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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. I can't see it either. Both Laptop and phone show a big, blank screen. It must be written in invisible ink.😉
  2. For sure. There is no way I ever want to go through that procedure & have done a complete 180 when it comes to taking care of my teeth. I might have become borderline OCD when it comes to flossing, brushing etc & make sure I go for my regular cleanings & check-ups. One good thing is I got approval from the insurance company for 4 cleanings per year, every 3 months. That lasted until I changed insurance companies & it went back to standard 2 free cleanings per year. However, I still go for 4 & just pay the additional 2 out of pocket. It's worth it to me
  3. It was painful. Upper gums both sides had the flap surgery & lower gums had the root scaling, which I guess they call deep cleaning now. 4 separate appointments, one for each quadrant spread out over 3 months, I think. This was over 10 years ago, maybe closer to 15. But I also had gingivitis. When my dentist first mentioned the deep cleaning to me, I said I would thing about it & maybe at my next appointment in 6 months I would make a decision. But I developed a nasty gum infection before the appointment. In your case, if everything is fine, it sounds like you don't "need" it but if insurance approves, it sounds like it won't hurt either, other than sensitive gums for a few days after. But I might follow @Jimbo advice & wait until after your cruise, just to be safe. Also, I loved my former dentist. He had a very conservative approach - the old, it it ain't broke, don't fix it attitude. When he was ready to retire & sell his half of the practice, he spent a year until he found someone with the same approach he & his partner had. Bonus is she is much younger & easier on the eyes and has the same conservative approach. No upselling at all.
  4. My understanding is that deep cleaning as a preventive measure is when you have signs of the first stages of gum disease. If everything is fine, you probably don't need it. In my case, I did have early signs of gum disease & hesitated with the deep cleaning - i think it was called tooth scaling or root scaling - until it was too late & I needed more extensive gum surgery. I won't give details as it's gross but google gum flap surgery.
  5. I agree with all the others, this is not a minor issue. It's now a safety issue in addition to being a health issue so you don't have to worry about being "that" kind of passenger (the demanding kind). You have shown incredible patience in trying to come up with a temporary work around & should be comped a bottle of wine or lunch in Chops for your understanding so far. Hope it gets resolved soon.
  6. Got a little bit more than a dusting of snow, maybe 2-3 inches of light fluffy stuff. The sun was bright & strong so most of the driveway and half of the sidewalk was already melted by the time I went out. Decided to let Mother Nature finish the job so I came back inside to read CC. 🙂
  7. Hold on sec, is that really Bella's mom posting? This whole time I thought it was Bella's dad in disguise, wearing a wig and evening gown, trying to stay on his best behavior. lol
  8. My feelings as well. I was hesitant to say something as I didn't want to ruffle feathers so I'm glad you did but there is a cliquish behavior that just doesn't appeal to me. Part of the reason why I don't check in as often as I once did. Exactly, It seems like I'm be skipping over pages at a time only to miss a valid post that I see later in a quoted reply. I feel like I'm eavesdropping on a personal conversation sometimes. But hey, that's the point internet forums, plenty of conversations for people to choose to follow. I'll still check it out from time to time.
  9. I hate when that happens. 🤣 Is there any drama over on the WC thread? I haven't check in on it since they went around the cape. Started to get a little........mundane, for lack of a better word. Edit: Strictly my opinion, of course. I'm sure its not mundane for those on the cruise or avid WC followers.
  10. Thanks! I missed the Barbenheimer craze last summer. I finally caught the Barbie movie on MAX this past January & now I'll watch Oppenheimer this weekend. Then I'll finally be caught up on my summer viewing. Just finished "Who is Erin Carter?" as well
  11. So sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. My mother had a long battle with Alzheimer's too. Awful disease , I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
  12. Fortunately, , this storm is staying to the south of me. Only a minor dusting tonight. Enjoy the stay at home snow day, at least the mailboxes will be safe 😉😇
  13. It's a very enjoyable movie. I watched "13 Lives" on Prime, the true story about the boys soccer team that was trapped in a cave for 18 days when it was flooded in Thailand. Movie had some interesting details related to the rescue attempt that I either forgot or didn't know about. Don't want to say too much more as to not ruin it for anybody.
  14. Yes, on my phone. Just 1 ad about halfway down each page. Not on my laptop. Yet. EDIT: And on the main board as well. Halfway down the page, nestled between threads.
  15. Just to clarify, you mean you don't know anyone personally in RI that posts here on CC? The state is well represented here by several posters. 🙂
  16. Better hope that Kelce is not traded to the New England Patriots, otherwise Taylor might take it off the market and move in with Travis! 😉
  17. Mostly joking but wondering if maybe they need to send out the the unsent notifications first before the system "resets" to be current. That's just my retired IT brain coming back to life Hopeful thinking, i know.
  18. That was my thinking as well. Also my thinking as well. I'm a light sleeper & a late riser, i.e. not a morning person.🙂 But if the dog is barking at midnight, I'm okay with it. 😉
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