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Everything posted by HBE4

  1. I love Gouda cheese so I will! I'll need to find a substitute for blue cheese, it's one of the few cheeses I don't like.
  2. I'm going to need a nap after that "nap". πŸ˜‡
  3. That's my issue as well. Being a night owl, I'll sleep in sometimes. What's crazy though is that the few times I do make the MDR for breakfast, there is always a wait to get in and a long line of people trudging in as they are trying to close. Maybe they need more staff to handle the crowd and transition to lunch? Otherwise, it's a combination of Windjammer, 1 day of MDR (if lucky) and when available: Park Cafe/270, Solarium Bistro and Johnny Rockets. And treat ourselves to room service once per cruise.
  4. No, at least not yet. We attempted to go one day last week but both of us had hectic days & were running late & were both starving. So the choice became go to the movies hungry or go out to dinner. We choose dinner. Which was the right choice. The pub we went to had something called the 25/75 Blended Burger. It's a burger with the bacon and cheese mixed INTO the burger meat, hence the name - 75% ground beef & 25% bacon/cheese mix. ** Mind Blown **. But wait - it's topped with even MORE bacon and cheese. Food coma followed. Yummy goodness. Sorry, no pictures.
  5. About 45 minutes after the casino closes & 30 minutes after Sorrento’s closes.
  6. Great news Lenny. Unfortunately, I'll be taking a road trip later this week & will miss the game. I did attend several in person a few years ago. It's great fun to watch those guys out on the field, enjoying themselves & goofing around. Makes for a long day though.
  7. No worries, if you are watching the pennies, the dollars take care of themselves. Supposedly Ben Franklin said that. There also is "Penny wise, pound foolish" but I like Ben's quote better,
  8. Not me. Also missed that MillerCoors is now MolsonCoors. As you said earlier, it's tough to keep up.
  9. That's how I always do when quoting just a portion of a post. Like now. πŸ‘ Much easier on computer with mouse. I have a hard time on my phone with my fat, fumble fingers. 😁
  10. It's hard to keep track of which breweries are owned by whom as different brands are sold, purchased, co-owned, distributed by another ,etc Pretty sure 97% of the beers in the world is owned by one of three companies.
  11. Tecate ("It's not beer, its' cervaza" is their slogan) is a fine, easy drinking Mexican beer that is sometimes can be found in Boleros. Never saw it in Sabor or Rita's Catina back in the day. Always found that to be odd. Owned by Heineken.
  12. Paper/Plastic plates vs China. I prefer China. It's not fine china but whatever someone gave us. Probably whatever was on sale from Macy's or Kohls or some other big dept store. The reason I prefer China is that if I use Paper/Plastic, it takes too long to fill up the dishwasher which will begin to smell after a bit (I know, over sharing again). Only use plastic at outdoor picnics. Plus, I feel like I'm being environmentally friendly by not using disposable paper plates. Although some tell me the amount of water & electricty a dishwasher uses is not environmentally friendly either. I always heard a dishwasher uses less water than hand washing but then again, that's the dishwasher manufactures say that so.....
  13. Always a big debate in my family. Consensus is Over. Having said that, I guess I'm bi-TP as I can operate the toilet paper whether it's over or under. I hope that's not over-sharingπŸ˜‡πŸ˜
  14. I hear ya. Since there are a few others also offering helpful suggestions on how people should post, I was going to chime in with a few of my own as well. Three times I wrote a few "helpful hints" but before hitting the submit button, I read back what I wrote and seemed snobbish & unfriendly. I thought I would appear rude lecturing someone how they should post . Plus, it's not my place to tell someone what and how they write. Everyone has their own personality and writing style and that's fine. Really, the only rules needed are the CC rules which are: keeping it clean, no solicitation and no bullying or harassing of a poster no matter how subtle that may be (subtle being the key word). Usual disclaimers apply: IMHO and YMMV. If anyone disagrees, that's fine. My feelings won't be hurt. Life is Good and posting/reading posts here is fun. πŸ™‚ P.S. - none of this is directed at you personally. I was just using your 2 posts as a jumping off point for my rant.
  15. Funny, I think the fact the pool side big screen TV doesn't work is kinda an upgrade. 😊.
  16. Whenever I travel, both in the US and abroad, I'm always on the lookout for whatever local beer is available that I normally would not have access to.
  17. There is none. i can pretty much drink any kind of beer. Lagers, Ales, Pilners, IPA, Porters, etc. Half the time I'm not even sure which "style" of beer I'm drinking I just know some are good and some are not., whether it's from a big brewery or small brewery, import or domestic, etc. The only beers I really do not like are the fruity ones that sound like they should be a pancake syrup. The maple blueberry ales or chocolate coffee lagers. The only exception is summer brews. A small amount of lime or lemon is acceptable. Having said all that, I get bored drinking the same beer after awhile so I'm always looking for a new taste. And the small craft breweries fulfill that niche. But I agree with you, a lot of craft brews are crap. They get too creative with the recipes trying to set themselves apart and end up ruining what should be a good beer. And most craft beers are still made/owned by the big mega-breweries that produce 90%+ of the beer made. To a real purist, you won't find a true craft beer on a ship or large resort as technically speaking, it's produced in low volumes micro-breweries.
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