. I had a fire laid in the fireplace and even though it was 76 outside it was 55 in the cabin and a bunch of chilly days ahead of us. I lit that and the gas lamp in the bathroom to heat that room. The basement is so cold that it will be a while to get the chill off. We don't want to get it too warm in here because the long range forecast says a hotter than normal summer. I was saddened to find my new Iris bed put in several years go was completely decimated by voles. Time to start unpacking and tending the fire. Have a lovely day! Nancy
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