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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. I agree with you completely @Fouremco. I was just commenting on the post by @cbr663 which was talking about so many "work from home" workers are actually at the coffee shop in a crowd of strangers, taking up valuable chair space. Rather than being sequestered at home which was the whole purpose of "Work from home" in the first place. I work in an industry where "work at home isn't an option. We are still trying to find new personnel for those that moved on over the last few years.
  2. It's funny how people want to "work at home" because of risk of infection, and the work place is too crowded; but they will sit in a commercial space surrounded by strangers from who knows where, and that's okay. Not to mention being a financial drain on the poor shop owner that just wants to sell a coffee and a muffin with a proper turn over of happy patrons.
  3. Thanks everyone for your kind messages of condolence. Lynn and I appreciate them more than you know. It was an ongoing concern as to how she would take it when we were planning to be away for 9 weeks. She was excited for us to goon the trip but I think she would have been very lonely when we were gone. I affectionately called her "Granny" and she enjoyed that, she understood that I had a mom so wouldn't use that and the thought of calling her "Margaret" just wasn't on, nor was "Mrs. Hardy". We will miss her terribly but life does go on.
  4. Thanks Chris, we will have a look at that option as well
  5. Thanks Mic & Rosie, we treasure the kindness of our friends here on this board.
  6. Thanks so much Lyndon, it sounds like it hasn't been a great weekend for a lot of people. We do hope your blood test comes out clear and all is well for you.
  7. I'm afraid it is a rather sad day in the Lyle & Lynn Duck house. We have been aware that Lynn's mom's health has been failing for some time. When we visited yesterday, I definitely had the feeling that she was saying Goodbye to me. Lynn got a call this morning and went in right away, they spent some special time together and Lynn came home. We got a call in the afternoon that she was on her way. We went and sat with her until she passed at just after 5:00 pm. It is very sad but not unexpected, she was 91 years old and until about 10 months ago was quite robust and living in a nice assisted living facility. Then she had a fall and never recovered from that. She moved to a different level of care and it was down hill from there.
  8. Thanks Mic, it will be interesting to see how many pens fit. if it works we will get another one.
  9. Thanks Mic, we have ordered a similar device and it should be here in the next couple of days. If it works well we may get another one. the problem is I think for the 9 weeks she needs about 19 pens. We will have to have a fairly large carry on just for the meds. We should be able to plug the coolers in on the plane as well as have the one cold pack type cooler she already has that holds six pens. We can keep the electric ones plugged in while we are on the road trip either in the car or wherever we are staying. Thanks everyone for all your help, although we will probably get an Australian prescription just to have, in case something bad happens to the meds.
  10. @Roz we don't usually ask to join someone unless the venue is full. We will however always welcome someone if they ask to join us. We were asked by someone to join us on our last cruise and it was a pleasant addition to our breakfast. She was from Australia, our paths crossed several times on the cruise. We exchanged emails and will be visiting her in Australia when we are there next year.
  11. Those are both Royal Caribbean, Celebrity is a subsidiary of Royal Caribbean. I think that it would be good if Carnival Corporation put those signs on all their ships too. Of course Cunard would need special embossed reminders handed out by an attendant greeting each table through meal service 😉😇
  12. Of course you are unlikely to find that voyage starting and ending in San Diego. I think you may find a "Grand Voyage" that does. I believe that @richwmn is on that voyage right now and posting on a thread about it. Also likely to be found with very little effort.
  13. Thanks everyone for your excellent help with the insulin situation. Obviously this is a priority. Now the question is, if we were to see Linda's GP in Canberra to get the prescription, fully aware that we will have to pay for that visit. Would we be able to use that prescription in Melbourne? That way we can get enough to do the rest of the trip and we will have room for it in the insulin coolers until we get to the fridge at the hotel.
  14. Lynn says thankyou, you are so kind. I have to believe it will be easier to refill the prescription there than try to keep that much insulin cold for that long.
  15. So we are now working out the logistics for Lynn's Insulin. A 9 week supply is difficult to travel with being it has to be kept cold. I am thinking it would be prudent to buy more in Australia or New Zealand. Unfortunately we are concerned about getting a valid prescription to use down there. We will of course have copies of all our prescriptions but of course they will likely not be valid outside of Canada. Any suggestions are welcome.
  16. okay, what about the Northern Hemisphere?
  17. Are we looking at the Rocky Mountains Mic?
  18. @Kristelle, just to clarify Cattle point is not in Victoria. It is in a section of the Municipality of Oak Bay known as "Uplands". How "Cattle Point" got it's name is quite interesting.
  19. I'll stand you a pint next year, cheers. I'm glad my clues were helpful, but I suspect you didn't really need them. The fact that the Heron was flying took me by surprise. I saw it in my peripheral vision and my camera was in my hand. So I panned and composed at the same time.
  20. Yes Mount Baker is in the background, but I've never been there.
  21. another view from the same place. I have posted photos from this location before. It is a specific place and it involves cows.
  22. So it's not Prince Rupert and technically it's not Victoria. I will give a few more guesses but Victoria is very close indeed.
  23. It is a Great Blue Heron, and the fact it is flying was lucky, getting the shot was not. So now we have the bird, where was it?
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