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  1. Good morning friends! It will be another sunny day today, starting out for me at 43F but should reach 77 by late afternoon. Fantastic! Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. I hope he and the others on the Volendam are enjoying Nuku Hiva today. Let's recognize doctors, Earth hour, and folded laundry. I know I'll be folding some later. A controversial statement by Oscar Wilde. I'll be interested in hearing about the Sesame Chicken dish. Never heard of a Singchelada before and would like to know what type of wine we have shown. Wow, Alaska was a bargain and an important addition to our country. Not a great day in Paris but a good one in Brazil. And we have the terracotta warriors again today. Hmmm. I just saw that virtual vacation day is actually today so we can go on virtual vacation again today. Nothing wrong with that! Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for our food and beverage reports. Prayers for all our Daily Care list people, my DB, great nephew Alex's twins, friends Scott, Susan and Sandy, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages held, and the troops in the region in harm's way. Praying for improvement in health for all in pain and suffering so much. 🙏 Cheers to our celebrants of special events and those great cruises! 🚢🎉🎂 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for updating the lists each day for us! The port of the day is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This has been the port before on March 22, 2021 and May 5, 2023. We have gone to Rio twice (once was a pre-cruise stay). Here are the links. Hoping everyone has a wonderful Saturday before Easter. Stay safe and keep well!
  2. I'm glad, too. Thank you, Joy!🙂 Thank you Graham and thank you Pauline! You're right Debbie, and when she cuddles up on the sofa Milo and Sadie will be lounging right on top of her. 🐕 Yes, I'm relieved to hear it, too. Thank you! Very good news you made it to NH safe and sound. Have fun with everyone else in addition to your handsome granddog!🐶 Will you have an Easter egg hunt?
  3. DD arrived home safely 8 hours after leaving our home. It is 515 miles in distance. She said just a few minutes before she got home she was delayed 10 minutes by an accident ahead of her at an intersection, or she would have been home that much earlier. I hope all our other travelers have an uneventful journey.
  4. Oh Gerry, how frightening! You are great friends because everyone calls on you when they are in need, knowing you will drop everything to help. I do hope Gord comes through this okay. Prayers for all! Have a wonderful weekend with the little ones. Coincidentally we had porcupine meatballs last night with rice and green beans. And wine!
  5. Joy, that's sad that poor Oliver was sick due to eating that little plastic placker. Your card ladies need to be more careful! I hope he didn't cause any damage inside with it. Prayers for your friends in need of them. Very upsetting about the Mom in hospice. And being very sick with lung issues is not good. I send my best wishes to your friends and their families. 🙏 I heard about that driver who caused the accident in Texas, too. I hope they throw the book at him. Those poor people involved will never be the same after the trauma of the accident and the lives lost. I love the memes today! I sent the chocolate bunnies one to my twin and DS who is flying to Bradenton Florida for a weeklong soccer tournament including FC Dallas and Ren. Twin loved it! (DS liked it as well 🐰) We used to have those Easter bunnies in our basket every year. I started with the ears! She also said she's having tests done today and has a surgery scheduled April 15 for her torn rotator cuff. I hope that takes care of her shoulder pain for her.
  6. Nuuk, Greenland On August 12, 2018 we stopped in Nuuk on our Route of the Vikings II cruise on Seabourn Quest. This cruise took an extensive look at Greenland with 7 ports of call plus scenic cruising in Prince Christian Sound. Nuuk is the capital and largest city in Greenland with a population of over 19,000 in 2022. We docked and had shuttle buses to take us away from the pier to the downtown area. We set out walking and enjoy the colorful buildings, and beautiful water. I wouldn’t mind living in this cozy little house. I really loved this area of town. This statue is called Mother of the Seas Then we arrived at this beautiful church. The name translates to Nuuk Cathedral otherwise known as Church of our Saviour. We could see a statue up that hill so hiked up to see it. The cemetery Back at the ship we noticed Zodiacs heading out for a tour. And back to the ship again hours later. A wonderful place to spend the day.
  7. Good morning friends! It's 38F and clear now. Today will be a lovely sunny day with a high of 72. It's not gonna rain and it's Friday! 🌞 DD was out the door just before 4:30 a.m. so as to avoid the worst of Atlanta traffic. Praying for safe travels for her and all of you doing some traveling for the Easter holiday. Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting today's Daily and Fleet Report and the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. We appreciate it! It is Good Friday. I like all the days we recognize on this day, virtual vacations, mermaids, and Mom and Pop business owners. I consider DGD Morgan my little mermaid and my aunt and uncle owned a tiny convenience store when they retired. They had 10 children so were always short of money. We used to go purchase candy when we visited them. An interesting quote by Truman Capote. Who knows what a sub salad is? Debbie does! The name of the drink of the day makes me say Yuck! No idea what type of wine Clinet 2020 is. And what a day that was in 1974 when the terracotta army was discovered. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your special reports today.❤️ Prayers said for DB, great nephew Alex's twin boys, friends Scott, Susan and Sandy. Also for the people suffering during wartime, the hostages still missing and held, and our troops in the region. Many prayers for the family of slain NYPD Officer Diller, and those lost on Monday during the bridge collapse in Baltimore. Prayers for all here on the Care list and hoping for improvement in your conditions and situations. Thinking especially of Joy's @Seasick Sailor's Allen, Tana, Dixie @summer slope, Vanessa @JazzyV, Annie @marshhawk and Chuck @catmando, Maurice and Gerry @ger_77, Jane @lazey1, Roy @rafinmd, Jacqui @kazu, Maureen and Richard @RMLincoln, Melisa and DH @HAL Sailer and I know I've forgotten a few but know you aren't without prayers!🙏 Cheers to our cruisers and birthday/anniversary celebrants! 🥂 🚢 Bon Voyage @POA1! Welcome home @erewhon and Kathi @Scrapnana! 🎉 Thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for your list today. Wishing you a good day and less pain. The port today is Nuuk (Godthab), Greenland- a first timer! I love seeing Greenland and would choose it over a Caribbean port any day! We visited Nuuk in 2018 on Seabourn Quest while on our Voyage of the Vikings II cruise. I'll get some photos to share next. Hoping you all have a wonderful day! Stay safe and keep well!
  8. I'm back from the hair appointment and our yard is once again being dug up because they need to run the fiber optic under the street. They're digging up all the yards that have the large electrical boxes at the side of them. They didn't have the proper permit last Friday for that job and apparently do now. What a mess! At least the streets don't need to be torn up. They have some piece of equipment that forces the lines from one hole to the next. And yes, we have lots of colorful spray paint on the lawns and street showing all the utilities. I will always be a St. Louis Cardinals fan!!⚾ Gerry, prayers said for Maurice's panel approval. 🙏 Also for your family as they travel to you for their visit. Enjoy your time together. Vanessa, it's heartbreaking to hear of the pain that's returned. I wish the surgery was sooner! I believe Alex and Jordan are 20 weeks along now. Due date is Aug. 15 but they will be considered full term on July 25, 3 weeks earlier. Provided all goes as planned that will be the birthdate. Karen, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you think back on your DD DH's last weeks and months. And to you too Terry. It's only been a short time ago for you. Jacqui @kazu I'm sorry to hear of the stress on you with the financial issue and the sudden need for a new place to keep Ivan while you're away. I hope things turn around and look better very soon. Tony @sailingdutchy thank you for your wonderful photos of Zadar. Looks like a great tour.
  9. Good morning friends! It is a fair morning with a temp of 49F. Today will be a high of 67 with sun and clouds mixed. I have a morning hair appointment and expect DD to arrive by 2 pm. Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as fleet location maps. Always interesting! Today we celebrate Holy Thursday and the opening day of ML Baseball. I have nothing against hot tubs but have no interest in using one. I wonder what the salad has in it besides radishes and carrots? Not interested in the cocktail as usual and haven't a clue about the wine so will have to wait for the report on it. 1910 was pretty early to have a seaplane with aviation so new. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the F&B reports! Prayers have been said for you all on the Daily care list. I'm sorry to hear you had an uncomfortable night Dixie @summer slope and are covered in bruises. Let's pray you don't have any lasting damage due to that woman's bad driving skills. I hope everyone here shows some improvement in your situations. 🙏 Prayers too for DB, great nephew Alex's twin boys, friends Scott, Susan and Sandy, those lost this week during the bridge collapse and attacks against first responders, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held and our military in the war zones. 🙏 But for those cruising and with special events to celebrate, three cheers for you all!🎉🎂🚢 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your hard work keeping up our lists. I hope you got a few more hours rest last night and have a easy day with your household chores. The port today is Zadar, Croatia. It sounds like an interesting place and I would love to go there sometime. This was our port only once before on March 2, 2022. Here's the link: I hope you all have a great day! Stay safe and keep well!
  10. My goodness, Dixie, that is terrible! You could have been badly hurt especially hitting your head on the pavement. Thank goodness tests were negative. You should have quite a variety of colorful bruises tomorrow. Hope it doesn't hurt too much! My friend Susan and DH Scott got hit by a car while on their golf cart in the Villages. Apparently that's pretty common down there. I think a spot on the care list is deserved for you! Wow, that's exciting news Annie! I'm happy for you. It will be fun to get together with Gerry and Maurice. Congratulations! DD spent 3 hours at the Florida Aquarium today watching Morgan do her job. It's an interesting place to work and she has many varied jobs. She enjoyed it a lot. I saw a video of Morgan's co-worker in one of the tanks cleaning algae with all the turtles crawling all over her. I think they like people! DD Facetimed us and showed us all the new furnishings at Morgan's apartment and it's really all set up and cozy for her. DD will cook dinner tonight for Morgan since she worked all day. They went to a fab Mexican restaurant this week and we plan on going back when we all go down for graduation. The taco salad she tried was especially good, she said. DD drives back up here tomorrow to spend the night and we will prepare one of the favorite dishes from back in the day when we had kids to feed every night. Can't wait!
  11. No need to apologize Graham! We love Weymouth too. In fact we love most all the English ports, if not all of them. What horrific news about that fatal accident! I really, really hate road trips and any drive on a highway. Too much dangerous driving out there. I'm sorry to hear about your 3.5 hours of sleep last night. I hope the ibuprofen helps with the pain in the left leg.
  12. I was just going to post my confusion too on Weymouth. We visited Weymouth from nearby Portland, but Falmouth is far from Weymouth and Portland. 162 miles by car to be exact!
  13. I think I need to update my lists with regards to cruises taken since 2020. I remembered we went to Falmouth on the Island Princess in 2022, and a few days later is when we discovered ourselves positive for Covid. So since we went out and about that day I have a few more photos to show you. It was a bit cloudy that day but we didn't get rain. The day before we had missed Cobh, Ireland due to bad weather. This is what the hallways were looking like that morning when we went back to our room after breakfast. These two cabins were quarantined since the Covid ward was full. I guess room service didn't have time to pick up trays nor was trash being picked up. Since our Covid tests were negative we were free to roam. A couple days later that would change. Here's some photos of places we saw along the way. A place to eat behind the restaurants. They're proud of their pastys. Love this seagull! Little did we know this would be our last port for quite a while due to quarantine!
  14. On May 8, 2019 we enjoyed a little visit to Falmouth, England. It was cloudy with a chance of rain but we had found if we took our Prinsendam umbrella (which was conveniently placed in the walk-in closet) the raindrops stayed away. That's what happened this day, too. I was surprised to see an American flag on the dock. We walked downtown enjoying the scenes along the main street of town. According to the sign on the window, this shop had award-winning pasties They looked good to me! At the far end of the street we came upon a lovely little wharf area. Across the water was this view which I just loved. The varying colors of green on the hillside, the large homes along the water, and all the beautiful sailboats made a very pleasing picture. I used this photo as the cover of my Shutterfly photo book of this cruise. And here we have a local ferry! Not so big, is it? I wonder how far the ride was? We walked around a little further. I noticed this little fella had a band around his leg. They're keeping track of seagulls? We went up to this point in town and turned back towards our home away from home, the Prinsendam. Nearer the ship was this line of row homes, all of different colors. They really caught your eye. And a boat full of rowers Leaving port that evening we sailed by this manor. And this lighthouse. An enjoyable day was had by all!
  15. Good morning friends! Here we have a temperature of 52F and the rain is over however it looks misty and wet outside. Today will be 73, partly cloudy this morning and full sun this afternoon. Yesterday we had some heavy wind at times which broke a large branch off our next door neighbor's tree. That tree has been in distress for some time now and he may have to take it down and plant a new one.🌳 Thanks to Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps today. A good day to give to the American Red Cross. Let's get creative and scribble! For the whiskey lovers you have your own day. The quote is funny, and it's interesting our "meal" is Greek Yogurt Hollandaise! No idea if I'd like the drink but the wine might be pretty good. It was a long time ago that Ponce de León discovered Florida. A huge day in the medical world with that blood transfusion in 1914. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today. Prayers for our Care list folks, first responders around the world, Israel and Ukraine, hostages held since October 7, the men and women of our military in war zones, my DB, great nephew Alex's twin boys and my friends coping with illness and caretaking. Hoping for improvement in all your health issues and worries! 🙏 For those cruising and celebrating special events I wish you a very good day. 🥂 Enjoy! 🚢 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping the lists for us all. Praying for you each day! The port today is Falmouth, England. We stopped there on our final Prinsendam voyage in May 2019. This was the port of the day three prior times on Dec. 20, 2021, May 11, 2022 and April 22, 2023. Here are the links. Photos will follow afterwards. March is rushing by so try to enjoy your final Wednesday of the month. Stay safe and keep well everyone!
  16. The Carnival Legend left Baltimore on a 7 day Bahamas cruise Sunday. They were supposed to return to Baltimore this Sunday, March 31st but it looks like they'll have to find a new port for a while. Plans need to be made for all the passengers who left cars parked there or had flights from Baltimore this coming weekend. On April 15 the Legend was supposed to make a transatlantic from Baltimore to Barcelona. Turmoil for many people on Carnival Legend for a good long while.
  17. Good morning friends! Weather here is a temp of 55F with rain and thunderstorms expected on and off today and a high of 66. Originally rain was supposed to arrive around 7 am but radar reports show rain showing up around noon. Thanks to Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps for today. As soon as I got up this morning and turned on the TV I saw the news about the Baltimore bridge collapse. Comcast was having issues with video interruption for the first 45 minutes so it was very frustrating getting the information, but that seems to have been corrected. After the treadmill I turned on my laptop and went to vesselfinder.com to look up the container ship Dali but when the page opened that is the ship that was shown on the screen without me having to even search for it. I'm assuming that was because so many people were searching for that ship at the moment. Surprising though they did that. This bridge collapse is such a tragedy and I send prayers to all the families of victims involved. It will be a long time before this bridge can be rebuilt. The people of Baltimore and all travelers along this corridor will have their patience tested in the months ahead. Very good days to recognize and celebrate today. Diabetes and epilepsy are conditions that deserve awareness and understanding. My hairdresser's 15 year old son has epilepsy and experiences varying degrees of severity so it hasn't been easy to manage. Enjoy Live, Long and Prosper Day. The quote is interesting, will be curious to hear about the meal, say no to the drink and don't know about the wine. The Salk vaccine was a major breakthrough in the threat from polio. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the F&B reports. Prayers for everyone involved today in the horrific bridge collapse, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and troops in the region. Also for my DB, great nephew Alex's twin sons, friends Scott, Susan and Sandy. And my many fellow Dailyites on the Care list who are in need of them. I pray for improvement and healing every day. And for our Celebration list, congrats to all who have special events and cruises to enjoy. All the best to you! Thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for your list keeping skills. We are so appreciative of the hard work you put into it. The destination today is Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. This was the port before on Aug. 14, 2021 and April 2, 2022. I have not been there before but it sounds like a unique spot to see. Here are the links if you need them. DD made it safely to Clearwater and enjoyed a fun afternoon putting together a TV stand for Morgan, then she took Morgan and her boyfriend out for dinner. I saw a photo this morning of them taking a selfie next to the lake outside the apartment. All looked happy to be there. ❤️ Hoping you all have a wonderful day today! Stay safe and keep well!
  18. I saw there were 50 from January to May but then filtered out all but Southern Caribbean for Annie since that is what she asked about. Maybe they will even add some more as time goes by but from what I read here they just opened them up for booking. I noticed the Miami ones were Zuiderdam like you said.
  19. That's odd. It certainly is a verified city because we stayed at a hotel overnight there before and the address contains Port Canaveral, FL in it.
  20. Google maps shows Cruise Terminal Drive, Port Canaveral, FL 32920 for the parking area, and gives directions directly to that parking lot. Would Cruise Terminal Drive work as an address?
  21. Annie @marshhawk I just looked and they have 8 southern Caribbean cruises posted from January through March, 2026. The March ones are out of Miami.
  22. Ann @cat shepard Happy Birthday wishes sent to your dear Sis today. I'm happy she can be home to celebrate too. Hope she is feeling much better now.🎂
  23. We visited Cobh in 2015 on Royal Princess. Not only did we enjoy seeing Cobh, which is a lovely town, we also went to Blarney Castle and had a great time there as well. My best remembrance of Cobh is a purchase I made there. A sterling silver Celtic knot pendant and neck chain. The finish on the pendant was so smooth and well done. I love wearing it. My photos of our visits to Cobh and Blarney Castle. A view of the Lusitania memorial only with wreaths laid. Cobh is a hilly place and I liked this view of the houses side by side down the hillside. Many different colors (to help you find your own home after a trip to the pub?). While walking past those homes we saw this cute little dog watching us from "their" window. Annie Moore statue In viewing our pictures I see we were in Cobh twice on back to back cruises on Royal Princess. The first cruise was a spring 2015 transatlantic cruise and on that one we spent our stop that day visiting Blarney Castle. The second cruise was a British Isles cruise and that is the day we spent in town exploring. I knew I'd been to Blarney Castle. A nice view of Blarney castle and someone who decided to kiss the Blarney stone. Not an easy task! Our group passed on it. The spot you kiss as seen from below. Very top center.
  24. Good morning friends! It's 44 F this morning and we will experience a high of 64 with a mix of sun and clouds. Heading into a rainy day tomorrow! Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. Some interesting days to recognize what with Bed-In For Peace Day, Greek Independence Day and the Hindu holiday Holi. We could also celebrate International Waffle Day if I felt like making some. Maybe go out for breakfast instead. I think the quote is a rather broad statement what with using the word "only". The menu suggestion sounds pretty fancy, and I'll pass on the drink and wine. Nice that we celebrate the 1st Easter on this date and the 1st Masters tournament in 1934. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for their reports. Prayers were said today for DB, great nephew Alex's twin sons, friends Scott, Susan and Sandy. Also for the people of Israel and Ukraine, hostages taken and held, our troops in the region, and special prayers for my Dailyite friends in pain, needing surgery or medical procedures or recovering from one, worry, stress and the loss of loved ones. For our friends celebrating special events and cruisers we wish you all the best! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your work keeping the lists! We appreciate you! The port today is Cobh (Cork), Ireland. DH and I have enjoyed this port before and have seen it here on the Daily three times...Oct. 17, 2021, Nov. 14, 2022 and Feb. 12, 2023. Here are the links. DD finally made it here yesterday at nearly 7 pm. As usual there was a horrific tie up in traffic north of Atlanta and she was literally crawling along, finally able to get off and taking a detour routed by her Nav system. She picked up an item for Morgan at Ikea and made it here safely. We then went to a Mexican restaurant we like and enjoyed a meal together. She is leaving this a.m. for Clearwater and I wish her safe travels again. Everyone enjoy your day and please try to stay safe, and keep well!
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