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Everything posted by bamaone

  1. Don’t know the wine list but we were getting the free bottle and our server suggested we upgrade to J Lohr. It was a good recommendation.
  2. Call it what you want but the employees are there to earn money. If they can earn extra money by showing a little more attention to a particular passenger that’s what they’re going to do. For that matter, who wouldn’t do a little extra for higher pay? Isn’t that why we work? For the money
  3. Now that's funny. Thanks for the laugh. I feel better.
  4. Being honest, I don’t really care. I just need a negative test to get on my cruise.
  5. Most test expiration dates have been extended. Binax is the first 2 listed. 15 month extension. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/home-otc-covid-19-diagnostic-tests#list
  6. I agree it’s great to lure new customers with more affordable pricing. But at some point you have to make money or you don’t survive. Carnival is so far in debt right now they’re having difficulty making payments. They may not be able to wait out a turnaround without price increases to cover operating cost.
  7. If you go back and read the thread you’ll see we are talking about canceling flights that are not effected by any of the cost you mentioned. But thanks for giving us your company talking points, even if the don’t apply.
  8. Carnival is paying more for everything that keeps their business going. Wages, fuel, food, and materials. How can a company survive with negative finances?
  9. Why do you care so much about a message board with anonymous individuals posting messages that have a different opinion than you?
  10. After reading this entire thread I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way to avoid this situation in the future is to never have a nation wide lock down of any kind ever again.
  11. One of the biggest issues with the green thinkers is that they don't actually think. They have no idea how many things depend on fossil fuels (petroleum) that we use in our everyday lives. A barrel of oil is broken down into many different products. Each barrel gives specific quantities of those products. In other words you can't produce one without the other. So if you reduce gasoline production, you also have to reduce every other product made from a barrel of oil by the same percentages. Click on the link and see for yourself. https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/video-of-the-day-life-without-petroleum-based-products/
  12. No doubt flights are changed for reasons you mentioned. But if you think they’re not also being canceled for cost savings you don’t understand how economics work.
  13. According to our leaders, we’re not in a recession. We’re in a trans session. The GPD growth identifies as a positive. You know, 2 negatives = a positive type stuff.
  14. It's not Carnival. It's the airlines. They're cancelling flights to save money. I've had mine changed 2 times in the past month. I'm expecting a couple more before September. You can't expect Carnival to supplement your dogs kennel service or pay for a hotel room when they had nothing to do with flight changes.
  15. Because it doesn’t have a whale tail or orange life boats? There’s no way you really care what color the life boats are. The Luminosa will look just fine next to other Carnival ships just as other cruise line ships do. The company’s brand is cruising and that’s what they are providing. I absolutely do not see anything embarrassing about another great looking ship sailing with the Carnival name.
  16. I’m amazed at all the crying comments over a ship being added. The whale tail does nothing for the ship. So what if doesn’t get the full paint job since it may only be temporary. I say great job Carnival trying to do what it can to keep its company going.
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