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Everything posted by Tlbecker1

  1. 45 days prior as soon as I can, in order to get the boarding time that we want and to get it all done.
  2. I have called and received price reductions many times. We also book on the ship, but have never been asked to pay an additional deposit in order to get the reduction. I have lost OBC, but I am fine with that if the cruise price is less. I have also experienced where they tell you you are going to lose the OBC, but we still end up getting it.
  3. It is so hard to know which is better. We cruised in Sept & Oct. on the Ovation and had great weather in October. We love the Ovation, so that would be our choice. We are going in Aug. this year, so we shall see.
  4. Or you could purchase the emed home tests and do one of those. They also except the free government tests, you just need to pay $20 to have them proctored.
  5. We do the exact same thing. Airfare has always been part of our cruising experience, but we just go for B2B’s now.
  6. We definitely are going to be wearing shorts when it is 60! Rain has never bothered us and getting wet is all part of our daily lives, except this week it will be 100 degrees totally not normal for Oregon.
  7. We have done 8 cruises in Alaska and have never thought about bringing rain pants. It must be that we are Oregonians and rain is normal all of the time for us.
  8. It honestly depends on your neighbors in regards to the noise level.
  9. That is what happened with us also. We are finally going on our first cruise with Celebrity and it already shows that we are Elite.
  10. We have cruised 4 times on the Ovation in Alaska. The balcony rooms that I would avoid is deck 13. The overhang on deck 13 makes it difficult to see the glacier and take good pictures. We also were lucky to cruise during the Aurora Borealis and we had to go to deck 15 to see it. Lots of other fellow cruisers enjoyed them from their balconies.
  11. I have tested 10 times before cruising. Yes, I am happy when it is complete and I am negative.
  12. Maybe wait until testing is over to cruise. It really isn’t that stressful.
  13. It really is no big deal. If everyone had to test at the port, we would all be waiting in even longer lines and waiting for results before we can board. This way it is all done before we get there. We also have to travel long distances to each of our cruises and I would like to know if I am not going to be able to cruise before I leave.
  14. We did a B2B on the Brilliance in May and didn’t have any problems enjoying Cabernet. If you are concerned bring some amazing Italian wine onboard and enjoy that.πŸ˜€
  15. We just opened an account, transferred money into it and purchased when we felt the price was good. You can set dollar amounts of what you want to purchase it at and dollar amounts on when you want to sell. We now use TD Ameritrade: https://www.tdameritrade.com/
  16. All of the tests will need to be proctored. For the BINAX now tests you will need to set up an account and have them proctored. If you wish to use the government tests, you will still need to pay $20 to have them proctored. Here is a website that you can use: https://rapidtestandtrace.com/product/observed-test-for-travelL We have Providence for our insurance and they did reimburse us for the entire cost of the emed tests, including the shipping. πŸ˜€
  17. I see that many commented on the beach, but the pool is also a nice place to hang out with several loungers and umbrellas.πŸ˜€
  18. We also sailed on the Adventure June 2021 and we had the best time. Loved everything about it.πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  19. It is: shareholderbenefit@rccl.com I always use this link to submit: https://rclshareholderbenefit.questionpro.com/
  20. We ordered last month and received them 4 days later.
  21. Choice is your designation from the casino. πŸ˜€
  22. Wow! I feel so bad for you. We are happy to be able to enjoy the vouchers anytime during the day that we want to. We are Diamond +, so we get 5, but we are so happy to get 5 whenever we want.
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