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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. Here I am again. Now at 49 days out. Getting closer! I believe I should be able to check in on September 18th. Everything is in place. I have been looking at videos and travel guides for the ports I will be visiting. This will be a great trip. My sister and I are determined not to let anything mess with our cruise. Things might go wrong. My mantra will be "Oh well". The last thing that I will be doing is getting vaccinated for the flu and COVID two weeks before we go at my doctor's recommendation. I am ready!
  2. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. It was in the 40s overnight. 53 when I got up. This is my kind of weather. Doing my happy dance because there re 49 days until my cruise. I get to check in 21 days out which brings me to September 18th. Thats even closer. My plan is to get a COVID and flu shot before I leave. My doctor recommended two weeks before. Taking my vitamins to build up my immune system. I have a slower day than the last two. I have to finish a consulting project I am working on. Then start grading assignments for two classes. I am blessed to be able to do what I do and work on my terms. I like the freedom. I also like to keep busy with different things. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  3. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny and somewhat cool today. Busy today with the usual. Should get outside today. Oh, and I just became a certified travel advisor to add to my many businesses. Past that exam today. @MISTER 67, no one should tell your where to post. You are most welcome here. I do sail HAL and also NCL. My next cruise in 50 days is on NCL. I plan to sail other lines as well. This is a place of friendship and connection regardless of which cruise line you sail. So please, stay. Bon Voyage to @TiogaCruiser! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  4. Happy Monday, Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Busy day today. Finishing up one class. Starting two new classes. I have to finish a project I am working on for another university. The work never ends. Might get some rain today. 51 days until my cruise. I will definitely need this cruise. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  5. Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Rain expected today. Under a flood watch. Need to go grocery shopping. My sister and I went out and did some shopping for my nephew's wedding next month. It was successful. We had lunch out as well. It has been a long time since we have done that due to our busy schedules. Today, nothing much planned. Happy birthday to @Mr. Boston! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  6. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the daily and Fleet reports. Rainy weekend. Fancy will not be happy. I think I will use this weekend to chill out some. I have come to the conclusion that I am overthinking my dissertation when it comes to the statistics. So, I am going to stop it and just report the results as they are. Can I tell you how tired of this thing I am. Just going to get it done. Here is Sheldon, my favorite black cat. Yes. he is in the bathroom sink just hanging out. Bon voyage to @0106! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  7. Happy Friday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny and hot today. Expecting cooler temps for the weekend. Busy day for me in that I am grading assignments for four classes. This is a never-ending task. I then have to review a new counseling master's program for another university. Love what I do. The only thing that I have to do is to remember to take breaks. 54 days. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  8. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. @HAL Sailer, I am thinking of you and holding you in my prayers as you walk this journey. Today will be sunny and about 86 today. Temperature creeping up slightly. Then goes back down in a few days. Lots of grading of assignments today so I will be focused there. Successful doctor's visit yesterday. No changes. 55 days until my cruise. I really hate this waiting. I am figuring out what camera equipment I will be taking as I plan on lots of pictures and videos. I have to be mindful that even though I have an aft balcony, it is still a smaller ship so storage may not be as plentiful. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  9. 55 days out. Getting closer. Today I was checking who will be in port with the Sky. Mostly much smaller ships with the exception of Portland in which the Breakaway will be there. Plan for Portland would be walking the harbor and stopping to eat at our favorite place, The Porthole Restaurant for a Lobster Roll. I love walking along the harbors. Even with crowds, it can be rather peaceful. We successfully made three specialty dining reservations. Cagney's on embarkation day. Then La Cucina. We have eaten at these restaurants on the Pearl two years ago. We are trying Le Bistro for the first time. I am not a huge fan of French cuisine but looking at the sample menu, there seems to be options. We will also be eating in the MDRs, the Buffet (on the Pearl we loved having breakfast in the Great Outdoors), and the Local. I have heard, watching YouTube videos of the Sky people saying the Local was 24/7 like O'Sheehan's was on the Pearl, but others have said it is not. If you have been on the Sky recently, maybe someone can confirm. I know La Cucina serves Pizza for lunch, and I will be there. Many of our lunches will probably be in the ports that we visit. I would love to do dinner in the ports, but the itinerary has us leaving many of the ports around 4 or 5 pm. Anyway, I will keep you all up to date on the countdown. Getting closer. This will be the longest vacation I have ever taken (such the workaholic). Can't tell you how excited I am.
  10. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Early start today. Had an early doctor's appointment. Just a routine diabetic checkup. Everything looking good. Have to get my lab work done within the next month. I have a meeting and a client and will be spending time grading assignments for three classes. Nice and sunny today, expecting temps in the 80s. Not as humid so enjoyable. 56 days until my cruise. Started making payments for my Eurodam cruise next year to Alaska. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  11. My first cruise was in the Pearl in 2022. Loved her. I always read reviews with a grain of salt and then go and have my own experience. Go and enjoy your trip.
  12. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet report. Well, today started off interesting. I woke up to find that Fancy had gotten into the trash. She pulled the bag out of the can and had the trash strewn all over the living room. Luckily nothing messy. It gave me an excuse to do a quick vacuum. I would have thought she was still tired after our walk in the park yesterday. I think my cat Chase was in on it as he had a guilty look on his face. Working on my classes today. Grading and setting up for two new classes. 57 days until my cruise. Sunny and 80 today. Perhaps I will sit outside and do my work. Haven't been to Seattle yet. I will be sailing out of Seattle next May on the Eurodam heading to Alaska. @Copper10-8 Happy Anniversary! @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DH! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  13. Happy Monday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny and around 82 today. Much cooler that it has been. Fancy is going to the vet to get her nails trimmed and anal glands done. The we will be going to the park as she deserves it. She has been uncomfortable for the past couple of days. Finishing one class today and will be grading another class full of assignments. It never ends. Yesterday I spent the morning pulling weeds from the from bed. I let it go a little too long. Now I am sore. Oh well. Happy birthday to @richwmn and to @luvteaching mom. Bon voyage to @Haljo1935 Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  14. Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Very refreshing day this morning. Getting up to just 80 today. Expecting some cooler weather over the next several days. I have a few chores to do today and then I am relaxing. 59 days until my cruise. Getting closer? Bon voyage to @RMLincoln! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  15. Happy Saturday. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Sunny today with a high in the low 80s. Expecting cooler weather in the next couple of days. Planning on doing some chores around the house. Maybe weeding the front bed. Some clean-up to do after the storms. Grocery shopping. The usual weekend stuff. This is Fancy or what we call a spoiled dog. Bon voyage to @luvteaching Happy birthday @Tbay! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  16. Saguenay. This is a new port for me. I am in the process of watching videos on Saguenay. It looks like a very pretty area. I see that there is some type of show that is put on which looks fun. There seems to be a hop on hop off as well. I need to do some exploration as we plan our visit. Our go to option would be to walk around the port area and see what is there. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  17. Happy Friday! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Lots and lots of rain. At least I will not be watering the vegetable garden. Lots of work to do today with classes. Keeping me busy. Fancy on the other hand will not be happy as she hates going out in the rain. 61 days until my cruise. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  18. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Rain today and into tomorrow as tropical storm Debby passes through. Then looks like some cooler weather. I have four classes so i am doing a lot of grading of assignments and responding to discussion posts. I have two clients scheduled today as well. Adapting to the working from home thing. I have to remember to get outside every now and then or I will forget what the world looks like. I worry that Fancy is becoming too attached with me at home and she gets such separation anxiety when I go out to run errands. 62 days and counting. Here are my kitties. Sheldon Chase Fiona Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and Healthy Day.
  19. Happy Wednesday, Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. High of 75 today and we will be stuck in a rainy pattern for the next several days. Looks like by Saturday we will have cooler weather. Getting my hair done today. Then back to grading assignments, a never-ending task. Between meetings and creating videos for my classes yesterday I almost lost my voice, 63 days until cruise day. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  20. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. High of 91 today. We are under flood watches as expecting rain all the way through to Saturday as tropical storm Deby comes this way. Won't mind as I won't have to water the garden. Meetings and grading today. I start a new class last minute which is fine. Busy, busy, busy. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  21. 64 days to go. Just got the hotel confirmation from Auberge St, Pierre in Quebec. I have always stayed at those mass market hotels so a little boutique hotel will be fun. Breakfast is included; however, it is not a full breakfast. Someone had complained about that in a review. That is fine with me because we are scouting out places to go if we decide we want a full breakfast. It is quite fun looking at the restaurant menus and getting hungry. Working on learning a little French as well. My sister did note that based on the fact that we were forced to learn Latin in grade school and we both speak some Spanish, we are able to figure out French. Google translate will come in handy if needed. So far, nothing has changed except for our flight to Canada which is leaving 5 minutes later. No biggie. I expect that any more with flights. I travel a lot for work and the only time I changed a flight was when they only gave me a 45-minute layover at Atlanta airport. Was not having any of that. Be back with more.
  22. Happy Monday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Going up to 95 today. Very hot. I am going to post a picture in the next few days of the zucchini I harvested from my garden. It is huge! I also harvested cherry tomatoes and a purple pepper. About a month late with the harvest but at least I got something. I am a farmer. I picked up a last-minute class so I will be busy with four classes. I have started going to the gym again every day as a way to make sure that I get out of the house. Working from home can be isolating. 65 days until my cruise. Had a flight change though. Plane is leaving Philadelphia five minutes later. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  23. Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. We have been having rain for the last several days. Expecting some more today. It is so humid though. Counting down to fall next month. No real plans today. Going to cook chicken in the slow cooker today. Planning on going to the gym as well. Bon voyage to @MISTER 67! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating, Have a safe and healthy day.
  24. 67 days to go. Our first port on this trip will be our embarkation port, Quebec. We are flying in two days early. We fly from Philadelphia to Toronto and then to Quebec. We are staying at a cute little hotel, Auberge St. Pierre. We will be in Quebec on 10/7 around 6 pm. we will be spending one whole day walking around before our cruise begins on the 9th. I have been watching YouTube videos highlighting Quebec and I am exciting to see it in person. One thing I know is that this is my vacation. I do not expect perfection (no one is perfect). Ports might get cancelled or the times in port might change. Flights might be delayed. Food might not be 100% perfect. I don't anticipate starving. I plan to have fun and enjoy myself. I don't get away very often. So regardless of what happens, nothing will stop me from having a great time. Even those conspiracy theories that suggest the powers that be of NCL (all cruise lines really) are sitting in their offices scheming about how they will cheat their customers will not deter me from enjoying my vacation. Nah. Not happening.
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