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Everything posted by QueSeraSera

  1. Just came in from a concert by Judy Collins in our adjacent mini-city of Hopewell, VA, USA. We are actually about 20 miles south of Richmond. A couple months back, we went to a concert by Roger McGuinn (of the Byrds) in the same venue. Both were fantastic. Just bring this up in case any coolers might also live near a venue where these great musicians, of good times gone by, might appear. Recommendation: go see them! They are (at least these 2) still professional, incredibly talented, and the memories brought a tear to my eye. Ms. Collins, 82 yo, was magical.
  2. thanks for sharing @drron29 ! Learned some WW2 history plus worked up an appetite reading those menus 🙂
  3. Lucky adoptees, lucky adopters. 😺 We have no regrets about adopting Gus (looks a bit like Dora sans remarkable tail)
  4. Just back from family in the Great American Midwest. Lovely time with daughter, son-in-law (from Poland), and these 3 beautiful granddaughters. Still, how nice to scroll through all of your funny and interesting posts upon a bit sad return. Chicago had many holiday places to visit, the Botanic Garden had a walk through light show. . JP, the lioness picture you led off with in an earlier post is, in my opinion, worthy of entering in a photo contest of some sort.
  5. Wow, so sorry Davey. Overwhelming sadness. Glad the lavender spray is helping with your gentleman, quite ingenious I'd say. But I am hoping 4 hours turns into 6 or 8 for you soon.
  6. I'm not sure why Lvshack's post appears as "QueSeraSera said" but I think it's safe to assume the post is her, speaking to us. I would add she is popular with us, raises a good question about Daveywavey, and may have a point about Mr Luxury 🙂
  7. and cleaned up so well. Fantastic pictures JP
  8. This song came to mind reading JP's posts, my apologies if I've already posted this
  9. Southern Africa is definitely on our to do list, just not sure the best way to do it.
  10. Don't you dare Lois! I got the flu shot in one arm, new covid booster in the other. Won't do that again because one arm was sore for days but I don't know which shot to complain about 😉 On another topic, while in Italy, I discovered Limoncello. Fruit food group won't be a problem anymore
  11. I like coming here to relax, not arguing with anyone, even to make obvious counter arguments.
  12. and I expect do not complain about the food etc We are indebted to countless men and women who sacrificed their life, limbs, minds for the freedom we enjoy.
  13. We were on a tour that was split about 60% scheduled activities, 40% free time (or optional activities). The hotel is in a great location, very short walk to Tasso square with the sights and shopping there, and an easy walk to the coast.
  14. Returned home late last night from a week visiting Campania Italy & the Amalfi Coast. Great trip but my photos as always not so much - I really enjoy the pix others post here. I'll add 2 or 3 below. Sorrento proved to be a great base for exploring the surrounding countryside. Spending a week in our good but moderately priced hotel (Plaza Sorrento) allowed us to feel part of the familglia (family) there and I recommend the place if you understand what I mean. The food was almost always excellent as was the wine. If you enjoy full bodied red wine with lots of top notes, the Aglianico produced in Campania can be superb. We bought bottles for a bit over 10 Euro there that were just fantastic. So, a few pictures, our tour included a visit to a farm in the hills above Sorrento. The picture shows our guide explaining what's happening as a woman prepares mozzarella cheese from aged water buffalo milk From the excavations at Pompeii, a meatball pan. I cannot justify why I was so enthused about this archeological find, other than to admit I love a good meatball.... Paestum Italy, it was remarkable to walk up to and enter such an ancient building. Me, a happy man in Italy
  15. Also wishing our Canadian neighbors a Happy Thanksgiving!
  16. Roger McGuinn concert was very good, emotionally touching, and at 80 something years old, he is still a magnificent guitar player. Dear wife and I need to go to more music concerts....
  17. Same happening here. Wife only had the covid, she's fine. Me, had both, not so much. Scheduled a doc visit for Monday, Tomorrow night, DW and I go to a concert by Roger McGiunn right next door in Hopewell VA. Hope my gut can settle down by then. We don't get many concerts by well known musicians in our neighborhood.
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