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Everything posted by QueSeraSera

  1. Bought into a land tour to Italy this month, based in Sorrento - tour includes Pompeii and Pasitano, every night return to Sorrento. Any thoughts from coolers welcome.
  2. We hope all is well now Lois. We are currently using 2 small ($100 or so) room dehumidifiers here in Virginia as the weather has been cloudy and rainy for what feels like weeks. On a totally different note, I have found it is essential to occasionally check in with BBC news. When I was younger, I had full faith in American media but sadly not so much anymore. If our British or Commonwealth friends have any thoughts, I admit I'm anxious to hear them. Example: On the international front, I think I would never have seen this story unless I had logged into the BBC South China Sea: Philippines coast guard cuts barrier - BBC News Hoping such a post is not inimical to the cooler philosophy in any way....
  3. I hope you have better weather tomorrow. At least it's not snowing - you are getting closer to the North Pole.
  4. Loved Mysty's Tom Ball. Powerful song. Love my wife - I don't want to know who I am without you. Powerful feeling. Live music in a church in Amsterdam:
  5. Yes. But maybe it's time to pour a 3rd glass. My comment was indeed in response to Gourmet Gal and, indirectly, her husband, meaning that while JP canceled out her single drink on a given night, I canceled out her husband's as well. I'm sure this was totally clear to no one but me. Gonna open up a 2nd bottle to celebrate, um, Monday.
  6. And I'm afraid I average out your husband's as well
  7. Wishing you & Mister the best. So often you have offered some sunshine on our cloudy days, thank you for that.
  8. Wow Duchess. I'm fully retired but two of my children (grown, working & in supervisory positions here in USA) have separately described similar frustrations to me regarding their jobs and new employees. When they ask me how I dealt with such situations, I have to say that "I never did. Wish I could offer some advice, but I can't. Back in my day, you did your job or you were fired." Something has changed. I also don't get the whole folderol going on (at least here) about cancel and canceling. I'm just lost. Years ago, I learned that cancel meant there would be no Star Trek next season, as painful as that was. But the current usage of the verb just has me lost.
  9. Indeed it was, best neighbors anyone could ask for & (of course) nothing to be sorry about.
  10. @drron29's post sent me off into internet search land, even used a chatbot. OK, to an American, that is one funny looking turkey. Distant relative of what Ben Franklin thought should be the USA national bird (can't imagine how an eagle won out). But the mating habits are indeed as described above, can't decide if they are funny or tragic somehow - and whether they have any relevance to my neighborhood. ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Favorite pic from our beach trip: dear wife Karen and our new adopted shelter dog Alfie. Love cruising but there is a place for land trips too.
  12. Jimmy Buffet quote "I have always looked at life as a voyage, mostly wonderful, sometimes frightening. In my family and friends, I have discovered treasure more valuable than gold." I still think he had one more great song to give us.
  13. 5 days on the Outer Banks (North Carolina) next week, can't wait to be by the ocean. Our AirBnB host says all is well despite Hurricane Idalia flooding some streets. Our July Norway cruise on Silver Dawn was great but included no beach time!
  14. Now I have to ask...did any of the 3 fit?
  15. Our experience as well on an earlier Dawn cruise this summer
  16. Yes, we are having good results with the ones from Proctor & Gamble. They must still be in limited production as I haven't seen them in stores yet. EC30 | Shop Laundry Swatches | ec30clean.com This is after poor experience with another brand of sheets.
  17. Wow, lots of helpful info above. We will be taking our first NCL cruise in February in Hawaii on the Pride of America. Neither wife nor I have ever been there. Does the free at sea Hawaii drink package differ in any meaningful way from what has been explained above? And, for future reference, can we consider the Pride of America a typical (or not typical) NCL ship? TIA
  18. Feel safe posting this here with others who love their pets, Shared with me elsewhere (not on CC) Our adoptee Alfie continues to thrive and seems so happy but continues to limp occasionally. Final vet report to us: "1. Left intermittent patella luxation 2. Suspect previous pubic/acetabular trauma with resulting severe secondary exofemoral osteoarthritis." Here she rests tonight in my (now departed) mother's favorite rocking chair purchased in the late '60s from a furniture store that actually built the furniture they sold.
  19. Sunshine3601 sorry to get this news about a long time neighbor of yours. Lap cats were mentioned a page or 3 back, let me introduce you to Gus, our super affectionate cat
  20. I'm thinking you will have a blast JP, wish I had any useful advice (my total French experience = 1 night in France in Geneva while working in Switzerland) so of course I have none. Best wishes for your trip!
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