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Posts posted by Viv0828

  1. I would be sure that both the home office and whoever is handling the problem locally have your phone number, email addy, and address where you're staying, so they can contact you and/or deliver the missing items.

  2. Rental cars are generally very cheap in Fort Lauderdale. You might prefer one so you can easily put your purchases in the car instead of lugging them around with you while you shop. Just a thought.

  3. International shipping costs are quite high and I would only ship a box to or from a foreign country by Fed Ex or UPS. You also need to fill out customs forms that are a pain. Our experiences with international shipping using the USPS have not been positive.

  4. But why waste money on something they might throw away instead of just giving them the money you would have spent to buy the item? You know they won't throw the money away. That is what I don't understand. :confused:



    Perhaps you are not sentimental but some crew members may actually appreciate a small token of a guest's appreciation along with their cash tip?

  5. We are Americans and we have never taken a ship's excursion. In fact, we have only taken s few private excursions as we are avid DIYers.


    When we find another couple from the USA to go with us in a port they are frequently uncomfortable and anxious to return to the ship. When we do a port with a foreign couple they are clearly more comfortable.


    So I definitely agree with the OP's generalization.

  6. I too think the most appropriate tip is cash. But I see nothing wrong with adding a small gift to that. If the room steward or waiter doesn't want it, there probably is another crew member that does. If not, there are plenty of trash bins around.

  7. We were chatting with a crew member who was going home soon. He mentioned that he would be looking for particular toys for his kids at the next port.


    Unfortunately, he was unable to leave the ship so we checked around and found and bought the toys for him. It was kinda fun since our kids are grown. Anyway, he was happy to get them.


    I know I personally prefer $$ or gift cards myself unless the person doing the giving knows exactly what I want.

  8. We carry so much electronic gear that we really don't have room for books or a couple of kindles. We use the kindle app on our iPhones. I make the print a comfortable size and with the backlit screen, reading is easy. We have about 350 books that we have read/still need to read. We have a mixture of current books that we paid for and classics that are free.

  9. We often purchase small (usually about 85 ml or 3.5 ounces) souvenir bottles of liquor as gifts. Since we only take carry on luggage they go into a quart Baggie. Never had a problem.

  10. When we cruise with our adult son who has money management issues, we pay for his cruise, flight, pre cruise hotel, excursions, and tips plus we give him a specific amount of money at the beginning of the cruise.


    He used to spend everything we gave him plus a good chunk more (his to deal with) but now he generally goes home with more than he came with.

  11. We have never taken a ship's tour. We don't care to spend a day with 50 brand new best friends. Lol!


    We have taken a few private tours with one or two other couples if we think DIY would be difficult.


    Mostly we read up on each port, decide what we would like to see and do, and hire a cab or use public transportation and do it!!

  12. The only symptom of altitude sickness I had in the Machu Picchu area was a headache and some alleve dealt with that. We hiked up to the Gate of the Sun with no problems.


    On our way to Colca Canyon we went through a pass at 16,000 feet and I either passed out or fell asleep in the car on the way there. On the way back, no problems.


    I was in my mid sixties. Clearly, folks are affected differently.

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