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Posts posted by Toofarfromthesea

  1. 19 hours ago, evandbob said:

    There were plenty of senior snowbirds on Florida beaches as well as spring breakers.  Our local TV news had similar interviews with both, but the national news just carried the drunk breakers.


    During the 18 month long toxic red tide we recently had here in SW FL the local news usually ran a story each week about northerners who saw nothing wrong with the water and were adamant about swimming and sunbathing.  They paid for their vacation and were going to enjoy it, why would we let a little microbe in the Gulf bother us?


    Idiots come in all ages and states.  


    BTW, I am a 


    Did you see the crowds in NYC just a couple of days ago, gathering to welcome the naval hospital ship?  Any plan to deal with this crisis that doesn't take into account human stupidity is doomed.

    Oh well, at least no one tried to destroy the hospital ship by driving a train into it like on the West Coast.

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, clo said:

    I've read the article twice. BTW webmd is not considered a reliable site. Called something like a "hypochondriac's dream." 🙂 But I don't think you understand antigens and antibodies. Antibody tests can show active and old disease. AFAIK - I haven't worked in the field in many years - there's no test that shows the disease is over. Probably if the titer dropped. 

    "the concentration of an antibody, as determined by finding the highest dilution at which it is still able to cause agglutination of the antigen."


    I worked at CDC many, many years ago and with a particular blood parasite not a virus. But it seems like an antigen/antibody test would have certain features in common. Again, It's been a long time and I wish someone with current info would speak up.



    I want to apologize for how snarky my post came out.  

  3. 1 minute ago, clo said:

    Perhaps I wasn't clear. A "positive" test in a lower dilution may show an active disease or an immunity. I could sure be wrong but I have no idea of it showing that you've recovered.


    Please the article and stop spreading misinformation.  This is the antibody test.  It is completely different than the active disease tests they have been doing and they measure something else.

  4. 14 hours ago, ilikeanswers said:


    And to think the first post was only in February😱. It is interesting just looking back at my own posts, even I drastically underestimated this virus😷.


    Yup, cutting off travel from China doesn't seem so racist now, does it.

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  5. 4 hours ago, hbe30 said:

    Thank you, they are both one week. The one problem I have with the Meraviglia is  is that I like to stay in YC but it seems that only YC1 suites are located in the YC and these can only hols 2 people, the other YC suites are locates outside the YC.


    I've sailed in YC on both, and from my experience the only advantage Meraviglia YC has over Divina YC is the location of the YC restaurant.  In every other respect I found the food and the service far superior in Divina's YC.

  6. 5 hours ago, rtazz17 said:

    Just like every virus you will get it and recover. You will have immunity after recovering. its not a death sentence... its just too many getting it at once over whelming hospitals. On top of that its still flu season and then the people panicking with a sniffle running to the hospital. Media has done a number in fear mongering the heck out of this. I work in emergency medicine treating patients and people are petrified from watching the tabloid media hype. There will be another virus that comes along and hopefully we have learned from this experience. Common sense is still your best defense. Wash your hands,dont lick your fingers,etc... its nothing new..most viruses are all transferred the same route. Dont panic. If you get it treat your symptoms and recover. Of course if you are immune compromised you are more susceptible. But that goes for every virus.


    Eventually this will pass and fun will resume!   


    Maybe.  But the relief bill that just passed will give the cruiselines nothing since they chose to NOT be American companies, a decision the cruiselines made that has saved them a lot in taxes over the years but which may prove, in the end, economically fatal.

  7. It may end up being moot, because it is not at all clear to me that the industry can ride this out without outside help, and from what I am reading about the relief bill, no US help will be forthcoming to non-American companies.  That's the thing about strategic domiciling to avoid taxes.  Those strategic domiciles aren't going to bail out the cruise companies if they get in trouble.  And the US taxpayers apparently are not going to be bailing out foreign corporations.  US-based employees will get the individual benefits provided by the bill, but no institutional help for most of the cruiselines.


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  8. 8 hours ago, babs135 said:

    Do you mean not covering their mouths and noses?  I have a hiatus hernia and as a by-product of this I sometimes can have a prolonged coughing fit.  I am not contagious and I cover my mouth but where would I fit in with your thoughts, well intentioned as they may be


    But if you get infected with the Wuhan virus that non-contagious cough is still a spreader of the virus to others.

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  9. On 3/26/2020 at 4:21 PM, cruisemom42 said:


    Yes, and as of today the US now has the highest reported number of cases of COVID-19. 


    Funny how we bounce from total numbers to per capita numbers, according to which puts the US in a worse light.  The magic power of this virus is how it reveals to us who the awful people are, and just how awful they are.

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  10. 5 hours ago, DCGuy64 said:

    I'm following this thread because we also hope to cruise again in the future. I'd like to know what basis people have for making their predictions, be they optimistic (cruises resuming later this year) or less so (2021 and beyond). It would help us in our travel plans if we knew the sources people are relying on (articles, government stats, cruise industry insiders, etc). Thank you in advance!


    No one knows.  It is all guesswork.  If anyone tells you different they are lying.

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  11. 5 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

    My best friend who lives in NYC defied everyone who said not to eat in restaurants with hundreds of people and to not be on public transportation. When I called him Monday morning he could not stop coughing.I called this morning to find out how he was doing.

    His wife answered the phone and said he was taken to a hospital during the night and is being tested for the Corona Virus.


    Bravado is a ridiculous response, but it is all over.  From college students 'celebrating' cancellation of classes with big gatherings to party or riot, to Internet "influencers" coming up with a coronavirus challenge involving licking toilet seats.  


    Like the country song says, God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.

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  12. 3 hours ago, leaveitallbehind said:

    No - and it was just a suggestion.  I just think that would be the better source for an accurate answer v the many answers that may be or not be correct, as is evidenced by the numerous inaccurate responses to many of the threads on these boards.  Either way, no need to be snarky about it.



    He wasn't being snarky, he was reinforcing YOUR point.

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  13. 8 hours ago, chipmaster said:

    Dreaming if there will be any normalcy in the next 6-9 month, maybe 2022


    China initiated really draconian measures and only after almost 10 weeks did any sort of containment appeared.


    Italy represents the worst case situation followed by many including the US, they were overwhelmed due to the delayed response the US is likely looking like Italy in 4 weeks.  US just started the some attempt at mitigation/containment locally and expect each region wll become a little italy.     I predict it will be two months of total craziness and then a quarter of recovery.


    Stocks, currency will continue to fall, who knows China, So Korea, Taiwan may be come the first countries to become stable and recover, the US could be 9 months behind due our terrible response.


    The situations in the US and Italy are completely different:

    1) Italy's population is 9 years older than ours

    2) Italy has a much higher smoking rate, and hence a higher proportion of citizens with pre-existing lung problems

    3) Italy spends about half as much as the US on infectious disease control, and

    4) Italy has a disproportionately high number of Chinese nationals as a result of defying the EU and G7 and signing onto the Chinese One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative.  Under the initiative, projects in Tuscany and Lombardy were financed by Chinese banks, and contracted out to Chinese companies who brought in their own supplies and workers.  "Coincidentally" the worst of the outbreak is in Tuscany and Lombardy.

    Iran is another nation that signed on to the OBOR initiative to use a Chinese company using Chinese nationals to build high speed rail in Qom.  Which, "coincidentally", is the center of the Iranian hotspot.  The fact that it is a spiritual center that draws pilgrims who then spread it more widely, and Iran's initial approach was bravado, exacerbated the situation.

    So no, the progress of the infection in Italy and Iran is NOT a good model for what we can expect.

  14. 4 hours ago, cruizergal70 said:

    Of course,  cash is the preferred refund method. However,  there is no need to worry short term over a cruise line going belly up.


    Large corporations have business interruption insurance coverage, many self insure, have extensive business continuity plans, etc.




    And many of those business interruption insurances have force majeure provisions that could leave them bare.

  15. 2 hours ago, bluesea321 said:


    And the above is an example of someone posting without knowing the facts.  This particular "layman" happens to be a Mechanical Engineer with a Ph.D. in Fluid and Heat Transfer and 40 years of experience on the subject so hardly a "layman" who reads something.   But I got a chuckle out of your vets' sign, good one.  🙂


    And yet you expect a puff piece aimed at the general public to be technically accurate?

  16. 9 hours ago, TravelinGert said:

    Just saw a post on Twitter that areas of London are experiencing problems with the water not flowing or flowing very poorly. Apparently a pump station of some sort is down according the the tweet. Mind you I would think just an unexpected equipment failure unrelated to the virus, but what happens when a lot of people in an area are ill and there aren't enough trained workers on duty to make an emergency repair of this nature?


    Stocking up on water in anticipation of something like this is the very definition of panic, IMO.

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