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in rod we trust

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Posts posted by in rod we trust

  1. 15 minutes ago, OzKiwiJJ said:

    You'll be pleased to hear that there is a FB fundraiser, started by comedian Celeste Barber, that has already raised over $20 million for the NSW Rural Fire Service. The should buy them a few more trucks etc. Actually I hope the money raised is shared with fire services throughout Australia not just NSW.

     depends on who is managing the money … there have been donation's and money rasied for farmers and drought and yet a lot of that money is being withheld   so I hope these organisation are going to give the money and not take half for themselves .. not to mention the projects that nsw liberals has undertaken and the budgets they estimate for them is almost double ..  just have to look at the stadium , the trams, nbn, all of them have doubled  all that wasted money on rubbish , instead of putting it where its needed 

  2. 29 minutes ago, ilikeanswers said:

    It is page 20 of this topic so everything everyone wanted to say about this topic has probably been said, so it is quite natural for it to wonder off topic. If you are unhappy with the turn I guess you could report the thread and request it to be shut down. 


    sorry but there is a lot more to be said about this topic and its on going as the port botany terminal is a proposal there are impact statements  .. have a bit of respect to the topic's on forums   I may be new to cruise critic but have been on the side line of this forum for many yrs ..  if I can respect topics on here so should others ..

  3. we do need a lot more fire fighting , planes helicopters etc .. but the problem is the state and federal gov think it will rain , and they don't want to spend the money to maintain them its all about there budget  .. we have a some  but what we really need is land management .. and more breaks ,  newer and better trucks proper built bush fire trucks ,  but we are just going around in circles .. instead of giving more money to fire fighting services they rip apart the budget and give them less..  the biggest problem with buying better fire fighting equipment is the state and federal government cant sell the fire fighting services , like they sell everything else.. they will only spend money on things they can sell off to foreign investors.. 

  4. 2 hours ago, possum52 said:

    Rod, you will soon learn that here on this board, threads take all sorts of turns off topic. Some very interesting conversations come from going off topic. 😋




    im sorry but this thread should be about the topic at hand , it has been so far until all this crap about who to blame , please keep it on the topic of port botany proposed terminal..  isn't there any mods on here who can delete this or move it .. there is a topic on fires in Sydney use that if you must but please leave this topic  about the terminal... please mods remove the off topic discussion to fires in Sydney ...

  5. 13 hours ago, MicCanberra said:

    It has been devastating.

    Authorities have said this season's fires are the worst in Australia's history and that the crisis is likely to last for months. Hundreds of fires are active across the nation with more than 12 million acres of land scorched.

    By comparison, fires in Brazil's Amazon burned nearly 5 million acres in the first half of 2019. In Bolivia, officials estimate that nearly 6 million acres of land have been torched since August. In California, nearly 2 million acres burned in fires throughout 2018, according to the state's Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

    but we have had bad droughts.. in the 1900's  also in 1974 we have had plenty burnt out as well




    Australia is a dry continent we will have more fires in future and more floods ..  the main prob is we need to prepare for them ..  we need better equipment ..  we have had el nino and el nina events that add to it as well...  as far as im concerned  its the lack of management by state gov and federal gov ..   they were told and knew we hadn't had much rain , and the bush is dry but choose to ignore it .. they could of got more fire fighting planes , and heli's  ready ahead  of time  , but they the state and federal gov don't want to spend money on anything they cant sell...

    look at Sydney and how many people are moving into Sydney , the dam cant cope a couple of bad yrs of rain fall is enough to see the levels drop to less than half..  instead of them spending money on rubbish build new dams, link dams and build pipe lines around the country ,  we been  here before but lack of gov action just brings us back around into the same loop ..


    my heart goes out to all who lost there lives in these terrible fires ,  we have lost lives, wildlife , houses ,  and only half way thru summer.. hope some rain comes soon .. .. 


    I doubt it would happen but wouldn't it be nice if one of these cruise ships could go down to eden and offer help and refuge to those affected..  


  6. 6 hours ago, plettza said:


    Well said.


     For a party that's actually had very, very little power, i.e. I've never seen a Greens Prime Minister, Premier or Chief Minister, they seem to be portrayed as the root of all evil.


    im not a greenie or a nimbysts as some might suggest.. im a angler , I love this country in all its beauty , I don't want to see it destroyed just for greed .. I don't want to see places  destroyed just for companies that are only interested in filling there pockets up  and don't give a rats on what they destroy to fill there pockets.. .. im just one of many people but speak for myself .. if we don't have people that want to save this beautiful country then all hope is lost...  I still remember the days the builder's union saved most historic buildings .. if it wasn't for the many few who stand up and fight we would have a concrete jungle like many overseas countries that are just no go zones and getto's … and as mentioned above post that has been saved … that's why im so against this port , epa  says dredging of botany bay will spread dangerous toxin's thru out botany bay.. its a know fact the dredging from the desal and port extension spoil washed up at some beaches in Sydney , when they dumped that spoil off the coast..  .. yarra bay and molli point is a awesome place that people enjoy it should not be destroyed just for a massive cruise terminal to be used for 3 months of the yr ..  …  its about time we save our country not bloody destroy it ..  use the money that would cost to build this useless terminal to the rfa to buy better trucks and manage the bush , give it to people in need of shelter , give it to the animal welfare league  , there is so much they can do with it other than build a useless terminal just for convenience for royal carribean..  ..  there is a port down eden why if the cruise industry really care send one of its ships down there to help out residents  , bring food and water and help out... yeah fat chance of that happening all they give a rats about is making money ..

    • Like 1
  7. 29 minutes ago, in rod we trust said:

    exactly ..

    and cost 1-1/2 times there predicted estimate ,  its will be useless when they get these strong winds and big tides ,  half that bay is 5mtr deep it varies .. so easy for a massive ship to run aground .. unless that whole bay is dredged ..  anybody who uses botany bay will tell ya a big ship 72mtrs high 330mtr long will just be one huge sail .. 

     as with everything nsw state liberals  build its over budget, piss poor planning,  and almost doomed to be useless...   I was on the tram the other day and what a joke that was I could of walked faster , ..  can you imagine the traffic nightmare its going to be trying to get out of botany bay , with all those semi's moving cargo..  and if mentioned where they might have a passenger  / custom's  building for turn around away from the dock what a nightmare  it will be … there is nothing good about this proposal to build it at botany bay ...

  8. 15 hours ago, The_Big_M said:

    As the saying goes, you're welcome to your own opinion... just not your own facts.


    As repeatedly pointed out, none of the above are actually facts about the possible new terminal, and only contain mistruths and speculation. So we get that you're against it, but until there's some concrete proposal to assess, most of it are waiting for the details to come out.

     there will be no concrete proof of anything .. and what I mention on dredging is fact .. and marine life, indigenous use it , traffic flow,  big tides, and being so close to the heads bad swell, and shocking winds...  and the eco system..


    all the important info has been redacted  and only to be seen by port authority , and state gov cabinet.. so if your waiting for it to come out don't bother it will not be released to the general public...and that's a fact as well ..  labour , green's , and shooter's and fishers' farmers party  are going to put pressure nsw state gov to release the full un redacted version... when you have labor , greens , shooters, Christian democrats , and some liberal  members  all agreeing and coming together , that there in itself tell's ya its a bad idea..


  9. 2 hours ago, SinbadThePorter said:


    I strongly suspect that any new cruise terminal at Port Botany will be White Bay with steroids.


    Maximum inconvenience, minimum desirability.


    But poor planning by every level of government has ensured it's the only option.

    exactly ..

    and cost 1-1/2 times there predicted estimate ,  its will be useless when they get these strong winds and big tides ,  half that bay is 5mtr deep it varies .. so easy for a massive ship to run aground .. unless that whole bay is dredged ..  anybody who uses botany bay will tell ya a big ship 72mtrs high 330mtr long will just be one huge sail .. 

  10. I really don't care what people say about me.. .. I just want to bring it to peoples attention we don't need this to be built at yarra  bay or in botany .. there is no need to start ripping up and putting more pressure on the bay by dredging those cancer causing toxin, and destroying the eco system its a family area, and still used by the indigenous people out there.. .. and anglers ..  they can easy use Newcastle or port kembla or eden  .. don't have to rip apart a whole eco system when there are other ports ready to go..  give that cash to the rural fire brigade , and use the ports we have already.. no need to jam pack Sydney with any more traffic either..  its grid lock already at botany bay area... 


    as I mentioned people love to go to other destination's and say what a lovely bay when cruising.. so its about time we save our own country first from greedy companies who just want to fill up there pockets  and destroy anything to get it 


  11. Just now, MicCanberra said:

    Wow, pontoons broke there moorings, a bet a storm has never done that.

     that's just the wake so can imagine the wake and effect it will have on the seabed  disturbing those toxins ..  


    anyway have a happy new yr to all  hope your new yr is bit better than the last , and you see that Australia is worth saving for us aussie's .. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, MicCanberra said:

    Again, not sure what a cruise ship crashing in Indonesian reef has to do with a dock in Australia.  Yes accidents can and do happen but how does a cruise ship differ from the cargo ships and fuel ships already using the bay.


    the area where they want to build it is right near the heads..  ive seen waves reach almost to the top of the break wall ..  they will have to build another massive break wall .to avoid that as summer brings in 2 mtr tides and shocking winds ,  and by the way they still have no disclosed where the break wall will be or how long..  the maritime union of Australia was telling us that the break wall would have to go past bare island  ….. even the maritime union of australia said its too dangerous and doesn't want it to go ahead they are backing us and helping to put a top to it...    been out there few times when i could see center point then see nothing but sea around me in the trough .. it was freaky ...

  13. I can go on about how it has in the past dredging destroyed the bay and seagrass eco system  etc etc etc  from just the  major projects container wharf and desal or airport , power station , all the factories that used botany bay as a dumping ground  but its just going around in circles ..  


    I know you might be protecting your right to cruise and justify in ya own head that it wont destroy it and cruise boats are green lol  .. but just remember how often does the government or these big companies  tell you the real truth.. why are so many people angry with them selling us out , electricity , ports, airports, gas, farms, and major aussie companies being sold off..  what are we going to have left that's ours .. even the desal is owned by Canadian group ..  



    i don't understand why you would not want to protect your own country and save it .. mind boggles but what can i say …  i love this country i don't want to see it destroyed or sold off to the point aussies own nothing  here and allowed these companies to come in destroy it add fark all to the economy and rape the land and oceans  take there profits  overseas..   that's just bloody wrong im sure you all know that as well some where inside of you 


  14. On 12/28/2019 at 2:49 AM, The_Big_M said:

    Hence the nimbyism. 


    Cruises have a supposedly bad effect here, yet elsewhere it's not something he's worried about.


    Same with all the industrial activity at Botany including the airport. Not an issue.. but the cruise terminal is. No logic or principle, just nimbyism.

    no your wrong  if I can support overseas people who have concerns and don't want there beautiful beaches and marine life destroyed I will ..  here is another mob I support in there cause ..  and yet again its royal carribean with carnival at it again...  not sure if your just using nimbysts as a way to cover up there destruction  .. 


    now listen to the video above , the cruise line even threatens to not go there if its not built .. see there greed above all even if that means destroying what people go there to see...  come on do they really need to wipe the caymans out as well to boost there profit margins..    save thing at botany destroy the whole bay just for there greed ..   

  15. On 12/24/2019 at 9:35 AM, Chiliburn said:

    Rod I did see that report and heard a session on the ABC and that was correct that they maybe going to process people off site.

    But from what I understand it was only temporary,  for a interim thing if they use the container terminal.


     Talking to the officers on voyager , They though Garden Island wouldn’t be suitable for the big ships such as oasis and the next generation icon class. 


    I think port botany is going to happen.


    from what I was told it would be offsite at yarra bay or molli point terminal  .. how messed up would that be 4000- 6000 trying to get off and bussed to another location..  and imagine getting back on .. bloody nightmare … they mention sharing the container port and setting up a temporary  tent type style like they use to have at bangaroo  …. the gov doesn't want to use garden island area even tho the naval officer , phill Collins said it can be shared  for couple months of the yr , but they didn't even read his report that they commissioned him to write about shared port .. 


    also garden island is probably the last remaining dry dock on the east coast that can handle the RAN fleet..    don't know why they need garden island there anyway  its a prime target ..  and having the only dry dock on the east coast makes it even more of a target in my books


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