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Everything posted by OnTheJourney

  1. Going one step further, one could say it's amazing how fast technology in general advances. Almost impossible to keep up with. Seems astounding, in view of what's going on now, that I had to stand in line in my college dorm to wait to use a pay phone! No microwave ovens (at least in the average residence). And a CD was something you took out in a bank 😁 The fanciest thing on my '95 Riviera is that it has cornering lights and separate passenger / driver climate control. Still, pretty much a luxury-class car in its time, or at least was Buick's top-of-the-line. Next would have been Park Avenue.
  2. For sure. When I started test driving new cars (after not having kept up with car technology at all over a period of almost 30 years) it was a bit of a learning curve. Still working on learning, since I've never (yet anyway) owned a car manufactured in the 21st century.
  3. LOL...that's the general idea! Haven't kept up with all this. Why does yours (or others' vehicles) not keep running?
  4. Did you do the Dead Sea float? It's listed as the last part of the Masada excursion. If you went in the water, any advice or suggestions? Been reading some things about it. It appears that some precautions need to be observed. Not sure I want to go without shaving for a few days! It's suggested to do so. Thanks...
  5. Interesting. As you said, it'd have to be tied into the plumbing somehow. I think what I'd do is go straight chlorine first, and then if I"m ok with that, take the next step to SWG. I have no problem with baquacil, and like the feel of the water, except for a recurring filter pressure issue the past few seasons. Lots of (as in way too often) backwashing and cleaning the DE grids.
  6. Good to know! Thanks. All of them are just through the cruise line. I didn't go with any independent travel company.
  7. Speaking of this...I've considered changing over our inground pool from biguanide / bacquacil to chlorine / SWG. Not sure. The biguanide is easy to use, but comes with some issues - such as the occasional white water mold / pink slime. I've been fighting this for years with my DE filter, and yet am hesitant to go back to chlorine since I like the smooth water feel of the biguanide. I suppose SWG would be somewhat similar.
  8. 12-hour excursion when the ship is in Ashdod.... Drive with your guide across the Negev Desert to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Masada, perched at the edge of a desert plateau that overlooks the Dead Sea. Along the way you will pass Qumran, where the famed Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in a cave in the mid-20th century. Upon arrival at Masada, ascend to the fortress by cable car, taking in spectacular views. Constructed just before the time of Christ by King Herod, it is arguably the most impressive archaeological site in Israel and is the site of a famous Roman siege that ended in the tragic mass suicide of Masada’s residents. Later, continue to the western shores of the Dead Sea. You will stop at a seaside resort so you can take a dip in these buoyant waters, known for their curative properties for centuries. 12-hour excursion when the ship gets to Haifa (and stays there overnight).. Witness the legacy of Jesus in two of Christianity’s most important cities. After a scenic drive, make a photo stop at the Mount of Olives and its panorama of the Old City. See the Garden of Gethsemane and visit the Church of All Nations; then, walk into Jerusalem’s Old City. You will find the Western Wall, where Jews insert written prayers into the mortar’s nooks. From here, view the Temple Mount, crowned by the glittering Dome of the Rock, sacred to Muslims. Follow the Via Dolorosa—or “Way of Sorrows,” the road that Jesus walked while bearing the cross—to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site of Christ’s crucifixion, entombment and resurrection. (A visit inside the tomb cannot be guaranteed.) Continue to Bethlehem for exterior views of the Church of the Nativity, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major place of pilgrimage for Christians. Next day, still in Haifa... about a 9 hour excursion...Visit some of the most important places in the life of Jesus. Journey with your guide into Canaan of old, crossing the coastal mountain range to Nazareth, city of Jesus’s youth. Stop at the Church of the Annunciation, where the angel Gabriel announced the coming of Christ, and the Church of St. Joseph. Browse the city’s Arab Bazaar before continuing to the Sea of Galilee. En route you will pass through the village of Cana, where Jesus is said to have turned water into wine, and ascend the Mount of Beatitudes, where he delivered the Sermon on the Mount. In the small fishing village of Capernaum, see the ruins of a synagogue where he is believed to have preached. In Tabgha, visit the Church of the Multiplication, named for the miracle of loaves and fishes that occurred here. Later, stop along the banks of the River Jordan at Yardenit, site of Jesus’s baptism. That's it. Next day we leave Israel for Cyprus. There is a 2-day (overnight) thing that they offer for Holy Land touring but it doesn't include as much sightseeing overall. I know it'll be LONG bus rides but probably a chance to catch up on some sleep! Thanks for any additional thoughts.
  9. Even in February? I suppose so. It'd be one thing if we were staying at a resort, could slather on lotion, etc. and then do the float and back out to shower, and back to the room (to perhaps wash up even more if still feeling sticky). But, this takes place after a 12-hour-long excursion to Masada, then however long a bus ride back to Ashdod and the ship. I'll have to think on this...I'm sure it's a cool experience, but not sure all the hassle is worth it for the sake of 10 minutes in the water. Thanks so much...
  10. Thanks...LOL on not shaving! Nothing like that 3-day old stubby growth... Not sure if I want to do the float or not. Definitely agree on not going in if any open sores or cuts. I'm thinking so as well.
  11. To quote Scotty in one of the Star Trek movies, "the more they overthink the plumbing the easier it is to stop up the drain"! Being the owner of '95 and '97 vehicles, I know exactly what you're talking about.
  12. Jimbo...thanks. I've seen other sites like the one you suggest, but am also hoping for some feedback from someone who has actually done it. It's quite sad to see what's happening with the sea level recession and the thousands of sinkholes that have opened up.
  13. Question for Dani (or anyone else who perhaps has any advice). I have an opportunity on an upcoming cruise to float in the Dead Sea. It takes place after an excursion to Masada. I've just been reading about the various precautions regarding being in the water, things like: wear an old swimsuit that you probably don't want anymore, do not get water in the eyes, be aware of the very caustic nature of the water, wearing closed water shoes, not shaving (even a few days) before going in, etc. Any advice or thoughts? Surely one of those (likely for me anyway) once-in-a-lifetime chances, but after reading more about it I have some reservations. Thanks....
  14. I'm planning on ordering a Sonata hybrid soon. Not certain if that one holds a spare or not. It appears that they got rid of the spare for the '23 model. I'm not a fan of the lack of a spare tire. Weight-saving measure to gain better fuel efficiency. Seems weird since we're only talking about 45-50 pounds (tire including lug wrench, etc.) out of the total 3,500 (roughly 1.5% of the overall weight).
  15. Well, guess we all sort of wonder about that 'road not taken'. Maybe you DID stay in Boston in some parallel universe. Never know. And in yet another perhaps went to Eastman. 🤔 Funny part about my undergrad audition - which I had hoped would be on guitar. The college I went to didn't accept any guitar auditions since it was considered a sort of non-legitimate instrument. Seriously? In 1973? So I was a clarinet major. Strong Methodist affiliated school. Still is. But rather a parochial attitude about the guitar back then for sure, especially in the days of the jazz / rock fusion bands. Now, probably most college music programs offer a guitar major. Then the other kick in the pants was that I was accepted but the notation indicated "acceptance for music education major only", not performance. Nothing like being humbled before you even get started on the undergrad program! Turned out to be the best thing for me anyway, having gone into public school education.
  16. I forgot about your musical background, but now that you mention it, I recall past threads where I think you and I had a bit of music 'shop talk'. I know about those small practice rooms! Did that in my undergrad years. Berklee? Most impressive. I visited there but just felt, as a 17-yr. old, that Boston just seemed a bit too overwhelming for me! Wound up much closer to home.
  17. Yikes! 80 dB reportedly will start to damage hearing after about 2 hours of exposure. Wish I could go back in time and turn down the volume on some of the amps in the bands I played with...or put away the headphones as described in an earlier post. Now, as a result of having been exposed to all that, I listen to a rather piercing high pitch frequency 24/7. Scary and quite annoying for the first few weeks, but sort of got used to it. Can't imagine, though, what experiencing total silence would be like anymore! So...be a tad cautious with that home theater volume...😉
  18. Love it! I actually saw it right away before even reading your entire post! To do large screen tv, we'd have to get rid of the big entertainment center. Doable, but we've looked at quite a few and found the big problem with the newer centers is that they don't have the storage like the old ones. Mine is geared to being able to store hundreds of vinyl LPs, plus shelves for the (older) larger components. Don't see that configuration much anymore. As a result, we're still (very) retro. All this home theater talk is fascinating, though, since I'm completely out of the loop with regards to practically all of it. I have no interest in doing it (don't have the space for it anyway), but cool to hear some of the details. Newest piece of technology I've bought over the past many years is a new cartridge for my Pioneer turntable. Expected a huge difference in sound quality but really didn't find that to be the case. Probably my crappy hearing though, especially on the high end.
  19. Huh....guess now I know why often the movie sound in a theatre is, for me anyway, way too loud! I already have significantly decreased hearing along with tinnitus from years of playing in rock bands, and also from using headphones while practicing on my Allen organ. The latter habit started from not wanting to disturb my daughter while doing schoolwork. I still occasionally use headphones to do my editing / mixing for my guitar recordings, but mostly just work with my '03 imac speakers, but never use headphones with the organ anymore. Way too much sound pressure across the full audible spectrum.
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