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Everything posted by Guppy99

  1. I was told that the minimum was 8 and maximum was 10. We had 9. Everyone seated at one long table in Qzine, so you really could only talk to the people immediately across from you or next to you. The menu posted above is the same we had. It was just ok. I expected much more. There is a bit of push to buy bottles.
  2. Post number 69 contradicts the FAQs of the Celebrity website.
  3. If you have to try to get away with breaking the rules...then you cannot afford the cruise. I stand by that comment.
  4. Yes. This is a way to cheat the rules. Stupid. If you can't afford the drinks, you can't afford the cruise.
  5. drink or food? doesn't matter...the answer is no. The meal is very orchestrated.
  6. You cannot reserve before embarking. I went to Sushi on 5 for lunch when embarking and the host there made the reservation for me.
  7. The menu was just ok, often tepid warm at best. Pours were adequate, but too rushed (I'm a sipper). Meal was extremely long. Uncomfortable unless you really strike up a conversation with a table mate. The cost just does not live up to the actual experience.
  8. Did this on our last cruise. It was nice...but not worth the cover charge.
  9. Hasn't worked so well in recent history, for anyone.
  10. rules and regulations are not meant to be broken because you decide they should be. It's not optional and not up to your judgment. If you want something changed, there are ways to do so. You are not entitled to just ignore it. That's the point. Your judgment may well be short-sighted, self-indulgent and elitist. Maybe not. Why would anyone trust your judgment when they don't know you?
  11. As explained above, there are still places where you can take children at that hour, just not all. As for toddlers being up at that hour, I don't know what to say. 8pm came and my kids were put to bed. We established a routine and that was it. Exceptions were rare. Once they no longer needed an early afternoon nap, they didn't take one just before dinner either just because I wanted a peaceful hour.
  12. Why do you think we have laws and regulations? Most regulations are common sense. Yet, they have to be voted on and then enforced because people in the aggregate cannot be counted on to be smart enough or considerate enough to just do it on their own. I am actually astounded every day at the insensitivity, inconsiderate, and simply stupid behavior that people engage in, and then when called out demand and rely on their "rights" after trampling on everyone else's. These are just small things, but are indicative of a much larger issue. You do NOT live in a world by yourself. Everything you say and do (including dress) impacts everyone else around you to some degree. I say, get over yourself and your self-entitled "I'll do as I please despite the rules of the owner" attitude. You enter a contract when you purchase a cruise ticket, and the rules established by the contract partner are not merely suggestions if you feel like it.
  13. so anything goes if you are trim and fit...and nothing is okay if a person is overweight (as over half the world is? How very elitest of you. I'm quite sure then, from your haughty tone, that you really don't care to sailing with the riff raft on Celebrity and much prefer to sail on the luxury lines. And please...do not say that you would wait 6 months for a special restaurant experience and then show up in a t-shirt and shorts. If you do, I don't believe you.
  14. You are absolutely right and ignore every poster here who tells you otherwise. Many have adopted an "I don't care what anyone says' attitude and expect excellent service, great food, in a fine dining atmosphere, but I can't be bothered putting pants on. It's juvenile to say the least. The passengers are part of the overall experience and it really makes a difference when people can't be bothered with dressing nice in any of the dining venues after 6pm. After awhile, it sets everyone's expectations lower. I am not advocating "dressing up" as everyone here then seems to assume you are either at one extreme or another. But...shorts, baggy/worn jeans, and t-shirts that say "I'm with stupid" or some other equally sophisticated graphic or statement belong in the buffet at night.
  15. First, Le Petite Chef has three different videos and three different menus. The video experience is just that, an experience. All three are unique and humorous. I have done this on multiple ships. The food depends upon how well it is prepared. The last time on Summit, the food was so good, we went a second night to a different "show". It was equally as good. (It was not as well prepared on others) Particularly the seafood selections. I highly recommend you do this at least once, and then decide for yourself. If you go with the idea that it is a unique experience to be enjoyed, you won't be disappointed.
  16. I think you're right. I keep forgetting that some people get some sort of vicarious thrill out of stirring up controversy. So sad that such people have no real life, or original thoughts.
  17. I absolutely hate any spicy foods. That refers to peppery and heat spices. Flavorful is more than ok. Heat for the sake of burning my pallet, gums, and stomach is beyond comprehension.
  18. At get together and family restaurants, there is no issue with alcohol as responsible adults will not drink to excess when children are in attendance. However, bars are for the sole purpose of drinking and that is another matter entirely as the conversation topics, language, and adult type behavior is unsuitable for children.. imo. And I am no prude by any means.
  19. I suspect the loss will be for your fellow passengers.
  20. Children are not "hidden away" in the US. There is a healthy respect for: - not exposing children to adults drinking - not exposing children to adult topics of conversation - not bothering adults with your child's unruly (but quite normal) "running around" antics in the late evening - not having children participate in gambling The European's who have posted on this thread have been judgmental in their opinions. I most certainly love children, but they simply do not belong in every venue at every hour.
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