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in rod we trust

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Posts posted by in rod we trust

  1. 10 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    like I said ..just keep dragging out  the same old  rubbish........the ridiculous claims you make are not evidence or facts......just ramblings.



    and you forgot to explain about the blockout etc

     can you tell me any different why it will not destroy the bay

     many people have seen the effects of the past on it and the EPA states the bay should not be dredged due to the toxins settled on the seabed .. have you ever seen the terrible winds and swell that hits the bay in summer lately did you see what past dreging has done to sea grass and the eco system  im guessing no,  all you care about is convenience so you can get on your ship easier  and don't give a rats on what is at stake ..  and as I mentioned many times why is the nsw liberal gov and port authority hiding the report from public view . its not a national security issue .  so why hide it.. the full un redacted report  may contain info that show's it wont destroy anything and I might see that as will others . but I doubt it they are hiding it t so you don't see the destruction it will cause .. if you don't understand that you never will.. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    Don't you hate that preemptive  word thing.😀  But if that "garment" was made of wool, they would try and pull it over our eyes...if the greens let them.

    they pulled it over your eyes .. because you choose to put cruising ahead of the destruction it causes but that's ok just like we seen with many things the world is at a tipping point so you might as well enjoy as many cruises as you can and just let them destroy anything they can to build there ports..  you don't have to worry let your kids or the next generation of kids cop it  stuff the kids and grand kids  ..hell I reckon we should just let the rest of the bush burn kill all the wildlife so we can sell them lands to overseas investors , koala , kangaroo's . marsupials don't pay taxes ..stuff em lets bulldoze there lands and build build build or sell it all of ..  lets just send the fire fighters home and let the country burn wont have to spend money bulldozing it down ..   now im thinking like you  cheers I see where and what ya getting at its all about our convenience 


  3. 11 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    Of course you cant explain ......you have got no idea,evident by the rubbish you peddle here and when challenged you just drag out the same old unfounded dribble."The end is nigh"

    Could you please then explain what is a blockout of the harbour, who would arrange this and how would I get to spend extra time on board??????????

     I have put up all evidence and facts ..  you just ignore it as you have the blinkers on ..


    im still waiting on all the positives as to why a whole bay  needs to be destroyed just for royal carribean mega floating garbage cans ..  there is no positives that's why the port authority and nsw liberals are hiding the full report from the public .. so you cannot see the destruction .. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

    Thanks for the heads up, I was planning a couple more cruises for next year so now I will not worry about it, seeing that everybody will be boycotting cruising and maybe even by then the world will have ended with all those cruise lines destroying the world for profit....but hang on ...if they destroy the world for profit there will be no one left to make the profit from....hmmm doesnt make much sense does it.......could you please enlighten us mere mortals.

    nope cant enlighten you there is no hope of that .. I know its sad but only one who's eyes are open can be enlighten ,  so that counts you out … let me know when you are going so we can arrange a blockout of the harbor to royal carribean ships so you can spend extra time on board 

  5. Just now, gbenjo said:

    Unless it is already built.


    nope we have elections before its built so its ok .. but even better is  more and more people by the day are starting to just see how bad these floating garbage can's are for the environment and that there are no positives at all for destroying botany bay or any other bays around the world just for these massive garbage cans .. people are getting sick of these massive garbage can's. too many people with only certain amount of entertainment on these ships without having to line up take a number   people need to send clear message as they are now hands off our bays … don't worry I know you like royal carribean but people will be calling to boycott them as they are already ..  

  6. Just now, gbenjo said:

    Ah I see.......hundreds of miles out to sea .....there must be people watching the ships in the day but they go home at night.....gotcha


    they are floating garbage can's .. they do more harm to the environment and eco system than good … this world is on a tipping point atm ..so its just a matter of time when people will see just how bad they are and stop cruising or boycott these ships .. there are protest happening all over the world , they have the hide  to even want to destroy the cayman islands just for greed and now botany bay just for there greed .. times are changing people are being conscious of the environment now .. so its just a matter of time .. liberal gov of nsw is stuffing up by the day so when they get booted out the port will not be built 

  7. nsw gov instead of spending around 1.5 billion on a useless cruise port in botany needs to safe guard the Sydney with water … build another desal plant if needed they could of probably done so , and for goodness sake don't bloody sell it off like they have to the one we have now ..  and that's the whole prob we have in Australia , everything gets sold off .


    doesn't matter what price you have to safe guard drinking supply it has to be done . there are no alternatives … the stupid thing is they will still allow these developers to build more concrete jungles and over crowd Sydney  .. Sydney was once a nice place but now we have so many ugly looking high rise building all over the place almost built on top of each other looks like crap .. look at most countries with concrete jungles and they are gettos with no go zones .. we just have about the dumbest politicians and media in the world ..any company gives the politician 20 bucks and they can build or destroy anything they want ..only one way to look at it the country is going down the shitter real fast 

  8. 2 hours ago, gbenjo said:

    $40mil fine...is just a “drop in the ocean”  for those greedy cruise lines. No mention of Royal Caribbean , aren’t they the only ones using the Port Botany terminal , seeing that they are paying for it??????????


    they are just as bad but only have the brains to do it at night when nobody's looking

  9. In 2002 the Carnival Corporation pleaded guilty in United States District Court in Miami to criminal charges related to falsifying records of the oil-contaminated bilge water that six of its ships dumped into the sea from 1996 through 2001. The Carnival Corporation was ordered to pay $18 million in fines and perform community service, received five years' probation and must submit to a court-supervised worldwide environmental-compliance program for each of its cruise ships.[24]

    For dumping oiled waste into the seas and attempted cover-up Princess Cruise Lines was fined $40 million in 2016. According to federal authorities, it was the "largest-ever criminal penalty" for intentional vessel pollution. Officials said that these practices began in 2005 and persisted until August 2013, when a newly hired engineer blew the whistle. As part of its plea agreement, ships of the parent company Carnival Cruise lines were subjected to a court supervised environmental compliance plan for five years.[25]

    For violation of the probation terms of 2016 Carnival and its Princess line were ordered to pay an additional $20 million penalty in 2019. The new violations included discharging plastic into waters in the Bahamas, falsifying records and interfering with court supervision


    as you can read they are still dumping stuff at sea .. I guess to some people if you cannot see the destruction its not happening ..   only when people can see it will they believe it.. but by then it will probably be to late as with everything in Australia .. 


  10. yep cruise ships brings nothing to the economy just pollution  .. better to fly and stay longer in a country and see more of it.. there is real action and concerns now over the proposed third cruise terminal , which is great news and more and more people are against destroying a whole bay just for royal carribean mega polluting ships .. so that is great fantastic news .. gov and royal carribean need to listen before it starts to impact them as it will 

  11. 3 hours ago, The_Big_M said:


    We do try. But as said people have limited time, and the majority really want to see what they view as iconic in the limited time they have. That's just human nature. Look at the crowds around the Mona Lisa. And people go away disappointed. But the reality is that's what 90% of tourists go to the Louvre to see, not all the other worthy art around, no matter what people say. It's just a thing. And most people are not going to prioritise regional towns over Sydney. 


    As also already said, they've tried it in the past, and it was a dud getting sailings out of Newcastle. Badly discounted because most people didn't want to leave from there.

    if they stop over crowding Sydney and start developing other major towns maybe people might want to go.. Sydney is at gridlock .. so no need for anymore traffic now ..  cruise industry brings nothing to the economy its just all false info and claims made by the cruise industry ….  as far as im concerned we don't need another cruise port in Sydney at all .. 

  12. if they can pipe gas and oil for thousands of k's they can do it with water .. or these big major companies that just drain rivers for crops should be building there own desal plants and piping there own water.. but it wont happen cities will run dry before they do anything about it... if the gov cannot sell it they will not build it... they have sold us out in all other gas , power , water , agriculture , land , ports. airports etc etc  very little left to sell .. if any .. never know now the fire has burnt a lot of land they can sell that off .. about time we pull the finger out and save our beautiful country ..

  13. 8 hours ago, The_Big_M said:


    You're just rambling for the sake of it now. Can never admit you're wrong, and never admit your suggestions are ludicrous, which they are. But yes, good work dictating the itineraries that tourists must take if they visit Australia now... seems like you would do well in North Korea.

    rambling you say... yeah right you always look for a excuse and way out of facts ,  I put up all the fact's put up the report from port authority  you all were asking for..  parts of it,  the important info and pro's and con's  , its all been redacted .. and hidden from public view so we cannot see the bad points about it..  its a joke and a blatant attempt to hide the truth from all.. as the nsw state does with all its over priced projects hide the truth..


    it saddens me this day and era that how people can put there convenience ahead of the country .. but hey what did I expect  from cruise junkies that don't give a rats about there own country but will sit around dinner tables and coffee breaks telling there friends how great there cruise was , talk about how nicw was this country or port .... '' I seen some great beaches and views'' drank and ate my brains out .. but yet when they get home they could not care less about there own country..  or complain what gov does or lack of  it..  or blame anybody but themselves..  oh well when its all gone destroyed or sold off then maybe if some of you are still around you might change. I doubt it but you never know … hopefully this new generation of kids think of saving there country .. not holding my breath but there is always hope ..   


     I think you people in denial and just want a port for convenience probably don't even get off the ships at different ports . just sit back eat , and not move .. cruise junkies  lol  wonder if any of you have seen the movie WALL -E  

  14. here is a bit of info about botany bay and what it means to the indigenous people of that area …  so if nsw liberals and royal carribean want to destroy it just for there massive 360+ mtr  cruise ships is a criminal act as far as many will be concerned .. but hey its royal carribean no shock there as they  are doing it the same all over the globe , destroy anything to get there ships in.. well the world is changing more and more cities  are protesting against these cruise lines that will stop at nothing to destroy anything so they can  fill there pockets up, while having little to no gain for people or the countries they destroy or visit


  15. 3 hours ago, The_Big_M said:


    Oh, a new argument, but wrong as well.


    The extra passenger volume from ships would be far less than handled by the nearby Sydney airport - and certainly nowhere near as bad as the city which is currently in use and you advocate for. And its interesting you try to use this as an argument when the road past Garden Island is far smaller, as busy, and incapable of expansion being on a smaller, crowded peninsula and on to what was the most densely populated suburb of Australia.


    As for your subsequent comments, that would only INCREASE the environmental impact with all the transport required to transport 10,000 passengers a turnaround time to Sydney! As well as being unappealing to the tourists who you again pretend to advocate for when you promote Sydney Harbour. As a tourist would you want to spend 4 hours each way to get to Sydney from Eden?


    why not if Im here to see the country yes I would there is some awesome beaches and towns to see all the way up we have a beautiful coast line and towns along the coast line ... ..  and the cruise ship will no doubt head to Sydney harbor may not dock but you at least could see the view .. see thast why they say flying has more advantage and brings more tourist as they would rather see the country, beaches towns , all over Australia not just the city

     I don't change  my facts have been just that facts , port authority and nsw liberals are the ones hiding the evidence and trying to conceal it from public view  email them and ask for it.. again you just want it for convenience no matter what is destroyed ..  that's all  .. 


  16. 3 hours ago, gbenjo said:

    They cannot build a third SYDNEY cruise terminal in Eden,  Wollongong or anywhere else.

    well botany bay isn't Sydney harbor either is it..  and its going to be the same ships will still leave botany to go in the harbor .. so if that is royal caribeans plan what difference would it matter where the mega cruise terminal is built

  17. 1 hour ago, The_Big_M said:

    Well, if OPT can handle it, why couldn't Botany Bay??


    And thanks for proving the point; the fact it can handle those containers shows it's more than adequate. Many cargo ports around the world are also used for cruise ships, particularly when the smaller inner harbour ports cannot handle the size the outer cargo ports can.


    So yes you've made a very good point in favour of Botany Bay! Well done Rod.


    Oh, yes, read the clearly labelled "opinion" piece. Sadly lacking on logic though.

    you don't drive do you or if you do you have not been to botany or surrounding suburbs its bloody gridlock at most times of the day..    there is no way that area can handle that much traffic volume  …  if the cruise ships cant fit under the harbor then take them to another part of the state that they already have existing ports that can or upgrade them .. use eden that will help that town and bring in more tourist down there with much needed funds  and jobs to locals ..  they did say if built at botany they still would take the ships into Sydney harbor to give passengers a view of it , but will not dock there.. if that is the case they can do that even with it being built at eden or Newcastle or port kembla 

  18. 3 hours ago, Chiliburn said:

    Royal Caribbean’s profits.

    Rod Sydney is getting bigger,the population is growing.The city needs more port space.


    The new terminal will probably be multiple use as it’s next to the container terminal.

    So in the cruise off season it could host commercial freight and maybe visiting war ships.

     Port Jackson is congested.

    I understand that Sydney is getting bigger but 99% of cruise passengers love to come into Sydney harbor ..  they can relocate the naval fleet and build them a better port and bigger if they want to showcase Sydney harbor .. as for multiple use there wont be enough room for commercial ships there the port wont be bigger enough to house containers or goods ..

  19. 1 hour ago, gbenjo said:

    And you say we don't read or listen......For the last time, you idiot,Royal Caribbean (spelt correctly) do not own the airlines, the hotels, the transport , the restaurants, the local produce supplied to the ships or the myriad of other goods and services that would benefit from this not to mention providing employment to many. the cruise lines, yes all of them, pay hefty fees to the Port Authority/ Govt for the use of the terminals, more money that goes back into the local economy.

    they do that now anyway so what makes ya think millions will back to the economy when they will spend billions to build it..


    and again you and your name calling .. well done


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