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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Good morning friends! It's 58F here this morning with cloudy skies. Rain and a high of 73 is expected today. DH says the pollen is coming and he noticed it all over the mailbox yesterday. In a further update on my arm, this morning the size of the red area is smaller and the redness is fading to a lighter shade. It's still painful to the touch. Taking a Benadryl yesterday noon and again before bed has me dragging around this morning. I see a nap in my future! The doctor didn't suggest a shingles shot for DH so I'm surprised we didn't get our last ones at the same time. Thanks to Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting our Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. Happy Ides of March! Sort of frivolous days to recognize today IMO. The quote is good, and as for the meal I'm not so sure I'd want it without a ham or something. Don't know what an Enzoni is and no thanks to the Chianti. All three good days in history. It makes sense now why the Cincinnati Reds are called what they are. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today. Prayers said for all here on the Care list and even those who are not on the list but in need of prayers. Also to those at war in Israel and Ukraine, the poor hostages still being held, and the military members in harm's way in the region. Special prayers for my DB, great nephew Alex's twin babies and friends Scott and Susan. 🙏 DGD says she feels sooo much better at her new apartment and just finished putting together a table with two bar stools to put in front of some windows with a nice view of the lake. 🥰 Cheers to all celebrating happy events and cruising! 🥂🎉 Bon Voyage Katherine @Lady Hudson!! 🚢 Thanks to you Vanessa @JazzyV for the updated lists each day! Hope you have a great Friday and super weekend. The port today is beautiful Trondheim, Norway. This was the port before on Feb. 20, 2022 and March 2, 2023. I'll post the links for you, and my photos next. Thanks in advance for any photos you can share. Hoping we all have a great day! Keep safe and stay well!
  2. From myself and my DB, thank you for your birthday wishes for him. Your sister must feel so much better now! About 6 or 7 years ago I spent 2 nights in a hospital and the neighbors shouting the second night was the last straw! The nurses coming into my room at 3 am to poke a needle in my arm for blood work was the first straw! I hope your DSis gets back on track soon! Sorry the quote doesn't show, but I appreciate your advice about watching my reaction to the shingles shot. Not everyone has a perfect experience so the remainder must be vigilant. How have you been feeling lately Jane? I've been keeping you in my prayers.🙏 I'm so sorry to hear how bad this cold has been for you. Feel better ASAP! This afternoon I gave in to the Benadryl and took a nap. I hope I can sleep well tonight.😴
  3. DH said the doctor's office said I should put an ice compress on the arm and take a Benadryl. I did and boy it's cold with that ice on the arm. I stopped after 10 minutes so I could stitch because I can't do both at the same time. Hopefully I won't want a nap after lunch. It is definitely warm to the touch. Twin says she had a bad reaction last time too, but she had body aches and headaches so I guess I should feel grateful I don't have that. Thanks once again for the birthday wishes for my DB @Overhead Fred, @AncientWanderer, @Quartzsite Cruiser and @JazzyV. Vanessa, I really am sorry to hear that your coughing kept you up and hurts your ribs. Two and a half hours is not enough sleep! I hope things turn around again once the cold and cough get better.🤞
  4. Thank you Graham and @Haljo1935. I'll keep you updated.
  5. I thought the same thing. We need to stress this more often I guess. We don't want to be disrespectful to the Irish and their traditions, etc.
  6. I took a good look at my left upper arm this morning and it's all red and a little swollen. Not just a tiny area, more like 5 inches up and down and 3 to 4 inches across side to side. I wasn't expecting such a reaction but it says online this is common. But the photos they showed were tiny little red spots around the injection site, not the whole upper arm. Hopefully that starts to go away soon. DH said he'd ask about it at the doctor's office and even took a picture to show them if they ask. I want to extend my thanks and my brother's thanks for all of you who have so kindly wished him a happy birthday. That includes @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @kazu, @rafinmd, @Denise T, @smitty34877, @dfish, @ottahand7, @ger_77, and @Nickelpenny. I hope I haven't left anyone off. Whoops, almost missed @RedneckBob. Once again thanks to all of you!❤️ @Denise T best of luck with Chase today. I hope Fiona continues to eat well and feels better.🐈 @daisybertie thank you for the Lerwick photos. Very nice! I've only seen cloudy skies in Lerwick but it would sure be nice to have sunny skies there. @aliaschief looking good all dressed up! Continue to enjoy every moment! @marshhawk Annie I'm sending you hugs today! {{{ 🤗 }}} Thanks for your photo comment today. We don't have Britbox unfortunately. It says when I search on my DVR I can watch Shetland episodes with a free trial on Amazon Prime, but I have no idea how long the free trial lasts. Looks like quite a few seasons to catch up. Hallmark Channel has been showing episodes of Drop Dead Diva from 2009 to 2014 Mondays thru Fridays, 2 episodes a day. I have them set up to record and am watching season by season. I wish I'd told my twin about it sooner because we are at the end of season 2 right now. I found some YouTube links to send her of season 1 but I don't have any links to season 2 and she just started recording. She's going to go through all the YouTube links first while recording the following seasons from here on out. It's addictive!
  7. We have enjoyed cruises stopping at Lerwick twice. First time was on a Southampton to NY transatlantic on Caribbean Princess in 2015. Second time was in 2022 on Island Princess. We arrived in Lerwick on Sept. 8, 2015 on Caribbean Princess and tendered over to Victoria Pier The first thing that caught our eye was a zebra-striped accommodation barge used to house workers building the Shetland Gas Plant. It's no longer there since the project was completed several years back. We had scheduled a tour of the Jarlshof Ruins and the Hoswick Visitor Center. Excuse the photos taken from the bus window of the countryside. Our driver told us Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick own property here. I have no way of verifying that information, but it would be a perfect place to get away from it all. The Hoswick Visitor Center had a lot of very old radios and other communication equipment, along with textiles and other odds and ends. Seemed an odd collection to me. Most of us thought the scenery outside more interesting so went out to take some photos before time to move on to the Jarlshof Ruins. Scenery like this and this Back in the bus for the drive to the Ruins we saw lovely beaches which were dotted with seals, surprisingly. The guide passed around photos and other information while en route. In order to reach the Ruins we had to cross a runway at Sumburgh Airport! Arriving at Jarlshof Ruins This photo shows outlines of some of their huts and other buildings. This would have been where the fire was in their rocky home. And some of the walls Leaving the site, we stopped to enjoy a few of the Shetland ponies next to the walkway. We were back in Lerwick on June 9, 2022 on Island Princess. We walked around the town a bit then got instructions on how to get to Tesco to do a little shopping. I was surprised to see this hospital with the funeral director in the same building! 😳 We had quite a little walk to get to the Tesco but on a cruise you can always use the exercise. After we picked up some goodies for our waiters and bar staff favorites, we stopped to see the Lerwick Town Hall. Then passed by this monument. And then we found the very conveniently located Fort Charlotte Island Princess is in the back of this photo. DH always has his photo taken with a cannon. Back to the dock area to get on a tender. Fun times in the good old UK!
  8. Good morning friends! It will be a nice sunny 80 degree day here but right now it's only 48. This morning DH has his annual physical appointment so let's see if they suggest he have another shingles shot too. Then he can moan and groan about his tender upper arm! Mine's still hurting.😬 Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location map for Rich @richwmn. I read the good news about the Volendam being able to call at Bora Bora this month. Fingers crossed that actually happens for them.🚢 Some great days to recognize this morning. Scientists bring service to the human race, and genius day celebrates folks like Albert Einstein. We all learn by asking questions. Today is also Pi Day as well as my area code back in St. Louis. I think the quote is funny. I think I'll just pass on the meal, drink and wine today. Nice day to celebrate the cotton gin mill, the Currency Act, and it was about time that women were allowed to join Muirfield! Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the reports today! I hope your DSis is doing okay now Ann. Prayers said for all on the Care list, my DB, great nephew Alex's twins, Scott and Susan, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held and our troops in harms way there. Hoping for good news on all fronts in the days ahead!🙏 Congratulations to all who celebrate happy events today and the cruisers! 🥂🎉 Happy Birthday wishes to Brenda @bennybear and @Mr. Boston's DM, as well as my little brother. 🎂 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for remembering him and for keeping the Care and Celebration lists for us all! You are a star reporter! The port today is Lerwick, Shetland Island, UK. This was the port before on Sept. 20, 2021, Nov. 1, 2022, and June 15, 2023. We have gone there twice and enjoyed our looks around the area. Here are the links to those dates for you. Hoping you all have an enjoyable Thursday. Keep safe and stay well!
  9. Oh wow, that doesn't sound comfortable at all! I hope they can take care of it quickly for you so you don't have to suffer much longer. Good luck! Vanessa @JazzyV I so appreciate the way you condense and comment on each person's day the way you do. I agree wholeheartedly with your comments to everyone. I hope you start feeling better very soon! I'm sorry though you couldn't see your UK friends again last night. I'm sure they're missing your company. No, I hadn't heard about the gas line explosion and will check that out. What a shame for that elderly couple and their family though. 😢 I'm getting along with my arm okay with the stitching. I just don't like to touch or lay on that side as it's extremely tender.
  10. Joy, I'm sorry to hear about Allen's sodium deficiency and hope the prescription helps restore his levels quickly! Prayers for him!🙏
  11. Good morning friends! Today it's 45F with an expected high temp of 73 and partly cloudy skies. I believe DH has our roofer coming out to inspect our roof and hopefully take care of any problems he sees. We had a little water coming into the attic after our big rains (2.25 inches) overnight last Friday. We saw evidence on the primary bathroom ceiling. If you can stop the water intrusion and see a slight stain on your ceiling you can use a misting spray bottle filled with 50/50 bleach and water on it. Protect or remove anything below it of course. My tip of the day.😉 Thanks to Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. Do we really need a day to remind us to fill our staplers? Every girl wins day sounds great, and I salute K9 Veterans! No comments come to mind on the quote, bran muffins don't sound like a complete meal to me, but I don't mind them. No thank you to the drink and wine today. Wow, two big discoveries of planets on this date in history and a useful invention in the horse racing world. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today! Prayers for DB, great nephew Alex's twins, Scott and Susan, and all our Dailyites in need of them. I try to name all of you personally! 🙏 Also to the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and our men and women in uniform in the region. Good luck to Chuck @catmando at his procedure today and to Annie @marshhawk as she tries to keep everything together during these difficult times. 🙏 Congratulations to Pauline on her birthday today! May you have many more Pauline! 🎂 For all others with special events and cruises, I send my best wishes to you all. 🥂 Thank you so much Vanessa @JazzyV for your list keeping. I believe DGD Morgan will be fine so you can take her off the list. I'll keep you updated. Hope you are doing well this morning!👍 The port destination today is Aomori, Japan. This was our port three times before on April 9, 2021, Dec. 14, 2022, and July 29, 2023. I have not been there before but do have the links ready for you if you need them to retrieve your photos. Here they are. I got an updated shingles shot yesterday and it's really making my left arm sore. Hope it doesn't affect my progress on the cross stitch project. I'm going as fast as I can to get that completed before September so I can deliver it in person at DGD Ashley and her fiancé's wedding. Have a good day today everyone. Stay safe and keep well!
  12. Oh my gosh, the nerve! That is so sick. I'm very glad posting here has helped you as well as the medication your doctor placed you on. I do hope Fiona feels better soon and the doctor has some good advice for you. Today DH is being entertained by the installation of a lift and motorized stairs in the garage of our neighbor across the street. They've had piles of stuff taking up half their garage for 2 1/2 years (since moving in) and it looks like they want to finally move some of it up to their attic. There's a floor over the garage but they apparently haven't been able to use the usual wooden fold-down stairs in the garages here. It would be so nice if they could clear out that lot of boxes and exercise equipment piled at least 4 feet high, and finally get their second car into the garage. I bet it cost them a pretty penny to do it but if you don't have enough storage inside the house, it would be a big help to get things out of the way out there.
  13. You are both saints putting up with that for so many years. I would go nuts.
  14. Thank you so much for the photos of Newhaven! I shouldn't be surprised that someone here on Cruise Critic has been there. We appreciate you posting today. It looks like a nice place to tender to. And it's lots closer to Edinburgh than either Rosyth or South Queensferry in looking at the map. Thank you for the important reminder (or education) on proper terms for the St. Patrick's Day holiday. It was the biggest event of the year at my DH's college. A lot of beer was drunk that day! Happy birthday wishes to your DW Ellen! Hope she enjoys many more.
  15. It's hard to believe Camilla is so big and grown up already. Where did the time go? Thanks for posting it. She's a beautiful little girl.
  16. Good morning friends! It's 36F this morning, but will be a nice 70 degrees with sunshine today. I am going out to my annual physical at 9 am so hopefully all goes well there. No breakfast for me so I'm hungry! But before I go further I want to wish Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Mitzi @Overhead Fred a very happy birthday!🎂 Enjoy! Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. Some nice days to recognize today. Equal Pay Day is a great idea if people are doing the exact same job. Why not? A salute to the Girl Scouts, and who doesn't need to organize their home office? A thought provoking quote, and that meal is a real mouthful, word-wise. Another banana drink to enjoy, and someone else can have my red wine. Important days in history in regards to the Gutenberg Bible, Gandhi and female priests in the Church of England. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the great reports every day.👍 Prayers today were said for my DB, great nephew's twins and friends Scott and Susan. Also for the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and our troops in harm's way. And last but not least our friends here on the Daily Care list in pain, undergoing procedures and some recovering from them, worry and depression. 🙏 For those celebrating happy events and cruising, I wish you all the best. 🥂🎉 Thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for the stellar job you do on the Care and Celebration lists. We appreciate you! And I wish you an extra special day today.❤️ The port today is Newhaven, United Kingdom which is apparently another port for the city of Edinburgh. We have had Edinburgh listed in some way four times before. South Queensferry was the port on March 12, 2021, Aug. 12, 2022, and Jan. 17, 2024 while Edinburgh alone was listed on July 10, 2023. So today I won't list any links because Newhaven has not been a port before. I won't be showing my Edinburgh photos either. If you would like to show photos of Newhaven or Edinburgh please feel free. 😉 Pennie @Nickelpenny I am sad to hear the news about your Martina passing away. You must be in shock. It was nice of the young man to bury her and place the little stone on top. Prayers for you as you adjust to this sad event.🙏 Hoping the rest of you have a good day today, and please try to stay safe and keep well.
  17. You are right! I've already warned her to be on the lookout for alligators. Especially if she's relaxing in a folding chair along the shore. 🐊 They move fast!
  18. Is AARP credit one per stateroom, per booking? We are both signed up with HAL for it, but only get one credit per booking. Is everyone else finding this too?
  19. Bruce, sounds like an Amazing world cruise! Do you think you'll want to do another soon? Some do it every year!😉 Welcome to the Daily! 🎉 Probably talking about that cool cruise ship visiting them.
  20. Melanie, thank you. We did get a FaceTime call from Morgan and she also sent a smiling photo from her living room. She also showed us the small lake just outside her windows. It should be a lovely place to relax on the side of the lake this summer. Yes, it is great news that she has a new therapist that she seemed to click with. Maybe this will help her get over her fear and anxiety. Thank you! I'm thankful they are able to come down to help her out, too. Hopefully things are looking up for her now. I hope you can get some more chores done around the house and the radiator and wall cleaning get accomplished quickly. I hope you got some napping in! Lenda, her new mattress arrives Thursday so not too many nights to rough it. She says she has a few pots to cook in and a couple of dishes of her own. Family members are offering up items left and right. It's just the distance involved. Thanks for your concern and good thoughts. I am so, so sorry to hear of the passing of your parents only 2 days apart from Covid. What a tragedy! I agree, hopefully not as deadly now. 🙏 Thanks for the sending your best wishes to Morgan. 🙂
  21. Terri, good luck at your doctor appointments. I hope all goes well. It's sad to hear of your friend Anita's illness, surgery and her extreme weight loss. Prayers winging her way! And warm thoughts to you and Jim on Eugene's heavenly birthday. I know you will both have him in the forefront of your thoughts today. You did a great thing caring for Eugene so many years.
  22. Thanks a bunch, Joy! Everyone is very supportive here and that's HUGE! I wanted to send you two responses to your post, a THANKS and a HAHA for your memes today! Too funny and both are appropriate today.❤️🤣
  23. Gerry, thank you for the warm wishes for Morgan. I just remembered DD told me yesterday Morgan went to see a new therapist recommended by her doctor back in Ohio and really liked her so that sounds promising. Hopefully this PTSD will be conquered! Good luck to DH at his CT scan! Thanks so much Nancy! I have a feeling we'll be getting a FaceTime call once she lands in the new apartment so I'd better fix my hair so I look decent. I almost forgot.🤗
  24. Thank you very, very much Graham! She's so happy already. The student apartment she shared with a couple of roommates was furnished with bedroom furniture, living room furniture and kitchen items. So she literally has nothing but clothes, books and toiletries to move. No mattress, lamps, seating or dishes. Should make for a fast move. Slowly she'll get items and I'm willing to donate some of our "stuff". DD ordered herself new barstools as she had already planned to do that, and will take her old ones down and anything else she can think of. Morgan's Dad will hopefully pony up for a sofa of some kind. I think Morgan is going to order a mattress from Amazon! Her older sister ordered hers from there recently and sent a link to li'l sis. So it will come together. Thank you Debbie for your good wishes for Morgan! Very relieved she's moving and out of that dangerous area. Thank you! Hoping your DS gets into the better facility soon Ann! It's great she's doing so well with her activity level. Someone at the current place should be reprimanded for not bringing dinner to the patients. That's ridiculous!
  25. Good morning friends! It's a very chilly 36F this A.M. and will be 63 with partly cloudy skies today. Hoping our nighttime temps start rising again this week. Isn't it nearly spring? Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for presenting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps today for Rich @richwmn, We appreciate it! Well, I had no idea we had a 311 Day, not sure what Debunking Day means, and don't feel like celebrating National Covid 19 Day. Back in 2020 we flew from Atlanta to Detroit on March 3 and back home again on March 10 after a visit there. The following day the pandemic was announced? And within a week we began our "two week shutdown" to curb the virus. Hmmm... I'm surprised we didn't come down with it right then and there. Anyway, I'll say no to the meal and the cocktail but will have some of the Sauvignon Blanc. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the food and beverage reports! Prayers said today for all here on the Daily Care list, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held and the military members in danger in the region. Also for DB, great nephew Alex's twin babies, DGD Morgan and friends Scott and Susan.🙏 After class this morning Morgan will head over to her new apartment and is very, very excited about it. Her Dad (ex-SIL) and sister will come down from Ohio this coming weekend to help her with some furnishings and swap cars with her. Morgan's needs a repair and her Dad will handle that back in Ohio. DD will go down to Tampa the following weekend while on spring break from teaching to help Morgan out too. Things are working out A-okay! 🎉 I'd like to say congrats to all on the Celebration list and especially the cruisers. 🚢 Happy Birthday Sue! 🎂 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your help with the list updating each day! The destination today is Los Angeles, California. We had that port on July 4, 2023 and the port of San Pedro on Aug. 29, 2023. San Pedro is the actual port for Los Angeles though there is another port in Long Beach. I've sailed to and from San Pedro many times and all cruises were on Princess. There were 6 cruises total with 9 embarkation or disembarkations. And of course we've visited Los Angeles many times with family there still. Here are the links for your convenience. Have a great Monday everyone! Stay safe and keep well!
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