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Everything posted by Yaya_in_Oz

  1. There was a clue. Passenger ferry /car Namma Lines operates in the Red Sea.
  2. Correct, your turn. We pulled in here for a medivac.
  3. A port not often visited by cruise ships....
  4. Birmingham , from the clue😀
  5. You can google image anything and often you will find a similar photo to the one you have taken. I use it for finding where I took a photo if I have forgotten (older images without GPS) or I also get a lot of postcards and some of those don't have where the pic is taken so I google image those and usually I find out.
  6. I imagine its somewhere near Port Hedland where the main FMG and BHP trains go.
  7. Somewhere in the Pilbara? I still love counting the ore cars as they go by 😄
  8. I use Google Chrome and just right click on the image and search with Google. Most of them would be there, quicker than posting the image. However, I don't use it for this thread if I'm going to post an answer, like what would be the point? a child could do it. I do find it forever useful with my own pics though. As a happy snapper for many years I have forgotten where I took some of them, more often than I'd like to admit, but chances are Google will know.
  9. I like the sound of the buffalo water taxi walking you across the sea! Thats what I love about this thread. I'm always learning something new about places and some places I will now visit in Australia I didn't know were there.
  10. Yes, thats it. Across the Irrawaddy from Mandalay. Your turn. I went over to visit some of the pagodas among other things, including the Unfinished Pagoda and the White Pagoda
  11. Yes, its in Myanmar. Can you name a nearby city?
  12. No, its not Yubu Is. I've never heard of it and it doesn't seem easy to get to. I'll give a wave as I go sailing past later in the year 🙂
  13. Thanks all for the replies. I'll go for a walk around the waterfront if I'm not too tired from Port Arthur and/or go up to one of the open decks on the ship. If its raining, its bedtime. Sorted 😄
  14. I'll be on the Grand in a couple of weeks which stops in Hobart overnight. We arrive about 8.30 pm. Is there anything worth seeing if I get off the ship at that time of night? Pretty lights? I'm booked on the full day tour down to Bruny Is the next day so wont be visiting the city centre but have been there a few times before. TIA.
  15. I can't read the plaque or the sign so I'll pass 🙂
  16. I have no idea where to start! Are you in Australia?
  17. Not there. I have stopped at the one on the highway north of Carnarvon but haven't been to Coral Bay. The next one I'll check out is Rockhampton.
  18. Near enough. I think Sossusvlei is a landmark (salt pans surrounded by towering red dunes) not a town though. Your turn. The nearest town to this sign is Solitaire, if you could call it a town and it has junk just like we do in the outback towns. Those who never made it any further....
  19. I'm a Capricorn so I just have to stop at these signs and take a pic. Where is this one (nearest major town will do)
  20. If we are going to play semantics, the correct title is the Ord River Diversion Dam. Nice picnic spot. It was built before the dam at Lake Argyle.
  21. Correct your turn. I like looking at these pics on a cold, drizzly Melbourne winter day. 😎
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