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Everything posted by leerathje

  1. I have an 11 day Caribbean cruise booked for end of November. I live in British Columbia, Canada, and I'm concerned I'm going to have a problem getting to Fort Lauderdale, never mind cruise the Caribbean. I was on a 7 day Mexico cruise in March leaving from San Diego, and travel was much easier then. L.
  2. Lol....after such a long time with no cruise ships up the Vancouver Island inside passage, was excited to go camping this weekend so I could see the Koningsdam....and there's a wood chip barge in the way!! L.
  3. There's an idea, Bruce! I know I don't normally check my roll call once I'm on board, but perhaps some others do. L.
  4. Did they offer you a room number? Some obstructions are better than others. if you have a room number, you can see if that room is listed on the halfacts website. L.
  5. I live on Vancouver Island, and will be camping on Quadra Island this Friday and Saturday, the 15th and 16th. At about the halfway point of the inside passage of Vancouver Island, you will sail past Campbell River and Quadra Island. Going south on 15th, Campbell River will be on the starboard, with Quadra Island on the port, just before the passage widens. Of course, going north, Campbell River will be on the port side, with Quadra Island on the starboard just as the passage narrows. On Friday, you will see us just before the lighthouse, and on Saturday going north, we'll be just past the lighthouse. There's a string of campsites right along the shore, so give a wave!! Hope to see you! L.
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