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Ichiban Nekko

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Everything posted by Ichiban Nekko

  1. @kazu Jacqui -- We are truly sorry to read your news. We join so many on this forum sending you wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. Sadly, we have no friends in the PVR area who could assist you. This is the link for Emergency Assistance at the Canadian Consulate: https://travel.gc.ca/assistance/emergency-assistance?_ga=2.41157794.1205380921.1673029232-1419141847.1673029232 Thank you for letting us know. So many hugs to you, -Cat & David
  2. Bon Voyage @kazuJacqui!! We hope you love the Koningsdam as much as we do! We have made note of the Westgate for the next time were are in San Diego. Your tip on the Riverside in FLL provided us with a lovely stay in November. We so look forward to reading about your adventures when the Wi-Fi is available. Love your writing. -Cat & David
  3. Hello Dailyites! It is wonderful to read the Fleet Report and all your subsequent posts. Since we seem well on the road to recovery, I think @rafinmd Ray can remove us from the Cares list. We even went for a drive to a few adjoining towns today, woohoo!! While I always appreciate the F&B contributions, our dinner will not be risotto but a poor man's beef stroganoff since I have some ground beef thawed, LOL. The wine sounds divine, but the antibiotics take precedence. Of course, the memes always brighten my outlook and the photos from your Icelandic adventures stoke the travel 'itch'. Bless you all for your caring. And sharing. @StLouisCruisers I just love your daughter's tree -- in all its iterations. Truly wonderful. @grapau27 Graham, we wish you all success tomorrow! @Cruising-along Hope you continue to improve and recover. Certainly, we understand. @kazu Jacqui, Jacqui, Jacqui: List up girl! You are gonna get on that ship if I have to drive to NB myself to get you to a place where you can fly to San Diego. If there is any person on this thread who deserves this, it has to be you. No matter what you have gone through, you are always there for each and every one of us. With grace, humor and compassion. So get packing. Oh and forget cleaning up the wrapping paper stuff etc; I guarantee it will wait for you. Just sayin' DH thinks his ears are trying to clear. That would be absolutely terrific, because then he can use his hearing aids! 'Nuff said. 🙄 Only a few more days of antibiotics left for me. And then Best wishes to all, -Cat
  4. Thanks to all the previous people who have posted on this thread. We had to leave our Nov. 26th NS cruise due to DH being diagnosed with pneumonia. We received a letter similar to what many of you did. However, I appreciate learning from you that this is not going to be a quick process. -Cat
  5. Hello Dailyites! I have read today's entries but have lots of missed days to catch up on. Wishing you all who are on or getting ready to be on a BHB Bon Voyage. I received a notification that @Rowsby had made a comment and was embarrassed to see that I hadn't checked in for a number of days with an update. I think both DH and I are turning the corner. Although we both had a couple of tough days earlier in the week, I don't think my situation was anywhere near as serious as DH, but it certainly laid me out. The meds seem to be doing what they are supposed to and I feel a definite improvement. DH's color is much better. Both of us only cough occasionally. The Kleenex doesn't seem to run out so fast. However, our energy levels are, ahem, lacking -- although improving. And we feel as though it takes each of us three attempts to perform the most simple task. Ugh. On to the more positive: the semi-catered dinner for David's 80th was wonderful. An extensive charcuterie tray (tonight will be Day 3, and we will have the last tomorrow) with an amazing selection of color, taste, texture of cheeses, cured meats & pickles started us off. The mains were generous and ever so tasty crab cakes with asparagus, rice and a tossed salad (next time we will split one and save the other for the following night). The desserts waited until last night. But OMG! they were amazing! Usually, I am not a big dessert person (give me a cheese tray) but the 3-layer carrot cake and the flourless German chocolate cake were absolute show-stoppers. At the risk of losing my Dailyite status, we confess that the wine was put aside until we have completed our antibiotic treatments!! Almost sacrilege. But we are truly committed to overcoming whatever this 'thing' is. The wine will be our prize, haha! Consequently, the turkey in the freezer shall wait for a time after the Holidays to be roasted, as we are ordering in our Xmas feast from this chef/caterer. That will certainly lighten our load. So all you you, planning for trips and/or visitors over the holidays, baking things that I have never ever baked, decorating your homes, giving time to your communities -- you are all such good people. I know the gods are smiling on you, one and all. BTW, I had read some of @RedneckBob RNB's comments about his time on the Nieuw Statendam. I had looked forward to meeting him during our adventure and it will just have to wait for another sailing. However, he sure makes me laugh. Hard. And that is such a tonic right now. On a more serious note, this 'adventure' has us questioning whether we should reconsider our Buenos Aires to FLL escapade in 2024. If a short medevac from the Caribbean has had such effects on us, what if something happened in SA? The distance, the language & cultural issues could loom large indeed. And there is that pesky detail that we are not getting any younger. However, I do want to stress that the care we received on the Nieuw Statendam was absolutely top notch. The professionals are compassionate but extremely knowledgeable. The scope of equipment and facilities in the Medical Unit are really something. All the same, if possible, I hope not to revisit that area in the near future, thank you. I am starting to deal with the insurance paperwork. Not surprisingly, the only documentation I need is in HAL's hands. Yesterday, I spent 90 minutes on hold attempting to connect with Guest Relations without success. I did send an email and received an autoreply. Sigh. Thank you all for such lovely notes of support and caring. David and I look forward to returning to 'normal' soon. And I hope to be more fun, and way less whingey. Cheers, -Cat (& David too!!)
  6. Good Evening Dailyites! Apologies for not coming back with an update sooner, but it’s been kinda crazy, ya know? All your well wishes and encouragement has been like a salve to the soul. Thank you all. Best news: I think @rafinmd Ray can remove David from the Cares List! This last week has been quite a learning experience. In any event, DH was released from hospital on Thursday and we were able to get seats on a non-stop back to Dulles on Friday. After retrieving the car and enriching a grocery store, we were finally home. Dear friends came by with a huge tureen of homemade chicken/turkey soup, along with a stunning poinsettia and baked goods. Wow. The soup was like divine and was a definite sleep aid. We headed off to Dreamland shortly after 9:30p, and stayed there until 7:30 (for DH) and 8:30 (for me). DH’s congestion was severe enough to block his ear channels this morning, rendering his hearing aids virtually useless. I woke up with a fireball in my throat and sounded like a raspy frog. Not a good combo at best. We had to resort to writing things down to communicate. I’m not sure if our kids laughed or cried when we reported that. After testing negative (again) for antigen COVID tests, we headed off to Urgent Care. We think it was a worthwhile visit, despite more COVID & flu tests. When we emerged, we both had prescriptions to fill, pills & potions to purchase at the pharmacy (we weren’t crazy after all!). Our pharmacy closes at 5p on Saturday. However, a benefit of small town living is knowing everyone. They extended their hours so our orders could be filled. Isn’t that wonderful? We just feel so much better mentally to be home and to have sought medical advice from providers we trust. It will take a few more days, but we feel we are on the road to complete recovery! Yay! AND — wait, there’s more — I was able to touch base with a local caterer who is preparing an 80th Birthday meal (DH) on Thursday for us to share. It was supposed to be at Tamarind, but this is a terrific alternative. And by then, we will be able to have Nectar of the Gods (wine) with it! Of course, it is beyond disappointing that this long-planned cruise went sideways. And we missed meeting up with @RedneckBob. Fooey! But for all my whinging and whining, this last week has taught me a lot. And when I think of what some of you all have gone through, I feel very wimpy. Extremely fortunate, but wimpy. I guess tomorrow I can no longer ignore the suitcases to be unpacked, the laundry to be done. Not to mention the joy of completing various insurance documents. As Rhett said to Scarlett, tomorrow is another day. And it will certainly be much brighter for us than the days we experienced earlier this week. Bless you all, -Cat
  7. Hello Dailyites! Well, our highly anticipated 21 days on the Nieuw Statendam fizzled. Fooey. Long story’s short: DH was diagnosed with pneumonia on Day 3 at the NS Medical Centre and on Day 4, we disembarked in Grand Turk to board an air ambulance to Miami. Jackson Memorial Hospital is huge but it doesn’t have empty beds. We are still camping out in a room in the ER some16+ hours after arrival. I have stayed with DH throughout, and all our luggage. If and when he gets admitted, then I’ll worry about Hotel etc. Being sleep deprived does not make for happy campers. I have been trying to channel some of the strength many of you have demonstrated when dealing with far worse situations. My success rate is not impressive. The good news is that treatment. And let’s hear it for trip insurance! The Medical Center and every member of staff were outstanding! We are heartbroken but are already planning the next one. -Cat
  8. Good Morning! Enjoying fabulous Italian coffee and divine pastries on Las Olas Blvd before boarding the Nieuw Statendam. Took a moment to scan the Daily. Love the days, the F&B suggestions and photos of Halong Bay (Bucket List). @Horizon chaser 1957 Your gorgeous safari photos stirred 40-year old memories of my time in Southern Africa. Thanks so much. Time to check out of hotel, organize Uber to Port Everglades and board the NS. 😁 Bes wishes to all, -Caat & David
  9. Good morning from a chilly start in Central VA (22F, now a balmy 31F, heading to 47F) with lots of bright sunshine. Having spent my first 30-some years in Ottawa, ON, I look at the snow news for Buffalo and shudder. That’s a tough start to winter. Off to The Big City (Charlottesville) for a routine medical appointment, preceded by visits to Costco, Trader Joe’s, & Whole Foods to prepare for tomorrow’s dinner. A pick up at Lowe’s on the route back. Whee. Wishing you all a great day and special thanks to all the contributors to this thread. It is such a welcoming place. -Cat
  10. Good Morning It is now a balmy 😉 39F in Central Virginia now — up from 31F earlier! Thanks to all the regular and not so regular contributors to this thread: you continue to ensure it is a welcoming and warm place. The unpacking is almost done. Ish. The garage floor has been epoxied and the walls painted. Glass door for shower has been installed. Replacement fridge door (dented) has been installed. Window treatments scheduled for Tuesday. No date on closet install yet. Hoping USPS can start delivering our mail a little more regularly. We have invited some dear friends who put up with us during the craziness of moving twice this year to come over Saturday night for Ina’s Beef Bourguignon. FaceTime Cocktails with dear cruising friends on Sunday (they are on another line for Xmas this year). Then prep for T’Day with former neighbors (we are the mushroom gravy and roasted veggies people). Oh, and packing!😁. After our T’Day celebrations, we off off to the airport hotel with a Friday flight to FLL, boarding the Nieuw Statendam for three glorious weeks on Saturday.!!! Some people are stressing over port and/or itinerary changes. We aren’t too wired up about them. We just know that it will be a delightful break. We are so ready for it. Have been following @rafinmd Roy’s and @kazu Jacqui’s current sailings, both of which look absolutely terrific. For all of you either on a Dam Ship or preparing to get on a Dam Ship — or any ship for that matter — Bon Voyage. -Cat & David
  11. @rafinmd Roy - Thanks so much for taking us along with you 😀. We enjoy your narrative & photos so much. Your COVID precautions are a good reminder for us when we embark in a couple of weeks. Congratulations on your 5-Star status; condolences on losing Andy. Looking forward to your future posts. -Cat & David
  12. Good Morning Dailyites! Finally, we feel as though we are emerging into the light. This moving stuff is not for cissies! I don't know how @dfish Debbie and others did it over longer distances so efficiently. I am totally in awe of that kind of organization (and I like to think of myself as pretty darn organized). So most of the 'stuff' has been unpacked and relocated. Ish. Books and their shelving are a separate line item altogether. We have contractors galore lined up to work on the garage, window coverings, basement, etc. Hopefully most things will be completed before we before we board the NS in three weeks! Yesterday, I went through our file for the cruise(s), doublechecking for things to be done, but I think the only thing left to do is the medical check about 3 days before boarding. HAL's website is now a BFF with our credit card, LOL! In order to get to this place, I had to ignore CC for a few weeks -- usually, the Daily/Fleet Report is a must-read. Thanks to everyone of you who contribute so frequently and share your knowledge all over CC, but especially this thread. I also read about the CC gang getting to Barcelona (wow!) that should be boarding the Oosterdam today -- probably right now. Today, the Montpelier Horse Races are the big activity in our area of Virginia - just down the road at James Madison's Montpelier. It is very popular, but we don't have tickets. However, the siren call of the ever-present To Do list will ensure we are entertained, LOL! Heartfelt thoughts to those going through challenges. And hearty Attaboys to those on @rafinmd Roy's Celebrations list. Best wishes to all, -Cat
  13. So excited for everyone who is on this amazing itinerary! @kazu Jacqui - Obviously you've had a really tough start and the departure of your BIL and Niece didn't help. However, in addition to all your Roll Call friends who want to assist, there are so many CCers back home cheering you on! So glad you will go on the cruise to enjoy your Neptune Suite. Let the Concierges and all the wonderful HAL staffers spoil you. Seriously. @ger_77 Gerry - You had such a nice biter to get to Barcelona, but you did it!! Yay! Although, CCers will miss your reports from The Frozen Tundra, your reports from the ship will be equally anticipated. I apologize for not remembering by name others on this cruise. Please be assured we all look forward to reading your updates. Bon Voyage!
  14. @rafinmd Roy - Definitely following and loving your posts! Safe travels! -Cat
  15. @StLouisCruisers What a beauty Miss Elliott Rose is!!! I swear, there is nothing like a new baby to put a smile on anyone/everyone’s face. I recall the joy Miss Camilla;s photos brought to us during the depths of the pandemic. -Cat
  16. Hello Dailyites! Greetings from rainy and still humid Central Virginia. Thanks to all who contribute so regularly to this thread. It is absolutely wonderful to read each day. Today's suggestions definitely resonated in this house. Roasted chicken, always a good idea here, will morph into Cornish Game Hen for these two empty nesters. With wine. Of course. Today's wine sounded quite familiar. Over the weekend, we went wild and streamed a film, From the Vine, on a whim and quite enjoyed it immensely. Funny. Wine. Italy. What's not to like? Bonus: it's a Canadian production! Free if you have Amazon Prime. And the wine that was part of the storyline was an Anglianico! https://www.calabriatheotheritaly.com/from-the-vine-film/ So many of you are so well travelled, you may have visited Acerenza. It looks absolutely amazing. Now on the ever-growing Bucket List. (Note to self: Lotto tix!) DH spent years in Thailand, including some of that time in Bangkok. Long before we met, I visited there for a few days decades ago. It was long before I ever set foot on a cruise ship. I stayed in the Authors' Wing at the Oriental Hotel. Fabulous. So many of you posted beautiful photos today that are just terrific to look at and see such incredible changes. Thank you. @kazu Jacqui - the photos and description of Celebration of Jose's life were so lovely. Thank you so very much for sharing them with us. @difish Debbie - I am a fan of your culinary descriptions and recipes, in addition to your many other contributions. However, I am in awe of the heavy lifting you have gone through to prepare your current home for sale and then relocate with your sister 'back home.' All your hard work will probably result in your current home selling quickly. I do hope your offer to purchase is accepted. We sold our home in May, have been living in a rental since then, and have now been given a closing date as our Forever Home is nearing completion. Yay! I just did a Zoom moving estimate this morning for the move. Obviously, I do not have your energy level. That being said, we are looking forward to finally unpacking and staying put (except for the occasional vay-kay) . Thank you all for your wonderful memories & photos each day. Sharing your triumphs and less pleasant whoopses of life. The humor and the memes brighten the dullest of days. And thank you Rich & Ray for bringing us together. Wishing you all the very best, -Cat & David
  17. @Heartgrove Hello Jack -- We are very pleased with our PCC. He's on Pacific time but if I send a morning (EST) email, a canned response is immediately returned reminding readers of his hours. It has been a rare occurrence that I have not spoken with him directly later in the day. If you would like contact info, please drop me a note at o708ba3 at yahoo dot com, with a subject line of PCC Info. -Cat
  18. Hi Jacqui, Well, we did it again. Quebec City in the autumn is always a good idea isn't it? Sadly, no stop in NB though. Embarkation: Sept 30, 2023 SHIP: Zuiderdam  10 days, The Atlantic Coast  Thanks for all that you do across Cruise Critic! We always enjoy reading all your posts. 🤩 -Cat & David
  19. Hi Jacqui, Would you please add the following for us: Oosterdam, embarking March 5, 2024, 31-Day South America, Inca & Panama Canal Discovery. David's first time to Latin America!! I can't believe we've finally booked something like this (no, no adult beverages or other coercive measures were involved, LOL!). Thanks for taking such good care of us all 😍 -Cat
  20. @Sharon in AZ Absolutely LOVE the lamb chops at Costco. And the racks of lamb too!! One or the other are frequently on the Date Night Menu here!
  21. Hello Dailyites! Here it is Tuesday and I just finished reading Monday. And such a day! I do read The Fleet Report and the postings - frequently on quite a time lag. This is such a supportive group and, like so many of you, I do enjoy all the photos, memes, F&B suggestions, etc. Our Forever Home is taking shape now has a shingled roof, the siding has started, interior doors hung. And lots of documents to review and/or sign (electronically). After we receive a notional closing date, I can start lining up appointments for window coverings, garage epoxy coating, moving estimates. For those of you who have used window covering companies (we've always DIY in the past) and/or epoxy coating, please share any flags we should look out for, questions to ask. Despite assistance from my bestie, Google, I feel as clueless as a teenager going to her first dance. Our reward after the move, is to plan for our 3 weeks on the Nieuw Statendam. Navigator informs us we have but 108 days until we board. A few comments on the Monday report: @atexsix Bruno, you & DD are in such a tough situation. Thinking of you as you plan the future. <<hugs galore>> @marshhawk Your new 'do' is spectacular! @ger_77 I do wish Virginia were closer to Saskatchewan so I could lessen your zucchini burden! But since that isn't likely to happen, I will continue to patronize our weekly farmers' market. RIP David McCulloch (most of his books are in DH's collection) and Olivia Newton-John. And for those of you I have not mentioned by name, I read each and every one of your posts. Thank you all for contributing so regularly. -Cat (and David too!!)
  22. Hi Jacqui! So happy to see you have booked a couple cruises. We are sure you will be surrounded by many CC friends/fans on each and every leg of them - wish we were going to be among them. Ahem, I must have been so excited and/or experienced a 'blond' moment ☺️ when I gave you the date for our November Bingo Win cruise on the Nieuw Statendam. The ship actually sails Saturday, November 26th - not the 24th. Would you mind amending? (the date we gave you before is when we leave our home for overnight at airport before flying to FLL). Wishing you and Little Shadow a great weekend with a new fridge!! - Cat (& David too!!)
  23. Mail Woes: Like many of you, our local post office is hiring! It used to be considered a 'good' job, but I guess not so much now. Since moving last month, we are still missing some items (like our new drivers licenses). I spoke with a supervisor who advised me that we have a super-dooper mail carrier on our route and that she sometimes works it too. Perhaps destroying all that sorting equipment wasn't such a great idea after all. In the big scheme of things though, my whinging seems pretty petty. We are fortunate to have broadband that works and can access most things that way. We have only had one brief (one hour-ish) power outage during this heat, so are living in air-conditioned accommodation. Gas prices are coming down. And Navigator advises us that it's only 125 days until be board the Nieuw Statendam!! 💓 Thanks to all the Dailyites for your contributions. They are appreciated in this household each and every day. -Cat
  24. Good Morning Dailyites! I post infrequently, but lurk constantly, LOL! Your warmth, humor, photos, memes, recipes brighten even the dullest days. When I read about challenges that some of you deal with, I realize how truly fortunate I am. Kudos to all. For us, the last two weeks have truly been a blur. Sold our home. Found Forever Home (true downsizing to approx 65% square footage) but under construction for months to come. Agent found terrific rental that will be our Training Wheels for the Forever Home. We had packers for two days and after a weekend break, movers for two days. We were able to find our bed in the floor to ceiling maze of cartons, but not much else. In the intervening week, we have attacked that maze with a vengeance — with yet more trips to the dump and our favored donation center. That work has paid off to the extent that I can now ‘treat’ myself time to check out CC, LOL! I recall that many of you have moved in the last few years, and I salute you! And @lindaler , we are just gobsmacked with your Oregon-Mobile move. With camper. Twice. Wow. We just don’t remember it being so hard. And we get to do it again in Oct-Nov. The good news is that the Navigator App informs us that our “…journey starts in 142 days.” 😀 Apologies for all the I/me and/or we/us. It is so wonderful to follow the fleet, The Care & Celebrations lists, your gardening triumphs, travels and various updates. Thank you all for your humanity. This thread is such a safe harbor during turbulent times.
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