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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. I wonder where their previous accommodation was? If it was below PG, and the word gets around, everyone will start coughing and demanding a PG suite.
  2. Oh great. The’ll now be swanning around the Grills Lounge. I can’t believe it.
  3. Hopefully, yes. Behaviour like that won’t be tolerated, nor should it be.
  4. Goodness, that’s awful. Where are you?
  5. I have my fingers crossed that your overthinking is correct🤞
  6. @Selbourne We hold the same hopes…this the marvellous view from our balcony astern. My only niggling thought is that Anne may do a spin when she pulls out for the ceremony, and return to dock portside ready to sail away for the fireworks.
  7. It truly is. Visit Delos and walk with The Ancients. I’ll scratch around for something. I’m on Queen Anne in the Irish Sea, so about to 💤. I’ll post something first though.
  8. Beautiful Isle of Delos My favourite Greek island.
  9. Gosh, now you’ve surprised us all.
  10. Exactly. Taste is indeed subjective.
  11. Yes, on that we agree. It’s rather garish, and it seems to overpower the ambience. The “banquettes” as you refer to them, are actually quite comfortable. Rather a change from mundane tables and chairs. I do not, however, approve at all of the long “wall tables” in the QG restaurant. They afford no privacy at all. We’re very grateful we have a delightful window table with an ever-changing view.
  12. Sorry, I duplicated a photo of the lounge, then was too slow to edit.
  13. @Megabear2 thank you for the truly beautiful photos. You’ve really captured the spirit of this haunting land. we’ve discussed and debated the Grills Lounge many times, so for those who are interested, here are a couple of images
  14. Enjoy your tropical holiday, and the peaceful break from the tech ties that often bind us too much.
  15. Yes, then it was V. She absolutely loved it. I so admire her determination to carry on with her life after losing her beloved husband. She is dignified, but warm and friendly.
  16. Did you do the lochs tour?
  17. At this very moment we are seated under the expansive skylight which lights the huge tree in the lounge. It most certainly is not dark, anything but. There are more secluded, atmospheric seating arrangements, should one choose. We agree with this lovely lady. A little light in our lives is a positive attribute.
  18. I know who you’re referring to. She is delightful.
  19. Oops, correction. I misread your post where you already noted he has an MBE. @Megabear2
  20. I thought I read somewhere, “MBE” after his name. I may be mistaken. I’m devastated that was his only conversation piece. He just told me, in that wonderfully rich voice, that he and his small entourage are leaving tomorrow. Our surrounding luncheon tables were raving (the people, not the tables) about this morning’s performance. Standing room only, apparently. Our loss, sadly.
  21. From her direction on the nav screen, I suspect Anne is taking us to Boston🫣
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