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  1. Clearly there is some homework remaining to be done. I’ll leave that to you. Suffice it to say, what you’ve described is NOT the way it works.
  2. We received everything that was promised to us without question or challenge. Consequently we never had to pull the printed T&C out of our cruise file.
  3. Splendid! Another thread filled with entertaining repartee. Can’t wait!!😃
  4. Quite true. This is precisely why many refuse to participate in this shell game. Let the exchanges begin!!!
  5. Yet as surely as night follows day, that’s what it will become.
  6. Here, let me help you with the arithmetic. This means that 88.3% of the US population is NOT in CA. Hope this helps.
  7. Isn’t this a lot like the tail wagging the dog? The numbers I’m finding show only 11.7% of the US population lives in CA. Not a very big tail, now is it?
  8. Please provide a reliable source. Lacking this, it’s all smoke and mirrors.
  9. Are we saying that if CA enacts a piece of local legislation that the other 49 states are somehow obligated to comply?
  10. I’ve been a country music fan for, I’m quite sure, decades before you were born. What tries to pass itself off as “country music” today is nothing more than glam rock. As you correctly point out, there are THOUSANDS who have been pumped up on glam rock and appear to be enjoying it. Give Willie’s Roadhouse a listen and see what you’ve been missing. Again, I refer you to to “Murder on Music Row” Alas, real country is indeed dead, dead, dead.
  11. 🥱 Country music died some years back. See: Murder on Music Row by Alan Jackson
  12. Bgwest

    YC Tips

    Big difference.
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