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Everything posted by ottahand7

  1. Happy Monday!! Thank you for the Fleet and Daily Reports. Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends! A strange group of days. We spend a lot of money at our indigenous tribes' casinos. At least there is some reparation for all that had been taken from them. The quote is weird but I haven't read those books. Today's cocktail looks like a winner, thanks @summer slope! @0106the rice dish looks good too. I learned to cook basmati rice in the method shown in photo 2 where you put thin potato slices in butter at the bottom of the rice cooking pan and then let all the liquid evaporate so the potatoes brown. I miss basmati rice but we try to stay low carb. Today's wine is a winner too! Thank you Lenda for all of the great photos of Hilo and the big island. Prayers for all on our care list. Prayers for healing and repair for those who suffered the devastation of Fiona and Ian. Prayers for the people of Ukraine who are dealing with Putin's retaliation. I was up late watching the Ravens finally pull a win out of the jaws of defeat. It was a real nail biter. We are now alone in first place in our division. We had two more warm days before it seems winter will set in with much below average temperatures. I have a lot of last bit of clean up to do and since it will be so cold there is no sense spraying weed killer for lawns. The leaves haven't really started to fall yet. Have a wonderful day full of happiness and good health. Nancy
  2. Sandi, little Elliot Rose is a wonderful addition, especially after their previous loss of their twins.
  3. https://rogerjett-photography.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Wine-List-2021.pdf Here you go. This was from 2021 but we saw very similar on the NS earlier this year.
  4. Sharon, I like your Scrabble playing beverages. I bet it makes for a fun game!🍸
  5. Happy Sunday! Rich, thank you for the fleet report and daily reports. I hope you are enjoying your cruise with hopefully beautiful weather! Fire prevention is a very important every day, after suffering a basement fire 2 weeks before I listed my house in MD. Never stain inside the house my fire started with Minwax stain rags draped over a cardboard box. It wasn't me! Thank God for ADT fire alarm system. Someday I hope to travel to the lands of Leif Erickson. Today's drink looks right up my alley thank you @summer slope! The Chianti looks nice, we had a bottle of Kirkland Chianti last night with our stuffed pork chops and it was great for a $9 bottle of wine and no migraine! The chops were great too. Today's meal looks tasty in a beef version. We have been to today's port in February 2022 on the NS. I had been to Nevis twice before so I wanted to return so we took the 45 minute boat ride over to do a tour. Prayers for all on our care list. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. Well wishes for all cruising and soon to be! The first building is the Alexander Hamilton Museum and it is also a public office. The church is the oldest Anglican church in the islands and its' nearby cemetery.
  6. @GTVCRUISER, @dfish, @Sharon in AZ Bon Voyage!! Have a wonderful time! 🍾 Today we went to Costco to pick up John's new glasses and get some Halloween candy. For the first time since 1997 there may be trick or treaters at our front door. My empty neighborhood filled in during Covid and several homes have small kiddos. It is a sunny day but windy and chilly. I think we will be able to see the Harvest full moon tonight. DF John showed me a recipe of provolone stuffed pork chops from Food Network and since my farmer pig chops are cut thick they will be perfect for it. @0106 Thank you for the lovely chicken recipes, all look like worth trying. @cat shepard Thanks for the information on the special Hungarian Tokay. It is one of the finest wines in the world and is called "Sunshine in a Spoon" I have had Tokaji 6 which is pure heaven. This is the precious runoff from the natural pressure of the grapes that is much more concentrated. Rich, thank you for the Daily and Fleet Reports! Ray thank you for keeping the care and celebrations list of us. So happy to see many people getting ready to cruise! Prayers for Ukraine and those in Florida recovering from Ian. Sandy and Lenda thank you for the photos of Vladivostok. A place I guarantee I will never see. Have a wonderful day! Time to start making those pork chops!!
  7. Thanks for all your help with this! I bought one for a gift for DF and a bigger one for me to use for expenses on B2B 81 days in December.
  8. Happy Friday! I have to run to get a mammogram 😬and hopefully get blood work and a bilateral hand x-ray while I am at the hospital. Then we are going on a long drive through the countryside to enjoy the leaf color which is getting spectacular. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports. When kids our house was a good 3/4 of a mile from our bus stop since our house was at the end of a long dirt road. It was not too fun in a Michigan winter. I will pass on the fish, the drink not for me but the Sokol Blosser Evolution is a popular wine on BHBs. We enjoyed it a lot in the Grand Dutch Cafe on the NS. Prayers for everyone in Ukraine and for those suffering from Ian and Fiona. @richwmnenjoy your cruise, I hope you get to sleep in a lot! My neighbor from the cabin surprised me yesterday with a photo of our cabin with the fall color. The asters are blooming, the amsonia is turning gold and the leaves are pretty too. It was a nice surprise of a view we very rarely see. Have a wonderful day!!
  9. Yes I did and thank you! I went onto HA right away and bought $500 worth. I will have to pay some of my cc bill down as I am near my limit and buy some more. I just paid off the last of a 74 day cruise. The gift cards will come in handy!
  10. Please help! How do I find the area on the website to buy the credit cards? We are already booked and paid but it would be nice to use as a surprise gift for DF onboard. I was going to buy from AARP but found out they have stopped doing them. Many thanks!!
  11. Good morning! It is the last warm day we have here for a while with hard frost due here Friday night. I think I will cover all the plant sale plants that I overwinter so that they get another 2 weeks or so to continue to grow roots to make it through the winter. Today is a trip into town to preview a new stock broker. My long time one in Baltimore retired and his successor doesn't care to take a license in Michigan so time to move our accounts. At least I will get a morning of work outside before getting ready and heading to Kalamazoo. Thanks for the Daily Reports and Fleet Report Rich, especially when on vacation! An interesting group of days. I do a lot of come and take it when I get too many Irises. I see a PA for my primary care but have many MDs and a DO for all the other issues I have. I like Biryani but probably better from a restaurant. Drink sounds too sweet but @cat shepardthe wine sounds perfect. I look forward to everyone's photos of Shanghai. Prayers for all on our care list especially for those dealing with Ian and Fiona and for the people of Ukraine. Happy travels to all of our friends on the road or at sea! Have a great day!!
  12. Good morning!! I am heading out soon to a garden club meeting. Dentist laster this afternoon. The division of the massive Philodendron was a lot of work. It was so massive I broke off the pieces with wood and tossed them. Then I had 2 large plants to repot and a couple of small ones that thankfully I had a pot for. Of course just as I was wrapping up the power company shut off our power for 2 hours. I really needed a bath before dinner but not to be. @richwmnI hope your travels go smoothly today! Thank you for the Daily Report and the map! I will pass on all three comestibles and look forward to photos of beautiful NZ. Prayers for those dealing with the aftermath if Ian and Fiona and for the people of Ukraine and wishes for good health for everyone and safe travels wherever you are heading!
  13. Happy Yom Kippur to our friends who are members of the Jewish faith. Rich thanks for the Daily Fleet and Days reports! Safe travels tomorrow! @StLouisCruisers your photos of Brisbane celebrated today's port and many images for world animal day. It looked like it was a wonderful couple of visits. I will pass on the Lamb but the cocktail and Nobilo SB are good choices on a BHB. When we have a drink package DF uses most of his 15 beverages on Nobilo. Today I have to divide a massive Philodendron. It actually has a couple of trunks. My sis ter moves it outdoors when we are gone for the summer and this year it just exploded. Not a task I am looking forward to. Then it will be cutting back brambles that are blocking our propane tank access and snags John when he mows the lawn. There is also poison ivy that needs to be sprayed. A warm beautiful day to do it! Prayers for all on our care list and for the people of Ukraine. So many on the future cruise list which is wonderful! In honor of world animal day a Barbary Ape in Gibraltar.
  14. @JazzyVHave a wonderful birthday!! @Cruzin TerriHappy Anniversary!!
  15. Happy Monday! We had a sad loss for the Ravens yesterday but as we sat at home and watched the weather we were happy that we were warm at home! Today we are heading to get groceries and then John needs glasses from Costco. Hopefully by then time all that is done it will be warm outside and I can get some outside work done. Really getting behind. Thank you for the Daily Reports! I think the quote is plan weird. Debbie, love recipe #1 but will pass on the cocktail and the wine. Sandi thank you for the photos of Freemantle. It looks like a lovely city. Prayers for all on our care list and for the continued success of the fighting in Ukraine. Have a wonderful day!!
  16. Good Sunday morning! We are spending the day in our easy chairs for the most part today. John's game starts at 9:30 from London and mine starts at 1:00. It is going to be breezy so I won't feel so bad not working outside today. We have three beautiful days coming up so I hope to wrap it up then. Thank you for the Daily Reports. It so so nice to see the Volendam on the map each day again. We are down to 85 days before boarding. My late husband's business in Baltimore relied on custodians as it was a janitor supply among other things. We never lacked for cleaning products or trash bags at our house. Prayers for all on our care list and it is nice that it is getting shorter and the celebrations and future cruises longer. So nice after the long Covid drought. Have a wonderful day!!
  17. @jimgev Thank you for checking in. Prayers for all around you in FL. @Vict0riannThat caterpillar is probably a brown variant of the Swallowtail butterfly. The eyes are a deterrent to stop birds from eating them. I think when you moved it it may have upset it forming its' cocoon - I would like to hear what the butterfly center has to say. It seems the more spectacular the caterpillar the better the end product. Cecrophia moth caterpillar and the moth @grapau27That is me during Ravens games or a big horse race. Thank you for the beautiful photos of Toulon and environs! Prayers for everyone in Florida devastated by Ian. 🙏
  18. Good morning! I am enjoying my coffee and giving thanks my elderly friend, Frank at age 97, is still progressing. Today is also home made cookies day which would go wonderful with a cup of coffee. I am so glad I found a decaf that tastes just like regular. An interesting quote, so few people read in order to live. So little attention is paid to history and science these IMO too much popular culture etc. Thank you for the Daily Reports and the celebrations. So happy to see many getting ready to step aboard a ship. The steak looks tasty, the rum cocktail looks like a good happy hour drink on a BHB and the wine looks tasty too. Thanks for all the time to pull these together each day. @kazuthank you for the tip on foliage needing to go into the bags for pick up. Dry is always easier to deal unless it is windy. I have cut back the lush foliage on my Canna lilies but we need more cold weather for me to be able to dig them. I have so many that I am going to give some to a gardening friend. She grows Dahlias so she knows the drill for winter storage. Today is polishing furniture, dusting and vacuuming and cleaning 2 bathrooms. A good project while I wait for it to warm up a bit outside. Prayers for all that have suffered the wrath of Ian and Fiona and for the people of Ukraine. 🙏 Have a wonderful Saturday!
  19. +1 🍾🪰Meant to add a cruise ship. ⛴️Hope your Celebrity cruise doesn't have flies. Can't delete that emoji. 🤪 Roy thanks for confirming that we figured right. We will miss a great game. Former weather guy Justin Berk has a great weather website and he had a good prediction. Glad you got your booster. I guess lack of interest here DF was able to walk in with me and get his with no appointment.
  20. Happy Friday! Almost the weekend with non-stop football and a Saturday full of horse racing too. We got back from New Buffalo and enjoyed broasted chicken and then got to work outside. John mowed the lawn and I pulled and cut back Virginia Creeper and Wisteria that we coming up where they aren't wanted. Then I treated the stubs with poison ivy killer. Tomorrow I can finish my fall cut back and finally get the Wet & Forget sprayed. Prayers for all who have had to deal with the horror of Ian. We have friends we know from the next lake up from us in the UP and they live on Pine Island. Weather Channel was showing the damage there this morning, so many of the homes were trailers. I am sure they evacuated. Prayers for all in SC and NC as you have to deal with Ian. It appears we made the right decision to cancel our road trip to Baltimore for the Ravens game. Prayers for all on our care list and the people of Ukraine. Thank you for the prayers for my friend Frank. He sent a couple of texts today complaining about the rehab nursing home he is in and also that he will probably be released to home next week. Thank you for the Daily Reports! I'll take the cocktail and champagne but pass on the fish. A local restaurant makes a similar dish. Thanks for the photos of today's port in Greece. @StLouisCruisersthank you for the picture of those charming pups, pretty enough to brighten everyone's day. Our drive back home was beautiful as we mainly take back roads and there had been a frost and the Maples are beginning to show some color. Have a great weekend!! February 22, 2022.
  21. We were on the NS in a Neptune last February-March. We used the card and got everything that we asked for including bagel and lox. We did order many of our dinners for dining on our balcony and we asked for a lot for our dinners (double entrees and a couple from CO) and tipped our waiter accordingly. Perhaps that is why we got a bespoke breakfast.
  22. @dfishDebbie, congratulations on you new home! I love the ceiling height and the layout of the kitchen and you have a nice yard too! Congratulations!! @StLouisCruisersthanks you for the photos of Nha Trang it looked like a nice port with a lot of history. Your DDs Halloween tree is so cute, the candy corn ornaments are sweet!
  23. Good morning! We called an audible yesterday after cancelling our trip to Baltimore we decided to head southwest to New Buffalo MI. We have a couple more cool days so it was a good chance to have fun before getting back home to try to get a summer's worth of yard work caught up. So we left after my rheumatologist appointment and took to the highway. Thank you for the Daily Reports!! All of us on CC probably all should celebrate Maritime Day just thinking about a cruise. Haven't been to a Broadway road show in years. Whenever we went to NYC I would rather have a wonderful dinner than a show. @dfish thank you for the pork carnitas recipes, the photos all looked yummy. @cat shepard Thanks for researching the German Pinot Noir. We had a few of those in Germany and they are getting better and better. @Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for the photos of the Marshall Islands. While in New Buffalo we will have lunch at the marina and go to a massive outlet mall. I need new running shoes ( I just walk ) and finding a good pair for over pronators online has been tough. I may need to change brands from my beloved Saucony. Prayers for all in Ian's path. The videos of the destruction on the west coast of FL are very sad. Have a wonderful day!
  24. Debbie, thank you for all the wonderful chicken skillet recipes. I love the last one with the beans and thighs. I had a hard time finding skin on thighs at Costco last week. I hope your offer is accepted today! Continued prayers for all in the path of Ian. @Cruising-alongHappy Anniversary!!! 🍾 @Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage!! Have a wonderful cruise! ⛴️🍾 @Sharon in AZ I hope that you can get the medication that you need. My sister is always having to fight the insurance company to get her biologic Enbrel for RA. I was fortunate to start Enbrel in 1999 and the insurance company seems to leave me alone except for an annual prior auth. I had one spot of psoriasis show up about 5 years ago. I treated it with topical steroid and being already on Enbrel it never spread. Last year around Christmas it just waned away. My migraines seem to be taking a holiday. I don't think I have had 6 since we went to the cabin in May. Fingers crossed. We decided to cancel our trip to Baltimore. I looked at a weather website from a former weather guy in Baltimore and he had all the models and I just made a decision to cancel. I just listed my Bills tickets at face price because I think a lot of tickets will be unloaded on the exchange in the next couple of days. Better to get them sold. All my friends and family understand and we have next year to try again.
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