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Everything posted by Tlbecker1

  1. We live in Oregon and we don’t have sales tax and it is even strange for us when we travel to other states with sales tax. We all get used to what we are used to.
  2. It doesn’t matter what time of the day you start it, it just ends 24 hours later.
  3. Anytime Wednesday is fine. It is 2 days, not actually 48 hours.
  4. We have done 10 cruises since June 21’. It was nice having low numbers of folks on ships last year, but we are fine with the larger numbers too. We are looking forward to our next cruise on the Quantum in August.
  5. I am sure that they don’t mind, cash is cash! I just had never had anyone do that before.
  6. On our May TA on the Anthem the stateroom attendant left only 1 tipping envelope with his name and our room number all filled out. That was a first for us.
  7. Exactly, just hit the handicapped button and no need to touch the doors at all.
  8. Wow! We will be in Seattle in 2 weeks, I am curious if they will have a sign there too. We always tip the porters.
  9. Exactly. Our 8-22 cruise docs shows $14.50 and our 8-29 shows $16.00. I am more than happy to pay the increase. So what if I didn’t know about the increase until I downloaded my 8-29 docs today….
  10. Paper towels and there is a sign mentioning that you should use them to open the door.😀
  11. There of been a few threads of individuals having problems with the OnPoint customer service. They have experienced long hold times. I would suggest using Rapid Test & Trace. https://rapidtestandtrace.com/
  12. I would never leave any valuables in a car, but I do feel bad for them. I hope that they only lost clothing and not items that can’t be replaced.
  13. I would make an appt. with Rapid test and trace as a backup. https://rapidtestandtrace.com/
  14. We had this happen, but it was only for 24 hours. We had a $600 OBC and we just kept taking it out each day.
  15. Just ask your stateroom attendant for one. We have never had a problem getting one.😀
  16. Here is a copy. I was incorrect that we enjoyed it on the Ovation. It was actually on the Odyssey!
  17. We enjoyed ours on the Ovation and we would definitely do it again.
  18. We received totes on our Brilliance cruise in May and towels on the Anthem in May.
  19. Gratuities have never went down later since we started cruising in 1997.
  20. From what folks have posted Onpoint doesn’t have good customer service. People have posted about waiting over an hour for someone to answer. People have been posting about: https://rapidtestandtrace.com/ and the reviews seem much better.
  21. I am glad that you think so. Bringing $1’s for all of our tipping(when we don’t cruise less than 14 days at a time) is $140-1’s, that is a large stack to take on a plane.
  22. You and me both are nitwits and I agree 100%! I still don’t understand why $2’s are a problem? That is what we use and will keep doing so.
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