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Everything posted by gah_cruise

  1. maybe if you tell us how many and size of bags you are considering, then hopefully you will get some answers that help you decide....good luck 🙂
  2. I was referring to the "Bar" in the Casino...
  3. Has the Bar in the Casino been removed?
  4. Can your order Premium wines in Alfredos?...do they have a wine list?
  5. even at 9.30am this morning (6th May) "Live Chat" was saying that Vines was being replaced by Crooners, Not sure if Live chat was a bot or a human.. Anyways yet another screwed piece of information from Princess.
  6. Dock Gate 8 should be open because CELEBRITY SILHOUETTE is due to be there.....but would I be allowed? I think I will take your advice and go back to 10....(20 is way out.) Thanks for advice
  7. We are departing from Mayflower Cruise Terminal (Berth 106) I see that you can use either Dock Gate 10 or 20. However we are staying at the Holiday Inn, Herbert Waker Av. the evening before, and looking on Google Maps..it suggests going through Dock Gate 8 to Mayflower? This seems an easier drive....is it possible or is Google just taking the shortest journey?
  8. assume this one https://www.princess.com/cruise-search/details/?voyageCode=Y315
  9. I think if you are on a B2B you are required to disembark and then embark again (passing thro immigration)......could be wrong though
  10. Try updating your app......sometimes helps. Sorry I cant be of more help...
  11. What time are you trying to book? As you say, it does seem odd....have you tried other times on the same days?
  12. Thank you for the correction. So how early? I sail in June and booked last Sept and booked MDR and Speciality as soon as had confirmation and months before the final payment due.
  13. working okay from the UK. PS... I don't think that your "Elite status" makes a difference.
  14. 4 cruises in 4 months...wow. Think I would soon get bored with cruising that often.
  15. If you are unable to imagine why some people "NEED" to be connected, then I don't think any responses will help you better understand.
  16. word to the wise...what is shown on this generic menu is not necessarily what is available on board. Last year on Enchanted, Peroni...although shown on the menu was only available for the last 3 days of a 7 day cruise (always replaced with Heinekin sadly)
  17. Yup... that is what I thought...with the increase to $20/drink limit shant upgrade....no interest in what has been added to the package
  18. no worries...App says drinks max $20 which is what I would have expected (up from $18). Princess IT...SNAFU 🙂
  19. so what does 75/85 mean ( We are on Premier) does not show drink limits?
  20. App is now back...and showing the revised price limit (Premier) of $20 (was $18 when purchased) I posted a link to the bar prices ...here it is again (OceanReady menu...not all bars) https://profcruise.com/princess-oceannow-beverage-menu/?fbclid=IwAR1l3M1J98SorGOCc32WWjfgBUEvJteI5ewTUswISiKMwq-vKnzqiybRv5E
  21. recent pricing....not sure how accurate but says Apr 2023 https://profcruise.com/princess-oceannow-beverage-menu/?fbclid=IwAR1l3M1J98SorGOCc32WWjfgBUEvJteI5ewTUswISiKMwq-vKnzqiybRv5E
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