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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Good morning friends! It's been thunderstorming this morning, temp at 62 but the rain will stop in the next hour and we will have sunshine later on. High of 77. I just saw Connie @msmayorposted and is doing well. Thank goodness we've heard from one of our missing people. Show us a photo of Lana if you don't mind sharing. Thanks Rich @richwmnfor the Daily. Happy birthday to our U.S. Navy! Once in a while I'm a skeptic. Don't know what suit up day is, and try not to say silly things. No thanks to the drink, wine or menu item. Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor the updated lists this morning. Prayers already said for those on our list and my own personal list. A shout out to all on the Celebration list, and it's a long one. The port today, Malaga Spain, is a very popular one with our Daily family. Here's a link to the last time we celebrated it, July 19, 2021. We had lots of photos that day and the Daily ended up 8 pages long. Come on everybody share your experiences there as well as your photos. I've been to fabulous Malaga three times and have a "few" photos of that scenic locality. Our visits to Malaga took place in 2017 on Westerdam and in 2018 and 2019 on our beloved Prinsendam. The first time I took a tour of the fortress with views of the city and the bullring. You can see the bullring and the Westerdam in this photo from 2017. The next two visits were self-led walking tours and there is plenty to see, believe me! One of the most vivid hued buildings is the Episcopal Palace. This spot is called the Plaza del Obispo. If you look to your right when standing in that same spot you see this, the Malaga Cathedral's side entrance. Inside the Malaga Cathedral. They mark everything quite well due to the amount of tourists they get here. Since the 2017 visit was in August it was pretty hot, so we were relieved to see they covered the pedestrian street with sheer cloth-like overhangs. A truly enjoyable city to visit.
  2. Good late morning friends! I had an early appointment with the PA, and was called in over 35 minutes late. I hate sitting around doctor's office waiting rooms. We discussed things like flu shots, Covid boosters, and a prescription for malaria pills. She advised me to see an orthopedic to see if they could shed some light on this knee problem I have. So that would be my next step. We're looking for thunderstorms this afternoon. It actually showered lightly on me while driving downtown to my appointment. There went the clean, freshly waxed car DH spent so much time on! Thanks to you Rich @richwmn and Roy @rafinmdfor the Fleet Report and Daily, along with the Care and Celebration lists. What a great group of days to celebrate! I have quite a few cookbooks but my 53 year old Better Homes & Gardens red and white checked cookbook is my favorite. A salute to ER nurses, and every other type of nurse as well. I honor old farmers since my Grandpa was a farmer. He raised black angus cattle on his 316 acre farm in SE Missouri. My siblings sent me some photos this summer and one was an old photo of the farm. Grandpa also worked for what they called back then the Forestry Service as a fire spotter in a tower on a mountain near his farm. In addition he was a weather watcher for the Weather Service providing daily rainfall totals for 35 years. Here's an old photo of the homestead on the far right and the barn with the rocking X brand painted on the front of it. The outhouse is not in the photo! LOL! Prayers for all on the Care list, especially to Jack @Heartgrovefor the loss of his older brother. May he rest in peace. Also Melisa @HAL Sailer I'm sorry to hear of your DSIL's melanoma progression. I hope the treatments help to prevent any more spread, and wish you a safe trip to visit her in the near future. Congrats to all with good news and having great cruises right now. I like how long the Celebration list is though it can't be easy to keep up with us all. So thanks again Roy! The port of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, France was port of the day June 5, 2021. Here is the link to that date in case someone wants to import their photos to this thread. Thanks for the photos shown so far! It's noon now so time to get this posted. Have a good day y'all!
  3. Thanks, she is beautiful! One correction - that is Grandma and baby. Of course Lisa would be happy to take the little one home with her but I doubt her DS and DDIL would find that acceptable. LOL!
  4. Thank you Joy! I have a couple more photos of baby Elliott Rose but will spread them out this week for your viewing pleasure. 😁 Terry, I feel so badly for Tana when she has these breathing issues. Not being able to breathe properly is no doubt a terrifying experience. More prayers for her! What an adorable photo of Camilla! That is quite a fancy ride she has there! Not only a cover for rain, but it can be pushed while she enjoys the journey. Jack, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss today, even though expected. Thankfully his son and wife were with him. Prayers for comfort for you all.🙏 Lisa was born 4 or 5 months before I got married and attended both the wedding and reception. She does look young for her age. She only has one child so is no doubt hoping for DS to provide her more grandbabies as soon as possible.👶 I checked and Malarone is generic for pills we took on our Grand Med and Africa (Prinsendam) in 2018. Atovaquone and Proguanil Hydrochloride tablets. We still have about 2 dozen left but they are past expiration now. Will take the package with me to see her and talk about what to take. Thanks for confirming what your friend recommended.
  5. It looks like they were taken from the Port Everglades webcam located at the condos at the entrance to Port Everglades. https://www.portevergladeswebcam.com/
  6. Good morning friends! It's a bit cloudy this morning, was 55F at daybreak and will only be 77 as a high temperature. We may finally have some rain in our forecast. It will probably fall tomorrow because I have an appointment with my PA to go over any progress made on my knee issue. Will also discuss Covid boosters and possibly malaria pills for our November cruise. Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor our Daily and Fleet Report. Nice to see girl children, parties, and the first female computer programmer honored. Amazing when you see how long ago Ada Lovelace was involved in the programming field! The quote is excellent and the carrot pea chicken salad sounds unique. I might try the margarita but not sure about the wine. The port of Half Moon Cay is a great beach stop even if you don't like beaches. I've only been twice but have another stop there on our way "home" to Florida in December. Last time we had that port listed here was June 28, 2021 and I'll post a link to Rich's post that day. I noticed I didn't even get to post on June 28 so had no photos from there. I realized we were in St. Louis going to soccer games every day during that time period. So here are a couple of photos from our first time there in 2016 on Westerdam. We parked ourselves under some trees in front of this lovely cabana/beach house. @puppycanducruisesince you asked, and it IS Day of the Girl Child, another photo of Elliott Rose with her Grandma Lisa, who is my niece and goddaughter. ❤️ Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor mentioning Camilla and Elliott Rose on this International Day of the Girl Child. In addition we all appreciate your work compiling the Care and Celebration lists each day. Prayers for all on the Care list and cheers for those celebrating. Hope all are healthy and enjoying their cruises. Special prayers for Lenda's DH as he goes through his procedures today. Hoping for good news from Lenda ASAP. 🙏 Have a wonderful day!
  7. Thank you for perservering at your way behind sail away. Not easy to do when it's dinner time. By the way, I and probably others here were waving back at you. Have a great cruise! We were booked on this one but delayed it until 2023.
  8. I visit a certain website to make photo books and it doesn't work properly on Chrome. When using Edge it works fine. Also happens when I price cruises on Princess's website. Edge will tell me the prices and Chrome says they are not available. Using my Dell laptop.
  9. Big thanks to everyone who commented on little Elliott Rose. You are all so kind! Hugs to everyone.❤️
  10. Project complete. No mail until tomorrow though due to the holiday.
  11. Good morning friends! It was 48F when we left home for a neighborhood walk at 6:20. We returned a little after 7 am and it was still dark. As we approached our house we saw two deer crossing our street and disappearing into the back yard and down the slope to the golf course. You could tell the second one was a fawn by its exuberance in just crossing a street. Where do the youngest of all species get their energy? Thank you Rich @richwmnfor posting the Daily and Fleet Report especially while on a cruise. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all of you. A salute to Indigenous people, Columbus, and metrics. I'm not great at metrics but I get by. The menu suggestion of Tahdig looks unusual. Thanks to Tina @0106for doing that research for us. Sharon @Sharon in AZthank you for the nice photos taken while leaving port yesterday. Good luck Graham @grapau27at your doctor visit. Yes, we can pretty much agree that arthritis is rampant among us. Jacqui @kazunice to hear everyone had a good time at the holiday dinner yesterday. I hope the car can be driven to the dealer for repairs tomorrow. Is the noise on the same side? If the opposite perhaps they should have replaced the ball joints there as well last time. I know it's inconvenient for you to be without a car so fingers crossed they will get right on it. Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor updating the lists for today and mentioning our newest angel Elliott Rose.😇 Prayers said for all on the Care list, my neighbor Linda, various friends and family in need, and to the people of Ukraine who are the target of shelling in their neighborhoods and playgrounds. God bless them all. 🙏 Hoping power is back soon for all in SW Florida and the work is progressing there to clear spaces to rebuild. Cheers to everyone cruising or getting ready to, as well as any other celebrations.🥂 Here is a link to Rich's post on Sept. 30, 2021 when we last had Hilo, Hawaii as port of the day. I was busy having neighbor Brenda over for coffee (and peach tea) that day so I really didn't post much that morning. Everyone else had nice photos of their time spent in Hilo though. I might have some photos of the walk to the market we made there once. We've been to Volcanoes National Park like most everyone else. Great pictures Lenda of Hilo. Hope you all have a great Monday. Will post a final photo of my mailbox rejuvenation later when we bolt it back on the post.
  12. Thanks Vanessa! Annie, thanks for your good wishes towards Elliott Rose. She has no idea she has a lot of admirers already. Thanks Terry! Happy to share a baby picture with everyone. We all love our Daily baby Camilla's photos, don't we? Thanks for the backstory on the name Elliott in your family. Very interesting! That's a lot of Elliotts! Also maybe you can get those shutters treated this fall since you're staying in Texas longer than usual. Cooler, dry weather will be perfect. Thanks a lot, Graham! She really is, isn't she? Grandma Lisa says she's a very good baby. Not biased or anything you know? Love your emoji! Is that the name of moving memes? Anyway, thank you for your kind words. Thanks Joy! Good luck to your niece! It's hard to be patient isn't it? Sorry to hear your part time work entails so many hours! Lordy! By the way that is an adorable meme. If that's not the name of a moving meme please someone let me know what they are called. I'm not too old to learn something new! If you use it on your Subi let us know how it works. I saw a review where someone had a plastic kayak that was all faded and used it to make it look like new. Thanks Sharon! I know everyone here loves a baby picture (right Camilla??)
  13. Thanks Ann @cat shepardand Gerry @ger_77 I have a picture! Just precious!
  14. I'm happy to announce my niece Lisa is now a Grandma! Her DS and DDIL lost their twin sons last year on June 4 due to premature birth. The baby was born yesterday and her name is Elliott Rose, and from what Grandma said absolutely beautiful. She will be called Ellie and her middle name is in honor of her two brothers who died in the month of June. The flower for June is Rose so voila! A beautiful middle name.🌹 Prayers answered!🙏
  15. Vanessa, the cheapest place to purchase it is on Amazon. They have various price ranges but I just went with the cheapest, $14.99. Six wipes in a package individually wrapped. You need to use it in a well ventilated place. I only used two today so can use it elsewhere if needed. I have another bistro set on the deck, plus I guess I could do the grill. It's 11 years old. See if this link works. It's the green package. In 2018 I purchased it and instead of 6 wipes they had a 2 oz. bottle of it and one wipe. But the liquid will eventually dry up, so I'm not sure which way is better. Maybe the six wipes. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=rustoleum+recolor+wipes&crid=33JRA7ZG7IQ2D&sprefix=rustoleum+recolor+wipes%2Caps%2C101&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
  16. I clicked on the box to read your comments and wanted to let you know I hope things will improve more and more everyday. Unfortunately it will take a long time to rebuild all the destroyed buildings. We will keep you all in our prayers.🙏
  17. So what word did you use there? BUSY? I noticed in the reviews that many people use them on their shutters and they say it makes a huge difference. Anything metal, plastic, vinyl can be updated quickly. After I used two infused wipes on the post, bird box and mailbox I used up all the moisture on the two used wipes by freshening up the plastic hose storage box sitting next to the outdoor spigot. That was harder to do because the lid has a pebble finish in the vinyl. But it definitely looks refreshed. It's amazing stuff! Sorry you don't have any digital photos of your time spent in St. Kitts! Continue to enjoy your stay in Barbados, and have a good nap! And that sentiment goes for me, too! Prayers for him and the surgeon.🙏 Thanks Graham! I can't wait to see the box reinstalled tomorrow with the fresh numbers applied. Here's a sneak peak at the finished post and birdbox. Before: The numbers on the opposite side are completely faded. These actually look decent. After: I'll take photos tomorrow once the mailbox is installed on top of the birdbox. I just noticed the bermuda grass is fading to tan already. It will be completely dormant and tan in color all winter long here.
  18. Thank you @Overhead Fredand @ottahand7for your photos of your visits to St. Kitts and Nevis. 😎🌴
  19. How cool! And of course we had no idea we'd "know" each other many years later, my friend. Well, darn my next two posts are shoved up together and I can't get them to separate! So let me just say it's so great seeing everyone together on the Nieuw Statendam. Have a fun trip, and thanks for the photo. Please send more along the way. Gerry, I love pumpkin pie! I wish you and I could get together and split a whole pumpkin pie. I know it wouldn't be too difficult for me to eat half a pumpkin pie - maybe a day and a half! Anyway have a fun day with family!❤️ UPDATE. I've finished wiping the new finish on the mail box post, newspaper box (which they call a bird box here because often birds try to build nests in them), and the mailbox itself. This evening I will put new numbers on it when it's good and dry. It's looking great so far!!
  20. Good morning friends! It's pretty cold here this morning 42F but it will be a mild 72 and sunny today. I have a task to do today and need to get at it. Since we have no mail delivery tomorrow for Columbus Day, we removed our mailbox last night and put it in the garage. This morning I'm going to "rejuvenate" it, and also the metal post and newspaper box on the post. Instead of paint I'm using Rustoleum ReColor wipes which bring back the shine without all the work of painting. I used it once on my metal bistro table and 2 chairs which reside on my front porch. Worked wonderfully! In addition to refinishing the mailbox I need to replace the house numbers on it so have those ready too. I'll need to keep the garage door open for fresh air, and it requires 24 hours without rain or dampness to cure. The box will be replaced on the post tomorrow all fresh and new (I hope). I took before pictures and I hope the after photos look nice when finished. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and thanks Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists. A salute to fire prevention, Leif Erikson, and curious events. Hope nothing curious happens here today! Not sure I'd like the Manti, drink or chianti. Hope everyone is having a wonderful time on their cruises. We want photos! Prayers for all on the Care list, the people of Ukraine especially those grieving the 17 people killed last night when their apartment buildings were shelled. Despicable! Jacqui @kazuhaving a group of woman get together to celebrate Thanksgiving together is a wonderful idea! I hope you all have a great get together and enjoy each other's company at your celebration. Dixie @summer slopeI hope you begin to feel better soon. Those shots affect everyone differently. Graham @grapau27thanks for posting Father David's sermon and the photo of your lovely church. Enjoy your Sunday! Today's port is Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis. Here is a link to the first (and only other) time we had Basseterre as port of the day. We have been to St. Kitts only once in 2006 on Crown Princess. We took our adult daughter with us as a way for her to get away from it all. LOL! We did some shopping and bought her a Tanzanite ring for her Christmas gift. It looked to be a beautiful island with mountains. We had a blast on that cruise with our daughter. Lovely memories.💕
  21. What a wonderful story about the Texas linemen! I loved reading about them. Thanks so much for sharing that with us.❤️ Thanks for all the great photos and commentary on your Vladivostok visit. Your description of the security guard woman in the store brings to mind our Alla tour guide in St. Petersburg. The scowl, the heavy tie shoes and wool hose describe Marina to a T! We thought she might be KGB! On the other hand while in Vladivostok we saw a very good looking woman or two making their ways to work in the downpour. The men in our group sure enjoyed the view!😠 That is a very sad story about your nephew and his buddy finding those poor deceased people. It's so nice that there were thousands of volunteer linemen there to help out with the huge volume of work after the hurricane. I thank them all from the bottom of my heart! Can't imagine any tourist would feel safe in Russia these days. Hope you enjoy Busan.🚢 How nice the weather cleared up for you. I'm glad to hear the jets in the plunge pool have been helping your pain. Hope things continue in this direction!
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