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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Love the new Legendary Voyages tote bag. I wonder if our 42 day cruise this summer is considered one? A beautiful photo of you with Sarah and Roy. So young!! A great tile, too. That would be nice to have. That is very sad about the house fire and those poor grandparents and children losing their lives. The parents must be inconsolable. 😪 Prayers for them all. 🙏
  2. Do you mean a Yellow Submarine (thanks to the Beatles for that)?
  3. Gorgeous photo of crape myrtles. We have a pale lavender flower on our tree. I didn't pick it, the landscaping company planted it without our input. I really like the darker pinks and reds a lot.
  4. Lahaina. Hawaii I'm happy to say we have been to Lahaina while on two Hawaii cruises, and also on two South Pacific cruises. In 2007 on Diamond Princess we decided to take a whale watching cruise while in Lahaina. Here's a pic of one of our whale visitors that day. Afterwards we stepped into a restaurant (Front Street Grill) for a cool drink. Behind us in this photo is the square with the famous banyan tree. Shadiest spot in town! In 2009 while visiting Lahaina on the Golden Princess, we hadn't even tendered to shore yet when what did we see? A group of whales right off the ship's starboard side. These photos are from the promenade deck of the Golden. That day we went shopping with friends Bob and Sandy who were on the cruise with us, then stopped for ice cream at Front Street Grill. But of course before we left town for our ride back to the ship we stopped to pay homage to the banyan tree. In 2014 we returned to Lahaina on our cruise in the South Pacific. This time we walked as far as we could and tried not to stop in as many shops. We saw the Old Lahaina Courthouse which was being used as a museum, art gallery and visitor center. Here are ruins of the Old Fort, made of coral blocks and sand. We even saw the King Kamehameha III school. Our old haunt, Front Street Grill was now called Captain Jack's Island Grill. Island architecture. Shopping, shopping, shopping... And finally, a church! And some nice carvings someone was selling. A Chinese museum photos taken from the ship later in the day, taking in the scenic island. In 2017 we visited there on the Maasdam. Heading to shore on our tender we saw two youngsters surfing nearby. What a life! If you stand at the railing and look down at the rocks you see things like this. There was something in Lahaina for everyone. I hope the town will be rebuilt soon and the vegetation grows thick and lush again.
  5. Good morning friends! Well, it's still cold here in the mornings with the thermometer at around 20 degrees, but again a high of 61 and partly cloudy/sunny skies. @seagarsmoker, wow on your crape myrtles already blooming and the pollen there in February! Those who don't prune them don't even have leaves on them yet here! Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting Rich's @richwmn's Fleet Report and Daily. We have lots of bookcases and mine could probably use dusting but they don't need cleaning out. I remember celebrating Hoodie Hoo Day before. I would love to say goodbye to winter and say hello to spring, and it sounds like they have spring already there in South Carolina. I love cherry pie but don't have anything to make one here in the house. Another interesting quote. Today's meal should be out of the ordinary using coffee on the pot roast. No idea what the drink is all about, and don't drink red wine so will pass on them. My, so many things have happened on this day in history! Congrats to the postal service, John Glenn, the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the discovery of Port Moresby, PNG. Thanks to Debbie/Eva @dfish/ @superoma, Dixie @summer slope and Laura @Lcubed for your reports on the F&B.👍 Prayers for all on our Care list here on the Daily. My continued wish is that all of you experience improvement in your condition, whether physically or emotionally. Maureen @RMLincoln I hope your family's plan for DSIL works best for them all, and hope you and your DB can continue to communicate. Prayers for Chuck @catmando today. Also my friend Bob and his wife Sandy as they navigate this journey, friend Scott and wife Susan, DB and DGD. We shouldn't forget those living in war in Israel and Ukraine, and I hope the hostages will be released someday soon. Take care military members in the region. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your excellent list keeping for us! Hope you got some rest last night and lower pain levels. The port this morning is Lahaina, Hawaii, a place many of us have enjoyed. It will be years before they can rebuild that town, and the beautiful vegetation to fill in. We had this port before on June 12, 2021 and May, 2022. Here are the links for you. I've lost my photos on those links so will have to go back and fill in. I hope today turns out to be a wonderful day for you all. My thoughts go to Pauline @Paw13on this sad day in her life, and hope she can try to recall the happy memories of her DD.
  6. I just checked cabins on a new booking check and it worked for me.
  7. Yes, a very cruel way to die. Bob is a big man and retired on disability from the Massachusetts State Police. Sandy is a tiny little gal and can't defend herself. He would never do this if he was in his right mind. Aww, a sweet childlike patient would be so much easier to handle. You can all be thankful for that. My mother had dementia too but wasn't bad. DMIL had some wild stories and couldn't stay put in bed but she wasn't mean or anything. The condition varies so much. I just hope DH and I never have to deal with it at the end of life.
  8. Thank you Terry. Praying for them is all we can do now.
  9. Thank you both. It's so sad and hard to believe of the kind, fun, interesting person he used to be.
  10. I heard from my friend Sandy and it wasn't good news about Bob. Apparently his dementia had been in early stages for a while now but he really moved all of a sudden into severe. He would get agitated and become violent. She isn't able to have him at home anymore. The poor woman is so depressed and worried about what's happening to Bob and her future life. Please keep her and Bob both in your prayers!🙏
  11. +1 on all your comments to our Dailyites! I guess Joy is on a "break" like she thought she might be. I miss her too. Also, thanks to you Vanessa, Graham @grapau27, and Melanie @puppycanducruise for the nice comments regarding DD. 🙂
  12. I want to add my prayers today to the families of the two police officers and the fireman/paramedic who were killed at a domestic dispute call in Burnsville, Minnesota over the weekend. A third officer was wounded. 🙏 There were 7 children in the home at the time the gunman barricaded them all in the home. The family made it out safely and the deranged gunman was pronounced dead after the standoff. So many times the person threatening their family members shoot at the first responders. This same thing happened here in our town in late December and killed one of the officers. I have a lot of respect for the first responders who help keep us safe, yet risk their lives every day.👮‍♂️
  13. DD decorated her foyer celebration tree for St. Patrick's Day, removing the beautiful blush colored Valentine's Day decor which I loved. She wants to enjoy this holiday and then quickly change over to Easter right after 3/17 because Easter is early this year - 3/31. Several new things on the St. Pat's tree. Looks quite festive!
  14. Good morning friends! Well, sounds like our weather is the same as @seagarsmoker. It's 34F and will be a mostly sunny day with a high temp of 59. I'm good with that though tomorrow will be warmer and I'm looking forward to it. Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for helping Rich @richwmn keep the Daily and Fleet report going not to mention the fleet location maps. Today is President's Day here in the U.S. so I suppose there's no mail delivery today. It's nice to see it's also Coast Guard Reserves Birthday too. I'll celebrate Daisy Gatson Bates Day because in a search I found she was a racial equity activist in Arkansas. I think I'll pass on tug of war any day of the week. Interesting quote from George Eliot and I know what was meant there. I don't think I'd like the kale pesto, Spider's Kiss (yikes) or the Moscato. A great day for Thomas Edison. Thanks to the F&B department Debbie/Eva @dfish or @superoma, Dixie @summer slope and Laura @Lcubed. We appreciate you all! Prayers said first thing for DB and DGD Morgan, Bob and Sandy, Scott and Susan. Also the people of Israel and Ukraine, hostages still held, and our military in the region. And most certainly all my friends here on the Daily on the Care list and those not listed. I hope you feel less pain and improvement in all areas of your lives. 🙏 Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events, and the cruisers among us. 🚢🎉🥂🎂 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your dedication to keeping the lists updated for everyone. Good luck to you this week as you settle back in and with the procedure you have scheduled. I hope it helps tremendously!🤞 The port today is Bitung, Sulawesi, Indonesia. I searched far and wide but never located that port here before so l assume it's another new port! I have not visited that place on the globe before so would appreciate seeing and hearing about it from any of you who have. I found out yesterday that DGD Morgan was able to reschedule her meeting concerning her robbery until next Monday and was able to extend her weekend at home in Cincinnati to include today (a school holiday). She flies home this afternoon. DGS Ren was home in Ann Arbor since Friday since he had today and Friday off of school too, so he flies back to Dallas this afternoon as well. Hoping they both have a smooth, uneventful flight back.✈️😘 Yesterday DH and I went out in the afternoon after it slowly warmed up and did some limb trimming on the street tree, the pin oak. Branches that hang out over the street need to be kept limbed up so that the taller trucks such as garbage trucks don't hit them. We also have a street light very near the tree and have to keep the limbs from touching or reaching it. Then our neighbor across the street who had his mailbox knocked off by the 18 wheeler had a broken limb from that same truck and we told him we'd cut it down for him. So more yard work in a community that supposedly takes care of outside maintenance for us. We always find there's so much more that needs done.🙄 I hope you all have an excellent Monday! Stay safe and keep well!
  15. Thank you Graham for your prayers. So many people in need of them. 🙏 Bob had beginning stages of dementia so him being in the hospital was a shock. If I hear anything else from Sandy I will let you all know.
  16. What exciting news about Baby Murphy! I'm so glad she's graduated from the ICU and hope for better days ahead for her and her family!
  17. It was a beautiful day on Oct. 28, 2014 when the Prinsendam arrived in Marmaris, Turkey. We had just been to Ashdod, Israel two days earlier and spent a long day touring Jerusalem so a nice day spent strolling through this port was just what we needed. Besides, we all wanted Wi-Fi!! Here we are approaching the dock at a marina filled with sailboats. One of the first things we saw near the marina was this sign with Visa costs. Interesting how much some places were charged. I think it must be a reciprocal thing. If you charge citizens a certain amount they will charge your citizens that same amount. Nothing said about China or Russia there. The town was very clean and we noticed in addition to sailboats there were lots of yachts to admire. Along the waterfront were a lot of statues, too. There was a small castle on a hill which we walked up to but no one wanted to pay an admission fee to go inside so we just took a quick glance in the doorway and left. I have no idea why I am sitting here unless it was just a short rest. The sign translates to read "Seafarers' Culture House". This looks like a nice place to spend some time shopping. Along the waterfront were many cafes to stop and have a refreshment. So on our walk back we stopped at one and sat on a cozy seating area to have a cold drink. I don't drink beer so I'm not sure what I had to drink that day. Right across from our table and sofa was this yacht with a place to hide the "toys" inside. We found out it was Race week there and I suppose that's why there were so many boats in the harbor. Maybe it always looks that way. Who knows? As the Prinsendam left that afternoon, you can see from this photo the top of the castle we walked over to earlier. It was a nice day in Marmaris. Hope you get to enjoy it someday, too.
  18. Good morning friends! A frosty 32 degree morning here. We should rise to 53 and the skies will be partly cloudy. Better than the rains south of us! Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for today's Fleet Report and Daily as well as the maps. Rich @richwmn and the rest of us appreciate you keeping it going. Wow, I don't think I've every heard of a day to recognize before like Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day. How often would that come up in a conversation? Weird! I'd rather drink wine and I will! I appreciate batteries and who wouldn't? To continue on, the quote today is one I like a lot. Makes a lot of sense. A slow cooker recipe! Nice, but I don't eat clam chowder, but DH might like it. No thanks to the Salty Dog and the wine. So many days in history to recognize! Thanks to our F&B Dept. Eva @superoma, Paul @kochleffel and Laura @Lcubed for the reports today! Since this is a day off from exercise, my prayers will be said next for the many on our Daily Care list who are in pain, needing medical treatments, suffering loss of loved ones, and going through illness. You are all in our thoughts every day. Also for those in Israel and Ukraine at war, the hostages still held against their will, and the military forces just trying to stay alive over there. Extra prayers for my friend Bob and his wife. I've been trying to reach Sandy for a couple weeks now. Yesterday she texted that Bob is in the hospital in Charleston. That's all I know because she didn't say why. Please pray it isn't serious and he is home soon. Also prayers from me for my DB, my DGD and friend Scott and his wife Susan. They keep me busy worrying about them all! I'd love to cheer on everyone celebrating something great or cruising! Welcome home Terri @Cruzin Terri and Karen @quilty964, along with Dixie @summer slope, Sharon @Sharon in AZ, Debbie @dfish, and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the lists today. I hope you are doing okay and take it easy. So great to hear the floor work is done, and that the furniture comes back inside soon. This is a great time to sort through and dispose or donate items you no longer want or need. Take your time! The port of the day is Marmaris, Turkey, a nice place to visit. It was posted here previously on April 5, 2022 and Nov. 7, 2023. Here are the links for your convenience. My photos will follow. I hope everyone here enjoys a fabulous Sunday. Stay safe, dry and keep well.
  19. I'm sorry you had to cancel last second like that, but you seem to have a good attitude about it. We will be happy to wish you Von Voyage when the time comes and for all your other cruises. So nice of you to drop off everything for your M&M and craft group. I hope the health problem is a thing of the past very soon.
  20. Good morning friends! An interesting weather morning. It's about 50 degrees and the temp will drop as the morning goes by to around 43. It will be cloudy and all my weather apps say we have a chance of a brief shower in the next hour, but not an all day rain. Last night before bed I spied two deer out front. They stop by to eat acorns off the ground under our pin oak. Such a prolific tree! We did finish cutting back the ornamental grasses yesterday and it wasn't fun. I think we should remove them as they aren't the best plants there, and put some low growing junipers there to stop the erosion capabilities at the top of the slope. Less maintenance too. Thanks Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting Rich's @richwmn Fleet Report and Daily as well as the fleet location maps. A good day for TV watchers to celebrate. Thanks to Graham @grapau27 for letting us know about the crab races and My Way Day. The latter reminds me of Burger King's jingle. I like Clint Eastwood and appreciate his dry humor. The meal sounds different and I would be interested in seeing the recipes. No thanks to the drink and wine. Thanks for all the interesting and varied events shown for this date in history. Thank you to the F&B department Eva @superoma, Paul @kochleffel, and Laura @Lcubed for your reports today! Prayers said for my family and friends in need of them, the people of Israel and Ukraine, hostages held, our troops in the region, Alexei Navalny's family, and all our Dailyites here with pain, awaiting medical procedures, healing from prior procedures, worry and loss. Extra prayers for Vanessa @JazzyV and Tana. 🙏 Welcome home to Debbie @dfish and Sue, Sharon @Sharon in AZ and Craig, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Steve, and Dixie @summer slope and George. Bon Voyage Pennie @Nickelpenny and Ann @cat shepard! Congrats to those celebrating happy events and still cruising!🚢🎂🎉🥂 The port today is Otaru, Japan which was our port previously on June 21, 2021 and August 4, 2022. I haven't been there before so have no photos to share. Last time Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser said she believed she'd been there in 2000 on the old Regal Princess, but didn't have photos to post. I hope you will show us yours if you can. Here are the links: DGD Morgan received the gift of Sky Miles from her Dad so she was able to fly home to Cincinnati last night for 48 hours. She is excited to see the snow this weekend. Then back to Tampa for her appointment Monday with police and prosecutors to describe everything that happened Dec. 23. I imagine there are quite a few victims giving depositions. I'm glad she's getting away from it all this weekend. Hope everyone here has a good Saturday. Stay safe and warm and keep well!
  21. Congrats Ray @USN59-79 on your 61st anniversary, your wonderful Seabourn cruise, and the party you will plan in Taiwan. Sounds memorable to me! I'm so glad the toe problem was looked at and I hope it begins to heal properly. Good luck with that flight! Definitely not my favorite way to spend those hours!
  22. I recognize the yellow building near the pedestrian bridge in Curacao. One of the most photographed building in Curacao due to its vivid color and trim work. What a beautiful stop in the southern Caribbean!
  23. Good morning friends! Today is a bit warmer at 45F and we will see mostly cloudy skies and a high of 66. DH says we are going to trim back the ornamental grasses at the top of the backyard slope this afternoon. Not looking forward to that job! My aching back! Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Daily and Fleet Report as well as the fleet location maps for Rich @richwmn. Today I will try to do a favor for a grouch and I'm not mentioning names! I'll honor Alaska native Elizabeth Peratrovich for her work in gaining equal rights for Native Americans. Friday Fish Fry Day reminds me of growing up and Mom taking us to our local fish fry on Friday nights at a nearby park. That Buddy Hackett was such a funny guy and I laughed at his quote. Looking forward to seeing the chicken ragout recipes. I have no idea what a Vivian is and say no thanks to the Malbec. Lots going on this day in history from Egypt to Antarctica. Thanks Eva @superoma, Paul @kochleffel, and Ann/Laura @cat shepard for the reports today. Prayers for my DB and DGD, friends Scott and Bob and their caregiver spouses. Also the many friends here on the Daily who are suffering pain, going through procedures, recovering from their past medical procedures, worried, stressed and feeling loss in their lives. I pray each day for improvement in your lives. Also praying for Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held and our military in the region in danger each day and night.🙏 Cheers to those celebrating happy events and cruises! 🎂 Welcome home Katherine @Lady Hudson and Bon Voyage @Mr. Boston! 🚢 Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for posting the Care and Celebration lists for us. Hope you got some sleep and are in less pain than usual. Good luck with your home project! The port today is another first time one, Rockland, Maine. I haven't been there before and I have no idea yet if Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser has so she can let us know. No links to post! If you have photos of Rockland please feel free to share with us. Hope you all have a great Friday! Stay safe and keep well!
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