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Everything posted by curlerguy

  1. A packaged muffin. Yummy. Welcome back to reality.
  2. We will be in Dubrovnik on our anniversary. The ship doesn't leave port until 8:00 so we thought that we would like to go to a nice restaurant to celebrate. The only trick is that my wife doesn't eat seafood. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
  3. A very generous offer from the parish to pick you up for mass. We have been lucky twice while on celebrity to have a vacationing priest onboard who said Sunday mass. Kudos to you for making the effort to go to Sunday mass. My wife’s aunt who is a nun says that you can get a “bye” while on vacation although I know that she would never use that bye.
  4. So $170 plus $65 for wine plus $20% gratuity. That’s over $560 for a couple. It better be one heck of a meal.
  5. I took clubs once on a cruise and stored them in the cabin. What a pain. They take too much room. It wasn’t worth the aggravation to play one round. If there is somewhere else on the ship to store them then maybe but I won’t do it again.
  6. We are on the Zaandam now and had a 1:20 boarding time in Montreal. We showed up shortly after noon and basically walked right on the ship.
  7. Would a Black Russian be covered as one drink?
  8. Perfect. Thanks. Maybe us two old farts with luggage in tow will walk it if the weather cooperates. Looking forward to the rest of your review!
  9. We are staying at the Embassy Suites pre cruise In September. Is it walkable to the pier or is a taxi advisable?
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