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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Good morning everyone, it is a sunny and frosty morning but will get into the high 40s today. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. I would hope to glimpse at Angola sometime in the future from a BHB. Origami is cool and I have a few nice ones tucked away from our various voyages. National Education Day is really important. I have not been to today's port so look forward to some photos. I will pass on mac and cheese, I love it but too high carb for me. The bourbon cocktail looks tasty with the sugar free ginger ale they have on BHBs. I agree with @cat shepard today's wine is such a value that it would be a good cooking wine if we didn't like it. I sent John to the store to get some cheap Sauvignon Blanc when I made my osso bucco as it uses a lot of wine. @summer slope and @dfish thanks for finding our recipes for us each day. Prayers for everyone in our group needing prayers. @JazzyV I hope that you can get some progress in the pain in your leg and get some sleep. Prayers for all in war zones for no fault of their own, the people of Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. @dfish I hope they can get your CT read sooner so that you can get a diagnosis. @Haljo1935 I hope you can get some relief from your numb shoulder and foot. @Denise T I hope you feel better today and can find a new practitioner quickly. Today is a day of house cleaning and digging though all the Christmas decor tubs to locate my Christmas cards. They shouldn't have been put into tubs. My ancient Home Interiors Nativity set and the Christmas Mice from same need to be dug out and that is the extent of our decorations. All have to be torn down quickly the day or two after Christmas so we can start our drive to Fort Lauderdale. Tomorrow is our usual visit to the casino for out of market football. I guess we should start cruising in the fall as HA has all football games in the cabins. We had a bad experience there last weekend because the usual manager wasn't there so no football games were on. I complained online and got a call back Thursday night from the bar manager. She said the screens were going to be running properly this weekend and some free apps heading our way. I am sure both the Ravens and Vikings will be prominent, helped by the Lions having a late game. Have a lovely Saturday! Nancy
  2. Happy Veteran's Day and recognizing the families who lost someone during out wars and conflicts.
  3. @Denise T I hope that your diabetes gets better. Take care of yourself. @RMLincoln A lot on your plate now and now your husband needing eye surgery back in Baltimore. The Wilmer Eye Institute is one of the best in the US so a good choice to make the journey from NJ. Good morning everyone and thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. @Nickelpenny thanks for explaining the true meaning of Forget Me Not Day. I thought it was about celebrating the flower. Accounting is very important and sure has been in the news a lot of late. I would love a vanilla cupcake if was a sugar free one. I have not been to today's port so thanks for the photos Sandi and in advance for the others. I love Chilaquiles so am looking forward to the recipes, they are a rare treat as they are so carb heavy. The drink is a pass but the Riesling looks like a winner. Prayers for our members with continuing back problems @JazzyV and @Nickelpenny. Prayers for all needing them and celebrating the continued improvement of Baby Murphy. Prayers for all in was zones for no fault of their own, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. Prayers for the hostages in Gaza. Our get together was fun yesterday with a lot of good conversation with all of us appreciating good wine and gardening. I made a home made pomegranate vinaigrette which was yummy. We are heading out to the Empire of the Flower Moon movie which is 3 + hours. I will have issues not being able to munch popcorn so will sneak in a few Atkins bars, no straw usage either so will have to open the top of the beverage to drink some. My tooth extraction wound is doing very well. Have a lovely Friday! Nancy
  4. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Cares Reports. I have to be very brief but just have to make a comment on the cocktail, a drink with cake mix crikey! We have friends from out of town for an early dinner so I have to get to work cleaning and food prep. My tooth extraction went well yesterday really no pain after the tooth was out. I have to be careful to leave the clot in place and of course the place John chose for lunch had no soup or hot turkey sandwich so I settled for tater tots. Have a lovely Thursday! Bon Voyage @Heartgrove! 🍾
  5. Good morning, a very breezy and rainy day today but I was able to get outside to feed the birds in between rain squalls. Thanks for the photos of Sarande @Quartzsite Cruiser. Pianists bring so much joy so should have their day as should radiologists. I think I will pass on the honey meatballs but the highball looks good pass on the wine and instead will enjoy the Morgan Syrah we enjoyed last evening at the wine dinner. Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV. I am happy to read that you are getting some relief. @Cruzin Terri I have had to have my knee drained in the past and it was immediate relief and my knee bent a lot better after all the fluid was removed. Prayers for everyone on our care list and those in war zones for no fault of their own, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. I will be heading out soon to have my tooth pulled. Not fun but I won't have to worry anymore about a filling hole that can't stay filled and starting to hurt. We had a great time at the wine dinner last night. So much so that I forgot to take photos of most of the courses. The food was excellent other than they withheld the Gorgonzola on my Coppa plate but left the goat cheese in the filling in my quail. A wacky thing was that the silverware was backwards with multiple forks on the right and the knives on the left. Have a nice Wednesday. Nancy
  6. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports @richwmn. Cancer awareness is very important, I have my annual skin check coming up after having skin cancer on my face. No teddy bears to hug in this house, they are about 400 miles away at the cabin. I don't use retinol too much because I am in the sun so much, I need every layer of skin + sunscreen to protect my skin. A good quote today. I have not been to today's port so thanks to @StLouisCruisers and everyone else for posting them. It looks like a beautiful spot from Sandi's photos. Sandi it must be sad your long-time neighbors are moving away, Prayers for Vanessa today with the persistent pain she has been suffering with. @RMLincoln thanks for the update on the move and that you got a lot done with the needed help. Prayers for Baby Murphy to continue to improve. Prayers for everyone in our group needing them and those in Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. I am going to start on doing the outdoor lights today. It is breezy but dry and will get to 50 today. The inside tree is fully decorated and I just need to carry the tubs to the basement. A nice dinner tonight that I don't have to cook and a chance to visit with friends I don't see that often with our travel schedule. Have a lovely Tuesday. Nancy
  7. @ger_77 what a sad, sad story. So many times the rescuers perish helping. Yesterday we had a towman stop on the highway to help a dog and he was run over and killed.
  8. @rafinmd saw a wonderful piece on our 4-5PM local news on the "Converse Conductor". A new conductor for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra who is a young black man, still in his 30s. Thank goodness for the long profile because it updated me on the wonderful memories of the BSO. I am sure you have heard him a lot before is he staying with the older classics or staying in the Marin Alsop mode with newer 20th Century music?
  9. @JazzyV I am so sad to read of your continued pain and I agree what is with the social worker? Prayers for you. Joshua Dobbs was amazing, I watched a lot of the Vikings game due to so many ads. He didn't even know the name of his center and another major player but he did so well after only being with the team for 5 days. I was listening on Mad Dog Sports that Dobbs is so brilliant he will have a future as an astronaut after the NFL.
  10. Well I had good luck at the new oral surgeon, they accept my insurance and I am scheduled for Wednesday morning for my molar to be filled. I could have gotten in tomorrow but we have a wine dinner with the Taster's Guild and I thought imbibing might not go well after if they give me laughing gas. @rafinmd Safe travels Roy! @StLouisCruisers thanks for the latest charming photo of little Elliot Rose. @grapau27 Happy to hear your good report from your cardiac physician.
  11. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports. I love saxophone music, usually hearing it in BBKings and it is great that girls learning to code have their day. A weird quote. I look forward to photos of Komodo Island. I will pass on today's meal, the banana cocktail though today's vino looks wonderful. Thanks @dfish @summer slope and @cat shepard for locating these for us each day to start our days thinking of food and drink. @StLouisCruisers Sandi I am sorry to read of your DF's DBs passing. He has been sick for a very long time but still it is always heartbreaking for family and friends. @Quartzsite Cruiser congratulations on your new motor home. Prayers for @mamaofami and @HAL Sailer prayers for healing for your DH and prayers for you as caregivers. @JazzyV Prayers you are getting some relief from your leg pain. Prayers for everyone in war zones for no fault of their own in Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. We are heading out soon to John's semi annual dental visit and I am going to try to get an appointment with them for my tooth extraction. It is beginning to throb a little, especially at night. They advertise same day service for emergencies so hopefully I can get in sometime this week. We are celebrating the Ravens domination of the Seahawks and the Vikings improbable win over the Falcons with a brand new second hand quarterback. Have a nice Monday! Nancy
  12. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Rich. We will celebrate Football Day by heading to the casino to watch our out of market games. The Ravens game is almost nationally televised but the Vikings is not so away we go. I love Chinese take out but sadly the nearby Chinese restaurant has food like dog food. Good quote by Vonnegut. I will pass on the chicken chili but the Tom Collins looks good as does the vino from Lodi. I have been to Kona once for a massive company celebration meeting. I went early and spent a couple nights at Mauna Lani Bay and then to 5 days at the Hilton Waikoloa Village that was a Hyatt at the time. The hotel was a destination itself. I went deep sea fishing and a helicopter tour. We had very rough seas for the fishing and it was all I could do to not get sick I remember sitting out in the sun on a step stool reading the newspaper and looking at the shore. We are going back there twice in 2025 on the Konigsdam. @JazzyV prayers your leg pain goes away. @smitty34877I am happy to read Lou's remembrance went well and everyone shared happy memories. Prayers for everyone needing them and for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. A beautiful morning here. @Lady Hudson Bon Voyage! 🍾
  13. Bon Voyage @LAFFNVEGAS! 🍾 Thanks for the daily and fleet reports @richwmn. I will celebrate today with some sugar free candy. An exciting day in history when King Tut's Tomb was opened and another blessing was the invention of refrigeration. A good quote. Thanks for the photos of today's port @StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser. It looks like a beautiful destination. I love chicken pot pie and the recipes Debbie found look delicious, we are having steak tonight. I will pass on the minty cocktail but today's vino looks good. @JazzyV I hope you are getting some relief from your pain. Thanks you for being so faithful with our Cares and Celebrations list. @smitty34877 thinking of you and your family today with the remembrance for your late DH. @kazu what a scare to start your morning. I am so glad Ivan returned HOME! Prayers for everyone needing them and for those in war zones, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza. I am decorating the Christmas tree today while watching the Breeder's Cup. A rare day for me I finished way ahead when I picked the winner of the Juvenile at odds of 19-1. Have a nice Saturday. Nancy
  14. Good Friday morning to everyone! Thanks for the Daily Reports Rich. Great day for the Dominican Republic today with their independence. A pretty country to visit and we will be doing a tour there in 2024 thanks to HIA. I rarely drink a Guinness Stout. I am sure I will be giving Santa Anita more than $1 today. A good quote from MacArthur. Thanks everyone for the photos of Liverpool. I will pass on today's spicy meal, today's peachy punch and today's Pinot Noir. Thanks @dfish @summer slope and @cat shepard for finding these for us each day! @superoma so happy to read your cataract surgery went well. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa. @Cruzin Terri I hope that you have good news at the Urgent Care today. Prayers for baby Murphy to continue to improve. Prayers for everyone on our list and for those not on it but needing them. Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Israel, Ukraine and the civilians in Gaza. I had a trip to my dentist because I brushed loose my month old filling. It is the law of unintended consequences. I had an impacted wisdom tooth that was partially through. My dentist kept recommending to get it pulled as he was afraid it would damage the back of my molar and also push my crown off. I went ahead and did it. After about two years of everything fine the damage on the back of my molar started to decay so they filled it but since it is below a crown almost below the gumline it kept falling out. I thought they could pull the crown fill the tooth and put on a new crown. The hole is so close to the bone the only real option is to pull the molar. Fine with me but the oral surgeon I have used in the past is booking into April. Here I sit with an open hole in my tooth. I have to call in daily at 8:30 and 2:30 to see if there are any cancellations. I will give it a few days and probably call they big business dentist nearby and have them remove it. We are going to vacuum the back gutters today. They are full of shingle sand and aren't flowing well. Then it will be two days of non-stop horse racing. Have a wonderful Friday! Nancy
  15. I am so happy to read the news on baby Murphy. @JazzyV I hope your sleep is better tonight and your health care visit tomorrow will be the begining of relief for your back issues. @dfishcongratulations on booking your Hawaii cruise next year! 🏝️🍹
  16. Good morning everyone! A great group of days and quote, thanks @richwmn. Instead of John cooking dinner tonight we are going to a BBQ place nearby for lunch so I will order extra for dinner. Listening too my siblings bicker about the closing of my father's estate I have been thinking a lot about going to a nearby funeral home and setting up my life celebration. My late DH had set up everything for his except for his obituary and of course the costs went up since he prepaid. It made my life easier to have it done ahead of time. A wonderful quote by Mark Twain. Pass on our high carb meal, the cocktail if I am going to drink so much booze I will have a double of something really good neat. Pass on the Pinot Noir. I have not been to Japan but look forward to photos of the port city. Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports @JazzyV. Prayers that baby Murphy is doing well on the CPAP. @mamaofami I hope that Sam continues to gain strength at home. @Cruzin Terri I was so happy to read that you and your DH have scheduled another cruise. Prayers for everyone needing them in our group. Prayers for those in war zones suffering from others' hate, Israel, Ukraine and Gaza. My lunch meeting was fun yesterday and I car pooled with a lady from town and it was nice to get to know her better. It is 40 degrees and another gray day here. All the plants behind the garage for the sale shrugged off the hard freeze and look happy again. I will have to water them one more time before we retire the hose, hopefully tomorrow. John brought the giant Christmas tree in yesterday and lit it, we are getting in the Christmas spirit. I will be glued to the TV Friday and Saturday watching the Breeder's Cup from Santa Anita so I will start hauling up the decor from the basement. We did not decorate last year because we were on the long voyage on the Volendam beginning on December 27. Tomorrow we will be 60 days out from our winter escape. Very few days with sunlight for the last 6 weeks. Have a lovely day! Nancy
  17. @JazzyV Yes those photos were from Glacier Gardens. I had saved the photos with GG notation thinking I would remember the name. Of course I forgot. Thanks everyone for the photos of Juneau - I really want to go back.
  18. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn. A great quote! Today's days of authors and family literacy go well together. I would like spatchcocked chicken but we rarely buy whole birds. What a cocktail! My two dislikes in one cocktail - banana and mint. Today's wine looks like a winner! Prayers for everyone on our care list and others needing them. Prayers for those in war zones and suffering for no fault of their own other than being in the way of hate. It was very snowy here yesterday and the outside truck is covered in a dusting of snow. I have to drive it today to a garden club lunch and I never would have thought that the first of November would be icy. My plant sale plants behind the garage were beautiful until yesterday and they succumbed to the freeze. Time to move them to their winter spot out of the way. My fist HA cruise was on the Noordam to Alaska and Juneau was one of our stops. I enjoy everyone's photos of sunshine. We had precious little our entire mid-September cruise. We did a HA shorex to Mendenhall, a high view of the city and a private botanic garden. These are just of the botanic garden.
  19. Happy Halloween! Thanks for the daily reports Rich! I was a Girl Scout during elementary school so I was so happy the group was formed. I wish I had some psychic powers. A good quote today. I will pass on all of the comestibles today. Many thanks for researching these for us everyday. Prayers for everyone on our care list and those who aren't on it but are ailing. Prayers for all in war zones for no fault of their own, Israel, Ukraine and Gaza. It is 37 degrees this morning and going into the 20s tonight. We might have a few kids for Halloween, I know our neighbors across the street are bringing their little kids over before trunk or treat. We have larger lots in the neighborhood and no street lights so if we get any they will probably come by car. My Zoom class was better than I thought yesterday. Since there was almost 100 on the call everyone was asked to have no personal video. Fine with me, I was able to do a great deal of vegetable chopping to make pork ossa bucco while viewing the class. It turned out really well. Class begins at 11:00 today. Many thanks for the lovely photos of St. Peter's Port today. It looks like a charming place. Have a nice Halloween! Nancy
  20. @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the photos of Belfast and Giant's Causeway. A famous race horse and sire was named Giant's Causeway. I knew the horse well before I knew of his namesake Some place I would love to visit.
  21. Good morning. I loved candy corn when I was a kid, still do but I avoid sugar. Hopefully no mischief tonight. @RMLincoln you are definitely rocking checklist day today. A funny quote. I will pass on today's meal, today's minty cocktail and wine sounds like a migraine. Thanks for the photos of Belfast today @StLouisCruisers, the photos of the progress on the memorial tree are nice. Something for you to look forward to every time you return to Belfast. Prayers for everyone in our group needing them today. Prayers for the families in Maine who are missing loved ones and healing from the trauma of the mass shooting. Prayers for all the people in war zones for no choice of their own and that they can successfully defend their territories. Israel and Ukraine. We had a long afternoon at the casino yesterday but both our teams won though it wasn't easy for both the Vikings and Ravens. We got to our usual dining room in the sports book and a loud rock band was playing in there. We immediately headed to the brewery restaurant and sat at the bar. I drank more Bud Light yesterday in one sitting than I have in my life. The price we have to pay to watch an out of market foot ball game. Today I am sitting at attention with a view towards my neighbors' house. They are out of town and their furnace quit before they left. I have their garage door opener to let the repairman into the house. After that I have a Zoom today and tomorrow for an Environmental School put on the National Garden Clubs. We are thinking of holding in person classes on the same topic so I am taking part to get ideas what we are getting in to. Cold and gray here with snow possible for the kiddos tomorrow for trick or treat. The hose is still out John procrastinated. Next day to have a shot is Thursday. Have a nice day everyone! Nancy
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