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  1. Good morning friends! Today is sunny but windy with rough seas as we head across the North Sea towards Runavik, Faroe Islands. Temperature is 52F, a few clouds, 30 mph winds from the NNW. Since the ship is heading NW we are traveling at 17 knots and I’m sure it’s a chore to attain that speed heading into these winds. Anyway, after a busy day in Oslo and turning our clocks BACK one hour last night all our schedules are a bit jumbled. We are only 5 hours ahead of Eastern time now. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the location maps. It’s a bit windy to go outdoors here, the sunny skies are making life beautiful though and our cabin on the Zuiderdam feels a little like a crowded nest! LOL! The quote is interesting. The muffins and classic margarita sound good but as usual I need Ann to decipher what the wine is for me. Wow, really big days in history with the Continental Congress drafting the Declaration of Independence, and Margaret Thatcher’s third consecutive term as Prime Minister. Thanks again to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for their fine work reporting on the F&B. Prayers for all here on the Daily in need of them. There are many with serious issues and I pray for relief for all of you. Prayers also for DB and Alex’s twins, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and our military men and women in the region. For those with happy events and cruises to enjoy, I send my warm wishes. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for listing everyone’s problems and events for us. You deserve a medal! The port this morning is Kodiak, Alaska which is a great stop in that state but unfortunately not on the usual 7 day Alaska cruises. We’ve had this port of call here three times, Dec. 5, 2021, July 18, 2022 and Jan. 31, 2023. We have been only once but I can post some photos for you anyway. Here are the links for your convenience. Hope all of you have a great day! Stay safe and keep well!
  2. Been there, done that in regards to family squabbles and estrangement. All is well now and we never bring it up. So glad your sis and you are doing well now. 😇
  3. Just dropping in after dinner to catch up and thank so many of you for your support today. @JazzyV, @quilty964, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @RMLincoln, @bennybear, @Nickelpenny, and @Cruising-along. I really appreciate it! We had good news around dinner time too from our travel agent. We noticed Saturday when this new cruise started that our CCL shareholder credit wasn't on our account. We went to Guest Services with some information we had with us, and also sent an email to our travel agent. This morning she was able to call the World Cruise dept.and get it applied. She said it was there originally but dropped off somehow. It may take a couple of days because the WC dept has to email the ship about it. Very good news and we're happy to have her on our side!
  4. I know exactly what you mean, because my Dad used to hunt rabbits at my grandpa's farm. We had to help hold the legs while he skinned them. Grandma would fry them up like chicken too I guess but I never was brave enough to try it.😲 Thank you Melanie. I know I feel better not being on edge about it. Thanks Nancy, you never know. Okay, Ann you talked me into a glass. Who's buying though?🥂 Thank you Debbie. Sounds like a great start. Enjoy your own bed for a change. A beautiful photo of the fishing village topped by a cute picture of the DGS. Aren't they thoughtful?😄
  5. We did this walk on our own. Back then the ships handed out port maps with information on there that helped you to decide what you would be interested in. You could plan your route hitting the highlights quite easily provided distances weren’t too far apart. Now you have to plan ahead of time and print off a map or hope they hand some out on shore. It’s one of my gripes we no longer get the port guides and I intend to keep complaining about it in my surveys!
  6. In August 2017 we arrived in Malta late evening after a stop in Mgarr earlier in the day. So after enjoying the night lights we got a good night's sleep so we could explore in the light of day. Walked past all these nets and a fishing boat. First we went to the Lower Barrakka Garden. Westerdam off in the distance Next we passed by Fort St. Elmo and turned left towards the Old City. The Maltese Cross window display in a jewelry store we passed by. This cafe looked inviting to me This pedestrian walkway was all steps Wow! Rabbit is popular on menus in Malta. Poor bunnies!🐇 Church of our Lady of Victory We enjoyed seeing all the cafes, churches, public buildings, shops and cannons to take photos of DH in front of them. He's way up on the steps. Then we stopped to see the Upper Barrakka Garden before heading back to the Westerdam. It was time for a great lunch on an air conditioned ship, and I can assure you...rabbit was not on the menu!
  7. Good morning friends! We are starting off this leg of our cruise in Oslo, Norway today. It’s partly cloudy/partly sunny and the temp is around 60F. High might be 64 but the sun will be far more prevalent later today when we leave port. It took a long time for the ship to be released for some reason so the Captain said we could delay our all aboard time to 3 pm, 30 minutes later than originally scheduled. For the first time ever for us we are docked nearer the Opera House and not next to Akershus Fortress. We walked off the Zuiderdam a little after 9 a.m. and went across to see the Fortress first. Then we walked back past the ship to the Opera House to walk on the roof again. Who knows if I’ll ever be back to do that again? Here is the update you’ve been waiting for. We decided instead of waiting for The Relatives to find us onboard, that DH would call and invite them to meet us at Ocean Bar before dinner. He gave their name to the Guest Services member who dialed their room for him. We don’t know where they are lodging and they don’t know where we are either. Mr. Relative answered and seemed shocked to hear who was on the other end of the line. At first he seemed more concerned with his 5 p.m. ”on the dot” dinner reservation than the reunion but after reassurances we wouldn’t keep them too long, he agreed. When they joined us there was a lot of talk about them getting to the cruise, the terminal at Ijmuiden, their surprise we had been on board a month already, etc. As we were breaking up for our dinner Mr. Relative said something to the effect of “We haven’t always seen eye to eye on things but I’m glad we can get together like this for Ms. Relative’s sake”. She is the actual blood relative and was now tearing up. We both stated well the only reason we’re here with you now is for her. He seemed to understand since he is the person who was extremely rude to DH several years back. There’s a lot more to it that I won’t get into here. But at least now we don’t have to scan a room every time we enter it or get a bite to eat in the Lido. The ice has been broken. Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor the Fleet Report and Daily. We understand about the maps. I like all today’s days of recognition. Being a miracle in someone’s life sounds pretty important to me. Make my iced tea peach flavored please. Which brings to mind today’s drink, Georgia Tea. I’ll wait to see if that included peaches. Groucho’s quote today is a good one. No thanks to the meal suggestion and I haven’t deciphered what the wine is so will see what Ann says about it. Two outstanding days in history with equal pay and Apples computers coming about on this date. Thanks ladies for your reports today – Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard! Prayers for DB, Alex’s twin sons, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, our troops in the region, and our many Dailyites in need of them. I pray for improvement in everyone’s situations regardless of what they are. Thank you all for sharing with us and letting us support you.🙏 Congrats to all celebrating something or cruising. 🚢 Have a wonderful time doing it. And thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping us all informed on what is happening with our Daily family. The port today is Valletta, Malta, an excellent port of call. This was our port of the day once before on July 20, 2022. Here is the link, and photos will follow since we were lucky enough to visit there before. Hoping you all have a great day today! Stay safe and keep well.
  8. Good morning friends! It was a grey, overcast, windy day in the North Sea with a temperature of 52 when we got up today. Now at lunch time it’s still 52 with broken clouds so the sea looks a lot bluer and the wind is 35 knots so about 40 mph. This is the first rocky day we’ve had in 29 days at sea. We’re only moving along at 16 knots. Captain says they’ve started a third engine to combat these seas and the stabilizers are employed. Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the maps today. Good for Donald Duck having a day of his own. I’m sure the first audiences to see his cartoon appearance in 1934 were delighted with him. I support archives and Celtic art as well. A witty quote, an okay meal suggestion if not TOO much garlic, no to coffee in anything and a pass on the Shiraz. Thanks Debbie @dfish,Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the reports today! Prayers for our Care list people and all our friends and family who are in need of them. I addressed some of the issues in my earlier post on Saturday’s Daily, page 5. All of us who are still walking around unscathed should be thanking our lucky stars. Take care everyone! Prayers too for DB, the little ones great nephew Alex and wife Jordan are waiting for, the people of Israel and Ukraine, those hostages not yet found and our military members in the region. Thanking the Lord some hostages were found! Cheers to those celebrating special events in their lives, and those cruising! Safe travels to Bruce @aliaschief and Sue @DWAliaschief as they depart their wonderful world cruise. I thank you for your diligence in keeping us informed and supplied with photos along the way. Good luck with all the mail, doctor and dental appointments that need catching up on. The way I look at it unpacking is never fun but takes less time than packing! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your list work! So glad you’re able to sleep so well these days. Things are looking brighter!! The port today is another new one - Montego Bay, Jamaica. No links therefore. We went there in 2004 on our third cruise ever. As I recall none of us were impressed and were harassed a bit by people trying to sell us drugs so we went back to the ship. I’ve looked and can’t even find one photo taken. Sorry, but I hope someone here has something more positive to say about their trips there. I wouldn’t book a Caribbean cruise just to go to Jamaica. Let’s all have a good, NO, make that great, Sunday! Wrap that bubble wrap around yourself tighter to stay safe and keep well!
  9. While I'm waiting for Sunday's Daily to be posted I've been catching up on Saturday's. Lots happened so I'm glad I have time to catch up! Joy @Seasick Sailor thank you for the lobster photos and descriptions. DH wants to know if all of them were broiled or if any were ordered steamed. Some of them looked pretty good, others not so much! Sorry Allen isn't doing so well, and oh no on your friend's broken arm! I hope they will heal well after surgery. Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm shocked at how much can go wrong so fast. I'm glad your DH will be okay, and with medical care nearby he should be fine. Good idea you staying in the original room and thank goodness the phone and TV are back on. Now get out there on that beach and take a good book with you. Don't forget the sunscreen! Ann @Vict0riann I'm relieved to hear an earlier opening has become available for you. Hoping things start moving along well for you and your treatment. Graham @grapau27 my condolences on your friend's sudden loss of his wife. Thank you for Father David's sermon. Brenda @bennybear good luck with the water restrictions in your locality. I hope the repairs are faster than expected. I like the RV idea if at all possible. It really makes you appreciate our quality of life compared to some areas of the world. For Paul @kochleffel, funny about disguises! I mentioned to DH before dinner we should sit in the Ocean Bar with face masks, sunglasses and hats while we enjoyed some wine or Maker's Mark! After dinner last night we went down to deck 2 to stop in at Captain's Collection to look at an item. We saw said Relatives in the MDR lobby talking to a crew member. Then they walked past the shop while we were in there. As far as we know they didn't see us. We are thinking we are going to have to notify them we're on board. Surprise! I'll let everyone know what we do when we figure it all out.
  10. Good morning friends! We arrived bright and early in Ijmuiden, Netherlands and it looked like it could be sprinkling with totally overcast skies. Very dreary! But since then skies have been changeable with sunshine most of the time. It’s very windy and the temps have hovered in the mid 50’s. We’re hanging out here on the Zuiderdam while the passenger load changes over. Things could get interesting very soon for DH and me. We’ll see how long it takes before we’re discovered onboard by The Relatives. Last night's Pinnacle dinner was fine for me, but DH made the mistake of ordering the supplemental 12 oz. lobster, steamed. It appeared to weigh less than advertised and was rubbery and overcooked. Lucky for him I can't finish the 8 oz. filet mignon so he got half of mine. He won't make the lobster mistake again! Thanks Rich @richwmn for today’s Fleet Report and Daily along with the fleet location maps. National Best Friend’s Day sounds like a fine idea. On the other side of the coin we have brain tumor awareness which is a very sobering subject. The same with N. Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness. ?? on the quote. No thanks to the meal, drink and wine for me. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the Food and Beverage Department reports. It was a huge day in baseball history with Mickey Mantle’s retirement in 1969. But the story behind the USS Liberty was shocking from what I read. Here is a link to History.com on it: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/israel-attacks-uss-liberty Prayers today for all on the Care list. Seems like new ailments and problems crop up every day but we want them to disappear. Prayers also for DB and Alex’s twins, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the remaining hostages, and the troops in the region trying to keep us all safe. Meanwhile, we do have some special events happening in our lives, and some cruising going on so congrats to all involved. Bon Voyage to @Suslor and @swin26. Welcome home @Mr. Boston and @Mtn2Sea! And thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for her fine work on the Care and Celebration lists! The port of the day is Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Kiribati. This was the port twice before on May 12, 2021 and November 16, 2022. We haven’t been to Christmas Island before so have no photos today. Thanks in advance for any photos presented for Kiritimati, Kiribati. Here are the links. Hoping you all enjoy your Saturday! Stay safe and keep well.
  11. Elizabeth I’m so sorry to hear about the terrible pain you’re in. I pray for help with it soon. Like Vanessa, you shouldn’t have to wait for medical intervention so long. Good wishes sent your way. 🙏🏻
  12. Good morning friends! Today is a sea day as we head back to Ijmuiden, Netherlands to end this Baltic segment of our cruise. We’re feeling some motion on the ship today which is new because this has been a very calm cruise. The weather report says 54F, it’s partly cloudy and some rain showers are possible. This morning I got back to work cross stitching in the ice cold Ocean Bar, then went to lunch where I had half a Dive-In burger along with some "Cake Me Away" chocolate fudge cake (a few bites) with a scoop of Rocky Road ice cream. I shouldn't have but I couldn't resist. Tonight is Pinnacle Grill again! Thank you Rich @richwmn for today’s Fleet Report and Daily. World Caring Day and World Food Safety Day sound important and necessary. I wonder if we even have a VCR stored in our storage room? Probably not. Interesting quote by Jackie Kennedy. I’ll pass on the meal, drink and wine. A big day for the Vatican in 1929. Thanks to our F&B ladies for their reports today, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard. Prayers for our Care list folks! Tana, Terri's DH @Cruzin Terri, Joy @Seasick Sailor, Jacqui @kazu, Jane @lazey1, Ann @Vict0riann and Chuck @catmando to name a few. Hoping all the pain, infections and various ailments are on the mend. Prayers too for DB and the twin sons of great nephew Alex and wife. They are coming along fine and getting closer to full term! Prayers also for Israel and Ukraine, the hostages remaining and our military members overseas. A prayer was answered for me yesterday and I made sure to say thanks this morning. 🙏 For all celebrating happy events in their lives, and for all cruising, have a wonderful time! 🚢 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping and posting the lists every day for us! We appreciate you especially during the trying times you’ve experienced. The destination today is Kings Wharf, Bermuda, a new one for the Daily. Therefore no links today. I have been to Bermuda before but we docked right downtown in Hamilton on the Prinsendam. We ended up visiting St. George’s, Bermuda that day and enjoyed our time spent there. If you have been to Kings Wharf before please share some photos with us. Hoping this is a great Friday for you all. Please stay safe and keep well!
  13. Tina the cruise terminals (1 through 3) at Oceankaj are a long distance from town and you need some way to get out of the the port area. Apparently there is local public transportation here on the main road that runs along the terminal parking lots. There was a woman outside with information on it. If you would like to figure out bus routes ahead of time it would be very inexpensive to get to the city center. I didn’t notice any taxis but that could be another possibility. They had Ho-Ho buses available too. We just used the ship shuttle because we have extra OBC to spend. There is one drop off point near the Little Mermaid statue on ved Norgesporten. (?) No other drop off or pick up spots closer to Nyhavn than that. We walked to Nyhavn zigging and zagging slightly to see other sights and it was 4 miles round trip. If we were docking at Langelinie we would be able to walk the entire route. We’ve done the canal boat ride before and enjoyed it. I hope you and your friends have a great day in Copenhagen.
  14. I've been in Tracy Arm several times. I know for a fact we were there twice in 2009 on B2B Sapphire Princess Alaska cruises, then again in 2019 on the Amsterdam 14 day Seattle round trip Alaska cruise. That one was the best because we got to see the many smaller ports HAL provides with that itinerary. Both times were in September and we celebrated our 40th and 50th wedding anniversaries on those cruises. In 2019 I recall sitting in Crow's Nest and watching the many, many whales we saw in the Tracy Arm Inlet. The waters were so calm. The bow of the Amsterdam This Carnival ship left so that we could take our turn. Getting closer to the Tracy Arm Glacier Beautiful view! And there it is Seals napping on the ice Turning around to leave A very nice day
  15. Good morning friends! Thursday means Copenhagen, Denmark for the Zuiderdam. We were along side by 7 a.m. Unfortunately we are docked far from town so there is a fee of $19.95pp for a shuttle ride to a drop off spot a short distance from the Little Mermaid statue. It was a brisk 50 and windy at breakfast time, but at least the sun was out. Clouds have moved in and there is a chance of afternoon showers. Right now it's 59 so quite near our high temp of only 60. We took the shuttle bus ride and then walked 4 miles from there to NyHavn and back. Unfortunately we just missed the returning shuttle bus by less than 1 minute and had to wait an additional 25 minutes for the next one, in the brutal wind. I think a little nap is in order after I post. Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the maps today. Of course we can all recognize and honor the D-Day invasion in 1944. In the good old days drive in movies were pretty popular but there aren’t that many anymore. Hurray for creative educators. Gardening is certainly a good way to get some exercise but I found a sore back is what I usually got out of it. Love the weather quote and will pass on the meal, drink and wine. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports this morning. Prayers for the Daily family and there are many of you with issues right now. I hope for improvement for you all! Sorry to hear your wound seems to be infected Joy @Seasick Sailor. Get that taken care of pronto! Prayers also for DB, Alex’s baby boys, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the poor hostages, and the troops in the region. Congrats to all who are celebrating special events and cruising. Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for once again coming through with the lists for us. Great job! The port today is Tracy Arm Inlet, Alaska. This was the port before way back on April 28, 2021. We went there once and I have photos but will have to redo them. Here’s the link to the prior date for you. Hoping you all have an enjoyable day. Stay safe and keep well!
  16. Good morning friends! Today we docked in Kiel, Germany and it appeared as though it had been raining. Lucky for us the skies cleared up and was a good day for exploring town. Temp was 55 earlier and it’s only going up to 60 for a high. It was brisk out but we walked around for about 2 miles and headed back to the ship. Just as we arrived an ambulance pulled up to pick someone up in Medical. Always a shame to see that. Thanks Rich @richwmn for posting the Fleet Report and Daily today as well as the maps. Let’s recognize baby boomers and long term survivors of HIV, but what is the festival of popular delusions? Witty quote by W. C. Fields. The menu suggestion, drink and wine sound interesting but not to my taste. The Marshall Plan seemed to be an excellent plan to rebuild Europe. Thanks to Debbie @dfish,Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today. Prayers today for DB, Alex’s baby boys, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages in this never ending nightmare, and our fine men and women in uniform overseas trying to keep the peace. Special prayers for our group of Dailyites in need of them, the latest being Jim, Terri’s @Cruzin Terri's DH. Hoping for better days for you all! Cheers for all celebrating special happy events and cruising. Hope you are all enjoying them. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your lists today and for fitting it all in with your busy schedule. Hope all is going well with both you and BFF. DS tells us Ren is taking his 4th year English class this summer so that he will be eligible to graduate from his high school in Texas in December. His buddy Colton in Colorado is doing the same so the two of them will be available to begin college classes in January 2025. This way they would have a leg up on working and training with their new soccer coaches and teammates at university - Notre Dame for Ren and Indiana University for Colton. They’ll both be in the same state! Today’s port is another new one – Mystery Island, Vanatu. I haven’t been there before but see it’s on the itinerary for our Princess booking in 2026 (provided I’m still cruising then). No links today and no photos from me so please show us what Mystery Island is like if you have any pics to share. Since I have no photos today to share how about the latest Milo and Sadie pics? They went to the groomer the other day and DD says they just posed themselves like this when they went outside with her. Have a super day! Stay safe and keep well!
  17. wow Terri that’s sad to hear. I have heard others say the wheelchair service is unreliable. What a shame Jim fell trying to board the bus. I hope medical can clean it up a bit and maybe give him something in case it starts to get infected. You both need a sunny day to lounge around at the beach or pool to relax. Hoping things get better soon!
  18. Thanks Graham. Maybe I'm wrong and they'll be hiding out!😄
  19. Thanks for all the well wishes for me today with it being such an emotional one and all. I have only fond memories of my life with Nancy and that's the way it should be!❤️
  20. We just got the itinerary in an email for a certain set of relatives for their next voyage, the Zuiderdam for 42 days, just like us! Oh boy...what a treat. 😕 They arrive Saturday at our turnover day in IJmuiden, Netherlands. I was afraid of this happening. I hope we can continue doing what we like to do without them trying to butt in or tag along with us everywhere. The relationship sort of went downhill during DH's Mom's last few years. They may think this is a fine time to try to get back into our good graces. I'm on vacation here, not looking for therapy sessions. Give me strength! Funny thing is they probably listed us as their emergency contact for this cruise, and we're on it too so basically that's not allowed. He is on the outs with his family too so we're their closest relative.
  21. Good morning friends! Today Zuiderdam is visiting Ronne, Denmark on Bornholm Island. Temp was cool early today at 55 and it's 59 right now but at least there are fair skies. We walked around the little town for a bit and enjoyed it a lot. Very clean and charming! Thank you Rich @richwmn for today’s FR and Daily. This is the day for all of you cat lovers to hug your cat (if they allow you to catch them). Thanks for your cat photos Rich. Funny quote by W.C. Fields. I’m sure the omelet, Bloody Maria and wine are just fine but I have no appetite for them. Congrats to the Ryder Cup fans on this the anniversary of the first Ryder Cup event. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your reports! Prayers for all on the Care list, DB, Alex’s twin boys, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and the U.S. military members in the region. Sorry to hear about Jane’s @lazey1's Covid diagnosis and her DS’s health issue. Also hope Tana, Terry @smitty34877 and family are doing well. Is your foot any better Joy @Seasick Sailor? And hoping Jacqui’s @kazu's foot is getting enough rest with all that she is working on there at home. Hope to hear Terri @Cruzin Terri and Jim make their connections today along with their luggage, and they can begin to enjoy their getaway. Cheers to anyone celebrating special events, and cruising! Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for your work here on the Daily. I admire how much you get done in a day with your recent recovery still fresh in our minds. Hoping BFF is getting better every day! Today is a bittersweet day. June 4 is DS and DDIL’s 24th wedding anniversary and I recall their wedding in Berkeley’s Tilden Park nestled in the Berkeley Hills. With the scenic backdrop at their ceremony, we saw the fog begin rolling in and it got cold quickly. Thankfully the reception was inside a beautiful building and everything went perfectly. But three years ago on this date my DS Nancy passed away, and earlier that same day her twin great grandsons were born much too early and passed away too. That is another good reason to be thankful the latest set of twins for Alex and his wife are doing so well. Hoping and praying we hear the wonderful news of their safe birth in late July. Today’s port is Molde, Norway. This was the port before on March 13, 2021, January 31, 2022, and July 17, 2023. I have not been to Molde but would certainly love to. Here are the links for your convenience. Have a great Tuesday everyone! Stay safe and keep well.
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