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Denise T

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Everything posted by Denise T

  1. My Anchorage experience last year did not go as planned. Our goal was to fly into Anchorage, settle into the hotel and do some sightseeing a day before our cruise on Nieuw Amsterdam which was sailing out of Whittier. Mind you was coming from Pennsylvania. We flew out of Philadelphia to Charlotte, then to Dallas where we met up with my brother and sister-in-law. We were to fly from Dallas to Anchorage. Well. our flight out of Dallas was delayed by several hours as they looked for a replacement pilot as ours was pulled for another flight. Needless to say, we did not get to Anchorage and our hotel until midnight Anchorage time.
  2. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. I realized I missed yesterday. Been very busy. Had three hours of meetings yesterday and I continue to get my presentation together for my conference. Some sun and maybe some showers today. Going to the chiropractor this morning and then more grading of assignments. Happy birthday to @cat shepard. Happy anniversary @Horizon chaser 1957 Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  3. Happy Monday. Remembering all gave their lives to serve our country. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Expecting rain here today. Concentrating on a few inside chores and then relaxing for the rest of the day. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  4. Happy Sunday everyone. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Today will be 86 and mostly sunny. I will be outside pulling weeds today. Fancy enjoyed her walk in the park yesterday. she is a little stiff this morning. Expecting rain tomorrow so we are trying to get as much outside stuff done today. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  5. Happy Saturday! Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. Today is sunny and 85. Fancy is going to the vet this morning for her shots and then to the park for a nice walk before the heat sets in. Then it is home to cut the grass and clean out the last bed for vegetables. Bon voyage to @MrSnuffleupagus! Happy (half year) birthday to @ger_77! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  6. Happy Friday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Sunny and 85 today. Preparing for a nice long weekend. Taking Fancy to the vet tomorrow for her shots then off to the park. Spending the rest of the weekend chilling. Happy birthday to @Heartgrove. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  7. Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. Expecting some rain today. Highs in the 80s. Working on class assignments. I have my live class this evening. A couple of clients as well. Also working on my presentation for the conference in a few weeks. Lots to do, only so much time in a day to get it done. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  8. Welcome to Wednesday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. The meal and drink of the day sound yummy. Going up to 85 today. Hot and humid. There will be full on sun. Not a big fan of the very hot summery days. Grading assignments and seeing clients round out my day. Only 140 days until my cruise! Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  9. Have a good rest of you day everyone.
  10. I'm in the 80s now. I would rather have the 40s.
  11. Princess. They are probably doing maintenance maybe,
  12. Looks nice in Juneau today. Love the zooms.
  13. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet report. Foggy this morning. Hot and humid today. Typical summer weather here in PA. Finishing up grading of assignments. Working on my presentation coming up in a couple of weeks. Busy, busy. Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. Have a safe and healthy day.
  14. Have a great day everyone. Going out for a walk.
  15. Yeah, I was watching the Luminosa move to anchor after docking. If I remember right, she was in earlier than 7 am.
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