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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. From time to time, I am reminded on Social Media that my opinion is NOT based on actual experience on the Oceania Brand. Yet, when I write a post, I always keep that in mind. I can talk about my pre-cruise experience because that is reality to me. I can talk about what I read from a standpoint of learning more about the brand and potential experience. The real reason I engage with this Oceania Blog is the same reason I did previously on other brand blogs. I have a goal to enhance my cruise vacation experience for my family and the guest that join us. Yet always have "Realistic Expectations". Just like rating a restaurant or entre item, it is all relative to what you have experienced in the past. Enhancing your next cruise experience is the same situation. What works for me, may not work for you. Yet we both want the same outcome of enhancement. When I was looking at other brands, I had a list of things I liked and did not like about past cruising experience. Not one of them was crazy important by itself however they did make a positive and negative effect overall. Then I started looking a brands. Fun exercise and not as easy as one might think. Cruise marketing departments make everything sound perfect. The folks that actually go on the cruise, bring in the reality. Here “some yet not all” area’s I wanted to improve: Soft Drinks in the Stateroom: For whatever reason, I thought cruise brands should simply provide sodas and waters in your stateroom. So many of the mainstream brands had these items as a “For Sale” item. Never made sense to me. It gave me the feeling I was being nickel and dimed whenever possible. I look to reduce that feeling if I can. Specialty Coffee: I love good coffee and on a vacation love specialty coffee. Some brands, even in their premium VIP sections charge for Specialty Coffee. Why not just charge more fare and include it. You are on vacation, a really nice barista should be part of the experience. Drink Programs: So many mainstream brands have a rule. If one person of legal age in the stateroom has an adult drinking package, all have too. With the addition of “SimplyMore”, everyone has the standard “Wine/Beer” at Lunch and Dinner. However, if you want to upgrade to the Prestige Unlimited Wine, Beer, and Spirits plan, one of the two people in the cabin can do it alone. You are not forced to have everyone upgrade. The downside is you have to present your stateroom card when ordering a drink. I can live with this. I know it might be petty but I also like if I have a drink package, I can have a drink delivered to my stateroom under the rules of the package I have. Other brands charge you for the drink even if you have a package. Specialty Restaurants Included in the Fare: My past experience was having specialty restaurants was an extra cost. Some brands would give you two specialty restaurants with their promotion. Others would not. I never quite understood that. Yet even when Oceania claims the specialty restaurants are included in the fare, space availability after the initial reservations (One reservation for each specialty restaurant on the ship) limits the guest. Unless they are in a Penthouse or higher category when your butler can serve you in-suite from those same specialty restaurants. To some, that brings the “Class” aspect of cruising back which so many really find distasteful. Still, I enjoy knowing the specialty restaurants are part of the fare. Spa Amenities: Things like sauna’s, steam rooms and heated tile lounge chairs usually are only available if you have an expensive spa treatment or pay extra for special daily access. Having these items are important to me and glad it comes with the fare. To some, this provides no value. Again, all relative. Personalized Treatment for Everyone: Remember, my experience is when in the VIP sections of a Mainstream Cruise Brand, the personalized service is far superior then when you leave the area. I craved a brand where once you left your stateroom, everyone was treated the same way. The expectation was not for folks to fall over backwards for me, just no complaints that things were different outside of the stateroom selected. My point in all this was these six plus items and a few more are important to enhancing MY experience. Therefore, I looked for brands that provided them. Then I drilled down on the brand to find the one brand I wanted to consider. My choice for my cruise in November 2023 was Oceania. After that cruise, I will evaluate the total experience and consider Oceania or open my future options to other brands. The one aspect of being new to a brand is you have no past experience of that brand to consider. That is why we new folks to the brand, ask questions and read the brand blogs. The more we research the better sense we gain of what could be expected. It is instantly clear, it will NOT be perfect, things will go wrong, it will NOT be the be all/end all “Best of the Best” experience. However, that is not how I started this post. My emphasis is enhancement based on my past personal experience, not anyone else’s. That is why when I read from the faithful that the dining used to be better in the past, I would not know. All I hope is it is better than my past on other brands. If it is and some of the other items are improvements, I book the brand again. The proof is in the pudding or as some have said so well, the “Oceania Cookies”. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. @rattla I know @McGarrett5oh will address your question on a direct response. I am share some thoughts on my own. My career was based on the study of the "Luxury Client". What makes them tick. How are their needs different for other clients. Is it all about money or having lots of it. Is it all about something else. Something that is available with or without great wealth. What did these clients crave more than anything. It was a very interesting part of my career and one that was eye opening. The simple answer was surprisingly, "Time". Luxury clients valued time over money. Where I often say, my quest is to "Enhance my Cruising Experience". A true Luxury Client says, "My Cruising Experience will be Enhanced by the best use of my time." A GREAT butler will uncover what is the most important thing they can do to provide you with the experience you are looking for. My needs and your needs might be different so it takes more than a Tuxedo to be great as a Butler. If I pay a premium, for a suite, in a special exclusive area on a ship with a butler, I have different expectation focused on my maximum enjoyment of my time. Example, when I leave me suite, I want my stateroom cleaned. A good butler is on that. To help them, sometimes I will give them my schedule which takes time create however I know it will enhance my experience. If the butler does not utilize the tool I provided, it makes me say, "Why even have this premium benefit if it is so standardized that personalized service is not part of it." The alternative is when I am in a regular stateroom, it seems every time I come back to the stateroom, the room steward is cleaning my room. I rarely have an issue with that because it is just the way it is. No premium paid so personalized service is not on the table. When the time spent creating assistance for your butler is not respected or utilized by that butler, you are disappointed. If every request, even the simple ones are a "NO", vs let me find a way to work this out for you, you are disappointed. If the butler is happy not to find ways to create personalized delight because they are just over worked, it is disappointment. That is when folks say, "We had a butler but rarely used them." What they should have said was, "We had a butler but they really did not uncovers ways to enhance our journey." Training helps however one would expect that a Butler, in a VIP area of a cruise line, would have had all the training needed to effectively do their job. So the need for training is an excuse to cut the brand some slack. If you pay the premium, you expect the service. Simple as that. This was my take and I still have faith that NCL and other brands can find a way to make the benefit of a real butler enhance their guest experience. I look forward to the day when the "Butler Letter" is completely unneeded. That would be a good day. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. @McGarrett5oh Egin was on Crystal Cruises, not Oceania just as a clarification. I could not agree with you more on the Training issue. Also, it seems, even when a brand is in the same company, it is as if they don't talk or leverage each other. That is kind of a shame and not very efficient. On the technology, yep, a little bit of explanation can go a long, long way. A side note, on the Luxury and Ultra-Luxury lines/brands, the Butlers have less staterooms and most of their duties are focused on the guest. On NCL, Celebrity and other Mainstream Brands, the butlers have a lot more cabins and especially on day one are doing things outside the clients personalized needs. I hope we cruise together sometime soon, we both like the same things. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. @McGarrett5oh You write and explain things so well. You were fair and balanced. Thank you for taking the time. The creation of the Butler Letter should never have been needed. Like most things, it just happened. It all started with several butlers, on Mainstream Cruise brand, in the VIP area's like the Haven and Retreat. The Butlers were all very nice but they were also Hit/Miss. My goal was to control the best I could to gain more hits. Everything in my cruising life focuses on enhancing my vacation experience. For me, the improvement was immediate. All I could ask for really, enhancement. THEN something happened that I rarely talk about. I went on a cruise in a smaller ship, in the Luxury Category in a Penthouse Suite with a butler. His name was Egin. It became instantly clear that the quality of crew members, personalized service, and enhanced experience was indeed possible. The service went from somewhat generic, to very personalized. I gave Egin a Butler Letter and he was initially confused. Instead of opening it and reading it, he smiled warmly at me while saying, "Mr. Gary, would it be alright if I share some of my services with you and how all the technology works in the suite?" "I would also like to make you a drink to enjoy during my presentation. Is that OK?" That is when I realized that their was a difference in quality for butlers. Remember, he had not even opened the Butler Letter yet. I sat down with my lovely bride, he got me a Vodka on the rocks and my wife a glass of white wine. I started to relax knowing I was in good hands. When his 15 minute presentation was over, he left. Five minutes later, a knock at the door. Egin had my letter open and said, "This is the first time in 15 years anyone has ever written a letter like this for me. It makes my job so much easier. There is no need to have provided a tip but it is very much appreciated. Here is a bottle of your favorite Vodka and a bottle of wine for your wife. Thank you for taking the time to communicate with me like this". That week was luxury at its best and mostly because of Egin. This experience changed the wording and reduced the complexity of future butler letters. My next cruise will be on Oceania Cruises, a sister brand to NCL. Oceania is Premium-Plus/Luxury as a category. I will report back on my experiences. Again, thank you so much for taking the time and doing your review so well. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. Anyone that loves cruising, loves when a new brand enters the cruising space. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to create a new brand, in the Cruise Industry. Then add a world virus that affects all aspects of the industry from building, supply chains and recruiting. Virgin Cruises wanted to make cruising different. Some of their idea's were great others needed some evolutions. Yet many years ago, when I heard Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collections was entering the Ultra-Luxury Space, I was flat out excited. After all, it is the "Ritz". Iconic, well known and funded. At the time, I did what I always do, I did a deep dive. It was introduced, the ships had not even been built or close to built yet. The Leadership Team was in place, the business model was outlined, and the ships were designed pre-production. They wanted to attract those affluents guests that had never cruised before as their main client foundational base. Loyal Ritz Carlton Hotel guests vs. Ultra-Luxury Cruise enthusiasts. I was the latter so not their target market. At the time, the telephone representatives had a lovely accent, sounded professional at first glance. However, the email correspondence when you made an inquiry was generic pages. It was a bored marketing person that created pages of things that never quite locked into any part of the cruise experience clearly. The emails were addressed to someone other then me which showed a cut and paste approach. That was NOT a characteristic of Ritz the brand. I was not impressed. So I wrote the CEO, Mr. Douglas Prothero. To my surprise, Mr. Prothero's administrative assistant called me and arranged a telephone call with Mr. Prothero. After that call, I knew, Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection would be a great success. It would have growing pains for sure. Yet it would be a home run. I was so impressed with Mr. Prothero and his vision, experience and enthusiasm. I was not easy on him, I let him know my experience with the communication of his representatives was underwhelming. He handled it and me like a true professional. I have read most all the posts on CruiseCritic.com and other sites relating to the Ritz brand. It is starting to become very, very positive. They seem to be listening to the guests, handling the issues, realizing what is working and not. That is the sign of an iconic brand. So congratulations to the Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection, to all the guest that wanted to be some of the first, to those guest that make post/video's for the rest of us to learn from. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  6. @Wavedance Sorry this happened to you. It could have happened to me or anyone else. It is clear you have cruised many times before. The stories of the Cruise Brands Medical Cost are legendary. The Covid virus has made it even worse. That is why, no matter what we all do, getting sick or hurt on a cruise is a concern that needs to be planned to be resolve. This issue in excessive cost is not an Oceania Cruise exclusive situation as some have clearly outlined. It is an industry issue. Again, if you have ever cruised, you know this could happen to all of us. If you don't know, this posting/thread should make you aware of it now. I might of missed it but I did not see any reference to Cruise Travel Insurance from the author. My experience was my son got sick on an excursion recently. He could not fully take in air. We went to the ship hospital, he had some test and the cost for 90 minutes was just at $1,000.00. When the cruise was over, I sent in the receipt to the cruise insurance company and it was paid in 15 business days. In a different situations, 8 days prior to a cruise, my wife got covid. I was going to lose $4,500.00 in cancelations fees. I sent in the documentation and was fully reimbursed in 12 business days. Someone said that their cruise insurance needed some sort of pre-authorization prior to payment. That was not the case for my policy or insurance company. The bottom line is, all the cruise hospitals gives you is a very detailed bill. Then they charge your credit card on your account. The do not call the company because it is you or I that have to pay them. In my situations, what I did not do is blame the cruise line, the ship hospitals or the level of expense. I could have, maybe I should have because even though I had coverage, I was still frustrated. However, that would not get me whole financially. I have cruise for decades, it is what it is and we all knew the rules upfront. It made it a lot easier when I was made whole financially. The expense was not the issue as was the loss of part of our vacation. I know my opinion here will NOT be popular. It is always so much easier to blame a brand, regardless of the brand for these kinds of situation. Call the brand a ripoff, or unfair. It feels better to let out our emotions especially if the money is a complete loss to my pocket book, the cruise was negatively effected when this happens, and I felt completely out of control. None of this was caused by the brand, people get sick, hospitals charge to much and insurance is here for a reason. Again, I would not want this type of situation to happen to anyone. But we all know the rules to the game. Make sure you cover your bets if not now, in the future. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. This will be my last post in this thread. If you have a specific question, ask it using @Sthrngary so I know you had a question. Social media shows only screen names for a reason. Just the rules to the game. However, many members can be rude, short, hateful and extraordinarily opinionated. Yes trolls exist even on CruiseCritic.com. When on a Brands Blog, the faithful can be very protective or surprisingly hateful to their brand. Know this when reading and commenting. Don't think one person's opinion is the foundation of that brand or experience. Take everything folks say with a grain of salt including what I say. Use common business sense. Never think your vacation experience will be perfect. Never think if you plan a lot as I do, you will handle ALL the issues that will happen. The best approach is what I call "Realistic Expectations". After your first cruise whether Carnival Cruises or Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, you will either love or hate cruising. Go in to it with a positive attitude and stay flexibly. If you like this stream and the effort I put into giving you the answers you requested, honor my work this way. Be kind with your comments here on CruiseCritic.com. Always attempt to take the highroad. When you read the same member, saying yet again how awful a brand is to them, remember, others have a different opinion and why are they on the brand blog for a long time if they hate it so much. Just know, people are funny when no one knows who they really are. Don't play into that, always be kind. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. The more on am on this Oceania Blog, the more we all learn about each others styles of writing, commenting and debating. We are each unique in our approach especially for social media. I find it very interesting. Some folks are somewhat critical always calling out the brand for one thing or another. Yet for some reason, stay with the brand. Kind of like correction ones children. I can do that for my kids but you keep your words to yourself. Other are very direct and in your face. Other only focus on the good like everything thing is perfect with the brand. This also is just as good information but just a bit to unrealistic. A balanced review, comment or focus knowing not brand is perfect in every way is most folks. I would ask the long time faithful of Oceania to understand the effect that purely negatives comments have for those newly interested future clients. Play fair, be balanced and if you have huge issue, tell the brand since only they can fix it. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. @FlyerTalker So I expanded your signature and read all your quotes. I loved them. Especially the quote from "Dirty Harry". Look, the world is a confusing place. Especially on travel. We all get locked in to our belief systems. Human nature. Sometimes we are right and can prove it. Sometimes we are wrong but would rather fight than lose the debate. All any of us can do it share what we have a certain level of expertise in. You obviously know Flying/Air travel. You also have taken the time to express your views using math and an algorithm. I am NOT a very smart man but this is what I do know. When my 31 year old daughter calls me on the phone and is crying she does not understand, investing, money management, creating increased wealth and begs me for help, I give it to her. I have spent hours days and weeks giving her how to approach this part of her life. I put it in writing, excel spreadsheet, links to smart people. Why, because she was crying, upset and I felt she wanted to improve here outcomes. The work is well documents, researched verified, and confirmed. My daughter would never know all that, because she never reviews it. Now take other topics that I have done the same thing and effort for her. Why do I always do all this work for her, she is my child, my daughter my blood. Every time the tears are gone and my efforts are wasted. What I learned? Share your idea, do your debate, always be kind and nice knowing that that is the best approach. Never think any part of your effort will be appreciated. Not the way this whole human thing tends to work for me at least. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. The topic of Visa's for Turkey has been shared, debated, rehashed and discussed many times. The website has been disclosed many times on this Oceania thread. I used to do some documentation for a Florida Company I owned some years ago. Every year, I would get a email that looked important and official. It would charge me $250.00 to do a easy online document with a fee of $50.00. "Let the Buyer Beware". When I originally booked my Oceania cruise, I booked the Athens, Greece Pre-Cruise Hotel with Oceania. That was over a year ago. I did it for conveniences. As time went on, I got the idea, to simply look/check at the cost of booking the same hotel direct, refundable. The cost was almost half. I was not upset with Oceania, they made an offer, I found it better doing it myself. No hard feelings. Just business. "Let the Buyer Beware". I asked my Travel Agent about it and she said, "Some folks just don't want to do the due diligence you do Gary. They just want it all done for them." I fully understand and respect that. The question on the table is, "Is Oceania attempting to take advantage of the ill informed or those that just want it done for them?" No business stays in business with the strategy of messing around with their customers. If client think the business is not professional in their approach, always attempting to rip them off, simply go elsewhere. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. OK, so here is the bottom line. Credit Card Exclusive Perks: Call your credit card company and see what cruise perks that have if any. The best part of a great credit card is leveraging every single dollar of value. Whether travel related, insurance lost prevention or any other perk they have that they owe you. Travel Agencies or Agents: If the agency provides perk, separate from Oceania or your credit card, by all means leverage them. Worth the due diligence to provide some value for your vacation. Oceania: If sales come up, and you can gain a better deal, upgrade or any value. Check to see what will benefit you and if the rules are you can't do credit card perks and cruise brand perks, do the math. We all win when we are educated consumers. We all win when we ask and re-ask questions. We all win when we debate how to gain the vest value. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. When I originally, booked my Oceana cruise, I asked if they provided the American Express platinum card perks. I was told by the Oceana telephone agent, no. I’m not sure of the information I got was not correct based on your post, or like so many other things it could go either way. So I booked directly with my travel agent and was given $300 on board credit that was based on me having an American Express platinum card. When I had my agent call of Oceana to see if I can get the extraordinary sales event, I was able to do so but this took away the American Express perk of the onboard credit. In that case I saved $1800 on the sale, and gave back 300 of onboard credit. Fair deal. I hope all that makes sense. Cruise well and enjoy every moment
  13. @ak1004 The AMX platinum card has cruise perks when you book through AMX travel or a cruise travel agent that participates in the AMX cruise perk program. All cruise brands are different as it relates to the perks given. One needs to make sure the agent is part of the program when mine was. Almost every cruise I have gone on, I got the obc. Not an agency gift, tied to my AMX. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. Hello All: History, a few months ago I got a Oceania Perk on my American Express Platinum. I do believe as someone said those are targeted. Below is the one I have now for Regent Seven Seas. Also, for those that might or might not know, NCL, Oceania and Regent have Cruise Perks. Based on the stateroom you select, I usually get $300.00 on-board-Credit and admission to an event like a wine tasking. On my upcoming Oceania Cruise in November 2023, I had the Cruise Perk, then when the Extraordinary Sales Event happened, you could not double it the AMX with that sale. Always check your credit card for cruise related perks. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. We are cruising November 9, 2023, on the Riviera. I will overview the suite here on CruiseCritic.com Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  16. @DrKoob You are being so kind to everyone on this board with your post. You are also educating and helping new Oceania guests. As you know with your reference to a cancelled port, it seems to be a thing. Knowing it could happen allows guest to set their expectations. That in no way means it is not disappointing as it was to you. It would be to me as well. This is one of those things we as guest are completely out of our control and we wish we knew sooner. As it relates to boarding time. You made me smile when I read your post. I always get online, the moment I can to get the earliest boarding time. For me, it is a goal. I will do the same thing you did. That said, we are in a Vista Suite that allows for the earliest boarding. For me it does not matter which stateroom category I am in. I still check-in early. I still am up at 12:01 AM doing my online check-in. Old habits die hard. Your willingness to share your experience knowing that the amount of questions coming your way will be substantial, is again so kind. You are used to Viking which is a very nice brand. Your comparison will be very interesting especially because you are new to Oceania. My hope is you will have great memories and a wonderful vacation. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. @psac In this case I would have to agree with you. However, just like at a restaurant that serves one bad steak, the other 99 times the steak was great. My approach to butlers is NOT perfect. It has improved the quality I personally have gotten from a butler since using it. Sometimes folks say, Gary, I like the letter but don't like the tip upfront. Others say letter good, 1/2 tip. I never argue or debate. All I want is something I can do to enhance my vacation experience. This butler in question was bad and NCL has to know that. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. @knitlady037 So now the CruiseCritic.com world knows, a NCL diamond member is so upset, they are considering changing brands. That cut back on other ship are clear to frequent NCL cruisers. As you are a elite NCL guest, I would hope you would send your message to NCL. Social media is to vent and you have done that clearly. Now help the brand you used to love, get better. Your comments are noted and fully understood. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. I hesitated to comment to much on this and other threads about the new NCL Viva and Prima Havens. When the ships first came out, I knew like with all ships, the new ones would look spectacular and the premium would be high. So I sat back and let folks experience the "NEW" Haven. Pictures of the ship, Haven, pools were lovely. Then some post started to happen. Hot Tubs on the Balcony: Folks were upset they reserved a category that showed a hot tub on the balcony. Their suite did not have one. Water Slides on the Balcony: Folks were worried that the water slides would be infringing on the space on their balcony. Some folks were down right made when that was the case. Bad design by NCL. Infinity Pool On the Back of the Ship: No more indoor water options which makes bad weather an issue. Yet the design and look of the pool, hot tub and lounges was spectacular. Staffing: We forget sometimes that to get a position in the Haven, you have to be the best of the best. What happens when you can't get enough staff, when you have loans based on interest rates that keep on rising. The above comment addressed this. What is interesting is the ships, right after cruising just stated again had the same issues. So here is my suggestion and this has already started to happen. As folk who always want to be the first cruise Viva and Prima, it will be harder for NCL to book the Haven on these ships. That is when, which has been seen for the Europe Cruises in Oct-Dec of 2023, the prices go down, way down. If you can get to Europe, you can cruise in the Haven for far less for far longer. That is a big "IF". NCL is always good about making adjustments when they see a reduction in bookings. They also understand staffing, at Haven Prices is very important. One can only hope they are reading, listening and planning. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. Well that would be no fun. Seriously, My personal comments and judgements are only based on experiences I have had. In my case, only pre-cruise events. That is intentional. My comments regarding folks that rarely post and when they do the posts are all negative not balanced is to make a point. Things go wrong on cruises, social media is a convenient place to vent. But if it bothers the person that much, address it at the time and don’t let it affect your entire vacation. Anyone new to the brand on this board is craving hints, feedback, opinions and knowledge. The good, bad and average. It assists in establishing realistic expectations. Just play fair and give a balanced review. If you hate everything or only point out the negatives, all that person wants is others to agree the brand is awful. Easy to find something wrong with any experience, if that is the emphasis, if the brand is so bad, just don’t cruise it again. Bottom line, play fair. Nothing is all good or bad in cruise vacations. Cruise well and enjoy every moment
  21. @techteach Thank you for such a kind post, much appreciated. We are on the Riviera suite 12001. The video on YouTube is actually that very suite so I loved seeing it. The first think I noticed was no lighted make up mirror. My wife always brings her own and her Dyson Hair dryer which blows the circuits a couple of time each cruise. I am so blessed. I am a Delta Airlines Life Time Platinum 5 mil miler. I get two 70lbs bags and my wife gets the same. My extra back is for all the items you outlined and the shopping we will do in Europe. Thank you for reminding me to have extra room. On this I want to be very careful how I say this. For what ever reason, prior to upgrading my PH to a Visa, over 150 days prior to the cruise, I got a call from the Concierge for the Riviera. No clue why I got the call and just thought every did. That was not the case. I was asked if I had any food requirements or special needs. I had none. But I asked if they could book my specialty restaurants and they said YES. So I booked the initial four using my guest booking number also and locked them in. When I upgraded to the vista suite, I went back online and the other four potential reservations were available to book. So for a 10 night cruise, I have 8 nights in specialty restaurants already reserved for the day and time I wanted. I got super lucky. That is GREAT to know. I did not know that. I have had stateroom in the front of the ship before. If the ship is at sea cruising to the next port, that area is sometimes impossible to enjoy. What you just did for me which is a great value is managed my expectations and I really appreciate it. Thank you again for taking the time to give me first hand information. Much appreciated. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. I don’t believe in the concept of hijacking the thread. Topics, take on a mind of their own. I assure you that when I am on board, I am in a vista suite as well, if some of those things happen to me, I will report it clearly and concisely just like you did. I hope you have reported it directly and personally the leader ship on the ship. Also, You will make sure that you share it directly with the corporate office at the end of your cruise Cruise as well, and enjoy every moment.
  23. @1985rz1 Plus 1, agreed. I always believe their is accountability on both sides. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  24. Both, and allow me to explain. If I am upset enough to write a post on Room Service not providing a fork with my meal, is the product flawed. In that instance, the product was flawed but not across the board, just for that instance. The expectation of only focusing on the fork or dirty spoon for ice cream, as a reflection on an entire cruise is also unfair expectations. Then we have folks responding to these complaints by saying, "I have been on this brand 30 times and that never happened to me." Is the brand inconsistant, flawed or did someone simply want to make a stink online. I have no idea which is half the problem. When we read Op-Eds focused on minor disappointments, with no balanced view of what was also right, it creates the impression, missing one fork/spoon kills the vacation. I am way over simplifying this situation but this is the trend on social media. Add to this, when challenged if you complained about the mishap, the poster often times does not respond back. With every business, things go wrong, things are missed. The brand has to acknowledged they messed up, do it in a timely manner, and resolve the issue to the guest satisfaction. If they do, they are a great brand. If they DON'T, it is a complete flaw of the brand and its mission statement. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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