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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Caron, I assume you mean the bad language in the meme is inappropriate, and not my morning post! LOL! How are you enjoying your cruise? It has to be fantastic.
  2. Thank you Terry. I enjoy Graham's @grapau27's photos of the beach too. We see it in all kinds of weather, too. I appreciate that Melanie. Thank you Marcia. Thankfully their daughter moved down to Myrtle Beach a year or so ago so she's right there with Sandy. The son lives in Massachusetts. Many thanks Lenda. Yes, I agree with you, Marcia @dobiemom and the rest of the Dailyites that we want Annie @marshhawk back here pronto. Thank you so much Gerry. Very kind of you. Nice photo of @Cruise Suzy. Amazon Canada doesn't have meclizine? (see below) Thank you Brenda. Everyone is so empathetic here. Love the photo as usual. That's where we buy meclizine. This is what I see on U.S. Amazon. It's the same bottle I bought before our family cruise in 2019. I wanted a lot in case several people needed them. Rugby brand. https://www.amazon.com/Rugby-Travel-Sickness-Tablets-100/dp/B004FJFF2A/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2X0FTQXC67CWS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MN6wfEyV451NFhoxWGDgQpqc5t2t4fN1d6S_eXeGpmy6H61hUKo3e1c9Ksvze5q74jFjEPHOULrkp_lbF_j51GTlxnAzZgoMtz_w7Y1KabMeYg_6o6GdLtHBQfL1e8DI6ooii0mihZbXRPmtKEgdjmHMO6byPVib66vrBd6b81IMS4v-78ffc6BiJRTIm2oNroFxnzmmz5jeG7FJQM4L-IWzxeBUnawkRop52NolCTQ.Pax3RGEIqdIEXCv9w7oEY5n8HHmLaQaT3eUBOKLV0mw&dib_tag=se&keywords=meclizine+25mg+tablets&qid=1708809867&sprefix=meclizine%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-5
  3. I'm sorry to hear how stressed the household is on weekends caring for the teenager and of course Tana without aides. You are all in our prayers. Getting out for a drive sounds like a very good idea. Thank you Terry. It just seemed to happen so fast. Elizabeth, I am very sorry to hear about losing your brother. My sympathy on your loss. Thank you Roy. I'm hoping Annie's service is fixed SOON. I appreciate your condolences and prayers Maureen. And I do hope the nerve pain problem is short lived. Thank you Debbie for your sympathy. And good idea to wait until Monday to call for service for your heating. They probably charge extra on weekend. Keep warm and hang in there. It's gonna get warmer soon! Thanks very much Vanessa. We enjoyed Bob so much. I hope the grandfather clock is not difficult to get back on track. Amazing you could put it together in the first place. You have talent! Thank you so much Graham. Even though she told me he was dying when we last talked, it was a shock to hear the sad news.
  4. We just found out our friend Bob has passed away (last night). A very sad day because he was such a great guy. Sandy says she and the two children have decided on no service. We would have attended one but that's up to them. I'll keep praying for her because she's been pretty upset and depressed lately. Thank you all for your prayers for my friends. I received an email from Annie @marshhawk this morning. She says Chuck's surgery is March 5. Neither of them have been able to work lately and that is a concern to her. Keeping them in my prayers, too!
  5. Looks to me like a way to keep the towels in place and to not fly off the lounge chair. Where there's a will there's a way. 😉
  6. How nice of you to say! Remember that was 18 1/2 years ago. I wish we looked exactly the same now as we did then. But time marches on!👵
  7. We were in Zihuatanejo, Mexico in October 2005 on the old Regal Princess on a Mexican Riviera cruise. Zihuatanejo (pronounced Zee-wah-ta-nay-oh) is described as being known for its beautiful beaches, tall coconut palm trees, and fun Mexican culture. While it was once a sleepy fishing village on the coast of Guerrero Mexico, Zihuatanejo has been discovered as one of the top beach towns in Mexico. It is quite near the resort town of Ixtapa. We spent time before the cruise in L.A. at an Uncle and Aunt’s 50th anniversary party. We also visited with a former Virginia neighbor and her two children. Then we drove to San Diego and had dinner with a dear friend from my high school days. The next day we boarded the the old Regal Princess for a Mexican Riviera cruise. On Oct. 1, 2005 we stopped in Zihuatanejo. Back in those days I took few pictures and I don’t know why. I had a digital camera not a film camera so no excuse. Here is a view of the area as seen from the ship. Taking a short tender ride, we arrived at the dock and took this photo of DH with the old Regal off in the distance. When I say old, I mean earlier version. It was smaller (70,000 gross tonnage and 1400 passengers, sleeker looking from the exterior, and had lovely décor. Next DH took my photo with the lovely beach area nearby. Here’s a street scene I captured One local vendor made woven hats which I liked so I bought one. I still pack that hat on all my cruises and I can just fold it in half or even quarters to take up little space in the luggage. Love it! In fact, you've already seen that hat in most of my port of call photos. Later in the day as the ship left I took a few photos from the balcony. Away we went to Puerto Vallarta. I decided to do a little research on the old Regal Princess and see if it was still in service. Surprisingly, I found she is now sailing for Ambassador Cruise Line from the U.K. as the Ambience. The Ambience is currently on their 120 day Grand World voyage which began on Jan. 6, 2024 from London, England and ends there on May 5. On Feb. 24 the Ambience was in Sydney (it is currently 11 p.m. there 2/24) and will be in Melbourne on the 26th.
  8. Good morning friends! It's 42F this morning and will be 63, sunny and windy. I hope the remainder of the 500 million acorns on our pin oak fall off today. We are constantly out there sweeping them up off the street and sidewalk and raking up what we can off the grass. This was a boom year for acorns apparently. 🌳 Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting Rich's @richwmn Daily and Fleet Report as well as the great maps. Much appreciated! An excellent quote today. I love tortilla chips and could be having some at lunch later. Never cared much about trading cards, and didn't watch the TV show Twin Peaks. The meal suggestions sounds good. No thanks to the cocktail, and I hope Laura @Lcubed has a secret decoder ring today! An important day in history since we seem to still be using the Gregorian calendar. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Laura @Lcubed for the food and beverage reports! Prayers said first thing for my dear family and friends, the people of Israel and Ukraine, hostages still held, and our troops at risk in the region. Special prayers for our Daily family who are on the Care list because of pain, medical procedures, loss of loved ones, stress and worry. Praying for improvement for you all. Hope our friend Annie @marshhawk gets back online soon. She emailed me that she had a good chuckle about people being without phone service for 4-5 hours when their phone and internet has been out for 8 days. I had emailed that info to her in case the cable box was repaired and they still had no service and that was her reply to me. Congrats to all on the Celebrations list! Happy cruising, birthday or anniversary! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the updated list and I hope things are going better for you ASAP! The port today is Zihuatanejo (Ixtapa), Guerrero, Mexico. This is another new port. We had a stop there in 2005 on the old Regal Princess. No links to share, but I'll get on collecting pictures right away. Bon Voyage @Cruise Suzy! Welcome home Nancy @ottahand7 and John, George @MISTER 67 and Ann @cat shepard! We've missed you all! Hope all of you on the Daily have a great Saturday. Stay safe and keep well! Jake @Crazy For Cats there was some bad language in the meme so we should look out for that type of thing in the future. Didn't take long!
  9. I just signed in again to check and yes, I was approved through my birthday in 2029. And we received new Global Entry cards shortly thereafter and destroyed the old ones. I did see where they mentioned renewal times were at 4-6 months right now. I have no explanation for our very quick renewal time (1 or 2 days). Below the green approved stripe in my account it has the new date of expiration 5 years from now.
  10. Today we did some weekly grocery shopping. Then I spent a few hours cross stitching while watching recordings on the DVR. When the shoulders began to ache I did Sudoku for a bit and became sleepy so went to the napping room to lie down. Catching up here since then. A good day overall. Brenda @bennybear your photos today are beautiful as always. I was very sorry to hear of your friend's loss of her son. I hope his children will have the support of family and friends to help them deal with their grief.🙏 @Mr. Boston please wish your DH a very happy birthday! I know you are enjoying celebrating while on your cruise.🎉🎂 Vanessa @JazzyV I hope things start looking up concerning your leg issues and that sleep comes more easily as time goes on. Good idea to sort through your belongings before you put the rooms back together. Good luck getting your radiator repaired or replaced. What a relief it will be go get this all sorted!
  11. We visited Kona twice, in 2007 on Diamond Princess and in 2017 on Maasdam. On Dec. 9, 2007 we stopped in Kona on a Diamond Princess Hawaii cruise, our first trip there. We had an outrigger canoe shore excursion planned so tendered to shore with time to spare. The view when we arrived on the dock. And the lagoon on the opposite side of the dock. Our tour would leave from here. Seated on my side of the outrigger. It wasn’t an ideal place to take photos once we were away from shore so I don’t have many. One of the few photos taken during that tour. An hour later we stopped at this restaurant for a refreshing beverage In 2007 we saw the Hulihe’e Palace which is a museum but a former home of Hawaiian royalty. 9.5 years later we visited on Maasdam and it looked like this. A whole new color scheme and roof color More photos from our April 2, 2017 visit on Maasdam. The lagoon again on the side of the dock. This time there were kayaks there. As you leave the dock this is the main road along the shore looking towards the Hulihe’e Palace Museum and the MoKuaiKaua Church, established in 1820. The former BHB Maasdam The last time I saw Kona A great place to visit in Hawaii.
  12. Good morning friends! Today it's currently raining and it should only last a short time this morning. Temp is 57, but the high will be 65 with afternoon sunshine. Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the maps of the ship locations. I will go along with curling, diesel engines, and will stand up to bullying. The whole wheat oatmeal cookies certainly aren't a meal but a good snack. No thanks to the cocktail and wine. Always interesting to hear about the past and the important happenings for Coronado, the Alamo and the Panama Canal. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Laura @Lcubed for your reports today. Prayers said as usual for my family and friends in need, people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages held and our military members at sea and on bases in the region. Also for our Care list folks, especially Tana, Vanessa @JazzyV, Jane @lazey1, Roy @rafinmd, Annie @marshhawk and Chuck @catmando, and all the DHs with health issues. Congrats to all celebrating happy events like Linda @lindaler who has a birthday today, and to all our cruisers. 🎂 There are so many! The cruise lines must be happy! 🚢 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for taking the time to update the lists every day. Praying for improvement for you with pain and sleep time.🙏 DS flew back to Michigan yesterday from a conference he attended this week in San Francisco. Tonight he will fly to Dallas, and on Sunday he and DDIL will fly to Madrid for a special spring break getaway. I hope they enjoy their week there. Ren has a good friend/Mom to one of his soccer buddies from Tiger and Jaguars day staying there to keep him on track and fed. The port this morning is Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Island. There are two links this morning for previous dates which are May 30, 2022 and Nov. 5, 2023. We have visited there a couple times so I'll repost my photos. Here are the links. Have a good Friday everyone, and please keep safe and stay well.
  13. Jacqui, we've booked a Holland America cruise today for 2025. Westerdam - 08-Jun-25 - 28 day Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice Could you add it for me? Thank you!
  14. Vanessa @JazzyV I'm glad the procedure is over with and that your BFF is there with you today. I hope after the next few days you'll be feeling so much better. 🙂 My hair appointment went fine. She's a fast worker and I got out of there early, but she doesn't compare to my usual hairdresser. Even the shampoo and the blow drying felt very rushed and not as luxe. I drove past the firehouse where the firetruck caught on fire and the garage door openings were all boarded up with plywood. It's obvious that firehouse is no longer serviceable. I sure hope some other one is able to handle the overload. 😟
  15. It is also National Chili Day and National Walk Your Dog Day! So much to celebrate in one day!
  16. On September 3, 2011 we stopped in Helsinki, Finland with friends we met on a previous cruise. We took our usual share of photos of statues, fountains and churches there! First up was a Russian Orthodox Uspenski Cathedral. For some reason I felt the need to photograph this ornate brickwork. I can't imagine how hard that must have been to get exactly right. The inside Within sight of the Russian Orthodox church was St. Nicholas Lutheran Cathedral. Totally different exterior. If your knee was hurting you wouldn't like these steps. I love this angle of the domes and steeples. The view from the top of the steps. A light and bright look inside. A pipe organ. On the streets, some entertainers. Some interesting souvenirs offered for sale in Helsinki. As a group we rode trams and buses all day even though we couldn't read any of the stops - the signs were in both Finnish and Swedish. We even went underground on this subway. We made our way to the rock church mentioned earlier. There it's known as the Temppeliaukio church. That's it for Helsinki from me. Sandi
  17. Good morning friends! This morning it is 37F with partly cloudy skies. The high will be around 69 with more clouds than sun. I have a hair appointment this morning but I received a text last night that my hairdresser (who is the salon owner) has the flu for the very first time. She asked if one of the other hairdressers could handle my appointment today and I agreed. Hopefully all will go as usual and there won't be any big surprises. 💇‍♀️ First I'd like to put aside some of our worries about Annie @marshhawk and Chuck @catmando. I received an email message from her and she said a car ran into their AT&T box (which if it's like our neighborhood all the utilities are underground with "boxes" with wiring in them standing upright in certain areas along the street). Annie says that no one in the neighborhood has internet or home phones. Chuck's surgery was moved again, this time by the doctor. She says they are spending their time walking in the park, cooking at home, and watching old movies on the VCR. She also says she misses the Daily! I suppose this means they can't work either since they need internet and good phone service for that. I assured her we missed her too and were concerned about them both. I hope they can get something fixed soon so they and the neighborhood can get back to normal. Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Daily and Fleet Report for Rich @richwmn. Interesting days to celebrate. 2Twenty2 is fun, being humble a good trait to have and giving up tobacco a wonderful idea (Great American Spit Out). A bonus quote today! Both are fine. Today's menu suggestion sounds unique as does the cocktail name. I would enjoy the wine today I'm sure. Thanks to our F&B Dept. folks, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Laura @Lcubed for your reports. Prayers said bright and early, or maybe dark and early. They included prayers for DB, DGD, Scott and Susan, Bob and Sandy, the people of Israel and Ukraine, hostages still held, safety for our military members at sea and on land in the region and the entire Care list here on the Daily. Special mention made for Vanessa @JazzyV undergoing her procedure and we surely hope it helps! Take care today Vanessa, and thank you for getting up early every day to post the Care and Celebration lists. Congrats to all cruising and having happy events in their lives like birthdays and anniversaries. Have fun celebrating! The port today is Helsinki, Finland. This was the port only once before on Feb. 28, 2022. We went there one time on a Baltic cruise and will go again this June. I have some photos to share so will do so shortly. Here is the link for 2/28/22 for you. I hope all goes as planned for all of you as well as myself. Please try to stay safe and well.
  18. Thank you Graham. We appreciate it. Thanks Lenda. Very good news I agree also about the house over the water in Ann's @Vict0riann's photo - that porch looks very precarious. Sheesh! I hope your HVAC issue works out like ours did. I think some businesses try to make money on jobs that don't necessarily need doing - yet! I remember snow sitting on the lawns until nearly May when we lived in Midland in the '70's. Of course we got tons of snow that decade. The piles stacked up alongside our driveway were over my head! It was dangerous to back out into the street because you couldn't see the cars coming by.
  19. Good news, finally! The HVAC techs came and checked things out. They feel our unit has plenty of life left in it. We will have them come out in April to do a spring maintenance and then again in the fall, and he can monitor things. Not even a charge for today's visit! We trust this company so much more than the one who came out before. Looks like I can keep my cruise booking savings for myself!👍
  20. I had two birthdays in a row on a South Pacific cruise. It was Saturday and I have photos of me standing on the day of the week mat in the elevator both days. The first night the Pinnacle Grill staff gave me a cake and sang happy birthday. The next night the MDR waiters gave me another cake (different kind) and sang to me, too. I enjoyed it so much, but not when I told my twin sister I was now officially one year older than she was.👵
  21. Sorry to hear about your poor night's sleep. You definitely have a lot on your mind which keeps people from getting proper sleep. I hope the case manager helps the family with their plans. I'd love some good news as you said. The microwave repair is complete and my blood pressure can go down now. Until the AC repair guy comes and starts taking apart the furnace unit in the attic. LOL! If he falls through our ceiling I'll faint! This is why the oven unit repair is so scary. So many things can go wrong or be damaged. The circular area under the microwave is where the new motor went. Looks like a good place for future repairs - wiring, motherboard...please, no!
  22. Good morning friends! Cold today at 32F but will be sunny and 64 for a high so not bad at all. Dh scheduled an HVAC company for this afternoon to come out to check one of our AC's that started struggling last fall. There's a good chance it needs a new coil so that will be looked at and replaced if necessary. Then the appliance repair people finally got their act together and were able to schedule two technicians come out this morning to remove our oven/microwave unit from the cabinet and replace the turntable motor in the microwave. Remember a little over a year ago they had to do that to replace the heating element in the oven. These combination units are big and bulky, and very difficult to repair. I've never lived in a home long enough to need repairs to appliances before! Anyway this will keep us busy for sure. Thankfully, I was able to apply a sale price to a future cruise booking on Monday which saved me thousands of dollars and now we can afford to pay for the new coil for the AC. Win, win!😀 Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Daily and Fleet Report as well as the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. I enjoy giving and receiving cards so will honor that by sending my friend Sandy a card to let her know we are thinking of her. Mother language day and just plain language day is welcome. I'll be interested in hearing about the ground beef ragu. No thanks on the Painkiller or red wine. 🍷 I guess we can reflect on the archbishop, Tsar and locomotive. 🤷‍♀️Thank you to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Laura @Lcubed for the reporting today. Prayers were said and hopefully heard for my dear family and friends, those here on the Daily who are suffering pain and illness, awaiting procedures and feeling loss, stress and worry. 🙏 I'm thankful for the good news from everyone and love hearing about the cruises everyone is taking or has planned. 🚢 It's good to hear @seagarsmoker is enjoying the new job! Sharon @Sharon in AZ I'm glad to hear Craig is recovered from Covid and I understand how he could say he is wary of more cruising after catching it again. Sounds like my DH sometimes! I hope we hear from Annie @marshhawk today though she must have her hands full. Vanessa @JazzyV I hope you are feeling a bit less pain and getting a little more sleep. Good luck to you tomorrow and thank you for your postings each day! The port this morning is Penang, Malaysia. This was the port on Feb. 14, 2023. Penang Island is where Georgetown is located. We have an Ann @cat shepard Daily posting on that date because I was cruising and Rich @richwmn was on his World cruise. I have not been to Penang before and have no photos. Here is your link: Hoping you all have a great day, keep safe and stay well.
  23. Karen, those are beautiful items they had on display. They're certainly attention getters!
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