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Everything posted by UKstages

  1. i've eaten at o'sheehan's and the local at 3, 4, 5 in the morning and have always been able to get a burger. the limited "late night" menu goes into effect at 11 or midnight. 11:00, i think. the "normal" lunch and dinner menu isn't available late at night, only the one page "late night" menu. from memory, it includes a cheeseburger, reuben, chicken wings, caesar salad, fish and chips, chili, pretzel bites and brownie cheesecake and carrot cake. there might be a few other items. but those should all be available overnight. it's between 5 and 6 am that gets a little iffy... some times they close, as they switch over to the breakfast menu, sometimes they stay open with an even more limited selection, sometimes they will only bring your breakfast. YMMV.
  2. i myself never offered a legal opinion. i focused strictly on the customer service aspects of this query. this is fundamentally a question about who "owns" the customer relationship.
  3. i have been to a fair number of these pre and post covid and have never seen (or heard) a band or trio or whatever... never any live music at the latitudes "parties" i've attended.
  4. is it on the prima? the prima bathrooms within the cabins are very large and the toilets are wonderful. and the public restrooms are very well maintained. they are also one of the least crowded areas on the ship. i was always able to get a seat in the public restrooms, which is more than i can say for the indulge food hall.
  5. some people are having difficulty grasping the concept of duality of responsibility. deep within the smithy of their souls, they somehow feel that the folks who process the bids should be held accountable. and they are sorta kinda right. sorta. so let me try this again. NCL is responsible for the actions of its contractor. if a customer has a complaint about how their bid was processed, the appropriate entity to complain to is NCL. and NCL will handle all communications with that customer related to the inconvenience or the inappropriate processing of their bid. behind the scenes, the contractor is responsible to NCL. NCL will discuss the matter with them, find out what happened and why and, if the contractor is somehow at fault, NCL will demand corrective measures be taken to ensure that whatever happened doesn't happen again. there could be a contractual penalty (fine). there could be new performance standards enacted to which the contractor must adhere. in extreme cases, personnel could be terminated or NCL could terminate its agreement with the contractor and take its business elsewhere. so, the contractor is responsible... to NCL. but the contractor does not have to talk to the customer nor does it have to make the customer whole... NCL does.
  6. you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him think. all reps have access to the same tools. whether they choose to use them is an entirely different matter.
  7. um, geez, i don’t know how to break this to you, but you’re posting on a social media site that you’ve been a member of, apparently, for four years or so. you’ve posted twelve times in the first 22 days of this month. it’s equally as easy to ignore the serial praisers, whose comments are generally unqualified and typically amount to an attack on another poster’s right to post a negative review or comment. perhaps to qualify and substantiate your serial praise? and counter the incessant whining that you abhor in others? i said somewhere upthread that people are passionate in their dislike for the prima, but that we just don’t see the same passion from those that like it. if you like the prima or love the prima, clap your hands! by all means, write a review and tell everybody why… put those serial whiners in their place!
  8. regardless of their physical location, all reps have access to the same tools and resources… namely, a knowledge base, which is a repository of all information on products and services, policies, FAQs and such. no supervisor on site if they’re working from home, that’s true, but typically there is a help line available through e-chat or phone. the reps who have earned the privilege of working from home are typically senior reps with good decision making skills and good product knowledge and need to consult a supervisor less often.
  9. need to define terms. what is "best?" cheapest? quickest? easiest? most comfortable?
  10. if 2.75 megabits is the new upgraded speed using starlink, fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy night.
  11. well, i generally don't hold the shorex folks in very high regard, but on this point, i disagree. they have to continue to sell the excursions for a particular port because they may not legitimately know if they are going to go there or not. sure, it's unlikely after all this time... but at some point they will go there and they have to have a full slate of excursions booked in case they do.
  12. i can confirm that they were selling excursions for all the canceled ports in may. i even had a ticket for an excursion on the 5/14 sailing.
  13. NJ transit train is great, however, some trains do not have a lot of room for luggage and your fellow passengers can get rather testy if you're lugging a bunch of bags. it's about $13.50 one-way per person and the train lets you off at penn station in manhattan at 33rd and seventh avenue. an alternative is the newark airport express bus, run by coach USA. lots of room for luggage and the bus lets you off in the vicinity of the port authority bus terminal in manhattan. assuming you have a hotel in midtown - somewhere close to the cruise terminal - that might be more convenient for you. one way is about $19 per person.
  14. respectfully, all of post #87 is a straw man argument. that’s not what’s being discussed. if there is something wrong with the way your upgrade was processed, who ya gonna call? (the ghostbusters, obviously. they’re very good with this sort of thing. but after them… who ya gonna call?) you’ll call NCL… not because they have final say in accepting the upgrade bid, but because you have a business relationship with them and not their subcontracted firm, the identity of which you may not even know.
  15. indeed I have. there is nothing in there that contradicts my statement. the context you left out is that this is a discussion about the processing of upgrades. there was no liability with regard to personal injury, property damage, inconvenience due to late air, coach or motorcar arrivals. there was no theft nor loss nor damage nor injury nor death. the cruise line bears all responsibility for the performance of its contractors and subcontractors. If your upgrade doesn’t go through or is mishandled, the correct entity to complain to is NCL, not the subcontracted firm that processes the upgrade bids.
  16. the workaround is that two people go in, use one dining credit. the second person orders one item ala carte and pays for it, thus fulfilling the requirement.
  17. that’s some wacky logic there. it’s absolutely true that more people feel compelled to write negative reviews. but that doesn’t make them inherently untrustworthy or dishonest. the bias that has to be accounted for is not that the negative reviews are wrong, but that fewer people with good comments feel motivated to tell their tale. how that translates into not believing 99% of the complaints is puzzling. as for your recounting of what is wrong with the prima, you left out quite a few documented systemic issues that would indeed affect you if you encountered them. the prima is a unique ship. nobody likes to be told they have an ugly baby. NCL built a beautiful - but ugly - baby.
  18. no, pretty much everybody knows. there is a $4.95 for room service at breakfast, regardless of what you order. march 2022 may as well have been in the palezoic era… that was a very long time ago. not sure when they instituted the breakfast fee, it was probably after 3/22. but it’s absolutely true that you used to be able to get continental breakfast without a service fee. and now you can’t.
  19. look at these parties as an opportunity to meet fellow frequent cruisers… nothing more. oh, there will be a few microscopic passed canapés.
  20. or you’re from the midwest, OMAHA bob, where, typically, the local news begins at 10 pm. these announcements would often run just before the local news.
  21. post #2 includes a copy of the breakfast hang tag/menu. it clearly states that a $4.95 room service fee will apply.
  22. i didn’t mention any law, nor did I refer to any legal language. why would you “believe” that a company that has no relationship with you whatsoever would be responsible for making good or fulfilling a promise made by a company with which you do have an actual relationship?
  23. would you be included in that random group of people?
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