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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Those are all winners! Love the Eagle Rare and 1792. I’ve only had the Redwood Empire Rye which was very good.
  2. They are actual yacht crew as they have to be licensed . Because of their gaining popularity some are asked to do other shows.
  3. Nice thing is that I have many friends from the class of 1974 that I still keep in contact with. Thanks Joe! I would run after you but probably would trip and fall. 😁 Have a great time. I always have fun at our reunions.
  4. Long story but I am one of the older members of my class as I took 3rd grade over. Why? We moved to a new house in the middle of the year. The school district I came from used the old math method. The new district used new modern math teaching. Even though I did ok my teacher talked to my parents about taking third grade over to firmly grasp the concepts. My parents asked if I was ok with it. Not knowing any better I said sure. The one advantage it did give me besides understanding math better was when I got to high school I was one of the first to get my drivers license thus making me very popular. I guess it was better to be one of the older members of my class than one of the youngest.
  5. Yes time does fly. Hard to believe next year we will have our high school 50 year reunion. Thank you Bonnie! I hope you and Jack are doing well.
  6. Only thing more perfect would be a Perfect Day at Coco Cay! Thanks Jennifer. Thank you Judy! I always dread going to DMV. Thank you Debbie! I told Linda not to get me anything as I considered my trip to Hilton Head my birthday present but she and Jonathan wanted to give me an iPad as she says I spend too much time looking at the small screen of my oPhone squinting when I looking at this thread.
  7. Thank you all very much for the birthday wishes. You are way too kind to me. Turning 68 is weird. I am now in the category of youngster at heart but my body tells me otherwise. I guess it’s all downhill now. Good thing is that I have 6 cruises booked so those will hopefully keep me young. Had a fun day. Slept in and then had lunch at my favorite taco joint growing up. In-a-Tub. I’ve been going there for over 60 years. They are famous for their tacos which consist of meat and cheese clamped into a tortilla shell and then deep fried so the cheese and meat melt together. Then the shells are unclamped and lettuce and get this, powdered cheese is added. It’s definitely an acquired taste. But I love them. Then tiki shopping at a high end bar and liquor supply store. They have a very big selection of high end and hard to find rums. I picked up a couple of Ed Hamilton’s rums which are very good. His zombie blend is the best. Makes it so you don’t have to blend several runs together. Jonathan came over and we went to a famous steakhouse here in KC, Jess and Jim’s. They have great steaks and their prices don’t break the bank. 8oz filet, loaded baked potato and salad for $45. Of course I had to have an old fashioned. Steak was delicious and cooked perfectly at medium rare. For presents Linda and Jonathan got me a new iPad and a political gag gift that I can not show here for fear of having to play monopoly. All in all a great day thanks to all of you who took the time to wish me a happy birthday. I am extremely blessed and grateful for all of you. Cheers! the older dog.
  8. I know you wouldn’t. You are a true gentleman. I just thought it was funny. Great to hear from you. We have missed you. Sorry to hear you were ill but very happy you are on the mend. Get well soon Pat.
  9. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved Oliver. It always pains me that our fury family members can not live as long as us. Please know that in the short time you loved Oliver he had a lifetime of love, joy and happiness from you. Rest well Oliver.
  10. When I was in Tokyo for a week that’s what I noticed too. Spotless everywhere. The other thing I was impressed with were the subways. The areas and subway cars were so clean. Even more so with all the people when a subway car came into a stop and the doors opened everyone was orderly in exiting and entering. Everyone was so respectful of each other. Americans could learn a thing or two by visiting this wonderful country with its people and culture.
  11. I am so sorry to hear about Dave’s kidney stone. I had one and it was the worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. Please tell him I am thinking about him and wishing him a successful lithotripsy and relief. I guess you can really celebrate your birthday on Explorer. We wish we were with you. Much love to you and Dave, Greg and Linda
  12. And I heard the real life Martha is considering suing the producer/writer saying a lot of it is untrue. I don’t think she stands a chance but they may settle out of court.
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