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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Love your photos. Looks like a great celebration of Christmas. We have no plans. Linda is doing good after shoulder surgery. I am doing ok with my new knee. Going to be taking it easy for awhile now. Wishing you a very happy New Year.
  2. Yes I hope so too. I am trying to be a good nurse but I’m still hurting and now my leg is doing the restless leg syndrome which is not fun. Still need to work on my stamina but we are getting there. Have a great time and have a cocktail for me! Cheers !!
  3. Thanks for asking she’s doing pretty good. The nerve block is starting to wear off so her pain is starting to creep in. Hardest part is sleeping as she had to sleep upright. Hopefully it will get better. Have a great time and safe travels wished for you guys. I’m excited to hear all about your adventures.
  4. Rats missed it. Hopefully I can find it online. So far she’s good but I think the nerve block hasn’t worn off. It will be interesting to see what kind of pain she is in after it wears off.
  5. Thanks Andrew. Lots of puppy kisses last night when we got home. Thanks Debbie . I’m hoping once the nerve block wears off today her pain will not be too bad. And THANK YOU!!! for dedication and sacrifice you do as a nurse and healthcare provider. You are hero’s in my eye. I know it’s tough when you miss out on family time while working on Christmas. Linda’s cousin is a radiologist and he had to work Christmas Day. or now until next year! Thank you Graham!
  6. We are home. Long day as I went home after they took her back to the OR so I could let the dogs out. They said the surgery would last a little over 2 hours. I came back after 2 hours and sat for another hour before they called and said she is in recovery. She had some pain so they gave her something and she fell back asleep for another 2 hours.discharged her about 6:30pm. So I’m tired. Got her situated with ice machine. It’s nice as they use the same one for my knee so all we had to do is purchase the shoulder harness so that’s nice. Hopefully she gets through the night ok.
  7. Yes. I don’t think she will be throwing any 100mph fastballs anytime soon but with therapy she will get back a lot of her range of motion.
  8. Thanks Sue! She’s in recovery. Surgery went well repaired torn rotator, torn labrum and shaved off some bone spurs on her collarbone. She won’t be feeling great for awhile but she will get better and be able to move her arm better.
  9. You nailed it!! Thanks I’m in the waiting room now and they should be finishing up. Said it would be a two hour surgery.
  10. I’ve heard it. I watch their podcast on YouTube. A lot of it is just talk and that’s it. Jason talked about retiring last year and didn’t. Travis still has passion for the game. I’ll believe he’s ready to retire when he actually calls the news conference.
  11. Great picture. What a wonderful gift. Thank you Graham. Thank you Andrew! Thank you Val. Thanks Pat. Those pictures look amazing. Stay warm. Thank you. Nothing like pets and Christmas. Thank you and Linda is looking forward to that. Thank you so much! Thanks George!
  12. I was worried about the Raiders. They are better than their record. I did not think the Chiefs would implode like they did. Receivers, O Line and even Mahomes played awful. Kelcie is playing tired and his head is not into the game as you can imagine why. I am surprised to see the top tier teams lose. The Super Bowl is up for grabs by any team.
  13. Busy day today as it’s surgery day for Linda. I’ll get caught up later. We had a great Christmas even though my stamina was not great. I wanted to post this video from Christmas morning. As you can assume Lizzy and Charlie love Christmas morning with all the paper, bows and boxes. Here was one hilarious moment when Charlie tackles with a box.
  14. Merry Christmas my dear cruising friends. I…. Mean Santa has come and once again spoils us all with his love for us. Going to be a joyous day?
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