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Snow Hill

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Everything posted by Snow Hill

  1. Out of 6 delivery days in the last week we had post on 5 of them, I am wondering therefore is this a local issue of understaffing in RM rather than a National one?
  2. We don’t like JamShed wines we find them too sweet, much prefer a Rioja or a Malbec in red wines.
  3. Same happened last Christmas, although in the past couple of days we have had 2 Christmas Cards, other post including 2 magazines I subscribe to and a couple of parcels, so not sure whether it’s happening at my local sorting office or not. Not had chance to speak to postie yet as we get our post around 8.45am, and we are usually eating breakfast then.
  4. I remove the leaves from the lawn with my leaf blower, I blow them onto the borders to provide a mulch and they rot down over winter or used by insects etc for shelter. Those on the drive get sucked up and put into bag into which I punch holes and after I after about 18 months behind te garage I have leaf mould which I mix with multi purpose compost for the patio pots or mix in with the top layer on existing pots. The only leaves that go in the bin are those from roses, to try and prevent spreading of rose rust & black spot, or tough leaves that won’t rot easily like holly.In the winter our green bins are still collect except over the Christmas/New Year period.
  5. We had an unscheduled overnight in Venice back in 2017, we were late getting into Venice due to thick fog and then the next port Ravenna was cancelled for similar reasons, we arrived at 2pm and left a 3pm following day, wonderful having a wander around Venice in the evening, much quieter. That would me my definition of overnight, not leaving just after midnight, which I would consider being a late night departure.
  6. Have you ever thought about getting her a personal alarm which is linked to a mini ting centre. We had one for my mom, it was a lifesaver on at least one occasion when she fell in the night and badly gashed her leg, the paramedic said had she not got it she may not have survived until the morning. My 87 year old neighbour has one again has been a lifesaver. we are currently trying to get my recently widowed mother in law to have one as she lives 40 or more miles away from family members, so we couldn’t get there in a emergency is less than an hour. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/care-services-equipment-and-care-homes/personal-alarms-security-systems-and-keysafes/
  7. Tips should not be used to supplement salary, crew should be paid a wage that doesn’t rely on tips to supplement their earnings.
  8. I would have gone with the Christmas Jumper option, as I no longer have a dinner suit and black tie, I donated mine to the Red Cross Charity Shop after I could no longer get into it. I own 1 suit which is around 10 years old and has not been worn very much, just about fits me.
  9. Spotted this on a well known online shopping website, l deal for the Black Tie/Christmas Jumper night. 😂
  10. We never add anything if tipping is included on a cruise. As for elsewhere I may tip in a restaurant if the service has been very good and there is not an inclusive service charge.
  11. Currently 4C but feels like 1C very dull and wet, most of snow has gone. No volunteer session today as there is a big pool of water outside the entrance which is making access difficult, so a decision has been made to close the site today due to water and general condition of the ground. Hopefully estates team will be out to resolve the reoccurring pool issue. Now waiting for a delayed Amazon delivery, should have come yesterday but understandably it was rescheduled for today.
  12. Currently 0C here, we have had around 5cm of snow overnight, usual moans on community page about roads not being gritted, when they were, but many don’t seem to understand how the gritting process works, especially when temperature was -6C when it was snowing.
  13. Christmas Decorations up in the lounge, one set of lights put up outside, the shortest set, it’s too Dan cold to do the rest, it says it’s 0C, but feels like -6 C I definitely with that 💯. The rest can wait until later in the week as we have a Yellow Warning for snow overnight, so one last trip outside to get snow shovel on empty indoor recycling bin into wheels bin.
  14. Same here, I went in yesterday and quickly turned round and left as clearly they didn’t have what I was looking for as furniture area was just 2 small aisles, Sipo nipped next door to Argos and got a similar item at a better price.
  15. Currently -4C feels like -8C and misty here this morning 🥶🥶 If I have to go out this morning it will be wearing the “ski” jacket I brought for a winter holiday in 2019, full thermals and thick socks. Will put up the Christmas 🎄and decorations this weekend, not looking forward to going into loft though. 🥶
  16. The question is how much of that charge is for the premium economy seat and how much is it P&O ripping off the consumer. It would seem from other posts that the charges levied by other airlines for the same service are lower that what P&O charge. I am not saying there should be no charge, but what is charged should be seen to fairly reflect the cost. Perhaps P&O should be referred to the CMA & CAA for an investigation into such charges for cruises they sell.
  17. The EU are conducting investigations into various airline add on charges and passengers rights and have made some proposals, these don’t include seat charges yet, but will no doubt at some point will. Unfortunately any changes are unlikely to help U.K. passengers unless flying with a EU based airline, but something needs to be done about these extortionate charges being made for seat booking.
  18. So rather that employ staff at a decent wage to answer customer calls, P&O utilise systems which irritate the hell out of people. I spent some years when working installing phone systems for my employer the rule we had that the was only 4 options on the menu and choosing the correct one would take you through to an agent. The systems in place now in many businesses are not user friendly and customers are not having to resort to all sorts of tricks in order to bypass them, same with these bots on website chats.
  19. Currently 2C and glorious blue skies and sunshine, our south facing dining room currently 19C heated curtesy of the sun. We went to Dobbies yesterday and whilst there had one of their “Old Fogies” lunches as my FiL used to call them, which consists of a main meal and a cake, we also used our monthly free drink vouchers. However later in the afternoon both myself & OH started to feel queasy, the only thing we ate in common was the Fish & Chips, as I was up in the night feeling sick and still off colour this morning I am thinking it was the fish that caused it. Also noticed that spook appears to have returned to our bedroom, we found the usual bottle of perfume teetering on the edge of the shelf this morning, it usually at the back of the 4 inch wide shelf. I got my mini spirit level out this morning no slope on the shelf, not being moved by vibrations. 👻👻
  20. It’s the process that a Private Equity Group such as Lloyds Development Capital undertake they invest in a company for a set time then at some stage will put it up for sale in order to realise their investment. Usually happens 8 to 10 years after the original investment. In this case they invested in the travel agency in 2015, so eight later they are looking to move the business on. This the way PE works, not a default on payment. I won’t link to the LDC portfolio in case this breaches rules, but you can find it via a well known search engine, but it does seem a success story.
  21. Getting chillier outside, dropped to 3C, so decided time to come back inside, however did manage to quite a bit done. Cut down the Dahlias that had been blackened by the overnight frost, tucked them up in their winter lancet of straw and a bell cloche to protect tubers from freezing. Those on the opposite side of garden seemed not have been touched by the frost and still have flowers, see if they are blackened by tonight’s forecasted frost. Checked over the winter cabbage, raised the netting as seems pigeons have been pecking through. Cleared some of the empty pots, trays etc from greenhouse to give me room to start putting up the insulation as some of my plants will be overwintered in there. Filled up bird feeders, the local Robin was quick to notice feeders now full and got first dibs. Time for a cuppa.
  22. They have separate banking licences, the Lloyds Banking Group consists of 3 Banks, Lloyds, Bank of Scotland and Halifax. Lloyds has a separate Bsnking Licence, whilst BoS & Halifax share a licence.
  23. Already being rolled out in parts of the country https://www.postoffice.co.uk/bankinghubs
  24. Apart from the 2 youngest, the other 7 prefer us to transfer money to their respective accounts as they don’t do cash.!
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