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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Not yet Terri. I'll see my PA in a few weeks and see what comes up then. And I've stopped the standing more and sitting less since it's not a blood clot. That was mostly yesterday.
  2. I'm shaking my head at their rude behavior. They don't deserve a relationship with any of you at this point.🤷‍♀️ I'm trying different things on my leg today, for instance standing more (don't like that one), heat, ice, Voltaren gel and Tylenol. Nothing gives long lasting relief. I need to be patient. DH just heard back from his biopsy on his face. They want him to come in after it's completely healed to take a look at it. They said it was a pre-cancerous spot so they might want to prescribe a cream to apply, or maybe another excision. I'm sure they will take good care of him. So he goes in on Aug. 23.
  3. I remember you mentioning that in the past, and believe I would find it very uncomfortable having them as next door neighbors. I wish you luck in avoiding them. Hopefully they will decide to move sometime soon. LOL! Your home and garden are so lovely, I'm sure I wouldn't want to be the ones to move away if I were you.
  4. Graham, I'm sure you and Pauline would drive to the ends of the earth to help out Sarah. Lucky young lady! And you did a great job multi-quoting too.😊
  5. I remember doing that - covering the books with paper bags. Did it for my kids too.
  6. I hope your sister finds a good doctor and gets her eye taken care of properly. It's unfortunate when we have health issues while trying to have a nice vacation. I know you will take good care of your dear sister, Joy! Prayers for you all.
  7. Didn't want to like your post Graham, with the news your Sarah has Covid. Seems like everyone knows someone ( or many someones) who are positive with Covid. What a crazy world we're in these days! I hope she is having a mild case of it and negative very soon.
  8. That sounds like a very bad fall! I'm so happy someone came by soon after to help you. Sorry about the cut, black eye and need to replace the glasses. It's a good lesson for us all to watch where we're walking very closely. Get better fast!
  9. I love the weather vane! Who would of thought you could do that?
  10. Good morning friends! Not such a pretty morning here, lots of clouds and even patchy fog over the tree tops. Many chances of rain this coming week. I had a little bit of a restless night and leg pain in the early morning hours. Still got up and walked my 2.5 miles on the treadmill. No plans out of the house today. Thanks Rich @richwmnfor the Fleet Report and Daily. Interesting days to celebrate, such as the cows. I appreciate them for the milk and beef they provide. I remember Etch a Sketch from my childhood, and was never very good at it, but enjoyed it just the same. We used to pack lunches for school and work in little paper bags, but rarely use one anymore. The pasta dish looks really good! Thanks Debbie @dfishfor the variety of recipes. I'm glad to hear you have the flight situation under control. You are going to have a wonderful cruise, I'm sure of it. Whitehorse, Yukon is a spot we've never visited before. It was posted here last on June 20, 2021. Thanks in advance for any pictures coming up. Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor the new Care and Celebration lists. Prayers lifted for all on the Care list and any others not listed that you know of that need them. 🙏 My twin scheduled a carpal tunnel and ulnar release surgery for yesterday, while I was away on my cruise and I didn't even know about it until a few days ago. She asked her daughter Amy if she should cancel it with Buddy in hospice but Amy said no, go ahead with it. So she had that done yesterday and was home and in no pain last evening. So much going on in everyone's life! Cheers for all on the Celebration list. Enjoy your happy events/cruises!🥂 I hope this is a good day for everyone. Stay safe!
  11. So sorry to hear about your DB and how bad his case of Covid is. What a shame he can't continue on with plans for the race. Prayers for his quick recovery.
  12. Your painting is outstanding! You have a ton of talent.
  13. Thanks for the advice. Yes, I have Volataren gel and will try that. I do listen to the doctors here!
  14. Yes, that is a relief. But when I'm up walking the house at night to relieve the pain I'd like a little more help. Maybe I could try something like Aspercreme.
  15. Okay not a blood clot according to the PA call. But no real idea what it is. Said to make an appointment in a few weeks with my usual PA and see how it goes. Could improve before then. Said I could take warm baths at bedtime. Said perhaps I could see an orthopedist in the future. Not sure why. I am frustrated with this. Maybe I'll take a pain reliever before bedtime, try a heating pad. Or perhaps ice? This is the confusion that results from no real diagnosis...
  16. Well I was seen by one of the PA's at my doctor's office this morning. He agreed we should do an ultrasound which he couldn't have done there. So I had my choice of the imaging facility two blocks away or the hospital next door. I chose the imaging facility (had gone there for a bone density test once), they called and got me an appointment for three hours later. So I went home and had lunch and waited around to go back. I hate doing that with gas prices so high but that was too long to just goof off somewhere. It's only 20 minutes drive back or forth. I had the ultrasound done on both legs, not just the right leg, and am waiting for them to call the PA, and then for him to call me. From what the technician was saying I think there was nothing she could see on the ultrasounds, but will have to wait for confirmation. So we wait. @rafinmdRoy, I'm sorry for the loss of your cousin today. My condolences.
  17. I just called the office and told them I have been trying to schedule a visit since last Wednesday and she put me right through to scheduling. However my doctor and his PA (who I see a lot) are booked up for weeks. She told me I could walk in anytime between 8 and 4 and see one of the other PAs, so I think I'll have to do that. And when I saw my dermatologist last week she gave me some instructions on types, weights of compression socks so I can get some of those. Thanks Graham. I'm getting right on it! Thanks Ann for your concern. I'm going today! I'm sorry to hear you nearly died from a pulmonary emboli. That's so scary. I hope they will do the ultrasound and figure something out.
  18. Good morning friends! It's cloudy this morning and that is the forecast for the entire day. Hopefully not too much rain because we had a heavy downpour overnight. I noticed the rain when I was up walking through my painful leg issues. Waking up in pain is a real problem lately. It's worse since my flight home from London. It might be vein issues but I'm no doctor. I tried getting an appointment last week but our doctor's office did not return my calls, or even answer the scheduling extension phone. I am more determined than ever to get in to get some answers. I've decided today I will get up and use my laptop standing up so that I spend less time sitting down and maybe that will help. Thanks Rich for the Daily today, in addition to the Fleet Report! I love Cheer Up the Lonely Day. What a worthy way to spend the day celebrating. I doubt I'll cheer on Bowdler and disagree with censorship. I don't happen to have any censored books on hand to read though. DH plans on having a blueberry muffin with his mid-morning coffee. The blackened chicken fennel slaw does not sound like my cup of tea. I find the Dahl quote whimsical. And La Goulette, Tunisia was a cancelled port for us in the past. Doubt I'll ever get there now. La Goulette was port of the day here on Oct. 25, 2021 so hopefully we will have some photos today, repeat or otherwise. Well, it had to happen! DD came home from her fun Caribbean cruise Saturday. And now she is Covid positive. They went to game shows, entertainment in the theater, ate at shared tables, went on at least 4 tours in that one week, and went to the spa. Like most people, her symptoms are mild. I haven't found out whether her travel companion Missy came down with it, but she probably will. Unfortunately, since DD is quarantining she won't be able to go to Pigeon Forge Thursday with her DH and several of her children. She has travel insurance for that trip though so might be compensated. I haven't heard if the family plans on going without her or not but I think they should. DD can stay home with Sadie and the rest of them could use a vacation. Thanks to Roy for the Care and Celebration lists today. Many prayers for all in need! My twin's DH was negative yesterday so they went to visit Buddy. Their RN daughter, Megan, drove in for the weekend (90 minute drive) to help Amy out with Buddy. When Megan left to drive home she was in tears because she said she won't see Buddy alive again. She has to work all week. 😢 The young son of Amy and Buddy goes to a technical college 4 hours away and he sat all weekend next to his Dad stroking his arm. The college says he can skip the next two weeks and make it up at the end. Thank goodness, you wouldn't want to have him make a choice of his Dad or problems with his school. I dread hearing the news this week. It brings me to tears thinking of them all. Well, at least we have some happy news on the Celebration list. I am ecstatic that everyone has such fun things coming up. Cheers to you all!🥂 Have a great day everyone.
  19. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserit looks so much nicer in Kristiansand in the sunshine and with blue skies. We were supposed to be there this month on our original 2022 Island Princess cruise, but that went poof when we cancelled it due to the Russians invading Ukraine. I hope my friends from Prescott, AZ are enjoying their stop in Kristiansand instead of us.
  20. Strange how a simple thing like a can opener that "works like a charm" can make a person sooo happy!😊
  21. In 2016 on our Prinsendam "Greatest Norway Cruise Ever" we stopped in Kristiansand. Weather can make or break a port stop and this day was a wet one. At first it was sprinkles so we donned our rain coats and headed out to see another beautiful Norwegian town. We had determined this day would be a walk around day and didn't schedule a tour. If you are planning to go there you might look into what is available to tour. It was sort of desolate at first. I don't know where everybody was that day. We walked towards a beach area on our little map. At the beach area is where the Christiansholm Fortress, circa 1672, is located. There's a small park nearby. We decided to head to the downtown area to see if anything was happening there. We found an area called Prosebyen which is what's left of Kristiansand's old town. One feature of the neighborhood is small white, single-story wooden houses filling nearly every block. Whoa! There was a rebel living on this street! Here we are getting downtown. . This is a pedestrian shopping area called Markens Gate Unfortunately it was raining harder now. This was the Kristiansand Cathedral, third largest in Norway. We had to head back to the ship because of the rain, and change clothes for lunch as our legs were drenched. In the future I would learn to wear waterproof pants over my jeans to keep me dry. We went to lunch in the dining room and watched the rain come down sideways outside. It had turned into a completely miserable day outside. But lunch was great!! I hope our next stop there is bright and sunny so we can have a completely different experience.
  22. Good morning friends! It's a sprinkle here and there morning here. We've had quite a bit of rain here the last few days. Thank you Rich for our Fleet Report and Daily. I like the days. Kittens 🐈 are great, and Teddy Bear Picnics are too. I enjoy a pina colada occasionally, usually on a ship. The antipasto kabobs look interesting Debbie @dfish. And picture #3 of the kabobs is so pretty! No thanks to the wine and drink. Kristiansand, Norway is an interesting little town. It was last posted here on July 24, 2021 and I can repost my photos from then. Thanks Roy for the Care and Celebration lists. Many prayers for all who are listed and in need. 🙏 Yesterday twin tells me there were several family memebers visiting Buddy and Amy to say their final goodbyes. So twin stayed home and will go over today instead. I don't know if her hubby is negative yet but it should be any time now. Congrats to all on our Celebration list. 🥂 I hope all our cruisers are having fun and staying away from Covid (wish I knew how you're supposed to do that on a ship!). Jacqui @kazuI really hope the dog rescue works out well for you, as well as the pup. Sorry the pizza was burned. They should have offered you another or at least a discount. DH would like your crispy (burned) pizza because he likes them well done. 🍕 I think the scarf from @Horizon chaser 1957Laura is wonderful! Such talent! And thank you Jacqui for the super memes today! Jack @HeartgroveI'm glad to hear your DB is home now. Great news. Off to get my photos now.
  23. Good morning friends! A beautiful start to our day but more thunderstorm chances again later today. We had several thunderstorms yesterday. High of 90F expected. Thanks Rich @richwmnfor the Fleet Report and Daily this morning. The deep dish sausage pizza sounds good, and I like the first one Debbie @dfishpresented. However, I really prefer a thinner crust. Beggars can't be choosers though so I'll take a tiny portion of that deep dish pizza, please. Sugar cookies remind me of Christmas. Fashion day is great but don't expect me to wear anything fancier than workout capris and a T-shirt today. Call of the horizon reminds me of a cruise, too. The sauvignon blanc sounds good to me. Mumbai, India is a port I haven't been to and don't have any plans to do so. It was last noted here on Aug. 8, 2021. Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor today's lists. Nice to hear you are home safely and have more cruises booked. Prayers for all who need them, and especially for Buddy and Amy and family. Thank you Roy, Debbie, Terri and Graham for your warm thoughts and prayers today. Cheers for all who are celebrating happy events. Ann @cat shepardhave fun with the family and I hope the girls get to swim as much as they want today. We're staying home today, doing laundry and just hanging out essentially. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  24. 52 is way too early too! I'm sorry for your loss Mary. Yes, after all the pain and suffering with his taste buds and salivary glands damaged by the radiation, it had to advance to these cancers. I think the pain is being managed well for the most part. Thank you for your concern and comments. Extremely aggressive. Their daughter is 22 I think and their son is turning 18 at the end of this month. I'm sure the hospice workers are helping a lot, especially with pain management. Thank you Terri for your prayers. I'm not sure how many hours a day hospice is there. I recall when our Dad died he had hospice care at home and at the time of his death no hospice worker was there. My twin told me she called the hospice worker to tell them of his passing. If you're in a hospice care facility like my DS was last year, you have 24 hour support, of course.
  25. Thank you Sharon. It's pretty shocking and we're all trying to comprehend how all these cancers came so quickly after saying after the December throat surgery that they thought they had all the cancer. The secondary cancer was lung cancer though so even if they got all the original cancer, this was something new. Today my twin tested negative and released herself from her quarantine. She went out to Amy and Buddy's house to help out. She told me Amy went to the funeral home to make arrangements, and that the hospice nurse said he should only have a few days left. Heartbreaking.
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