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Everything posted by jon81uk

  1. They also need to ensure everyone moves down each row and fills every available seat. In the past there was a lot of single seats being left between groups.
  2. Ice cream and soda is a float, think Coke Float or similar.
  3. The only previous free offering was a bridge tour, did they specifically ask for a bridge tour? If they asked for a ship tour then I would expect them to get pointed towards the full tour that has a charge, but asking for just a bridge tour might be different? Also in terms of taking bottles of spirits, when we were rockstar we didn’t ask, just took them!
  4. There is a channel that shows the view from the wake.
  5. I can’t see people lining up for an hour. But even with a reservation I’ve waited 15-20 for doors to open for things before. Especially It’s a Ship Show.
  6. From the terminal to the airport last September there was a flat rate taxi fee, but I don’t recall how much it was. Can book taxi on the FreeNow app or just get one from the rank.
  7. I noticed that too, I think on busy sailings recently there has been many times people complain they didn’t see any shows as they were all fully booked, therefore they’ve now removed booking for many of the Red Room shows. The dinner shows are low capacity so makes sense they needing booking.
  8. Have you booked the right cabin category? Basically only sea terrace and rockstar get it. “Eligible Cabins, Bar Tab: Only the XL Sea Terrace, Central Sea Terrace, The Sea Terrace, Ltd View Sea Terrace and cabins in the Rockstar Quarters Meta Category are eligible for the Bar Tab in the “Wave 2024” Offer. The Bar Tab does not apply to the following cabins: The Insider, Sea View, all Lock It In Rate cabins, and Mega Rockstar Quarters.”
  9. I wasn’t looking for the pool party myself but found plenty of spaces elsewhere, the Dock bar on deck 7 has a completely different vibe compared to the main pool and the Athletic Club space at the back of deck 16 is slightly quieter than the pool even if it’s a similar genre of music.
  10. whereas the music did feel correct at the pool for me, like you say like a Vegas or Miami pool party.
  11. In most of the bars and common areas you’ll find generic pop music most of the time, same as any other bar or cafe would play really. The Dock bar tends to be a bit more instrumental. The pool area will have dance music or beach club style dance mixes, with a live DJ most afternoon. There will be two or three live music acts onboard. Typically a solo busker style artist will play in the Dock outdoor bar or the central atrium roundabout. Then a full band plays On The Rocks bar each night. The genre varies depending on the band booked but can be blues, rock, country or soul.
  12. one less sea day but same number of port days. The Scarlet Lady one has Gran Canaria but the Resilient one has Mallorca.
  13. You won’t see it applied until after booking. But the amount you should expect is in the post above.
  14. That went over a year ago maybe longer
  15. Standard cabins have Red Flower brand shampoo, conditioner and body wash attached to the wall the shower. No lotion in standard cabins. There is also a bar of soap by the sink. Suites have loose bottles of those three plus lotion. This is the brand https://redflower.com/ocean-purifying-body-wash-1.html
  16. Typically $35-45 I think for most of the paid activities.
  17. That’s not been the case for over a year. Caribbean sailings are basically full now and many Mediterranean had 1200-2500 onboard.
  18. The issue is Resilient Lady getting to Australia after the European summer season. So yes they could have cancelled the summer in Athens and Portsmouth and moved the ship to LA next month instead of going round Africa to get to Athens, but I think that would have meant a lot more worse cancellations compared to coming to Europe and then going transatlantic for winter 24/25 instead of back to Australia. Getting to LA for November 24 would have meant going back to Australia round Africa anyway instead of just doing the TA to San Juan.
  19. Almost all regular sea terrace cabins have hammocks, it’s mainly XL ones at the very front that don’t. VV Insider has a list https://vvinsider.com/cabins/con/no-hammock/
  20. The main exception is that indoor bars do not have blenders so if you want blended frozen drinks you can only get them at the pool bars. Pretty much every standard cocktail and spirit can be ordered at any bar. With beer the Draught Haus should have the biggest selection, other bars will be more limited on beer selection.
  21. It’s a company called Bags and Go, you leave it with them at the port and collect it from them at the airport. https://bagsandgo.com/en/ didnt use them myself, but there was a queue of people leaving things with them when we left the port last year.
  22. I read it as one bag each week.
  23. I wouldn’t expect it. With Its a Ship Show it was the same variety acts for several weeks and I expect LOLz to be similar. What is different on the transatlantic is the festival stage, they generally have 3-4 different acts over the two weeks whereas on regular cruises it’s just one.
  24. can tell the server when they come to take your order for the main course that you won’t be eating.
  25. According to VV Insider it’s the same menu that It’s a Ship Show used to serve. https://vvinsider.com/on-board/event/lolz-supper-club/ The food is fine, the two starters are pretty good, the roast vegetables and the burrata, but the main course is a bit small (no sides or potatoes) and can be dry. Can always get pizza afterwards if still hungry.
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