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Everything posted by Mareblu

  1. They look delicious, Lyle. We enjoy the occasional pizza, but not often really. We like thin crispy pastry and a scant amount of fresh, homemade sugo as a base. Margarita, with buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil, is our favourite.
  2. I should have began by stating that for all the above to happen, you firstly must have a phone associated with the email account. Then, in order: 1. Open Safari 2. Search Big Pond email 3. Click on link to login 4. Enter your credentials and click “forgot password” to get it to send an unlock code to the number already associated with the account You should then be allowed to change password, and enter that new password in “mail” under Settings in each device.
  3. Hello Gerry🥰 so lovely to see this message. I fear I owe you an email, please forgive me, and by now you realise I’m not punctual with emails😔 I haven’t found gelato on this extended trip to match that of home, either. Maybe absence makes etc., etc. We are presently In Southampton, ready to board Cunard's Queen Anne tomorrow, after which we begin the long journey home. Saturday, our first sea day, is Meet and Mingle day. I’m glad to be a willing participant but non-organiser for this one! Writing when we’re settled aboard…
  4. It’s a tad complex for all the details here, but during our recent Oceania cruise in the med, our Big Pond (altered here, but you know what I mean) also failed. Fortunately, I have a team of tech wizards in the family, but as our daughter explained, most of the solution can be googled. I trued that first, of course. Basically, you need to change your password. To do that, you need the telephone associated with your Telstra a/c to be switched on. We share an email a/c now my husband is retired, but his phone is the Telstra a/c number. We had to do that in a port, of course. We had to switch his phone on (we are both on the $10 per use day Telstra plan whilst away) in order for him to receive a code to change our bigpond password. Once that’s done, you need to go to your settings in each device and enter the new password. Voila! Hundreds of emails flooded in, and we could also send. It meant we didn’t have to create another email address, which is a real bother, because all messages and regular accounts come to our Big Pond address. All sorted, but so very frustrating.
  5. There’s another coincidence, Leigh. I also received my manual licence in 1970.
  6. We’re usually the same about reviews, but on occasions a familiar thread through the complaints can cause us to be cautious. Conversely, we don’t automatically accept good reviews, either, but look for consistency.
  7. Lyle, we are currently in the UK and for perhaps the first time ever, were given the car we ordered, which is a Toyota C-HR. Mario says slightly smaller than the X Trail, but works well for us, and we have a lot of luggage, as we’re travelling for just over 2 months. We paid $AUD4,000 approximately, for 20 days, but that amount contains a relocation component, because we collected the car in Edinburgh, and will return it tomorrow in Southampton. We are boarding Cunard’s “Queen Anne” on Friday, which will be a unique experience because we’ll be aboard for her naming ceremony in Liverpool on 3 June. Anyway, back to the car: Mario wouldn’t consider a sedan either, as comfort is as important as economy he thinks. We shopped around extensively online, and yes, prices certainly vary. We settled on Hertz even though it was slightly more expensive than a couple of others, because reviews weren’t great for those. We have a Hertz gold card and the service has always been reliable. Had we found a more reasonably priced option with good reviews though, we would have chosen that. So, after all that, it seems a major factor worldwide is the relocation component.
  8. How did your session with Orthopaedic Surgeon pan out, Les? Hoping he/she has a solution 🤞
  9. Hang in there, and keep us posted, Les. As you can see, we’re all thinking of you.
  10. Those emojis are meant to be one dragon. Kept autocorrecting🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. Time to reactivate the (Uncle) Les thread. How are you faring after your recent setback, Les? Sending healing wishes from Wales 🐦‍🔥
  12. Andre Rieu’s lounge room in Maastricht, The Netherlands?
  13. The wifi on our Vista cruise which ended on 1May was strong and reliable.
  14. Oh Les, so very sorry to learn of your accident. I hadn’t visited this thread for a while. Mario joins me in sending healing wishes for the best possible recovery, which as all three of us know takes a tad longer these days. So wonderful, at times like these, that you have your daughter close by. I know you’ll be receiving good care, and it’s as well you’re no longer living alone, but in a community. Take care and follow the medical advice, which we know you would certainly do. We’re looking forward to catching up on our return and if and when you feel up to it.
  15. The Newfoundland Duo (father and son) produces brilliant entertainment. Highly talented instrumentalists and vocalists. I’ve been hoping against hope they may just appear on our QA “British Isles” voyage later this month. Fingers crossed.
  16. Thank you, Les, thoughtful as always. Thanks to all the well wishers, and Happy Mothers Day to all mothers on our threads.
  17. Correct! We drove to Fortingall village yesterday. My 3rd g.grandmother was born there. The tree is Europe’s, and probably our world’s, oldest living thing. Over 5,000 years old. Amazing. your turn…
  18. Come on Mic, I can tell you know it🤣
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